Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.874
EU - Europa 3.960
AS - Asia 1.600
AF - Africa 55
SA - Sud America 31
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
OC - Oceania 12
Totale 16.548
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.718
IT - Italia 1.440
SG - Singapore 538
AT - Austria 438
CN - Cina 403
DE - Germania 348
VN - Vietnam 279
SE - Svezia 245
GB - Regno Unito 241
FI - Finlandia 240
UA - Ucraina 214
IE - Irlanda 193
ES - Italia 173
BE - Belgio 159
CA - Canada 152
NL - Olanda 100
IN - India 74
JP - Giappone 74
FR - Francia 69
JO - Giordania 53
KR - Corea 46
ID - Indonesia 35
RU - Federazione Russa 27
BR - Brasile 24
BJ - Benin 23
TW - Taiwan 22
HK - Hong Kong 21
IR - Iran 20
CI - Costa d'Avorio 19
CH - Svizzera 17
EU - Europa 16
TR - Turchia 16
AU - Australia 12
PL - Polonia 9
PT - Portogallo 8
RO - Romania 7
IL - Israele 6
DK - Danimarca 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
LT - Lituania 4
MU - Mauritius 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LV - Lettonia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AL - Albania 2
EG - Egitto 2
MA - Marocco 2
PE - Perù 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MD - Moldavia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SM - San Marino 1
Totale 16.548
Città #
Fairfield 1.482
Chandler 1.208
Woodbridge 926
Ashburn 846
Houston 682
Wilmington 655
Seattle 599
Cambridge 564
Ann Arbor 503
Santa Clara 490
Vienna 434
Singapore 383
Milan 340
Boardman 242
Dublin 190
Lawrence 172
Dearborn 170
Medford 168
Málaga 166
Dong Ket 159
Brussels 155
Jacksonville 137
Beijing 131
Ottawa 131
Columbus 117
Helsinki 117
Amsterdam 78
San Diego 64
Des Moines 63
Redwood City 56
London 55
New York 53
Turin 53
Amman 52
Washington 45
Rome 39
Bresso 33
Jakarta 31
Los Angeles 31
Falls Church 27
Frankfurt am Main 27
Redmond 27
Cotonou 23
Duncan 22
Shanghai 22
Guangzhou 20
Nanjing 20
Osaka 20
Abidjan 19
Esslingen am Neckar 19
Norwalk 19
Tokyo 19
Bologna 17
Hangzhou 15
Lappeenranta 14
Chicago 12
Chongqing 12
Hong Kong 12
Mountain View 12
Cittiglio 11
Miami 11
Princeton 11
Sindelfingen 11
Bari 10
Brescia 10
Florence 10
Naples 10
Paris 10
Old Bridge 9
St Louis 9
São Paulo 9
Taipei 9
Warsaw 9
Changsha 8
Lissone 8
Nuremberg 8
Toronto 8
West Jordan 8
Xiamen 8
Auburn Hills 7
Berlin 7
Edinburgh 7
Grafing 7
Gunzenhausen 7
Ikebukuro 7
Indiana 7
Kunming 7
Munich 7
Padova 7
Phoenix 7
Vedano al Lambro 7
Verbania 7
Atlanta 6
Dorno 6
Falkenstein 6
Menlo Park 6
Portland 6
Terracina 6
Tong 6
Boydton 5
Totale 12.523
Nome #
Foto-rivelatore e metodo per rivelare una radiazione ottica 334
High Scale-Factor Stability Frequency-Modulated MEMS Gyroscope: 3-Axis Sensor and Integrated Electronics Design 218
A new MEMS three-axial frequency-modulated (FM) gyroscope: a mechanical perspective 197
Mechanical design of a fully-differential triaxial Frequency Modulated (FM) MEMS gyroscope 158
3D-printing and wet metallization for uniaxial and multi-axial accelerometers 154
The first 3D-printed z-axis accelerometers with differential capacitive sensing 144
A microsystem for the fracture characterization of polysilicon at the micro scale. 142
A 160 ua, 8 mdps/rt-Hz frequency-modulated MEMS yaw gyroscope 141
Fully Integrated, 406 μA, 5°/hr, Full Digital Output Lissajous Frequency-Modulated Gyroscope 136
A 3-D micromechanical multi-loop magnetometer driven off-resonance by an on-chip resonator 133
The First 3D-Printed and Wet-Metallized Three-Axis Accelerometer with Differential Capacitive Sensing 129
Near Vacuum Gas Damping in MEMS: Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation 128
A dual-mass frequency-modulated (FM) pitch gyroscope: Mechanical design and modelling 128
The First Frequency-Modulated (FM) Pitch Gyroscope 125
Active pixels of Transverse Field Detector based on a charge preamplifier 125
Sensitivity and temperature behavior of a novel z-axis differential resonant micro accelerometer 122
A new on-chip test structure for real time fatigue analysis in polysilicon MEMS 121
A resonant microaccelerometer with high sensitivity operating in an oscillating circuit. 121
A high sensitivity uniaxial resonant accelerometer 121
A novel colour-sensitive CMOS detector 118
Torsional MEMS magnetometer operated off-resonance for in-plane magnetic field detection 115
Capacitive vs piezoresistive MEMS gyroscopes: a theoretical and experimental noise comparison 114
Hardening, softening and linear behavior of elastic beams in MEMS: an analytical approach 113
A Versatile Instrument for the Characterization of Capacitive Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems 112
Differential Fringe-Field MEMS Accelerometer 112
Microelectromechanical systems integrating motion and displacement sensors 112
Comprehensive modelling and experimental verification of air damping coefficients in MEMS of complex geometry 112
Compact biaxial micromachined resonant accelerometer 110
Analysis of Mode-Split Operation in MEMS Based on Piezoresistive Nanogauges 110
Near Vacuum Gas Damping in MEMS: Simplified Modeling 110
A differential resonant micro accelerometer for out-of-plane measurements 110
A Sub-400-nT/√Hz, 775-μW, Multi-Loop MEMS Magnetometer With Integrated Readout Electronics 109
Resonators for real-time clocks based on epitaxial polysilicon process: A feasibility study on system-level compensation of temperature drifts 109
A device and an algorithm for the separation of visible and near infrared signals in a monolithic Silicon sensor 108
In-Plane and Out-of-Plane MEMS Gyroscopes Based on Piezoresistive NEMS Detection 108
Fatigue in Nanometric Single-Crystal Silicon Layers and Beams 107
Design, Fabrication and Testing of the First 3D-Printed and Wet Metallized z-Axis Accelerometer 107
An Outlook on Potentialities and Limits in Using Epitaxial Polysilicon for MEMS Real-Time Clocks 107
Simple model for the performance of realistic AMR magnetic field sensors 106
Monolithic 3-Axis MEMS Multi-Loop Magnetometer: A Performance Analysis 106
Frequency Modulated Mems Gyroscopes: Recent Developments, Challenges and Outlook 105
Ultra-low-voltage gyroscopes based on piezoresistive NEMS for drive-motion and coriolis-motion sensing 105
A MEMS based electrometer with a low-noise switched reset amplifier for charge measurement 104
Optimization of Sensing Stators in Capacitive MEMS Operating at Resonance 103
A Pierce Oscillator for MEMS Resonant Accelerometer with a novel Low-Power Amplitude Limiting Technique 101
Adaptation to the Scene in Color Imaging 101
A programmable emulator of MEMS inertial sensors 101
Effect of stators geometry on the resonance sensitivity of capacitive MEMS 100
Single-resonator, time-switched FM MEMS accelerometer with theoretical offset drift complete cancellation 100
Implementation of a multi-spectral color imaging device without Color Filter Array 98
Spectrally tunable pixel sensors 98
Low-Power Frequency-to-Digital-Converter for a 6-Axis MEMS Frequency-Modulated Inertial Measurement Unit 98
Further developments on a novel color sensitive CMOS detector 97
Experimental study of out-of-plane adhesion force evolution (and regression) for MEMS accelerometers 97
MEMS Electrometer With Femtoampere Resolution for Aerosol Particulate Measurements 96
Frequency-modulated MEMS accelerometers for wide dynamic range and ultra-low consumption 96
Design Criteria for MEMS Magnetometers Resonating in Free-Molecule Flow and Out of the Acoustic Bandwidth 95
A comprehensive study of NEMS-based piezoresistive gyroscopes for vestibular implant systems 95
A system-level comparison of amplitude-vs frequency-modulation approaches exploited in low-power MEMS vibratory gyroscopes 95
Single resonator, time-switched, low offset drift z-axis FM MEMS accelerometer 95
Torsional microresonator in the nonlinear regime: experimental, numerical and analytical characterization 95
Design Criteria of Low-Power Oscillators for Consumer-Grade MEMS Resonant Sensors 94
MEMS Emulator: A Tool for Development and Testing of Electronics for Microelectromechanical Systems 94
Operation of Lorentz-force MEMS magnetometers with on-off current switching 93
Combined electronics and algorithm development for offset drift characterization in MEMS accelerometers 93
A Low-Power Deterministic Approach to Jitter Suppression in MEMS-Based Real-Time Clocks 93
Enhancing the linear range of MEMS resonators for sensing applications 92
Reliability of gyroscopes based on piezoresistive nano-gauges against shock and free-drop tests 92
Sinusoidal Modulation of FM Accelerometers with Integrated Oscillator and Frequency Digitization 91
Quarter-mm2 high dynamic range silicon capacitive accelerometer with a 3D process 91
"Struttura fotosensibile al colore di una radiazione luminosa" 90
Implementation of an interleaved image sensor by means of the filterless transverse field detector 90
Z-axis magnetometers for MEMS inertial measurement units using an industrial process 90
A new two-beam differential resonant micro accelerometer 90
Optimization of low-power oscillator topology for frequency modulated MEMS inertial sensors 89
The first three-dimensional printed and wet-metallized coriolis mass flowmeter 89
The Transverse Field Detector (TFD): a novel color sensitive CMOS device 88
Off-Resonance Low-Pressure Operation of Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometers 88
Signal integrity in capacitive and piezoresistive single- and multi-axis MEMS gyroscopes under vibrations 88
Fluid damping modeling for MEMS sensors operating in the 10 kHz-100 kHz range in near vacuum 88
Electro-mechanical chopping & modulation of acceleration: The geometry-modulated accelerometer 88
Chipping and wearing in MEMS inertial sensors: Effects on stability and predictive analysis through test structures 88
High Color Accuracy image acquisition in single capture 87
The Dependence of Fatigue in Microelectromechanical Systems on the Environment and the Industrial Packaging 87
Characterization and operation of different cMUT membranes in air2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 87
Monitoring fatigue damage growth in polysilicon micro structures under different loading conditions 86
MEMS Gyroscopes Based on Piezoresistive NEMS Detection of Drive and Sense Motion 86
Resolution and start-up dynamics of MEMS resonant accelerometers 85
Operation of Lorentz-force MEMS magnetometers with a frequency offset between driving current and mechanical resonance 85
Off-resonance operation of in-plane torsional MEMS magnetometers 84
Improving the stability of 1.5 mm2 gyroscopes down to 2°/hr at 1000 s with NEMS based sensing 84
AGC-Less Operation of High-Stability Lissajous Frequency-Modulated Mems Gyroscopes 84
0.02 °/h, 0.004°/√h, 6.3-mA NEMS Gyroscope With Integrated Circuit 83
Assessing Micromechanical Sensor Characteristics via Optical and Electrical Metrology 83
Totale 10.822
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.905
article - articoli 25.273
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 35.988
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 4.022
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 622
Totale 131.810

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.791 0 0 0 0 0 0 388 326 384 188 342 163
2020/20211.952 191 102 160 130 173 115 87 160 124 191 157 362
2021/20221.882 93 129 186 63 208 125 91 202 113 92 190 390
2022/20233.080 282 314 92 314 324 301 46 198 468 276 365 100
2023/20241.782 102 242 277 108 88 260 111 89 53 190 65 197
2024/20251.597 40 133 121 133 819 244 107 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.797