04.2 Abstract in Atti di convegno
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 77.679
EU - Europa 61.534
AS - Asia 25.196
AF - Africa 1.895
OC - Oceania 1.722
SA - Sud America 1.377
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 92
AN - Antartide 1
Totale 169.496
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 73.436
IT - Italia 29.643
SG - Singapore 5.829
DE - Germania 4.892
CN - Cina 4.752
CA - Canada 3.978
GB - Regno Unito 3.857
HK - Hong Kong 3.015
FI - Finlandia 2.787
IE - Irlanda 2.677
SE - Svezia 2.486
VN - Vietnam 2.444
AT - Austria 2.423
ES - Italia 2.382
FR - Francia 2.060
NL - Olanda 1.830
AU - Australia 1.542
IN - India 1.227
CH - Svizzera 1.078
ID - Indonesia 1.051
TR - Turchia 1.005
BE - Belgio 924
BR - Brasile 914
RU - Federazione Russa 883
IR - Iran 855
JP - Giappone 853
JO - Giordania 765
KR - Corea 701
UA - Ucraina 601
PH - Filippine 531
CI - Costa d'Avorio 527
RO - Romania 473
TW - Taiwan 405
PK - Pakistan 404
PL - Polonia 397
MY - Malesia 372
PT - Portogallo 359
GR - Grecia 332
BJ - Benin 262
ZA - Sudafrica 257
NO - Norvegia 239
MX - Messico 205
DK - Danimarca 190
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 178
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 173
BG - Bulgaria 169
TH - Thailandia 147
EG - Egitto 141
IL - Israele 129
CO - Colombia 125
CL - Cile 116
SA - Arabia Saudita 111
MA - Marocco 105
SI - Slovenia 104
HU - Ungheria 101
PE - Perù 95
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 92
ET - Etiopia 86
MU - Mauritius 86
RS - Serbia 84
NG - Nigeria 78
EU - Europa 72
BD - Bangladesh 71
AR - Argentina 70
DZ - Algeria 70
HR - Croazia 61
LT - Lituania 59
KE - Kenya 50
QA - Qatar 46
CY - Cipro 44
LU - Lussemburgo 44
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 44
TN - Tunisia 41
LB - Libano 39
IQ - Iraq 38
GH - Ghana 37
EC - Ecuador 36
AL - Albania 33
KZ - Kazakistan 33
LK - Sri Lanka 29
AZ - Azerbaigian 26
EE - Estonia 26
UG - Uganda 26
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 22
MT - Malta 22
GE - Georgia 20
NP - Nepal 20
TZ - Tanzania 20
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 19
IS - Islanda 19
LV - Lettonia 18
KH - Cambogia 16
BY - Bielorussia 15
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 15
UZ - Uzbekistan 14
OM - Oman 12
VE - Venezuela 12
BT - Bhutan 11
KW - Kuwait 11
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 10
Totale 169.234
Città #
Chandler 9.957
Santa Clara 7.375
Milan 7.145
Woodbridge 4.478
Singapore 4.206
Ashburn 4.175
Ann Arbor 4.142
Boardman 3.273
Wilmington 3.196
Ottawa 2.876
Fairfield 2.722
Houston 2.473
Dublin 2.410
Vienna 2.285
Dearborn 1.923
Lawrence 1.896
Málaga 1.631
Kai Yi Wan 1.588
Helsinki 1.510
Medford 1.479
Redwood City 1.362
Beijing 1.264
Seattle 1.226
Dong Ket 1.192
Rome 1.189
Cambridge 1.071
New York 818
Jakarta 799
Amman 755
Central 682
Munich 642
Princeton 599
Brussels 572
Amsterdam 560
Abidjan 519
Washington 516
Des Moines 509
Turin 500
Los Angeles 473
Jacksonville 459
Falkenstein 454
Elk Grove Village 444
Redmond 420
London 399
Shanghai 394
Columbus 369
Bern 360
Bologna 320
Frankfurt am Main 301
Istanbul 298
San Diego 274
Mcallen 272
Shenzhen 271
Norwalk 264
Berlin 263
Montréal 261
Cotonou 253
Guangzhou 253
Naples 248
Tokyo 247
Mountain View 243
Zurich 243
Florence 240
Sydney 238
Genoa 234
Delft 230
Paris 228
Warsaw 219
Melbourne 214
Genova 206
Menlo Park 201
Ankara 197
Brescia 195
Lappeenranta 195
Hong Kong 190
Taipei 183
Auburn Hills 180
Miami 179
Dallas 176
Tehran 169
Davao City 168
Nanjing 155
Cluj-Napoca 154
Toronto 154
Bresso 150
Torino 150
Madrid 145
Barcelona 136
Bari 136
São Paulo 136
Padova 135
Como 131
Atlanta 130
Bergamo 130
Monza 130
Kuala Lumpur 124
Fremont 122
Athens 120
Verona 119
Palermo 116
Totale 99.713
Nome #
Co-Creation process indicators of nature-based solutions: a deducted assessment methodology for stakeholders’ engagement in CLEVER Front runner Cities 2.481
An experimental investigation of the thermal behaviour of a moving pantograph's strip 1.163
Camillo Boito e la disciplina del restauro: quale eredità per il XXI secolo? 1.073
Buffer spaces in healthcare facilities: strategies for managing and designing strategic areas 768
Specificity of the interaction between Neuraminidase N1 of the avian influenza A virus H1N1 1918 and a2-3 or a2-6 glycan receptors of avian and human cell targets 630
Rethinking the italian healthcare network. community healthcare centers, community hospitals and local operative centres: From the functional aspects MD 77/2022 to the metaproject with the spatial features and performance requirements to be guaranteed 629
APIs de Visão Computacional: investigando mediações algorítmicas a partir de estudo de bancos de imagens 616
Introduzione di tecniche per l’analisi di correlazione spaziale multivariata e applicazioni nella mappatura del rischio 565
Farina, I. Masella, C. Sangiorgi, D. (2021) Positioning Social Prescribing in the scenario of community-based interventions for the transformation of mental health services for children, adolescents and young people: a review. Book of Abstract “Health Management: managing the present and shaping the future” European Health Management Association (EHMA) Annual Conference, 2021, pg. 29 530
Assessing the quality of the built environment in dementia: a framework to evaluate long-term care facilities 522
Case di Comunità, Ospedali di Comunità e Centrali Operative Territoriali: dagli aspetti funzionali previsti nel DM 77 al Metaprogetto con le caratteristiche spaziali e i requisiti prestazionali da garantire 504
Hotspot Analysis: un plugin prototipo per la mappatura dell'autocorrelazione spaziale in QGIS 483
Deep Sparse Autoencoder-based Feature Selection for SNPs validation in Prostate Cancer Radiogenomics 468
Setting the Social Impact monitoring framework for NBS: methodology, drawbacks and measurement case study from Milan. 449
Users’ acceptance and willingness to pay for urban air mobility services: modeling evidences with an application to a case study in Italy 427
Towards the joint on a chip: A microfluidic osteochondral model 359
Progettare gli spazi dell’emergenza: data analysis sull’organizzazione, i dimensionamenti e accessi annui di casi studio italiani per il predimensionamento ottimale dell’area del Pronto Soccorso. 357
Optimization-Based Variable Impedance Control of Robotic Manipulator for Medical Scanning Task 338
Ripensare l’Ospedale 4.0: il ruolo dello Spazio Polmone. 334
Carbon footprint of Italian eating habits: how consumer food choices might lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 326
Garden as Paradise: Islamic garden as a paradigm for the rediscovery of the hidden value of residual urban spaces 323
Building sustainability futures: can designing personas help envision future possibilities? 313
Laser induced forward and reverse transfer for additive manufacturing of multimaterial micro components 309
Augmented Reality and Shared Control Framework for Robot-Assisted Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy 308
Modern Women in (Modern) Architecture 304
Development of a surgical stereo endoscopic image dataset for validating 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms 300
Perspectives of ultrafast hyperspectral imaging in Scanning Electron Microscopy 288
A Heuristic-Sliding-Window-based RRT Path Planning for Endovascular Catheterization 286
A QGIS plugin for local weather sensor data 282
La Salle d’Opération Hybride: un environnement opératoire et structurel complexe 279
Green heritage, green history and green planning 278
A General Approach to the Conceptual Design of All-Electric and Hybrid-Electric Aircraft 274
Laser assisted Ultrafast Scanning Electron Microscopy (USEM) probing surface charge dynamics in oxide thin films 273
Towards the joint on a chip: double layered directly interfaced tissues to mimic the Osteoarthritic cartilage-subchondral interface 269
Plastimatch 1.6 - current capabilities and future directions 262
A Multi-Methodological Approach for Healthcare Facilities Location Decision Problem 257
Continuous-curvature path planning for endovascular catheterization 254
Utilizzo del software libero per la gestione e la promozione del patrimonio naturale: il Progetto Interreg INSUBRI.PARKS 253
Letting Users Assist What to Watch: An Interactive Query-by-Example Movie Recommendation System 251
Data Mining Application to Healthcare Fraud Detection: Two-Step Unsupervised Clustering Method for Outlier Detection with Administrative Databases 249
The Hera Milani Cubesat Mission 248
Un capolavoro all’asta: la colonia montana “Rinaldo Piaggio” a Santo Stefano d’Aveto 245
UHV Ultrafast Scanning Electron Microscopy 235
1 Watt, 59 % slope efficiency, 2.65 μm Cr2+: Cdse laser with tunability of 560 nm 232
CO2 capture and storage technologies: an overview based on patent literature 229
Hotspot Analysis: an experimental Python plugin to enable LISA mapping into QGIS 226
A NEST simulated cerebellar spiking neural network driving motor learning 225
Testing Of A New Supercritical Orc Technology For Efficient Power Generation From Geothermal Low Temperature Resources 224
Higher Education Classroom of the Future: an EU-Funded Project Integrating Physical Lectures, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence 219
T0573 Risk caused by plastic pollution on marine ecosystems: a seascape-driven approach 217
Open source GIS and solid waste management in low and middle-income countries: an application for Lebanon 217
The role of road network improvement in aviation recovery – the case study of Malpensa airport Masterplan 214
Road scenarios level of details for virtual driving simulation 214
3D Neurosurgical Simulator for Training Robotic Steerable Catheter Agents Using Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning 214
Riconoscimento di specie arboree mediante classificazione di immagini multispettrali e multitemporali ad altissima risoluzione 213
Riqualificare la rete ospedaliera partendo dal coinvolgimento della popolazione: l’esperienza lombarda di ATS Montagna. 213
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the Analysis of Composite Structures 208
Design for Service comes to Service Logic 206
Analysis of 3D no-tension masonry-like walls 206
Recovering 3D information of human soft tissue using stereo endoscopic images 206
Steerable needle DBS path planning safeguards deep nuclei and white matter tracts 205
Community planning for whom? The role of third sector networks in marginal neighbourhoods 205
(In)visible. Strategic and Service Design for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage 203
3D intra-operative scene reconstruction framework in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery 202
Sperimentazione di rilievi UAV con strumenti low cost e tecnologie FOSS4G 196
Augmented Reality and Robotic Navigation System for Spinal Surgery 195
Urban Living Labs as an instrument for co-creating sustainable cities? – Reflections on Hamburg and Milan in the CLEVER Cities project 194
Uncertainty Quantification for Parameter dependent Partial Differential Equations using Deep Neural Networks 192
Formazione di giovani leader di sanità pubblica: un’esperienza sperimentale dell’Accademia Lombarda di Sanità Pubblica 191
Advancing Focused Ultrasound surgery through Robotics, Simulation, and Augmented Reality: the FUtuRo project 189
Beating organs-on-chip as advanced tools in drug screening: Engineered in vitro models of human organs and diseases 186
Photon assisted ultrafast scanning electron microscopy 183
Analysis of almost a hundred long distance migration paths of Italian and Swiss barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) reconstructed on the basis of light level geolocators 183
Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2020 Housing, devolution and localities: Inventing a future or more of the same? 182
Can advanced machine learning techniques help to reconstruct barn swallows’ long-distance migratory paths? 180
Community Health Centers for Resilient Communities in the post-COVID-19 era: an overview of strategies 178
3D-printed bone-inspired composites 177
COVID-19 lockdown: housing built environment’s effects on mental health 177
Evidence-informed health care infrastructures: test of SustHealthv2 tool on hospital pilot cases 177
Standard for Robot Map Data Representation for Navigation 176
Politiche di contrasto allo spopolamento, al declino economico e alla contaminazione ambientale: il caso di Portoscuso 176
Beating organs-on-chips as advanced preclinical tools for drug screening and disease modelling 171
Charge carrier dynamics by secondary electron detection in ultrafast scanning electron microscopy 170
Towards standards for the evaluation of active back-support exoskeletons to assist lifting task 168
Corporate In-Kind Donations and Economic Efficiency: The Case of Surplus Food Recovery and Donation 167
Custom Silicon Technologies for High Detection Efficiency SPAD Arrays 167
Real-time dynamical imaging of light induced photo-voltages in hybrid halide perovskites by Scanning Electron Microscopy 165
Integrating MOOCs in Physics preliminary undergraduate education: beyond large size lectures 165
Ultrafast Scanning Electron Microscopy (USEM) to probe charge dynamics in oxide thin films 164
Dynamic SEM imaging of surface photovoltages in MAPbI3 perovskites 163
MIGRATE: gamification approach to raise awareness of the migration phenomenon in Europe 161
Engineering Cost Models for Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms: Towards the Integrated Design of Turbines and Farm Layout for Minimum LCoE 159
Peer learning in higher education: an effective response to the university students’ dropout problem 157
MuVi. An International Project on Synesthesia and Visual Music 157
Totale 30.834

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202010.949 0 0 0 0 0 2.097 1.582 1.047 1.216 1.487 2.261 1.259
2020/202116.192 1.619 1.317 878 1.111 1.287 1.161 1.152 877 1.231 1.223 1.171 3.165
2021/202221.239 774 2.233 1.329 1.691 2.488 1.146 1.043 1.629 1.748 1.519 2.046 3.593
2022/202334.423 3.184 2.552 1.638 3.068 3.379 3.678 1.092 2.748 5.168 3.036 2.761 2.119
2023/202432.887 2.047 3.274 2.442 2.637 2.536 3.635 2.502 4.376 1.547 2.761 1.603 3.527
2024/202528.054 2.049 2.138 3.300 3.228 11.825 5.514 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 173.643