Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.049
NA - Nord America 5.341
AS - Asia 2.141
SA - Sud America 386
AF - Africa 166
OC - Oceania 126
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 15.212
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.100
IT - Italia 4.158
GB - Regno Unito 540
SG - Singapore 337
VN - Vietnam 305
BR - Brasile 290
CN - Cina 280
SE - Svezia 272
DE - Germania 268
IE - Irlanda 233
IN - India 212
CH - Svizzera 209
CA - Canada 196
TR - Turchia 187
FI - Finlandia 180
NL - Olanda 175
UA - Ucraina 173
FR - Francia 172
AT - Austria 168
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 116
ES - Italia 116
AU - Australia 112
HK - Hong Kong 105
KR - Corea 81
PH - Filippine 74
CI - Costa d'Avorio 64
ID - Indonesia 63
PT - Portogallo 54
MY - Malesia 53
PK - Pakistan 52
JP - Giappone 50
CO - Colombia 43
IR - Iran 43
BE - Belgio 41
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 41
JO - Giordania 35
NO - Norvegia 28
ZA - Sudafrica 28
BD - Bangladesh 26
PL - Polonia 25
RO - Romania 25
GR - Grecia 24
MX - Messico 24
DK - Danimarca 23
RU - Federazione Russa 21
SI - Slovenia 21
TW - Taiwan 21
LV - Lettonia 19
SA - Arabia Saudita 19
KE - Kenya 18
PE - Perù 17
CL - Cile 16
TH - Thailandia 15
HU - Ungheria 14
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 14
LK - Sri Lanka 13
RS - Serbia 11
BJ - Benin 9
ET - Etiopia 9
NG - Nigeria 9
CR - Costa Rica 8
OM - Oman 8
AR - Argentina 7
BG - Bulgaria 7
GH - Ghana 7
KW - Kuwait 7
EC - Ecuador 6
PA - Panama 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
CY - Cipro 5
IL - Israele 5
MA - Marocco 5
MT - Malta 5
AL - Albania 4
EG - Egitto 4
KH - Cambogia 4
HR - Croazia 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MK - Macedonia 3
MN - Mongolia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
NI - Nicaragua 3
SM - San Marino 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
BB - Barbados 2
BH - Bahrain 2
BO - Bolivia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EE - Estonia 2
EU - Europa 2
GP - Guadalupe 2
IQ - Iraq 2
IS - Islanda 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LB - Libano 2
PY - Paraguay 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
Totale 15.201
Città #
Milan 1.040
Chandler 515
Ashburn 258
Wilmington 248
Boardman 244
Singapore 220
Rome 194
Fairfield 189
Bern 173
Dublin 173
Houston 166
Council Bluffs 164
Ann Arbor 158
Vienna 156
Woodbridge 156
Dearborn 154
Santa Clara 134
Turin 127
Lawrence 125
Dong Ket 123
Redwood City 118
Jacksonville 108
Istanbul 105
Ottawa 94
Beijing 92
Medford 79
Helsinki 72
Princeton 69
Florence 67
Cambridge 65
Abu Dhabi 64
Abidjan 62
New York 60
Seattle 57
Menlo Park 55
Amsterdam 53
Mantova 48
Málaga 46
Des Moines 40
Jakarta 38
Bologna 37
Los Angeles 37
Amman 35
Hanoi 34
Ho Chi Minh City 34
Melbourne 34
Naples 33
Jeonju 31
Dubai 30
San Diego 30
Shanghai 30
Verona 30
Columbus 29
Brussels 28
Leeds 28
Manchester 28
Monza 27
São Paulo 27
Auburn Hills 26
Boskovice 26
Paris 26
Segrate 25
Southampton 25
Brisbane 24
Berlin 23
Genoa 23
Redmond 23
Dallas 22
Sesto San Giovanni 22
Izmir 21
Norwalk 21
Delhi 20
London 20
Sydney 20
Aprilia 19
Frankfurt am Main 19
Central 18
Florianópolis 18
Nardò 18
New Delhi 18
Padova 18
Semenyih 18
Bengaluru 17
Bergamo 17
Lisbon 17
Miami 17
Mumbai 17
Riga 17
Washington 17
Barcelona 16
Falkenstein 16
Lima 16
Seongdong-gu 16
Sovizzo 16
Atlanta 15
Bari 15
Bogotá 15
Kuala Lumpur 15
Manila 15
Napoli 15
Totale 7.473
Nome #
Fast Fashion. Sustainability and the negative psychological and social impacts for consumers 1.652
3D technology and industrial design to breathe new life into product design. Is this the future of fashion and textiles? 490
Cross fertilization: un approccio al progetto per la moda 444
3D knitting for upholstery: guidelines to design at the interface of sustainable fashion and furniture. 309
Design & moda. Progetti, corpi, simboli 282
Distretti produttivi virtuali. La transizione del Made in Italy nella moda 256
Design della Maglieria. Strumenti e metodologie progettuali 240
CAPABLE: Engineering, textile, and fashion Collaboration, for citizens' Awareness and Privacy Protection 222
Natural dyes in the contemporary fashion project. 220
New Vision On Knitwear Design. How the traditional craft methodologies are evolving into fashion international scenarios. 213
Modern Artisan 198
Next generation textile designers. A research project to connect the textile-knitwear manufacturing system with future design talents and its impact on education 197
Fashion e Textile design - Percorsi paralleli ed evoluzioni storiche 187
Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems. The design for environmentally sustainable textile clothes and its Product-Service Systems 185
Teaching Knitwear Design: Design Practice for Traditional Manual Knowledge Innovation 184
A cross fertilization como instrumento gerador de inovação 173
Fashion design and Contemporary Art: tools for public space enhancement 163
Moda e Cultura de projeto industrial: hidridação entre saberes complexos 162
Sense of knit 162
Design for Sustainable Fashion: An S.PSS Scenario for Fashion 161
Design through the layers: Smart textiles for contemporary design solutions and sustainable consumption processes 155
KNITWEAR DESIGN NEW VISIONS: SMART-K PROJECT. How the traditional craft methodologies are evolving into new scenarios thanks to technological innovation. 153
Adaptive Fashion: Knitwear Project for People with Special Needs 152
Fashion and Brand Awareness: An Evidence-Based Approach to the Analysis of Distinctive Elements in Communication 141
Textile Vivant. Scenari dell'innovazione del tessile 139
“Textile Traditions and Fashion Design. New Experiential Paths” 135
Clothing system design for sustainability: background knowledge 134
La Moda e il Design. Il trasferimento di conoscenza a servizio dell'innovazione 128
MIND - MILAN NETWORK DESIGNInnovative International Design Network Management 118
Il filato Solvron e la sua struttura: due sperimentazioni progettuali per l’abbigliamento innovativo 116
Sustainable workplace: An integrated approach to industrial ergonomics and service design 112
Design della Maglieria. Appunti su metodi progettuali e lavorazioni 111
Fashion and Work Organizational Ecosystem Prospects and Post-COVID-19 Scenarios 109
Cross Fertilization: the path for Innovative Fashion and Design 106
h a n d s t o r i e s o f i t a l y. The Burano’s jacket. How fashion designers can use the territory to develop a collection. 103
Life cycle design (lcd) guidelines for environmentally sustainable Clothing care systems: an open and operative tool for designers 102
Cross Fertilization tra Moda e Design: un modello di lettura possibile dei Casi di Best Practice 100
Cross Fertilization per l’Innovazione: nuovi processi a supporto della competitività nazionale nei settori del Made in Italy 89
Piquadro: la pelletteria "tech-inside" 85
Design research process: fashion sector as a peculiar context for analysing innovative practices in design research. 85
The Digitalization of Knitwear: towards a redefinition of the conventional design boundaries 85
Bringing responsible fashion approaches to the fashion industry: a new educational model 84
Textile-Based Sound Sensors (TSS): New Opportunities for Sound Monitoring in Smart Buildings 84
The Body of Design 83
Il designer contemporaneo della Maglieria Made in Italy. Come innovare la progettazione nei settori del design non convenzionali 83
Strategic Analysis on the Multan Handicrafts 81
Fashionable Techs: an investigation on aesthetic issues and project methodologies in Fashion Design based on technology innovation 81
Wearable Services in Risk Management 80
Bordado De Valors. Design-Oriented Actions to Support Paraguayan Crafts for Local Female Self-Determination 80
TEXTILE VIVANT. Percorsi, esperienze e ricerche del textile design. Tracks, experiences and Researches in textile design 79
Knit design contemporary scenarios 79
Contemporary textile products. Knitting as a fertile design ground for experimentation with 3D technologies 78
Breve storia della maglieria 78
Maglia, punto. Quarant'anni di tesori nascosti nell'archivio MF1 77
TEXTILE VIVANT. Percorsi, esperienze e ricerche del textile design Tracks, experiences and Researches in textile design 76
I progetti di design della maglieria 75
Designer's technical knowledge in knitwear: a focus on the transition from manual operations to digital and electronic integration. 74
Sciarpe. Storia, tecnologia, design, culture, mercato Scarves. History, technology, design, culture, market 73
Fibers Leading Designs. How the Typical Features of Woolen Yarn Can Drive the Design of a Collection of Knitwear Product in a Real Industry Application 73
Oltre la moda. Storia del progetto Moda 71
Focused practices for future changes 71
Nanotecnologie e tessile 69
Progettare per la persona: la moda 68
The Systemic Vision of Made in Italy: a set of interrelated and intangible principles 68
Maglia, Punto. Quarant'anni di tesori nascosti nella storia dell'archivio MF1 67
Design della Maglieria 2 67
As relações entre a disciplina Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale do Politecnico di Milano e o ensino de projeto em moda no Brasil. 67
O Campo Projetual sob o Prisma do Pensamento Sistêmico e da Complexidade. 66
Learn Through Memories. A Didactic Way to Learn and Teach with the Use of a Digital Knitwear Archive 65
Textile frontiers. Materials before products. The shift of fashion design from products to materials 65
Premiére Vision: la possibilità di vedere il futuro 64
Oltre l’abito. Progettare il corpo 64
MAT.RES Resilienza materica 62
Innovation, Research and Technological Intelligence Experiences and Perspectives for the Fashion Industry 62
Moda Responsabile. Progetto per il recupero dei filati e la promozione di una diversa concezione del fashion 62
Responsible fashion design 60
Abiti maschili ibridi: tra lo sportivo e il sartoriale 60
Craftmanship and Digitalization in the Italian Knitwear Industry. A Paradigm Shift for the Narrative of Made in Italy 58
Due progetti di cappello: il Borsalino e la coppola 58
O Design de Moda em Processo: estratégias metodológicas 57
Permanenze storiche: il progetto della moda e la storia come bacino di conoscene allargato 56
Abiti fluidi su corpi fluidi 56
Knitwear design. A design discipline between manual tradition and advanced technology 56
How to jump the pound on the female fitness Brazilian Market?Tools and strategy of design to create a path between ideas andmarkets 55
Bridge of Design. Design innovation Made in Italy. Connecting India and Italy 54
Maglieria Made in Italy. Knitwear stories and knit talks 54
The Digitalization of Knitwear: Towards a redefinition of the conventional design boundaries 53
Fashion & Design: Cross Fertilization for Innovation within the Italian Fashion System 53
Reacting to the Emergency by Opening Perspectives: Design-Driven Knit Therapy as an Adaptable Tool to Answer the Change 52
La cultura della sciarpa. La sciarpa e le sue caratteristiche di indossabilità 51
Tools for a Sustainable Knitwear System. Design Researching Towards Possible Answers 51
Design dell’ Esperienza 51
Totale 13.143
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.546
article - articoli 7.583
book - libri 3.560
conference - conferenze 15.316
curatela - curatele 2.129
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 460
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 11.819
Totale 83.413

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 135 94 215 126
2020/20211.665 95 47 87 78 209 163 134 162 152 133 128 277
2021/20221.818 83 138 84 113 261 69 141 146 155 135 187 306
2022/20233.090 240 191 156 278 409 305 141 226 425 218 199 302
2023/20242.224 148 191 153 148 145 166 212 298 130 224 130 279
2024/20253.368 184 247 359 396 851 461 468 402 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.635