Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.535
EU - Europa 4.221
AS - Asia 1.158
SA - Sud America 90
AF - Africa 41
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 17.057
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.358
IT - Italia 1.443
UA - Ucraina 480
DE - Germania 470
SG - Singapore 469
SE - Svezia 412
AT - Austria 346
FI - Finlandia 267
CN - Cina 230
VN - Vietnam 221
ES - Italia 192
GB - Regno Unito 184
CA - Canada 170
IE - Irlanda 158
JO - Giordania 88
NL - Olanda 78
BR - Brasile 70
RU - Federazione Russa 42
FR - Francia 41
ID - Indonesia 30
BE - Belgio 29
TR - Turchia 26
CH - Svizzera 21
HK - Hong Kong 19
JP - Giappone 17
CI - Costa d'Avorio 16
IN - India 14
PL - Polonia 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
RO - Romania 9
CM - Camerun 8
EU - Europa 8
KR - Corea 8
PE - Perù 8
GR - Grecia 6
AL - Albania 5
BJ - Benin 5
PH - Filippine 5
IL - Israele 4
MY - Malesia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AR - Argentina 3
CL - Cile 3
EC - Ecuador 3
MA - Marocco 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AM - Armenia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IQ - Iraq 2
IR - Iran 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MU - Mauritius 2
MX - Messico 2
PA - Panama 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CO - Colombia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 17.057
Città #
Fairfield 1.572
Woodbridge 1.119
Chandler 976
Wilmington 801
Ashburn 796
Ann Arbor 771
Houston 771
Seattle 715
Cambridge 534
Santa Clara 449
Milan 397
Vienna 330
Jacksonville 312
Singapore 311
Boardman 252
Council Bluffs 229
Lawrence 210
Dearborn 203
Málaga 186
Medford 180
Ottawa 162
Dublin 152
Beijing 106
Des Moines 93
Amman 88
Helsinki 73
Dong Ket 71
Grafing 70
San Diego 65
Redmond 53
Amsterdam 51
Rome 44
Princeton 36
Jakarta 30
Brussels 27
Trieste 27
Nuremberg 26
Falkenstein 25
Shanghai 25
Norwalk 23
Trento 23
Izmir 21
Washington 21
Los Angeles 19
Redwood City 19
Bologna 17
Nanjing 17
Abidjan 16
Lappeenranta 16
London 16
New York 15
Turin 15
Columbus 13
Palermo 13
Verona 13
Como 12
Hong Kong 12
Lajen 12
Mountain View 11
Portland 10
Southend 10
Bern 9
Carnago 9
Frankfurt am Main 9
Munich 9
Saint Petersburg 9
Auburn Hills 8
Dallas 8
Lima 8
Meppel 8
Milwaukee 8
São Paulo 8
Berlin 7
Bresso 7
Hefei 7
Naples 7
Zhengzhou 7
Castenaso 6
Chengdu 6
Duncan 6
Miami 6
Nanchang 6
Tübingen 6
Catania 5
Central District 5
Cotonou 5
Crema 5
Florence 5
Geneva 5
Horia 5
Hyderabad 5
Padova 5
Preganziol 5
Rust 5
The Dalles 5
Tirana 5
Centrale 4
Cesena 4
Davao City 4
Desenzano del Garda 4
Totale 12.927
Nome #
GrailQuest and HERMES: hunting for gravitational wave electromagnetic counterparts and probing space-time quantum foam 184
The HERMES-technologic and scientific pathfinder 180
A silicon drift detector-CMOS front-end system for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy up to room temperature 173
Proton driven acceleration by intense laser pulses irradiating thin hydrogenated targets 166
The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions 163
First results of a novel Silicon Drift Detector array designed for low energy X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy 160
Low noise Charge Sensitive Amplifier 158
HERMES: An ultra-wide band X and gamma-ray transient monitor on board a nano-satellite constellation 156
X-Ray Silicon Drift Detector-CMOS Front-End System with High Energy Resolution at Room Temperature 139
Timing techniques applied to distributed modular high-energy astronomy: The HERMES project 136
High precision mapping of single-pixel Silicon Drift Detector for applications in astrophysics and advanced light source 135
An integrated reset/pulse pile-up rejection circuit for pixel readout ASICs 127
The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission—eXTP 126
A digital system for "optimum" resolution in X-ray spectroscopy 124
A low-power CMOS ASIC for X-ray Silicon Drift Detectors low-noise pulse processing 124
A Mixed-Signal ASIC for CdTe/CdZnTe Detectors Readout in Battery Powered Capsule for Colon 3D-Imaging 124
"A charge sensitive preamplifier for integration on silicon radiation detectors: first experimental results". 119
Design and test at room temperature of the first Silicon Drift detector with on-chip electronics. 119
Characterization of the VEGA ASIC coupled to large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detectors 119
A programmable System-on-Chip based digital pulse processing for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy 119
VEGA: A low-power front-end ASIC for large area multi-linear X-ray silicon drift detectors: Design and experimental characterization 117
Sampling and optimum data processing of detector signals 116
The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances 115
Silicon carbide detectors for in vivo dosimetry 115
A novel multi-cell silicon drift detector for Low Energy X-Ray Fluorescence (LEXRF) spectroscopy 114
Characterization of the VEGA ASIC dedicated to large area position-sensitive SDDs for space and medical applications 112
High energy resolution pixel detectors based on boron oxide vertical Bridgman grown CdZnTe crystals 112
A CMOS Charge Sensitive Amplifier with sub-electron equivalent noise charge 111
Advanced scheme for high-yield laser driven nuclear reactions 110
Progress with PN-CCDs for the XMM satellite mission 108
Characterizing the Timing Performance of a Fast 4H-SiC Detector With an 241Am Source 108
Development and tests of a new prototype detector for the XAFS beamline at Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste 108
An SiC/GaN Detector/Front-End Detection System for High-Resolution Alpha-Particle Spectroscopy 107
Silicon Carbide for Alpha, Beta, Ion and Soft X-Ray High Performance Detectors 106
A new detector system for low energy X-ray fluorescence coupled with soft X-ray microscopy: First tests and characterization 106
Advances in Silicon Carbide X-Ray Detectors 105
Study of the time response of 4H-SiC Schottky junctions for radiation high speed detection 104
A complete read-out channel with embedded wilkinson A/D converter for X-ray spectrometry 103
X-gamma Ray Spectroscopy With Semi-Insulating 4H-Silicon Carbide 103
The Large Area Detector onboard the eXTP mission 103
A CdTe pixel detector–CMOS preamplifier for room temperature high sensitivity and energy resolution X and γ ray spectroscopic imaging 102
A New Generation of X-Ray Detectors Based on Silicon Carbide 99
Low-Noise Silicon Carbide X-Ray Sensor with a Wide Operating Temperature Range 98
A Mixed-Signal Spectroscopic-Grade and High-Functionality CMOS Readout Cell for Semiconductor X-gamma Ray Pixel Detectors 98
Resolution of silicon drift detectors with sampled waveform method 97
A 32-channel ASIC for X-Ray detectors 97
Experimental test of TOF diagnostics for PW class lasers 96
Boron-proton nuclear-fusion enhancement induced in boron-doped silicon targets by low-contrast Pulsed Laser 96
A new large solid angle multi-element silicon drift detector system for low energy X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy 96
Current analysis of ion implanted p+/n 4H-SiC junctions: post-implantation annealing in Ar ambient 95
Noise Minimization of MOSFET Input Charge Amplifier based on Du and DN 1/f Models 95
Characterization of a novel pixelated Silicon Drift Detector (PixDD) for high-throughput X-ray astrophysics 95
Epitaxial Silicon Carbide for X-ray Detection 94
Performance of the Multianode Cylindrical Silicon Drift Detector in the Ceres NA45 Experiment: First Results 94
Advanced Theoretical Models for Charge Collection in CdTe Radiation Detectors: A comparison based on experimental data 94
From StarX32 to VEGA: Low-power and low-noise mixed-signal ASICs for X-ray detectors in space and medical applications 94
Current noise spectra in CdTe semiconductor diodes 93
Towards a multi-element silicon drift detector system for fluorescence spectroscopy in the soft X-ray regime 92
A Complete Read-Out ASIC for Use with Large Pixel X-Ray Detector Array 91
Study of Silicon Carbide for X-Ray Detection and Spectroscopy 89
R-Lens Filter: An (RC)n Current Mode Lowpass Filter 89
A Complete Read-Out Chain for X-Ray Spectrometry 89
Characterization of a CZT focal plane small prototype for hard X-ray telescope 88
Silicon Carbide Detector for Laser-Generated Plasma Radiation 88
"A low-noise wide-band transimpedance amplifier for current noise spectra measurements". 88
The X/Gamma-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XGIS) on-board THESEUS: Design, main characteristics, and concept of operation 88
Characterization of a New ASIC Readout for Pixel CZT Detectors for Hard X-Ray Astronomy 87
The XAFS fluorescence detector system based on 64 silicon drift detectors for the SESAME synchrotron light source 87
A fully integrated low noise HEMT charge preamplifier 86
Progress in ultra-low-noise ASICs for radiation detectors 86
Advanced scheme for high-yield laser driven proton-boron fusion reaction 86
GaAs pixel detectors with integrated electronics: experimental basis and feasibility study 85
Ultra Low Noise Epitaxial 4H-SiC X-Ray Detectors 85
Ultraviolet inverse photoemission spectroscopy from YFe2 85
GaAs Pixel Detectors with Integrated Electronics: experimental basis and feasibility study 85
Characterization of a CdTe microstrip detector as a hard X ray focal plane prototype 84
Silicon Carbide Microstrip Detectors For High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy 84
Characterization of an ASIC front-end electronics dedicated to the Silicon Drift Detectors 84
Study of ion induced damage in 4H-SiC 84
ALTAIR: A Low Noise, Low Power and Wide Dynamic Range ASIC for X and γ Ray Applications with CdTe/CdZnTe Pixel Detectors 84
Noise Analysis of Gallium Arsenide X Ray Pixel Detectors Coupled to Ultra Low Noise Electronics 83
A 60 uW high linearity CMOS peak-stretcher/discriminator 83
A compact VLSI dc restorer for multi-channel X-ray detectors 83
"Feedback Stability of Charge Amplifiers with Continuous reset Through Forward-Biased Diode Junctions" 83
A Method for the Determination of the Noise Parameters in Preamplifying Systems for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors 83
Characterization of a CZT focal plane small prototype for hard X-ray telescope 83
Simulation of 4H-SiC detectors for ultra fast particle spectroscopy 83
Implementation of the Digital Logic for Reading-Out a 16x16 Pixel X Ray Detector Array 82
”STARX32: A Complete On-Chip X-Ray Spectroscopy Readout System with Imaging Capability” 82
Hard X-Ray Response of Pixellated CdZnTe Detectors 82
A thick CdTe position sensitive spectrometer for a wide field telescope for hard X and soft gamma ray astronomy 81
Implementation of a Novel Read-Out Strategy Based on a Wilkinson ADC for a 16x16 Pixel X-Ray Detector Array 80
"JFET for completely depleted high resistivity silicon". 80
A CdTe position sensitive spectrometer for hard X- and soft g-ray polarimetry 80
Performance at Cryogenic Temperatures of an Ultra Low Noise CMOS Front-end for Fano-limited X-ray Spectroscopy 80
An innovative architecture for a wide band transient monitor on board the HERMES nano-satellite constellation 80
A large area detector proposed for the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT) 79
Characterization of a VPE Gallium Arsenide X - Gamma ray Detector 79
Large solid angle and high detection efficiency multi-element silicon drift detectors (SDD) for synchrotron based x-ray spectroscopy 79
"A low Noise Integrated HEMT Charge Preamplifier Working Without the Feedback Resistor". 78
Totale 10.284
Categoria #
all - tutte 59.249
article - articoli 33.018
book - libri 122
conference - conferenze 24.605
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 1.504
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 118.498

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 344 467 198 359 136
2020/20212.363 209 96 173 178 160 115 270 209 123 333 128 369
2021/20221.917 68 144 96 121 345 128 115 110 116 105 165 404
2022/20232.272 319 197 51 245 194 252 31 122 403 236 159 63
2023/20241.180 68 207 71 114 67 153 67 78 31 156 36 132
2024/20251.891 57 56 153 93 647 315 244 326 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.230