Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.001
EU - Europa 6.955
AS - Asia 1.973
SA - Sud America 175
OC - Oceania 120
AF - Africa 89
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
Totale 16.326
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.447
IT - Italia 3.288
DE - Germania 723
GB - Regno Unito 605
UA - Ucraina 581
CA - Canada 541
SG - Singapore 393
VN - Vietnam 299
SE - Svezia 293
FI - Finlandia 268
IE - Irlanda 251
CN - Cina 249
IN - India 217
ES - Italia 197
NL - Olanda 147
PH - Filippine 143
TR - Turchia 140
FR - Francia 128
AU - Australia 111
CH - Svizzera 103
AT - Austria 100
BR - Brasile 99
ID - Indonesia 77
KR - Corea 77
MY - Malesia 53
IR - Iran 44
HK - Hong Kong 43
JP - Giappone 43
JO - Giordania 41
BE - Belgio 38
DK - Danimarca 32
PL - Polonia 31
EC - Ecuador 28
HR - Croazia 26
TW - Taiwan 25
PT - Portogallo 24
RO - Romania 22
RU - Federazione Russa 21
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 20
EG - Egitto 19
LK - Sri Lanka 17
NG - Nigeria 16
PE - Perù 15
PK - Pakistan 15
CO - Colombia 14
SA - Arabia Saudita 14
EU - Europa 13
OM - Oman 13
CI - Costa d'Avorio 12
IL - Israele 12
CL - Cile 11
BG - Bulgaria 9
MX - Messico 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
ET - Etiopia 7
GR - Grecia 7
KE - Kenya 7
KZ - Kazakistan 7
LT - Lituania 7
NO - Norvegia 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
HU - Ungheria 5
MA - Marocco 5
MT - Malta 5
MU - Mauritius 5
SI - Slovenia 5
SM - San Marino 5
TH - Thailandia 5
MN - Mongolia 4
BJ - Benin 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LV - Lettonia 3
QA - Qatar 3
RS - Serbia 3
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 3
UY - Uruguay 3
AR - Argentina 2
BO - Bolivia 2
GH - Ghana 2
IS - Islanda 2
MK - Macedonia 2
SD - Sudan 2
BH - Bahrain 1
CD - Congo 1
EE - Estonia 1
FJ - Figi 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 16.323
Città #
Milan 690
Chandler 535
Wilmington 398
Fairfield 375
Jacksonville 354
Ashburn 332
Santa Clara 324
Dearborn 312
Houston 293
Woodbridge 289
Montréal 281
Boardman 267
Dublin 241
Singapore 234
Lawrence 225
Ottawa 220
Medford 208
Ann Arbor 203
Redwood City 179
Cambridge 178
Mcallen 178
Munich 174
Dong Ket 161
Málaga 124
Seattle 115
Rome 105
Beijing 93
Helsinki 84
Vienna 82
Catania 74
Des Moines 64
Jakarta 52
Bern 47
Washington 47
Turin 43
Saronno 42
Istanbul 41
Amman 40
Las Vegas 38
San Diego 37
Sydney 36
New York 34
Amsterdam 33
San Francisco 30
São Paulo 30
Princeton 29
Columbus 26
Melbourne 26
Norwalk 26
Zurich 26
Bologna 25
Kolkata 25
Kuala Lumpur 25
London 25
Quito 25
Torino 25
Brussels 23
Florence 23
Pune 22
Shanghai 22
Verona 22
Morbegno 21
Napoli 21
Mountain View 20
Los Angeles 19
Madrid 19
Rho 19
Frankfurt am Main 18
Taipei 18
Warsaw 18
Bari 17
Monza 17
Nanjing 17
Redmond 17
Stuttgart 17
Dallas 16
Hong Kong 16
Brisbane 15
Davao City 15
Messina 14
Mumbai 14
Naples 14
Olongapo City 14
Padova 14
Tehran 14
Tokyo 14
Brescia 13
Campinas 13
Düsseldorf 13
Genoa 13
Lima 13
Abidjan 12
Ankara 12
Bloomsbury 12
Edinburgh 12
Guangzhou 12
Utrecht 12
Cebu City 11
Chelmsford 11
Hefei 11
Totale 8.925
Nome #
Moss as a multifunctional material for technological greenery systems 717
Industry 4.0 and the Civil Construction in Brazil 521
Load-Responsive Cellular Envelopes with Additive Manufacturing 511
Healthcare for all in emerging countries: a preliminary investigation of facilities in Kolkata, India 428
Yarn-Level Modeling of Non-Uniform Knitted Fabric for Digital Analysis of Textile Characteristics - From a bitmap to the yarn-level model 230
Adaptive Façades and Topology Optimization 223
Adaptive Manufacturing: a new perspective for construction industry 222
Mass customization with additive manufacturing: new perspectives for multi performative building components in architecture 209
Time-based design per l'habitat del futuro prossimo. Time-based design for the habitat of the next future 172
Adaptive Skins: Towards New Material Systems 169
The Evolution of 3D Printing in AEC: From Experimental to Consolidated Techniques 157
Sense of knit 154
Digital Control Room per il progetto e la gestione degli edifici complessi 148
Acoustic characterisation of a novel wood/cork composite material for architectural applications 145
Choosing the partner in a Digital Fabrication Case 136
STRUNA STRucture-NAture. A fist study for the design of a domestic photobioreactor 134
Mass Customization in the Era of Industry 4.0: Towards Immaterial Building Technology 131
Digital takes command Orizzonti di progettazione e produzione digitale Design horizons and digital fabrication 129
Bio-based Solutions for the Retrofit of the Existing Building Stock: A Systematic Review 125
Overview on 3d printing techniques for graphene functionalized hydrogels 117
Advanced Customization in Architectural Design and Construction 116
ARCHITETTURA SOSTENIBILE falsi miti. I confini tra finzione e realtà. La dilagante tendenza al greenwashing come millantato credito di “buon progetto” (I parte) 116
La cultura tecnologica nella scuola milanese 112
Load-responsive skin systems for lightweight architecture 112
Fabrication and durability testing of a 3D printed façade for desert climates 112
Designing an adaptive multipurpose small pavilion 111
3d Printing Building 108
Architectural Morphogenesis Through Topology Optimization 107
ICD/ITKE Research Pavillions 106
Construction of the Façade Systems. Production and Assembly Procedures of the Advanced Building Envelopes 106
Topology Optimization in architectural spaces: From logical to rational design domains 105
The Material Balance Manifesto. Scientific Approach and Methodologies 103
Dall'idea al cantiere. Progettare, produrre e costruire forme complesse 102
Design of a passive mechanical system actuated by the nitinol helical springs for shading and sustainable development purposes of the buildings☆ 101
Executive Design of the Façade Systems. Typologies and Technologies of the Advanced Building Envelopes 100
A parametric-assisted method for 3D generation of as-built BIM models for the built heritage 100
Hybrid additive manufacturing for micro, meso and macro mass customization 100
4D Soft Material Systems 100
Design Approaches for a New Indian Healthcare 97
Kit modulare per integrazione e installazione di uno o più bioreattori per la coltivazione di microalghe 96
Digital culture for optimization 95
Digital takes command Orizzonti di progettazione e produzione digitale Design horizons and digital fabrication 94
Information Workflow From Existing Building to Digital Model. The Case Study of Ex-Albergo Diurno “Venezia” 93
O2H - Oxygen to Human. Introducing an advanced natural approach in landscape ecology design. 92
A model for programming design interventions aimed at reducing thermal discomfort in urban open spaces 91
Architetti e designer giapponesi dallo studio Mangiarotti 90
Computazione e materializzazione in architettura; Computation and materialization in architecture 90
Carbon Footprint Assessment of a Novel Bio-Based Composite for Building Insulation 90
sandro favero: l'engineering dell'acciaio tra approccio globale e precisione metodologica 89
Night stars stay during the day: the Louvre Abu Dhabi 88
Catalogo ragionato dei prodotti biogenici in Europa.Una visione anticipatoria tra potenzialità tecniche e disponibilità / Reasoned catalogue of biogenic products in Europe. An anticipatory vision between technical potentials and availability. 88
Innovative use of space and social implications of complex shapes construction 87
Metodo di design alleggerito implementato mediante computer 87
Advanced customization for architectural design and construction : scenario and experimentations 86
Material Balance. A Design Equation 85
Assemblaggio a secco e innovazione - Intervista all'ing. Francesco Viero 83
Topology Optimization for Structural Collapse Recover 80
Digital 3D control room for healthcare 80
Textile-Based Sound Sensors (TSS): New Opportunities for Sound Monitoring in Smart Buildings 80
Nature-inspired optimization of tubular joints for metal 3D printing 79
Tecnologie innovative per il restauro, la valorizzazione e la fruizione dei beni culturali 77
Complex shapes and innovative technologies for bridges 76
Costruire l'idea. Progetti del Laboratorio di Progettazione di Sistemi costruttivi 2 75
Performance-based Design Approach for Tailored Acoustic Surfaces 74
Mass Customization 4.0 in AEC: Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Building Systems 73
MAT.RES, Italian Pavilion, 17° Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 73
Future Systems 71
Verso un manifattura additiva ibrida 71
ICD/ITKE Pavilions 71
Backcasting the XXI Century. Digital culture and tacit knowledge for the future of architecture 71
Abitare flessibile, leggero e performante 70
Computational knitting in Architecture: an experimental design process for a performative textile system 70
Scenarios for embedding AI in Acoustic Design. Exploiting applications at several design stages. 70
Da.Ma.Tra: Material Traceability Database 70
wangjing soho 68
EXPO Dubai 2020: Italy Pavilion 68
Efte per Allianz Arena 67
Accessorio rete per chignon con pattern auxetici in materiale plastico 66
Massimiliano Fuksas 65
Mass customization in construction industry: closing the gap between design and production 65
Desert Tectonics 65
Facciate Adattive 64
Acciaio. La testimonianza di un costruttore 63
Role of metal 3D printing to increase quality and resource-efficiency in the construction sector 63
Load-responsive skin systems for lightweight architecture 62
Oxygen to Human. Introducing an advanced natural approach in landscape ecology design 61
Il trasferimento tecnologico in architettura. Il caso delle tele metalliche 60
La cultura industriale e il progetto contemporaneo: esempi di sperimentazione di sistemi costruttivi 60
Acciaio e prefabbricazione 59
Acciaio e involucri evoluti 58
The Restoration Design of Mater Misericordiae Church (1957-1958). Il progetto di restauro della Chiesa Mater Misericordiae (1957-1958) 58
Costruire le forme complesse: innovazione,industrializzazione e trasferimento per l'involucro architettonico 57
Costruire le forme complesse 57
Acciaio e customization per le forme complesse 57
Una costruzione a puzzle 56
La quarta dimensione (n. 292/giugno pp. 498-504); Swiss Re (n. 293/luglio agosto pp. 608) 55
Accogliere l'onda d'urto 55
Totale 11.438
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.354
article - articoli 24.941
book - libri 3.673
conference - conferenze 9.438
curatela - curatele 1.204
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 1.534
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.236
Totale 97.380

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.703 0 0 0 0 0 0 307 227 335 226 420 188
2020/20212.518 232 107 241 103 369 186 322 167 96 220 121 354
2021/20222.325 95 292 107 259 231 105 96 266 124 166 186 398
2022/20232.126 291 77 94 135 235 231 77 187 309 169 185 136
2023/20242.253 79 303 183 180 197 261 158 185 88 221 155 243
2024/20251.904 153 162 296 224 652 413 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.590