Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.052
NA - Nord America 7.477
AS - Asia 4.806
SA - Sud America 1.860
OC - Oceania 463
AF - Africa 155
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 20
Totale 27.833
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.610
IT - Italia 5.958
NL - Olanda 1.279
GB - Regno Unito 1.193
TR - Turchia 762
DE - Germania 735
CN - Cina 613
SE - Svezia 592
BR - Brasile 517
ES - Italia 465
SG - Singapore 449
CO - Colombia 433
HK - Hong Kong 429
FR - Francia 424
FI - Finlandia 395
MX - Messico 378
AU - Australia 346
CL - Cile 346
CA - Canada 341
ID - Indonesia 292
IN - India 270
PH - Filippine 269
PE - Perù 264
JP - Giappone 257
AT - Austria 254
DK - Danimarca 246
KR - Corea 245
CH - Svizzera 213
TW - Taiwan 204
BE - Belgio 192
IE - Irlanda 181
UA - Ucraina 179
VN - Vietnam 178
IR - Iran 161
MY - Malesia 159
AR - Argentina 158
GR - Grecia 152
PT - Portogallo 152
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 117
JO - Giordania 114
EC - Ecuador 113
NO - Norvegia 103
TH - Thailandia 77
RO - Romania 74
RU - Federazione Russa 64
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 53
PK - Pakistan 53
HU - Ungheria 52
IL - Israele 52
SV - El Salvador 49
PL - Polonia 46
EG - Egitto 40
GT - Guatemala 34
LK - Sri Lanka 34
ZA - Sudafrica 28
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 25
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 25
SA - Arabia Saudita 25
IQ - Iraq 24
CR - Costa Rica 21
CY - Cipro 19
EU - Europa 17
KE - Kenya 16
RS - Serbia 15
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 13
NG - Nigeria 13
PA - Panama 13
MA - Marocco 12
AZ - Azerbaigian 11
BO - Bolivia 10
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
BD - Bangladesh 9
BG - Bulgaria 9
IS - Islanda 9
VE - Venezuela 9
PR - Porto Rico 8
TN - Tunisia 8
EE - Estonia 7
SM - San Marino 7
BH - Bahrain 6
HR - Croazia 6
PY - Paraguay 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
BJ - Benin 4
CU - Cuba 4
DZ - Algeria 4
GH - Ghana 4
ME - Montenegro 4
MT - Malta 4
UG - Uganda 4
UY - Uruguay 4
LB - Libano 3
MW - Malawi 3
QA - Qatar 3
SI - Slovenia 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
ET - Etiopia 2
HN - Honduras 2
JM - Giamaica 2
Totale 27.807
Città #
Milan 1.334
Chandler 490
Redwood City 417
Santa Clara 407
Istanbul 340
Fairfield 331
Ashburn 318
Woodbridge 281
Wilmington 274
Singapore 273
Rome 257
Santiago 241
Delft 234
Houston 232
Ann Arbor 228
Vienna 195
Amsterdam 194
Boardman 172
Council Bluffs 171
Seattle 167
Helsinki 155
Eindhoven 153
London 153
Bogotá 149
Jakarta 148
Los Angeles 148
Lima 140
Dublin 138
Bern 137
Ottawa 137
Cambridge 128
Florence 115
Tokyo 113
Amman 112
Ankara 108
Lawrence 108
Dearborn 104
Dong Ket 103
Beijing 101
Barcelona 100
Jacksonville 99
Naples 95
Melbourne 94
Taipei 92
Turin 90
Genoa 88
Menlo Park 84
Central 83
Hong Kong 82
Medford 82
New York 82
Berlin 77
Guangzhou 75
Madrid 74
Petaling Jaya 74
Yongsan-gu 72
Bologna 70
Munich 69
Rotterdam 69
Sydney 68
Shanghai 64
Thessaloniki 64
Malmo 55
Copenhagen 53
Medellín 53
São Paulo 51
Auckland 49
Buenos Aires 48
Enschede 47
Espoo 47
Brussels 45
Torino 45
Valencia 43
Reutlingen 41
San Salvador 41
Verona 41
Izmir 40
San Diego 40
Edinburgh 39
Mexico 39
Malmö 38
Nottingham 37
Princeton 37
Bucaramanga 36
Lisbon 36
Paris 36
Bari 35
Miami 35
Porto 35
Bolzano 34
Boulder 34
Brisbane 34
Sheffield 34
Venice 34
Changsha 33
Utrecht 33
Bangkok 32
Bengaluru 32
Fremont 32
Lissone 32
Totale 12.359
Nome #
Material driven design (MDD): A method to design for material experiences 5.446
Materiales alternativos emergentes. Un enfoque de diseño sostenible 1.154
Emotions in Design through Materials. An expressive-sensorial atlas as a project tool for design of materials. 873
Design materials for the transition toward post-Anthropocene 749
Il valore dell'imperfezione.L'approccio wabi sabi al design. 602
Le neuroscienze per il design: la dimensione emotiva del progetto. 560
A broad survey on expressive-sensorial characterization of materials for design education 438
Enhancing living/non-living relationships through designed materials 409
The NautICS Materials Workshop: Teaching and Learning Interactive, Connected and Smart Materials for Yacht Design 382
The material experiences as DIY-Materials: Self production of wool filled starch based composite (NeWool). 370
Material Education in Design: From Literature Review to Rethinking 363
Tinkering with Mycelium. A case study. 318
Five Kingdoms of DIY Materials for Design 312
Il senso dei materiali per il design 290
DIY-Materials approach to design meaningful materials for the sustainability transition 289
Material Tinkering and Creativity 289
Material tinkering for design education on waste upcycling 288
Mapping ICS materials: Interactive, connected, and smart materials 272
Materiali per il design: espressività e sensorialità 269
Il progetto della Natura. Gli strumenti della biomimesi per il design. 261
L'atlante espressivo-sensoriale dei materiali 260
DIY-Materials as Enabling Agents of Innovative Social Practices and Future Social Business 260
Titaniocromie, il titanio e i suoi colori 252
“Worker, build your own machinery!” A workshop to practice the Technological Disobedience 236
Emerging material experiences 230
ICS Materials. Towards a Re-Interpretation of Material Qualities Through Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials 226
ICS_Materials: materiali interattivi, connessi e smart 225
Interactive, Connected, Smart materials: ICS materiality 225
Material Designers. Boosting talent towards circular economies 223
Re-designing recovered materials. Case Study: Fiberglass in the nautical sector 205
Materials, Time and Emotion: how materials change in time? 204
Interaction Matters. A Material Agency’s Perspective on Materials Experience 195
Material Tinkering. An inspirational approach for experiential learning and envisioning in product design education 192
Il packaging parla al cervello e al cuore del consumatore 190
Features of material exploration projects emerged in design schools 190
Materials Experience: Expanding Territories of Materials and Design 183
Revived Beauty: Research into Aesthetic Appreciation of Materials to Valorise Materials from Waste 181
Materials Designers: A New Design Discipline 180
DIY Recipes: Ingredients, processes & materials qualities 180
Material activism. New hybrid scenarios between design and technology 179
Design for ICS Materials: A Tentative Methodology for Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials applied to Yacht Design 177
Design Resistance. Material Solutions for local remoteness 171
DIY materials 167
Neuroscienze per il design. How neurosciences can help design 166
Design, Materials, and Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing in Circular Economy Contexts: From Waste to New Products 165
Defining the DIY-Materials approach 162
The Importance of Textiles Hand in Comfort and Emotional Design 162
Crafting Materials During COVID-19: The Locked-Down Material Lab 154
The value of imperfection in industrial product. 151
Educating designers through Materials Club 142
Materially Yours 138
LCA-based material selection in the early stages of design: environmental benefits, tools, obstacles and opportunities 136
Designing Materials and Material Designers: Research by DIY-Materials Research Group 135
From food waste to circular materials for design: experimenting with matter from unconventional origins 133
La progettazione dei DIY-Materials come processo d’invenzione / DIY-Materials design as an invention process 133
Paving the way to post-digital smart materials. Experiments on human perceptions of a bio-inspired cellulose-based responsive interface 133
+TUO project: Low cost 3D printers as helpful tool for small communities with rheumatic diseases 131
The Hybrid Dimension of Material Design: Two Case Studies of a Do-It-Yourself Approach for the Development of Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials 130
The New Aesthetic of DIY-Materials 129
Materials biography as a tool for designers exploration of bio-based and bio-fabricated materials for the sustainable fashion industry 124
The aesthetical and sensorial characterization of design materials 124
The Objectivity of Users’ Emotional Experience with Textiles 123
Materials Libraries: designing the experiential knowledge transfer through prototyping 121
Fostering circular materials within the design practice: materials and product library system 119
Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design 119
Designing materials experiences through passing of time - Material driven design method applied to mycelium-based composites 119
Sustainable Development Goals Enabled by Additive Manufacturing: A Design Perspective 115
ICS MATERIALS. Interactive, connected, and smart materials 114
Material Education: New Training, New Skills 113
(Un)Conventional engineering tests to predict fabrics sensorial properties 112
Oltre le materioteche... 110
Mapping the IoT: Co-design, test and refine a design framework for IoT products 110
Tra tecnica e creatività: design ed esperimenti con il taglio laser 108
DIY-Materials. Technological approach of materials for design 108
Dynamism and imperfection as emerging materials experiences. A case study 104
COLOURS, SENSORIALITY AND MATERIALS Experience of an inductive activity of product design teaching 103
The value of imperfection insustainable designThe emotional tie with perfectible artefacts for longer lifespan 103
Materia emocional. Los materiales en nuestra relación emocional con los objetos 103
Affective-Driven Design: Emotions, Moods and Experiences as Catalysts for Socially Meaningful Design 102
Expanding Territories of Materials and Design 98
Correlation between intrinsic characteristics of industrial products and user's perception 97
Design for ICS Materials. The development of tools and a method for the inspiration and ideation phase 97
Prototypes for Speculative Design Research 96
The Material: An Active and Dynamic Medium in Design Education 94
The Materials Generation 93
ICS Materiality: the phenomenon of interactive, connected, and smart materials as enablers of new materials experiences 92
Teaching Materials in Design: Three Approaches from Three Universities (Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey) 91
Design for New Materials and New Manufacturing Technologies 91
Early-stage material selection based on life cycle approach: tools, obstacles and opportunities for design 90
+TUO Project 3D Printers as tool for co-design with and for users with Rheumatic Diseases. 86
Il colore: una qualità espressivo-sensoriale dei materiali per il design 86
Materials experience as a foundation for materials and design education 86
The emotional value of Do-It-Yourself materials 85
Materials Designers. Boosting Talent towards Circular Economies 84
ICS Materials’ theoretical background 83
Emerging materials for transition: A taxonomy proposal from a design perspective 82
Introduction to Materials Experience 82
L'estasi dell'artificiale 80
Totale 25.906
Categoria #
all - tutte 56.836
article - articoli 23.041
book - libri 3.253
conference - conferenze 20.776
curatela - curatele 1.874
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.892
Totale 113.672

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 167 174 170 229 163
2020/20213.718 228 138 271 239 382 277 292 264 341 478 395 413
2021/20223.727 198 292 265 362 436 242 256 367 343 298 302 366
2022/20235.037 288 303 214 485 615 445 329 363 640 353 511 491
2023/20245.981 342 420 517 555 480 571 780 617 334 430 456 479
2024/20254.811 313 395 544 690 995 712 677 485 0 0 0 0
Totale 28.412