Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.330
EU - Europa 2.537
AS - Asia 967
SA - Sud America 49
AF - Africa 33
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 10.924
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.183
IT - Italia 985
CN - Cina 263
SG - Singapore 259
UA - Ucraina 227
ES - Italia 213
DE - Germania 194
SE - Svezia 174
GB - Regno Unito 164
FI - Finlandia 159
VN - Vietnam 158
CA - Canada 144
IE - Irlanda 117
AT - Austria 96
IN - India 52
FR - Francia 48
NL - Olanda 48
TR - Turchia 45
JP - Giappone 38
CH - Svizzera 33
JO - Giordania 30
BR - Brasile 27
BE - Belgio 26
ID - Indonesia 24
HK - Hong Kong 16
IR - Iran 16
TW - Taiwan 16
CI - Costa d'Avorio 12
CO - Colombia 12
KR - Corea 12
PH - Filippine 9
RO - Romania 8
GR - Grecia 7
IQ - Iraq 7
MU - Mauritius 7
BJ - Benin 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
MY - Malesia 5
NO - Norvegia 5
PL - Polonia 5
EC - Ecuador 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PK - Pakistan 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
BO - Bolivia 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EU - Europa 3
MA - Marocco 3
ME - Montenegro 3
MX - Messico 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
TJ - Tagikistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
LY - Libia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
PE - Perù 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 10.924
Città #
Fairfield 1.112
Woodbridge 680
Chandler 558
Houston 532
Ashburn 501
Wilmington 451
Seattle 447
Ann Arbor 421
Cambridge 347
Santa Clara 284
Milan 279
Singapore 166
Boardman 160
Málaga 154
Dearborn 150
Jacksonville 138
Ottawa 127
Lawrence 119
Dublin 116
Medford 102
Vienna 91
Beijing 89
Dong Ket 88
San Diego 72
Redwood City 55
Helsinki 52
Madrid 45
New York 39
Des Moines 33
Amman 30
London 27
Princeton 27
Council Bluffs 25
Rome 25
Guangzhou 24
Jakarta 24
Amsterdam 21
Tokyo 20
Brussels 19
Shanghai 19
Bern 18
Norwalk 18
Washington 18
Turin 15
Auburn Hills 14
Hangzhou 14
Redmond 14
Abidjan 12
Taipei 12
Palermo 11
Wuhan 11
Mountain View 10
Chennai 9
Los Angeles 9
Munich 9
Bogotá 8
Como 8
Dallas 8
Indiana 8
Istanbul 8
Berlin 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Laure-Minervois 7
Livorno 7
Oulu 7
Phoenix 7
Torino 7
Antalya 6
Bielefeld 6
Bonndorf 6
Brescia 6
Carpi 6
Cotonou 6
Fremont 6
Hefei 6
Hounslow 6
Kumar 6
Napoli 6
Toronto 6
Zhengzhou 6
Aversa 5
Bari 5
Cantu 5
Florence 5
Genoa 5
Mirandola 5
Morgantown 5
Paris 5
Portland 5
Prescot 5
Ramona 5
Segrate 5
Sitges 5
Warsaw 5
Zurich 5
Central 4
Central District 4
Chicago 4
Cremona 4
Gavirate 4
Totale 8.125
Nome #
Ultra-Lightweight Space Arm DELIAN: Mechatronic Analysis and Joint Control Design 230
Manipulability Optimization Control of a Serial Redundant Robot for Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery 218
Using Modelica for advanced Multi-Body modelling in 3D graphical robotic simulators 191
GRAPE: Ground robot for vineyard monitoring and protection 187
ROBI’: A prototype mobile manipulator for agricultural applications 152
A Modelica simulator to support the development of the control system of an autonomous All-Terrain mobile robot 151
Modelling, identification and control of a flexible lightweight robot for space applications 140
Following Newton direction in Policy Gradient with parameter exploration 137
Accurate sensorless lead-through programming for lightweight robots in structured environments 136
Ensuring safety in hands-on control through stability analysis of the human-robot interaction 132
Poli-RRT*: optimal RRT-based planning for constrained and feedback linearisable vehicle dynamics 129
Hunt–Crossley model based force control for minimally invasive robotic surgery 127
Walk-through programming for robotic manipulators based on admittance control 126
Sampling-based optimal kinodynamic planning with motion primitives 122
Vineyard Autonomous Navigation in the Echord++ GRAPE Experiment 119
Closed form Newton–Euler dynamic model of flexible manipulators 115
Safety control of industrial robots based on a distributed distance sensor 113
Collection and comparison of driver/passenger physiologic and behavioural data in simulation and on-road driving 113
Closed-form control oriented model of highly flexible manipulators 113
Towards safe human-robot interaction in robotic cells: an approach based on visual tracking and intention estimation 112
An Exact Optimal Kinodynamic Planner Based on Homotopy Class Constraints 112
An Admissible Heuristic to Improve Convergence in Kinodynamic Planners Using Motion Primitives 111
Generation of human walking paths 107
Integration of perception, control and injury knowledge for safe human-robot interaction 106
Causal design methodology for optimal tracking in 2-d.o.f. industrial controllers 104
Force ripple compensation in linear motors with application to a parallel kinematic machine 104
Optimal placement of spots in distributed proximity sensors for safe human-robot interaction 104
Model based Detection and 3D Localization of Planar Objects for Industrial Setups 104
MPC-based control architecture of an autonomous wheelchair for indoor environments 104
Estimating a mean-path from a set of 2-D curves 104
Policy gradient in Lipschitz Markov Decision Processes 102
A Model Predictive Controller for Minimum Time Cornering 101
Achieving humanlike motion: resolving redundancy for anthropomorphic industrial manipulators 100
Nonparametric identification for the causal optimization of set point tracking 99
Force ripple compensation in linear motors based on closed-loop position-dependent identification 99
Leak location in water distribution networks based on dynamic tests and parametric identification 98
FIR-based optimised design of the set point path in 2-d.o.f. digital regulators 98
Revising the robust control design for rigid robot manipulators 97
An incremental approach to learning generalizable robot tasks from human demonstration 97
A model based approach for the analysis and simulation of a hybrid bus in an urban context 97
Electrical Unmanned Vehicle Architecture for Precision Farming Applications 97
Generation of Human Walking Paths 96
Data-driven approach to model electrical vehicle charging profile for simulation of grid integration scenarios 96
Efficient models for flexible manipulators with motors at the joints 96
Velocity estimation: assessing the performance of non model-based techniques 93
Analysis of Electrical Vehicle behavior from real world data: A V2I Architecture 93
Velocity control of a washing machine: a mechatronic approach 92
Nonlinear model predictive control for aerial manipulation 92
Detecting, tracking and predicting human motion inside an industrial robotic cell using a map-based particle filtering strategy 91
Task space visual servoing of eye-in-hand flexible manipulators 90
Implicit force control for an industrial robot based on stiffness estimation and compensation during motion 90
Modeling and simulation of a spherical vehicle for underwater surveillance 90
Homotopy aware kinodynamic planning using RRT-based planners 90
Issues in the experimental implementation of the fast time scale controller for a flexible arm 89
Advancement in multi-body physics modeling for 3D graphical robot simulators 89
A simulation based architecture for the development of an autonomous all terrain vehicle 88
Acceptability of robotic manipulators in shared working environments through human-like redundancy resolution 88
Improving the antiwindup properties of autotuning PID regulators 87
Sistema autonomo di sbavatura robotizzata 87
Model-based Proportional-Integral/Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PI/PID) autotuning with fast relay identification 87
Model-based autotuning of industrial SISO regulators accommodating for free-structure process models 87
Multiobjective Onboard Experiment for Advanced Researches on Robotics, Control Systems and Materials Behaviour 86
On the use of model-based PID tuning rules with nonparametric process models 86
End-point vibration sensing of planar flexible manipulators through visual servoing 85
Human-like path planning in the presence of landmarks 85
Velocity estimation: assessing the performance of non model-based techniques 85
Using motion primitives to enforce vehicle motion constraints in sampling-based optimal planners 85
Revising the robust-control design for rigid robot manipulators 84
A comparative evaluation of human motion planning policies 84
Policy Gradient Approaches for Multi-Objective Sequential Decision Making 84
Robotica industriale umano-centrica: il progetto ROSETTA 83
Kinematic trajectory tracking controller for an all-terrain Ackermann steering vehicle 83
LFT-based MPC Control of an Autonomous Vehicle 83
Mechatronic analysis of the velocity control of a washing machine 82
Implicit force control for an industrial robot with flexible joints and flexible links 82
Flat-RRT*: A sampling-based optimal trajectory planner for differentially flat vehicles with constrained dynamics 81
Set point tracking optimisation by causal nonparametric modelling 76
Applicazioni di controllo di velocità con sensori e motori a basso costo 76
A data driven approach to model electrical vehicle charging behaviour for grid integration analysis 76
Performance limitations in Field-Oriented Control for asynchronous machines with low resolution position sensing 74
Nonparametric decoupling of MIMO systems 74
Kinematic analysis and synthesis of the human arm motion during a manipulation task 72
Robotica industriale umano-centrica: il progetto Rosetta 71
Designing the feedforward part of 2-d.o.f. industrial controllers for optimal tracking 70
On the design of the feedforward compensator in two-degree-of-freedom controllers 69
Anti-collision system for robotic applications based on laser Time-Of-Flight sensors 69
Design and implementation of the low-level control system of an All-Terrain Mobile Robot 69
Modelling flexible manipulators with motors at the joints 68
Model Predictive Control of an autonomous wheelchair 68
On the use of Torque Disturbance Observers in 2-mass systems with application to a robotic joint 68
Performance improvement of implicit integral robot force control through constraint-based optimization 67
Multiple Camera Human Detection and Tracking inside a Robotic Cell - An Approach based on Image Warping, Computer Vision, K-d Trees and Particle Filtering 66
Policy gradient approaches for multi-objective sequential decision making: A comparison 66
Tip position control of flexible manipulators through visual servoing 65
Exploiting visual servoing to damp the vibrations of a planar flexible manipulator 65
Modeling and Control of Underwater Mine Explorer Robot UX-1 63
Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction: evaluating in real-time the severity of possible collisions in industrial scenarios 61
Simultaneous optimisation of set point tracking and decoupling in autotuning multivariable regulators 61
Controllo di manipolatori flessibili mediante retroazione visiva 60
Adaptive step-size for policy gradient methods 60
Totale 9.711
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.959
article - articoli 12.736
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 25.102
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 852
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 269
Totale 77.918

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020940 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 284 110 229 94
2020/20211.397 105 79 104 70 154 83 75 103 121 174 99 230
2021/20221.115 57 122 74 104 69 67 63 84 72 67 144 192
2022/20231.488 149 110 35 153 151 160 20 126 210 213 109 52
2023/2024794 60 177 46 74 50 129 23 44 12 73 20 86
2024/2025888 40 41 49 64 454 98 102 40 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.183