Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.427
EU - Europa 5.362
AS - Asia 1.938
SA - Sud America 128
AF - Africa 92
OC - Oceania 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 15.005
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.127
IT - Italia 2.132
UA - Ucraina 560
SG - Singapore 474
VN - Vietnam 464
SE - Svezia 442
DE - Germania 404
AT - Austria 388
CN - Cina 338
ES - Italia 297
FI - Finlandia 277
CA - Canada 269
GB - Regno Unito 245
IN - India 161
IE - Irlanda 149
FR - Francia 103
JO - Giordania 99
NL - Olanda 91
BR - Brasile 81
IR - Iran 67
AU - Australia 52
BE - Belgio 52
TR - Turchia 49
ID - Indonesia 46
RU - Federazione Russa 46
KR - Corea 41
JP - Giappone 40
CH - Svizzera 38
NO - Norvegia 36
HK - Hong Kong 35
PK - Pakistan 29
PL - Polonia 23
CI - Costa d'Avorio 22
PH - Filippine 22
MX - Messico 21
EG - Egitto 20
DZ - Algeria 17
SA - Arabia Saudita 17
EC - Ecuador 15
PE - Perù 15
IQ - Iraq 12
RO - Romania 11
TH - Thailandia 10
PT - Portogallo 9
AL - Albania 8
BJ - Benin 8
RS - Serbia 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CR - Costa Rica 7
GR - Grecia 7
NG - Nigeria 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
AR - Argentina 6
CL - Cile 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
EU - Europa 5
LT - Lituania 5
DK - Danimarca 4
ET - Etiopia 4
IL - Israele 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CO - Colombia 3
HR - Croazia 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MU - Mauritius 3
MY - Malesia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
HU - Ungheria 2
LV - Lettonia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
KE - Kenya 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LB - Libano 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MC - Monaco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 15.005
Città #
Fairfield 650
Chandler 628
Ashburn 516
Wilmington 493
Woodbridge 479
Vienna 376
Ann Arbor 368
Houston 332
Santa Clara 320
Singapore 319
Jacksonville 289
Boardman 249
Málaga 248
Seattle 240
Dearborn 229
Milan 214
Cambridge 209
Lawrence 197
Ottawa 197
Dong Ket 194
Medford 162
Dublin 143
Beijing 130
Rome 116
Redwood City 109
Helsinki 100
Amman 98
Des Moines 72
New York 72
Council Bluffs 63
San Diego 55
Turin 55
Princeton 44
Washington 43
Guangzhou 41
Jakarta 38
Bologna 36
Brussels 32
Naples 29
Torino 29
Amsterdam 28
Norwalk 26
Tampa 25
London 23
Miami 23
Abidjan 22
Madrid 20
Bari 19
Istanbul 19
Hong Kong 18
Melbourne 17
Zurich 17
Chennai 16
Florence 16
Shanghai 16
Verona 16
Changsha 15
Genoa 15
Trondheim 15
Catania 14
Munich 14
Dalmine 13
Frankfurt am Main 13
Lahore 13
Napoli 13
Akron 12
Falkenstein 12
Modena 12
Mountain View 12
Mumbai 12
New Delhi 12
Paris 12
Tokyo 12
Los Angeles 11
Monza 11
Gent 10
Gunzenhausen 10
Islamabad 10
Lima 10
Padova 10
Segrate 10
Toronto 10
Auburn Hills 9
Bangkok 9
Berlin 9
Dallas 9
Dhahran 9
Duncan 9
Fremont 9
Seongnam 9
Belgrade 8
Bern 8
Campina Grande 8
Cotonou 8
Delft 8
Hefei 8
Lappeenranta 8
Nagold 8
Rio De Janeiro 8
Riva Di Chieri 8
Totale 9.000
Nome #
Experiences on corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete 527
Effetto dell’infragilimento da idrogeno sulle caratteristiche meccaniche di acciai per tubazioni 373
Tecnologia dei materiali: ceramici, polimeri e compositi 284
Hydrogen charging of carbon and low alloy steel by electrochemical methods 182
Hydrogen effect on fatigue behavior of a quenched&tempered steel 159
Pietro Pedeferri e la corrosione delle armature nel calcestruzzo 159
Corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete structures: a study of binary mixtures 156
Chemical oxidation as repairing technique to restore corrosion resistance on damaged anodized titanium 156
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2 148
Fatigue behavior of hydrogen pre-charged low alloy Cr-Mo steel 131
Hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement behaviour of two high strength pipeline steels, 130
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction—part 1 126
Approccio sperimentale per la definizione dei diagrammi Pedeferri degli acciai inossidabili 117
Effect of binary mixtures on chloride induced corrosion of rebars in concrete 117
Effects of AC-interference on chloride-induced corrosion of reinforced concrete 112
Corrosion of titanium: Part 2: Effects of surface treatments 112
Behaviour of Stainless Steel in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution 107
Effect of Hydrogen Environment on Fatigue Behaviour of High Toughness Steels 107
Pietro Pedeferri. La corrosione delle armature nel calcestruzzo 106
Corrosion inhibitors in reinforced concrete structures. Part 3 – migration of inhibitors into concrete 103
Current Distribution Problems in the Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 102
Effects of cathodic prevention on the chloride threshold for steel corrosion in concrete 101
Tecnologia dei materiali: ceramici, polimeri e compositi 99
Caratterizzazione di miscele binarie per l’inibizione della corrosione dell’acciaio al carbonio in soluzione alcalina 99
Electrochemical methods for the determination of Pedeferri's diagram of stainless steel in chloride containing environment 98
Corrosion inhibitors in reinforced concrete structures. Part 2: repair system 97
Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Zinc and Zinc Alloys 96
Corrosion of titanium: Part 1: Aggressive environments and main forms of degradation 95
Utilizzo di nitrati come inibitori di corrosione per le armature nel calcestruzzo 94
Electrochemical anodizing treatment to enhance localized corrosion resistance of pure titanium 94
Corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete structures: a study of binary mixtures 93
Influence of manufacturing process on fatigue resistance of high strength steel bolts for connecting rods 93
Influence of hydrogen and low temperature on mechanical behaviour of two pipeline steels 92
Densification behaviour and microstructural analysis in pre-alloyed and mixed phases pm duplex stainless steels 91
Evaluation of additional protection methods to control reinforcement corrosion 91
Localized Corrosion: An Empirical Approach To The Study Of Passive Film Breakdown Rates 90
Scelta tecnico-economica dei materiali per una tubazione sottomarina mediante simulazione Montecarlo 89
Corrosion inhibitors in reinforced concrete structures. Part 1: preventative technique 88
La rialcalinizzazione e la rimozione elettrochimica dei cloruri nelle costruzioni in c.a. 88
Potentiostatic and potentiodynamic polarization tests for the definition of the Pedeferri’s diagrams of stainless steels 88
Cathodic Protection of New and Old Reinforced Concrete Structures 88
Hydrogen-embrittlement resistance of X100 steels for long-distance high-pressure pipelines 87
Analysis of the relation between water and resistivity isotherms in concrete 87
Carbonation induced corrosion in concrete: Evaluation of a nitrate based corrosion inhibitor 87
Cathodic Prevention of Reinforced Concrete Structures 87
Mixed-in inhibitors for concrete structures 86
Effect of polymer modified cementitious coatings on chloride-induced corrosion of steel in concrete 86
Comportamento anodico de materiales pasivos y sus efectos sobre el potencial de corrosion en aguas naturales 85
Effect of corrosion inhibitors on the initiation of chloride-induced corrosion on reinforced concrete structures 85
Electrochemical Study on the Use of Duplex Stainless Steel in Concrete 85
Long-term chloride-induced corrosion monitoring of reinforced concrete coated with commercial polymer-modified mortar and polymeric coatings 85
Can an intermittent cathodic protection system prevent corrosion of buried pipeline? 84
Comportamento di anodi di alluminio per la protezione catodica dei terreni 83
Effetto della polarizzazione catodica sull’infragilimento da idrogeno di un acciaio inossidabile martensitico a elevata resistenza 83
Additional protection systems to control reinforcement corrosion 83
Effectiveness of a conductive cementitious mortar anode for cathodic protection of steel in concrete 82
Influence of Hydrogen and Low Temperature on Pipeline Steels Mechanical Behaviour 82
Corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete: effect of organic substances 81
Organic substances as inhibitors for chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete 81
Monitoraggio della corrosione dei trefoli di precompressione 81
null 81
Electrochemical approach for the definition of the Pedeferri’s diagrams of stainless steels 81
Anodization treatments to increase commercially pure titanium corrosion resistance 81
Electrochemical charging of H in sour simulated environment in steel 80
Migrating inhibitors on corrosion in reinforced concrete 80
Experimental design to study the influence of temperature, pH, and chloride concentration on the pitting and crevice corrosion of UNS S30403 stainless steel 80
Corrosion inhibitors for chlorides induced corrosion in reinforced concrete structures 79
Hydrogen diffusion into three metallurgical microstructures of a CeMn X65 and low alloy F22 sour service steel pipelines 78
Corrosion resistance enhancement of chemically oxidized titanium through NaOH and H2O2 exposure 78
Anodic and chemical oxidation to improve localized corrosion resistance of pure titanium 77
Big milestones in the study of steel corrosion in concrete 77
Effect of polymer modified cementitious coatings on water and chloride permeability in concrete 76
Predicting the risk of pitting corrosion initiation of stainless steels using a Markov chain model 76
Progresses in prevention of corrosion in concrete 76
Migrating inhibitors on corrosion in reinforced concrete 74
Measurement of lattice and apparent diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in X65 and F22 pipeline steels 74
Electrochemical characterization of corrosion resistant alloys in chloride solutions 73
Armature in acciaio inossidabile per strutture in c.a. operanti in ambienti aggressivi 73
Protezione catodica con anodi galvanici in acqua di mare naturale 72
New Experiences on Cathodic Prevention of Reinforced Concrete Structures 72
Cathodic protection and cathodic prevention in concrete: principles and applications 72
Effetto dell’idrogeno sulle caratteristiche meccaniche di acciai per tubazioni 72
Corrosione e protezione delle strutture offshore Offshore structures: corrosion and protection 71
AC Corrosion Mechanism: Effects on Overpotentials of Anodic and Cathodic Processes 69
Effect of Plastic Deformation on Hydrogen Diffusion of X65 Pipeline Steel 69
Studio del processo di diffusione di idrogeno in acciai per tubazioni 69
Design of Experiment Based Prediction of Passivity Breakdown Potential for 304L Stainless Steel 69
The Improvement of Durability of Reinforced Concretes for Sustainable Structures: A Review on Different Approaches 68
Scelta tecnico-economica dei metodi di controllo della corrosione di viadotti autostradali, 68
Mixed-in inhibitors for concrete structures 68
Tafel-Piontelli model for the calculation of corrosion rate of metals in acidic condition. Validation tests in strong acids 68
Evaluation of Preventative Methods against Rebar Corrosion in Concrete 67
Environmentally assisted cracking of pipeline steels in CO2 containing environment at near-neutral pH 67
Corrosione delle armature in calcestruzzo rivestito con malte cementizie modificate con polimeri 66
Approccio sperimentale per la definizione dei diagrammi Pedeferri degli acciai inossidabili 65
Applications of cathodic protection to steel in concrete 64
Inibitori di corrosione per calcestruzzo armato: 15 anni di sperimentazione @PoliLaPP 64
Inibitori di corrosione migranti per il ripristino di strutture in calcestruzzo armato 63
Totale 9.985
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.148
article - articoli 24.236
book - libri 697
conference - conferenze 21.306
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.777
Totale 100.164

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 288 150 363 136
2020/20212.243 169 76 224 96 181 136 150 176 178 192 118 547
2021/20221.775 97 222 64 168 157 64 101 132 117 135 170 348
2022/20232.409 292 129 99 145 211 251 56 156 380 365 207 118
2023/20241.789 149 223 95 169 115 240 106 134 65 205 66 222
2024/20251.586 73 72 223 143 528 328 147 72 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.230