An answer to the complex representation of territory. The fertile ground of mnemotopes and design ofcommunication
2021-01-01 Galasso, C.; Baule, G.
Designing a mnemotope. Communication Design as interdisciplinary activator of the memory of places
2021-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Designing a neologism
2024-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI; Cecchi, MARTA ELISA
Designing hybridization: alternative education strategies for fostering innovation in communication design for the territory
2023-01-01 Quaggiotto, M.; Galasso, C. S.
Designing innovative research pathways for the advancement of design research: IASDR 2023 Doctoral and Postgraduate Consortium
2023-01-01 Bertola, Paola; Elgani, Elena; Galasso, Clorinda Sissi; Gall Krogh, Peter; Meroni, Anna; Rampino, Lucia
Digital Memorials: Communication Design and Commemoration Artefacts for Hybrid Spaces
2024-01-01 Quaggiotto, M.; Galasso, C.
Dimenticare a memoria. Design, archivi e conservazione attiva
2019-01-01 Galasso, C.
Education and memory. Pedagogy of remembrance and communication design
2021-01-01 Calabi, D. A.; Galasso, C.; Borghi, B.
From a Word-Formation to a Concept-Formation: Mnemosphere as a Connective Tool in Interdisciplinary Design
2024-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI; Cecchi, MARTA ELISA
I mnemotopi e il bisogno di memoria
2022-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
L’esperienza Bitume. Forme creative di rigenerazione mnestica del territorio
2023-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Mappe e design per il territorio. Mnemotopi interattivi per le Città Creative
2019-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Memory studies and design? The mnemotopic approach
2023-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Mnemosphere Project. Power of Images
2021-01-01 Galasso, Clorinda Sissi; Cecchi, Marta Elisa; Calvo Ivanovic, Ingrid; Borin, Ambra; Mastrantoni, Claudia; Scagnoli, Martina
Mnemosphere research project: An Interdisciplinary Exploration into Places, Memory, Emotions and Spatial Atmosphere
2022-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI; Cecchi, MARTA ELISA
Mnemosphere. Designing a Neologism between Memories, Emotions and Atmospheres
2024-01-01 Cecchi, MARTA ELISA; Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Mnemosphere. Dispositivi per l’allestimento della memoria dei luoghi attraverso le emozioni
2022-01-01 Cecchi, MARTA ELISA; Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI; CALVO IVANOVIC, Ingrid; Borin, Ambra; Mastrantoni, Claudia; Scagnoli, Martina
Mnemosphere: An Interdisciplinary Research Between Memory of Places, Emotions and Atmosphere of Space
2021-01-01 Galasso, C. S.; Cecchi, M. E.; Calvo Ivanovic, I.; Borin, A.; Mastrantoni, C.; Scagnoli, M.
Mnemotopes and Memory Tourism
2023-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI
Mnemotopes. Designing the memory of places
2024-01-01 Galasso, CLORINDA SISSI