Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.177
EU - Europa 4.360
AS - Asia 1.412
AF - Africa 111
SA - Sud America 75
OC - Oceania 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 20.167
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.908
IT - Italia 906
UA - Ucraina 710
DE - Germania 554
SE - Svezia 450
SG - Singapore 431
AT - Austria 349
FI - Finlandia 330
VN - Vietnam 320
CN - Cina 304
GB - Regno Unito 294
CA - Canada 258
IE - Irlanda 199
ES - Italia 190
CI - Costa d'Avorio 85
FR - Francia 85
NL - Olanda 79
IN - India 54
BE - Belgio 49
JO - Giordania 46
PT - Portogallo 42
HK - Hong Kong 41
ID - Indonesia 41
KR - Corea 33
BR - Brasile 31
IR - Iran 26
RO - Romania 26
RU - Federazione Russa 22
JP - Giappone 18
TR - Turchia 17
MY - Malesia 15
TW - Taiwan 15
AU - Australia 14
BO - Bolivia 14
CH - Svizzera 14
PL - Polonia 13
AR - Argentina 12
EU - Europa 9
MU - Mauritius 9
MX - Messico 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
PK - Pakistan 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
IL - Israele 8
CO - Colombia 7
IQ - Iraq 7
NO - Norvegia 7
BJ - Benin 6
GR - Grecia 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
PH - Filippine 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
EC - Ecuador 5
HU - Ungheria 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
DK - Danimarca 4
PE - Perù 4
HR - Croazia 3
LT - Lituania 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
SI - Slovenia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
DZ - Algeria 2
EG - Egitto 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GT - Guatemala 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LY - Libia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 20.167
Città #
Fairfield 2.180
Woodbridge 1.674
Houston 1.029
Chandler 969
Ashburn 949
Wilmington 933
Ann Arbor 874
Seattle 859
Cambridge 729
Santa Clara 529
Jacksonville 424
Dearborn 360
Vienna 341
Boardman 339
Singapore 285
Lawrence 255
Ottawa 235
Dublin 192
Milan 188
Dong Ket 183
Medford 180
Málaga 167
Beijing 126
Des Moines 98
Helsinki 96
San Diego 94
Princeton 89
Abidjan 85
Amsterdam 55
Berlin 55
Brussels 47
Amman 46
Redwood City 40
Washington 38
Jakarta 36
London 35
Shanghai 34
Frankfurt am Main 31
Norwalk 29
New York 25
Auburn Hills 21
Mountain View 21
Los Angeles 18
Rome 16
Nanjing 15
Horia 14
Redmond 14
Central 13
Livorno 13
Bonndorf 12
Kuala Lumpur 11
La Paz 11
Morbegno 11
San Giuliano 11
Torino 11
Dalian 10
Guangzhou 10
Hong Kong 10
Indiana 10
Phoenix 10
Seongnam 10
Munich 9
Galati 8
Guimarães 8
Paris 8
Taipei 8
Tappahannock 8
Bergamo 7
Brescia 7
Falls Church 7
Hangzhou 7
Kilburn 7
Miami 7
Nanchang 7
São Paulo 7
Tokyo 7
Turin 7
Verona 7
Central District 6
Cotonou 6
Florence 6
Hefei 6
Montreal 6
Pescara 6
San Francisco 6
Udine 6
Zurich 6
Auckland 5
Blacksburg 5
Casale sul Sile 5
Chicago 5
Hounslow 5
Lucca 5
Monza 5
Mumbai 5
Naples 5
Nuremberg 5
Rzeszów 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Tel Aviv 5
Totale 15.450
Nome #
Towards a High-Performance Modelica Compiler 177
3D-ICE 3.0: efficient nonlinear MPSoC thermal simulation with pluggable heat sink models 170
Simulation of Large Grids in OpenModelica: Reflections and Perspectives 159
A discrete-Time feedback controller for containerized cloud applications 144
FLOPSYNC-QACS: Quantization-aware clock synchronization for wireless sensor networks 141
Reliability-driven Dynamic Binding via Feedback Control 131
Event-Based Power/Performance-Aware Thermal Management for High-Density Microprocessors 129
A Neural Network-Based Technique for Structural Identification of SISO Systems 127
Closed-versus open-loop active vibration control in the presence of finite precision arithmetic 127
Modelling and structure-tailored control of biogas plants fed on agro-food residues 122
Object-oriented sub-zonal room models for energy-related building simulation 118
Antiwindup-aware PI Autotuning 115
Efficient hybrid simulation of autotuning PI controllers 114
Control-based operating system design 112
Low-cost Flexible Speed Control Experiments 111
High-speed thermal management for power-dense microprocessors 111
Enhancing feedback process scheduling via a predictive control approach 111
Object-oriented modelling of general flexible multibody systems 110
A Systematic Way to Extend Ideal PID Tuning Rules to the Real Structure 107
Extending Ideal PID Tuning Rules to the ISA Real Structure: Two Procedures and a Benchmark Campaign 107
A general control-theoretical methodology for runtime resource allocation in computing systems 106
Object-Oriented Quasi-3D Sub-Zonal Airflow Models for Energy-Related Building Simulation 105
Periodic Event-based Control with Past Measurements Transmission 105
Laboratories over the network: from remote to mobile 104
Causal design methodology for optimal tracking in 2-d.o.f. industrial controllers 103
FLOPSYNC-2: Efficient Monotonic Clock Synchronisation 103
A dynamic modelling framework for control-based computing system design 102
Sub-zonal computational fluid dynamics in an object-oriented modelling framework 102
Anaerobic Digestion Models: A Comparative Study 101
Reverse Flooding: Exploiting Radio Interference for Efficient Propagation Delay Compensation in WSN Clock Synchronization 101
Efficient abstraction of clock synchronization at the operating system level 100
Flexible logic-based Co-simulation of Modelica models 100
Nonparametric identification for the causal optimization of set point tracking 99
Model-based PI(D) Autotuning 99
Jitter-Compensated VHT and Its Application to WSN Clock Synchronization 99
FIR-based optimised design of the set point path in 2-d.o.f. digital regulators 98
Event-based control as an enabler for high power density processors 98
A High-speed Auto-tuning PID Regulator Based on Programmable Logic Devices 97
The PID+p Controller Structure and its Contextual Model-based Tuning 97
A PI-based Control Structure as an Operating System Scheduler 97
A process simulation environment based on visual programming and dynamic decoupling 96
High-Precision Low-Power Wireless Nodes' Synchronization via Decentralized Control 96
Applying simple PID tuning rules with extended frequency response knowledge 96
The PID+p Controller Structure and its Contextual Autotuning 96
A Hands-on Experimental Laboratory for Undergraduate Courses in Automatic Control 96
On the Role of the Process Model in Model-based Autotuning 95
On some Approaches to the Autotuning of Cascade Controls 95
Self-Adaptive Software Meets Control Theory: A Preliminary Approach Supporting Reliability Requirements 95
A Control-Theoretical Approach to Thread Scheduling for Multicore Processors 95
Structure-specific analytical PID tuning for load disturbance rejection 95
An Open-hardware Platform for MPSoC Thermal Modeling 95
A relay-based autotuner specifically aimed at load disturbance rejection 94
A Generalized Software Framework for Accurate and Efficient Management of Performance Goals 94
Object-oriented Modelling of Industrial PID Controllers 94
1D/2D Cellular Automata Modeling with Modelica 94
Comparative Analysis of some Approaches to the Autotuning of Cascade Controls 93
Towards a Benchmark Suite for High-Performance Modelica Compilers 93
Control and Design of Computing Systems: What to Model and How 92
Adaptive Temperature Control of a Household Refrigerator 91
Feedback process scheduling with simple discrete-time control structures 91
Object-oriented sub-zonal modelling for efficient energy-related building simulation 91
Comparison of Decision-Making Strategies for Self-Optimization in Autonomic Computing Systems 91
A switched control scheme to handle quantisation in the design of high-precision computing system components 91
Simple Model-based PID Autotuners with rapid Relay Identification 90
Power Optimization in Embedded Systems via Feedback Control of Resource Allocation 90
PI/PID autotuning with contextual model parametrisation 90
On the parameterisation of simple process models for the autotuning of industrial regulators 89
Control System Design for the Starch Mashing Phase in the Production of Beer 89
Automatic Partitioning and Simulation of Weakly Coupled Systems 89
A generic and systematic procedure to derive a simplified model from the anaerobic digestion model No. 1 (ADM1) 89
Finite-precision implementation issues in narrowband active control 89
Adaptive temperature control in a freezer with on-off actuation 89
An Experimental Laboratory for Undergraduate Automatic Control Courses 88
Modelica as a Design Tool for Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation 88
A Remote Laboratory on PID Autotuning 88
General control-theoretical framework for online resource allocation in computing systems 88
Lightweight Adaptive Filtering for Efficient Learning and Updating of Probabilistic Models 88
Improving the antiwindup properties of autotuning PID regulators 87
IMC-based synthesis of the feedback block of ISA-PID regulators 87
Object-oriented modelling of starch mashing for simulation-based
 control studies 87
Teaching a conscious use of PI/PID tuning rules 87
Model-based Proportional-Integral/Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PI/PID) autotuning with fast relay identification 87
Feedback and feedforward active vibration control schemes for a turbomolecular vacuum pump 87
Normalised Expression and Evaluation of PI Tuning Rules 87
Model-based autotuning of industrial SISO regulators accommodating for free-structure process models 87
Turning a Toy into a PLC with Ladder Logic Programming 86
Modelica Open Library for Power Plant Simulation: Design and Experimental Validation 86
FLOPSYNC-QACS: Quantization- Aware Clock Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks 86
On the use of model-based PID tuning rules with nonparametric process models 86
A High-Performance, Energy-Efficient Node for a Wide Range of WSN Applications 86
Implementation of a robust PID autotuner in a control design environment 85
Comparative Study of Model-based PI(D) Autotuning Methods 85
Autotuning of PI+p Controllers 85
A Simple and Flexible Experimental Laboratory for Automatic Control Courses 85
A Comparison Study of Identification Methods for a Pilot Distillation Column 85
An Experimental Laboratory on Control Structures 84
Employing Relay-based Identification for Improving Model-based PI-PID Autotuning 84
A modelica library for industrial control systems 84
Totale 10.220
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.405
article - articoli 20.898
book - libri 798
conference - conferenze 44.559
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 563
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.316
Totale 136.539

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.537 0 0 0 0 0 0 636 439 585 230 452 195
2020/20212.820 291 145 279 120 220 155 213 318 173 292 204 410
2021/20222.265 199 217 144 183 166 146 103 124 134 187 218 444
2022/20232.552 357 221 98 219 258 297 33 214 384 224 166 81
2023/20241.234 84 264 93 97 92 116 50 85 16 165 27 145
2024/20251.448 57 95 107 95 862 230 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.483