Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 17.034
EU - Europa 7.286
AS - Asia 3.086
AF - Africa 202
OC - Oceania 181
SA - Sud America 134
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 56
Totale 27.979
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 16.517
IT - Italia 2.346
DE - Germania 1.031
SG - Singapore 874
CN - Cina 613
AT - Austria 577
FI - Finlandia 532
CA - Canada 491
VN - Vietnam 479
GB - Regno Unito 440
ES - Italia 341
SE - Svezia 340
IE - Irlanda 333
NL - Olanda 333
UA - Ucraina 289
JO - Giordania 240
FR - Francia 228
IN - India 177
ID - Indonesia 157
AU - Australia 154
CH - Svizzera 105
IR - Iran 93
HK - Hong Kong 86
BE - Belgio 84
BR - Brasile 81
JP - Giappone 79
PL - Polonia 73
GR - Grecia 57
EU - Europa 54
KR - Corea 52
CI - Costa d'Avorio 51
PH - Filippine 47
BJ - Benin 39
PT - Portogallo 34
IL - Israele 32
TR - Turchia 32
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 27
ZA - Sudafrica 26
RU - Federazione Russa 25
DK - Danimarca 24
PK - Pakistan 21
CO - Colombia 19
MX - Messico 18
MY - Malesia 18
TW - Taiwan 17
CL - Cile 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
MU - Mauritius 15
BG - Bulgaria 14
CY - Cipro 13
ET - Etiopia 13
NO - Norvegia 13
RO - Romania 13
SA - Arabia Saudita 9
TH - Thailandia 9
MA - Marocco 8
NG - Nigeria 8
PE - Perù 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
KE - Kenya 7
DZ - Algeria 6
IS - Islanda 6
LT - Lituania 6
MW - Malawi 6
RS - Serbia 6
AR - Argentina 5
GH - Ghana 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
EG - Egitto 4
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 4
LV - Lettonia 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
EC - Ecuador 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
PA - Panama 3
SI - Slovenia 3
EE - Estonia 2
GE - Georgia 2
HR - Croazia 2
KH - Cambogia 2
MZ - Mozambico 2
NP - Nepal 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
VE - Venezuela 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
ZM - Zambia 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BS - Bahamas 1
CM - Camerun 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LB - Libano 1
Totale 27.968
Città #
Chandler 2.159
Fairfield 1.499
Woodbridge 1.371
Ashburn 1.051
Santa Clara 905
Ann Arbor 881
Wilmington 856
Houston 816
Singapore 641
Boardman 609
Seattle 597
Milan 572
Vienna 552
Cambridge 491
Dearborn 412
Lawrence 384
Ottawa 381
Dublin 308
Medford 283
Málaga 241
Amman 239
Dong Ket 236
Helsinki 234
Beijing 206
Redwood City 195
Jacksonville 185
Berlin 156
Princeton 141
Jakarta 140
Washington 133
Des Moines 120
Amsterdam 110
San Diego 104
New York 103
Munich 99
Frankfurt am Main 93
Columbus 72
Rome 72
Lappeenranta 69
Falkenstein 66
London 62
Melbourne 59
Brussels 56
Boydton 55
Norwalk 53
Abidjan 51
Davis 50
Warsaw 50
Redmond 49
Zurich 48
Barcelona 44
Alessandria 38
Mountain View 38
Cotonou 37
Hong Kong 37
Shanghai 37
Delft 36
Tokyo 34
Mumbai 33
Phoenix 33
Los Angeles 30
Bologna 29
Falls Church 28
Guangzhou 28
Central 25
Turin 25
Monza 24
Rotterdam 23
Dallas 21
Nanjing 21
Auburn Hills 20
Chicago 20
Madrid 20
Toronto 20
Adelaide 19
Kreuzlingen 19
Las Vegas 19
Manila 19
Sydney 18
Hanoi 17
Kunming 17
Codogno 16
São Paulo 16
Council Bluffs 15
Seoul 15
Verona 15
Berkeley 14
Calgary 14
Johanneshov 14
New Haven 14
Santiago 14
Clifton 13
Ithaca 13
San Francisco 13
San Jose 13
Bern 12
Kilburn 12
Lyon 12
Tel Aviv 12
Delhi 11
Totale 19.402
Nome #
A selective improvement technique for fastening neuro-dynamic programming in water resource network management 550
Visualizing and gamifying water & energy consumption for behavior change 303
Conciliare sicurezza alimentare e impatti ambientali: Water Footprint di scenari di produzione agricola nella Striscia di Gaza 229
A Hybrid Signature-based Iterative Disaggregation algorithm for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring 194
Gamified approaches for Water Management Systems: an Overview 186
Modelling residential water consumers’ behaviors by feature selection and feature weighting 185
Assessment of smart-meter-enabled dynamic pricing at utility and river basin scale 176
Using crowdsourced web content for informing water systems operations in snow-dominated catchments 165
Assessing water resources management and development in Northern Vietnam 161
Benefits and challenges of using smart meters for advancing residential water demand modeling and management: A review 154
A robust decision analytic framework to design sustainable development pathways in transboundary river basins: the Omo-Turkana case study 151
Smart Metering, Water Pricing and Social Media to Stimulate Residential Water Efficiency: Opportunities for the SmartH2O Project 147
Orbital grain size mapping from Sentinel 2 images 146
Changing sediment budget of the Mekong: Cumulative threats and management strategies for a large river basin 139
High-Performance Integrated Control of water quality and quantity in urban water reservoirs 138
Characterizing fluvial systems at basin scale by fuzzy signatures of hydromorphological drivers in data scarce environments 138
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective 136
An evaluation framework for input variable selection algorithms for environmental data-driven models 134
A framework for coupling explanation and prediction in hydroecological modelling 133
A coupled human-natural systems analysis of irrigated agriculture under changing climate 133
Curses, tradeoffs, and scalable management: Advancing evolutionary multiobjective direct policy search to improve water reservoir operations 130
A convex optimization approach for automated water and energy end use disaggregation 127
A data-driven Dynamic Emulation Modelling approach for the management of large, distributed water resources systems 126
Losing ground in mega-deltas: basin-scale response to existential threats to the Mekong Delta 126
Dynamic Emulation Modelling of a 1D Hydrodynamic-Ecological Model: Tono Dam Case Study 126
Scenario-based fitted Q-iteration for adaptive control of water reservoir systems under uncertainty 125
Balancing Exploration, Uncertainty and Computational Time in Many-Objective Reservoir Policy Optimization 125
Automatic design of basin-specific drought indexes for highly regulated water systems 124
Climate change adaptation through water portfolios planning in Alpine water systems 123
Operational considerations for the long-term design of water distribution systems 123
A diagnostic assessment of evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective surface water reservoir control 122
Balancing sediment starvation and hydropower development: the case study of the Vjosa river 120
Universal Approximators for Direct Policy Search in Multi-Purpose Water Reservoir Management: A Comparative Analysis 118
A multiobjective reinforcement learning approach to water resources systems operation: Pareto frontier approximation in a single run 115
Planning the Optimal Operation of a Multioutlet Water Reservoir with Water Quality and Quantity Targets 113
Is robustness really robust? How different definitions of robustness impact decision-making under climate change 113
Using multiagent negotiation to model water resources systems operations 111
Stochastic Modeling of Sediment Connectivity for Reconstructing Sand Fluxes and Origins in the Unmonitored Se Kong, Se San, and Sre Pok Tributaries of the Mekong River 110
Optimizing watershed management by coordinated operation of storing facilities 109
Integrated intelligent water-energy metering systems and informatics: Visioning a digital multi-utility service provider 109
Integrated Design of Dam Size and Operations via Reinforcement Learning 109
Assessing the predictive capability of randomized tree-based ensembles in streamflow modelling 108
Bayesian networks in water resource modelling and management 108
A bottom-up approach to identifying the maximum operational adaptive capacity of water resource systems to a changing climate 108
Optimizing Watershed Management by Coordinated Operation of Storing Facilities 107
Exploring How Changing Monsoonal Dynamics and Human Pressures Challenge Multireservoir Management for Flood Protection, Hydropower Production, and Agricultural Water Supply 106
Curses, tradeoffs, and scalable management: advancing evolutionary multi-objective direct policy search to improve water reservoir operations 105
An agent based decision framework to advance agricultural water management under global change 105
Exploiting User Generated Content for Mountain Peak Detection 104
Detecting the State of the Climate System via Artificial Intelligence to Improve Seasonal Forecasts and Inform Reservoir Operations 104
A coupled human-natural system to assess the operational value of weather and climate services for agriculture 102
Informing the operations of water reservoirs over multiple temporal scales by direct use of hydro-meteorological data 102
Tree-based reinforcement learning for optimal water reservoir operation 100
Designing basin-customized combined drought indices via feature extraction 99
Automatic Detection Of Post Meter Leakages Enables Reduced Water Losses And Costs For Urban Residential Water Users 99
TwoLe/P: a MODSS Implementing PIP Procedure for Participative Water Basin Planning 98
A DBM Model for Snowmelt Simulation 98
The Data-Based Mechanistic Approach in Hydrological Modelling 97
Assessing the value of cooperation and information exchange in large water resources systems by agent-based optimization 96
An emulation modelling approach to reduce the complexity of a 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model of a reservoir 95
Multicriteria Optimization Model to Generate on-DEM Optimal Channel Networks 95
Lost opportunities and future avenues to reconcile hydropower and sediment transport in the Mekong Basin through optimal sequencing of dam portfolios 93
DBM modelling in the upper Ticino river basin 92
Multiagent Systems and Distributed Constraint Reasoning for Regulatory Mechanism Design in Water Management 92
The CASCADE toolbox for analyzing river sediment connectivity and management 92
Bayesian Networks and participatory modelling in water resource management 91
Sparse Optimization for Automated Energy End Use Disaggregation 91
Discovering Dependencies, Trade-offs, and Robustness in Joint Dam Design and Operation: An Ex-post Assessment of the Kariba Dam 91
Understanding Arctic Sea Ice Variability and its Patterns: A Comparative Clustering Analysis 91
A DSS for planning and managing water reservoir systems 90
Tree-based variable selection for dimensionality reduction of large-scale control systems 90
Trading off natural resources and rural livelihoods. A framework for sustainability assessment of small-scale food production in water-limited regions 90
Scalable Multiobjective Control for Large-Scale Water Resources Systems Under Uncertainty 90
A procedural approach to strengthening integration and participation in water resource planning 90
Neuro-Dynamic Programming for the efficient Integrated Water Resources Management 89
IWRM in the Adda basin, Northern Italy 89
Informing water management by direct use of SAR retrieved snow information in snow-rainfall dominated watersheds 89
Advancing Residential Water Management by Smart Metering and Data Intensive Modeling of Consumers’ Behaviors 89
Stochastic and Robust Control of Water Resource Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications 88
Scenario-based fitted Q-iteration for adaptive control of water reservoir systems under uncertainty 88
Improved trade-offs of hydropower and sand connectivity by strategic dam planning in the Mekong 88
Study on US-EU integrated power and water systems modelling 87
Implications of data sampling resolution on water use simulation, end-use disaggregation, and demand management 87
A modelling framework to evaluate human-induced alterations of network sediment connectivity and quantify their unplanned adverse impact 86
Modelling water operators' time varying risk aversion by an agent-based multi lateral negotiation protocol 86
Balancing exploration, uncertainty and computational demands in many objective reservoir optimization 86
Coupling real time control and socio-economic issues in participatory river basin planning 85
Data-Based Mechanistic modelling of a snow affected basin 85
Interactive response surface approaches using computationally intensive models for multiobjective planning of lake water quality remediation 84
Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions 84
Tree-based Fitted Q-iteration for Multi-Objective Markov Decision problems 84
Neuro-Dynamic Programming for designing water reservoir network management policies 83
Can artificial intelligence improve seasonal forecasts and inform reservoir operations? 83
Rival framings: A framework for discovering how problem formulation uncertainties shape risk management trade-offs in water resources systems 82
Data-driven Modelling of Urban Water Demand in Major European Cities: the Case Study of Milan, Italy. 82
Advancing the representation of reservoir hydropower in energy systems modelling: The case of Zambesi River Basin 82
Different approaches for centralized and decentralized water system management in multiple decision makers’ problems. 81
Balancing hydropower production and river bed incision in operating a run-of-river hydropower scheme along the River Po 81
Totale 11.698
Categoria #
all - tutte 106.179
article - articoli 36.766
book - libri 523
conference - conferenze 65.210
curatela - curatele 185
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.278
Totale 212.141

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.469 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 361 419 355 638 270
2020/20212.866 248 139 183 210 198 190 186 183 190 355 223 561
2021/20223.369 94 337 186 148 205 247 158 341 265 305 331 752
2022/20235.383 697 553 290 538 558 553 84 356 847 393 354 160
2023/20243.393 204 454 345 231 195 313 267 163 202 413 139 467
2024/20253.312 176 164 266 252 1.802 558 94 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 28.755