Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.220
EU - Europa 2.841
AS - Asia 969
SA - Sud America 98
AF - Africa 59
OC - Oceania 47
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 8.238
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.028
IT - Italia 1.389
DE - Germania 226
CN - Cina 198
SG - Singapore 183
CA - Canada 173
UA - Ucraina 148
GB - Regno Unito 142
AT - Austria 137
SE - Svezia 137
VN - Vietnam 135
FI - Finlandia 132
IE - Irlanda 98
ES - Italia 89
NL - Olanda 59
FR - Francia 57
JP - Giappone 57
CH - Svizzera 54
HK - Hong Kong 52
CL - Cile 48
BE - Belgio 47
AU - Australia 46
ID - Indonesia 46
IR - Iran 43
JO - Giordania 40
TR - Turchia 37
PH - Filippine 36
IN - India 28
KR - Corea 26
BR - Brasile 24
DZ - Algeria 24
GR - Grecia 14
PL - Polonia 14
TW - Taiwan 14
BG - Bulgaria 12
NO - Norvegia 12
PT - Portogallo 12
CO - Colombia 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
MX - Messico 10
PE - Perù 10
RO - Romania 9
EG - Egitto 8
HU - Ungheria 8
KZ - Kazakistan 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
BJ - Benin 7
MY - Malesia 7
PK - Pakistan 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
HN - Honduras 6
IL - Israele 6
LV - Lettonia 6
TH - Thailandia 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
EU - Europa 4
IS - Islanda 4
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 4
EC - Ecuador 3
HR - Croazia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LB - Libano 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
MU - Mauritius 3
NG - Nigeria 3
SI - Slovenia 3
AR - Argentina 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
LT - Lituania 2
MM - Myanmar 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SM - San Marino 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AL - Albania 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DK - Danimarca 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
RE - Reunion 1
SV - El Salvador 1
UG - Uganda 1
ZW - Zimbabwe 1
Totale 8.238
Città #
Chandler 413
Fairfield 349
Milan 336
Ann Arbor 277
Woodbridge 244
Wilmington 240
Ashburn 236
Santa Clara 191
Houston 168
Seattle 156
Vienna 126
Cambridge 123
Singapore 121
Boardman 109
Jacksonville 92
Dong Ket 84
Redwood City 81
Lawrence 79
Ottawa 78
Dublin 71
Dearborn 70
Helsinki 69
Edmonton 65
Arlington 60
Medford 60
Beijing 59
Málaga 48
Old Bridge 42
Amman 39
Jakarta 39
Amsterdam 38
Rome 37
Falkenstein 36
Tokyo 35
Brussels 31
Santiago 30
Des Moines 29
Bologna 27
New York 24
Hong Kong 23
Los Angeles 23
Princeton 22
London 20
Menlo Park 18
Phoenix 17
Turin 17
San Diego 16
Torino 16
Bergamo 15
Redmond 15
Washington 15
Como 14
Lausanne 14
Melbourne 14
Auburn Hills 13
Falls Church 13
Nanjing 13
Trento 13
Barcelona 12
Brooklyn 11
Norwalk 11
Shanghai 11
Garland 10
Plovdiv 10
Guangzhou 9
Mountain View 9
Xi'an 9
Buffalo 8
Chicago 8
Clark 8
Karlsruhe 8
Miami 8
Riyadh 8
Roppongi 8
Berlin 7
Bern 7
Cotonou 7
Izmir 7
Lucca 7
Montréal 7
Paris 7
Verona 7
Warsaw 7
Bari 6
Boydton 6
Bresso 6
Central 6
Changsha 6
Codogno 6
Dallas 6
Darmstadt 6
Delft 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Genoa 6
Lahug 6
Lima 6
Madrid 6
Marche 6
Napoli 6
Pescara 6
Totale 5.036
Nome #
Fog and Dew Harvesting: Italy and Chile in Comparison 460
Dynamic simulation of existing buildings: considerations on the model calibration 251
Numerical analysis of heat transfer in thermo-active diaphragm walls 230
Elementi di fisica tecnica: termodinamica applicata, meccanica dei fluidi, trasmissione del calore. 214
Heat transfer process in a thermo-active diaphragm wall from monitoring data and numerical modelling 211
Borehole Heat Exchangers in aquifers: simulation of the grout material impact 206
Zoo-technical application of Ground Source Heat Pumps: a pilot case study 189
Energia geotermica 180
On the modelling of thermo-active diaphragm walls based on monitoring data 175
Energy performance of ground heat exchangers embedded in diaphragm walls: Field observations and optimization by numerical modelling 156
Low temperature geothermal energy: heat exchange simulation in aquifers through Modflow/MT3DMS codes 143
Energy performance of an exhibition hall in a life cycle perspective: embodied energy, operational energy and retrofit strategies 138
Geothermal heat pumps for sustainable farm climatization and field irrigation 127
Experimental investigation of the steady state behaviour of Breathing Walls by means of a novel laboratory apparatus 124
Assessment of thermal behaviour of thermo-active diaphragm walls based on monitoring data 123
A Numerical Study on the Impact of Grouting Material on Borehole Heat Exchangers Performance in Aquifers 123
An innovative solar shading device for outdoor thermal comfort 122
Building energy simulation for Nearly Zero Energy retrofit design: the model calibration 119
A laboratory apparatus to study thermal response test in the presence of groundwater flow 116
Influence of the urban environment on the effectiveness of natural night-ventilation of an office building 114
Borehole Heat Exchanger simulations in aquifer: the borehole grout influence in thermal response test modeling 110
Borehole Heat Exchangers: heat transfer simulation in the presence of a groundwater flow 107
Design of Borehole Heat Exchangers for Ground Source Heat Pumps: A Comparison between Two Methods 106
A lightweight textile device for urban microclimate control and thermal comfort improvement: concept project and design parameters 105
The evaluation of thermal comfort conditions in simplified urban spaces: the COMFA+ model 105
Dynamic exergy analysis of an air source heat pump 102
Experimental validation of a finite difference algorithm to simulate Breathing Wall components 101
The influence of the external walls thermal inertia on the energy performance of well insulated buildings 100
Analytical modelling of Breathing Walls: experimental verification by means of the Dual Air Vented Thermal Box lab facility 100
Measuring a Breathing Wall's effectiveness and dynamic behaviour 100
Energy performance of different pneumatic and air-supported membranes for sports halls 98
On the applicability of the moving line source theory to thermal response test under groundwater flow: considerations from real case studies 97
Energy performance and thermal impact of a Borehole Heat Exchanger in a sandy aquifer: Influence of the groundwater velocity 96
Il modello COMFA+ 95
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Heating and Cooling Systems in the Italian Context 94
Exergy analysis of renewable energy-based climatisation systems for buildings: a critical view 93
Energy saving potential of night ventilation: Sensitivity to pressure coefficients for different European climates 92
On the performance of energy walls by monitoring assessment and numerical modelling: a case in Italy 90
Validazione sperimentale di un modello per facciate a “doppia pelle” in ventilazione meccanica 89
Energy transition in Parma city 87
Measuring Breathing Walls effectiveness and dynamic behaviour 87
Steady versus dynamic exergy analysis: the case of an air source heat pump 85
Thermal impact in aquifers and energy performance evaluation of borehole heat exchanger by the use of numerical modelling 83
Energy retrofit strategies: the case of the Milan Trade Fair 82
Thermal and hydrogeological aquifers characterization by coupling depth-resolved thermal response test with moving line source analysis 82
Modeling naturally ventilated double skin facades 80
Performance and effects on the subsoil temperature of a thermo-active diaphragm wall 80
The exergy approach for the evaluation of heating and cooling technologies; first results comparing steady state and dynamic simulations 79
Experimental validation of a steady periodic analytical model for Breathing Walls 77
Computational modelling of outdoor wind flow and indoor airflow in a cross-ventilated office building 76
Thermal performance of pneumatic cushions: an experimental evaluation 76
Borehole geothermal exchanger simulation in aquifers: Modflow code performances compared to linear source analytical solution 75
Integrated design and dynamic simulation for a new zero energy building 75
Borehole Heat Exchangers: how flow velocity influence and dispersion influence heat transfer 74
2.3 Procedure per il calcolo termico in regime stazionario e in regime dinamico sinusoidale 73
A numerical model to simulate the dynamic performance of Breathing Walls 66
In Situ Measurement of Wall Thermal Properties: Parametric Investigation of the Heat Flow Meter Methods through Virtual Experiments Data 65
Summer cooling by earth-to-water heat exchangers: experimental results and optimisation by dynamic simulation 65
2.2 Procedura semplificata per il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico per il riscaldamento invernale 65
Measuring the thermal resistance of double and triple layer pneumatic cushions for textile architectures 65
Thermal-physical behaviour and energy performance of air-supported membranes for sports halls: a comparison among traditional and advanced building envelopes 64
Potential improvements of energy systems; evaluation of the energy and exergy performances of an Italian neighborhood 61
In Situ Measurement of Wall Thermal Properties: Parametric Investigation of the Heat Flow Methods Through Virtual Experiments Data 60
C’è muro e muro: Analisi delle proprietà di alcune soluzioni per chiusure verticali opache 56
Inerzia Termica: C’è muro e muro - Speciale Energia”, in Costruire, n. 305, Abitare Segesta, Milano, pp. 96-106. 55
Raffrescamento estivo di un edificio tramite scambio indiretto con il terreno 54
2. Il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico invernale; 2.1 Le norme tecniche per il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico invernale 52
Sustainability-oriented innovation of a multilayered cement-based roof element 52
Direct ground cooling: influence of ground properties on the ground heat exchanger size 51
Progetto di ricerca per la valutazione delle trasformazioni necessarie a ridurre il consumo dei combustibili fossili e le emissioni di CO2 ed incrementare l'utilizzo delle fonti rinnovabili applicato ad una unità amministrativa territoriale in ambito montano (Albosaggia - SO) - Sezione attuativa e programmatica -Relazione generale - 3.4.1 Area vocazionale acqua 49
Evaluation of wind-driven ventilation in building energy simulation: sensitivity to pressure coeffcients 49
Steady versus dynamic exergy analysis of heating and cooling systems 48
Design guidelines for direct ground cooling systems in different climates 48
ECBCS Annex 49. Low Exergy Systems for High-Performance Buildings and Communities. Annex 49 Final Report. 47
La certificazione energetica degli edifici: vincolo o opportunità per il progettista? 45
Methods and models for exergy analysis 44
Subjective versus objective assessment of thermal comfort: preliminary considerations on an experimental campaign in university classrooms 43
Innovative numerical procedure for simulating borehole heat exchangers operation and interpreting thermal response test through MODFLOW-USG code 40
ECBCS Annex 49 - Low Exergy Systems for High-PerformanceBuildings and Communities - M i d t e r m R e p o r t - “A framework for exergy analysis at the building and community level” 38
Ground thermal storage using vertical pipes 38
Utilizzo del terreno per il raffrescamento estivo degli edifici 35
Il ruolo della massa: analisi e valutazione delle caratteristiche dinamiche di chiusure verticali opache 33
Shallow geothermal systems in dense urban areas: The issue of thermal interference and long-term sustainability 30
Procedure per il calcolo in regime stazionario e in regimendinamico sinusoidale 30
Thermal conductivity assessment of cotton fibers from apparel recycling for building insulation 28
Calibrating the Dynamic Energy Simulation Model for an Existing Building: Lessons Learned from a Collective Exercise 27
Investigating the control strategies for Breathing Walls during summer: a dynamic simulation study 25
Potenzialità e limiti dell’approccio computazionale per il progetto di pali e diaframmi energetici 20
Geothermal district heating: Energy, environmental and economic analysis of a case study in northern Italy 13
Experimental analysis on fog harvesting by means of bi- and three-dimensional meshes: a laboratory study 13
Numerical validation of a simplified design procedure for calculating the heating load in buildings with Breathing Wall components 12
Numerical estimation of the convective coefficient for a cylindrical radiation thermometer 7
Totale 8.371
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.546
article - articoli 11.133
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.983
curatela - curatele 395
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.447
Totale 48.504

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020723 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 91 129 114 178 86
2020/20211.106 85 51 76 58 90 127 77 76 83 103 81 199
2021/2022896 34 91 73 84 95 79 35 64 58 55 87 141
2022/20231.358 101 105 76 116 151 174 34 110 230 115 75 71
2023/20241.118 106 105 90 83 52 91 83 117 46 139 85 121
2024/2025850 70 66 77 143 290 196 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.371