Design is courage. Environmental objects
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò; DE LUCCHI, Michele; BALENA ARISTA, Francesca; DE SANTI, Marco; Clerici, FRANCESCO FABIO; Boromello, Giada; Soressi, Alessia
Design Variations 2024 - Design is Happiness
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, N.; De Lucchi, M.; Balena Arista, F.; De Santi, M.; Boromello, G.; Soressi, A.
Design Variations. Reforming Future
2023-01-01 Chierichetti, N.; De Lucchi, M.; Balena Arista, F.; De Santi, M.
Doing maquettes as metadesign: an ex-ante research approach that Instructs architecture
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò
Highway natural borderscapes. The landscape potential of infrastructural residual spaces in the case of Milan ring roads
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò
Participation as a device for raising awareness. The challenge of urban forestry
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò
Sustainable mobility for urban and landscape regeneration. Rethinking the Milan ring roads for the ecologic transition
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, N.
Temporaneo Trasferibile Sostenibile Reversibile Incompleto Trasformabile Contaminabile Percorribile Deperibile... o l'esatto opposto
2025-01-01 Balena Arista, F.; De Santi, M.; Suteu, I.; Clerici, F. F.; Boromello, G.; Chierichetti, N.; Gigliotti, S.; Mannini, Francesca; Soressi, A.
The naviglio of memory (MIAW E)
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò; Cisler, Ondrej
The relational and linguistic origins of architectural research. Relevance from a design teaching approach
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, N.
The urban interior
2021-01-01 Chierichetti, N.; Man Yee, C.; Mei, L.; Meng, W.
Towards empowerment through-out citizen participation. Triggers in tangible and intangible resources for a sense of belonging
2022-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò
Tra metaprogetto e disegno urbano. Un approccio induttivo per rigenerare gli spazi residuali delle tangenziali milanesi
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, N.
Urban design as a matter of perspectives and building relationships
2024-01-01 Chierichetti, Nicolò