Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.929
EU - Europa 4.181
AS - Asia 1.356
AF - Africa 52
SA - Sud America 27
OC - Oceania 25
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 13.572
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.726
IT - Italia 1.913
SG - Singapore 383
DE - Germania 329
CN - Cina 314
FI - Finlandia 305
GB - Regno Unito 295
UA - Ucraina 243
SE - Svezia 207
CA - Canada 194
AT - Austria 192
VN - Vietnam 191
ES - Italia 176
FR - Francia 141
IE - Irlanda 128
TR - Turchia 80
KR - Corea 55
NL - Olanda 54
JP - Giappone 53
ID - Indonesia 51
BE - Belgio 50
BG - Bulgaria 49
JO - Giordania 49
IN - India 48
HK - Hong Kong 44
AU - Australia 24
BR - Brasile 20
IR - Iran 17
CI - Costa d'Avorio 15
GR - Grecia 15
BJ - Benin 14
TW - Taiwan 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
PK - Pakistan 11
EG - Egitto 9
CH - Svizzera 8
PH - Filippine 8
PT - Portogallo 8
RO - Romania 8
RU - Federazione Russa 8
IL - Israele 7
MK - Macedonia 6
MX - Messico 6
MY - Malesia 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
TH - Thailandia 6
DK - Danimarca 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
CY - Cipro 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PL - Polonia 4
BN - Brunei Darussalam 3
EE - Estonia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MU - Mauritius 3
PE - Perù 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
CO - Colombia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
ET - Etiopia 2
EU - Europa 2
HR - Croazia 2
LY - Libia 2
PA - Panama 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CL - Cile 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LB - Libano 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 13.572
Città #
Fairfield 1.022
Woodbridge 667
Chandler 654
Santa Clara 610
Milan 609
Ashburn 555
Wilmington 450
Houston 440
Seattle 434
Ann Arbor 361
Cambridge 335
Singapore 299
Boardman 211
Dearborn 185
Vienna 169
Ottawa 164
Jacksonville 143
Medford 143
Málaga 141
Helsinki 140
Lawrence 140
Dublin 124
Dong Ket 102
Redwood City 78
Beijing 73
San Diego 68
Istanbul 51
Jakarta 50
Rome 50
Amman 49
Rozzano 47
Shanghai 46
Brussels 40
Lappeenranta 39
Amsterdam 36
Des Moines 36
Redmond 35
Turin 32
Mountain View 30
Munich 28
Washington 26
Florence 25
London 25
New York 24
San Giuliano Milanese 23
Guangzhou 22
Frankfurt am Main 21
Norwalk 21
Tokyo 20
Bresso 19
Manchester 18
Abidjan 15
Cotonou 14
Falkenstein 14
Falls Church 14
La Spezia 14
Monza 14
Nanjing 14
Seoul 14
Castelplanio 13
Delhi 13
Bologna 12
Central District 11
Como 11
Darmstadt 11
Miami 11
Berlin 10
Indiana 10
Toronto 10
Livonia 9
Melegnano 9
Seongnam 9
Taipei 9
Terracina 9
Besozzo 8
Central 8
Desio 8
Hefei 8
Kunming 8
Los Angeles 8
Oulu 8
Paris 8
Segrate 8
Shenzhen 8
Verona 8
Agrate Brianza 7
Auburn Hills 7
Changsha 7
Fremont 7
Magenta 7
Phoenix 7
Pomezia 7
Stockholm 7
Sydney 7
Torino 7
Alexandria 6
Ankara 6
Atlanta 6
Bangkok 6
Chennai 6
Totale 9.588
Nome #
Whitepaper on New Localization Methods for 5G Wireless Systems and the Internet-of-Things 701
Decentralized Federated Learning for Extended Sensing in 6G Connected and Automated Vehicles 243
Navigation-aided Automotive SAR for High-resolution Imaging of Driving Environments 215
RadioSense: Wireless Big Data for Collaborative Robotics in Smart Factory 203
Tecnologie per la mobilità autonoma, connessa e cooperativa: lo stato dell’arte 186
Low-Rank Channel and Interference Estimation in mm-Wave Massive Antenna Arrays 152
Consensus-based Algorithms for Distributed Network-State Estimation and Localization 151
Decentralized Federated Learning for Healthcare Networks: A Case Study on Tumor Segmentation 151
Inertial Sensor Aided mmWave Beam Tracking to Support Cooperative Autonomous Driving 142
Distributed signal processing for dense 5G IoT platforms: Networking, synchronization, interference detection and radio sensing 138
Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks 135
Device-to-Device Resource Scheduling by Distributed Interference Coordination 134
Wireless sensing for device-free recognition of human motion 134
Augmenting Vehicle Localization by Cooperative Sensing of the Driving Environment: Insight on Data Association in Urban Traffic Scenarios 128
Adaptive array processing for time-varying interference mitigation in IEEE 802.16 systems 127
A cloud-IoT model for reconfigurable radio sensing: The Radio.Sense platform 124
Device-Free Radio Vision for Assisted Living: Leveraging wireless channel quality information for human sensing 122
Precise vehicle positioning by cooperative feature association and tracking in vehicular networks 122
Wireless Sensor Networks for Traffic Management and Road Safety 120
A Collaborative Approach to Heading Estimation for Smartphone-based PDR Indoor Localisation 119
Federated Learning with Cooperating Devices: A Consensus Approach for Massive IoT Networks 118
Hidden Markov models for radio localization in mixed LOS/NLOS conditions 117
Spatial multiplexing for outdoor MIMO-OFDM systems with limited feedback costraint 116
Cooperative beam tracking by multi-sensor data fusion in V2X networks 115
Adaptive-rank receiver for space-time DS-CDMA systems 113
A Bayesian Approach to Device-free Localization: Modeling and Experimental Assessment 109
A wireless cloud network platform for industrial process automation: critical data publishing and distributed sensing 109
Space-time multiuser detectors for TDD-UTRA: Design and optimization 108
A comparative analysis of spatial multiplexing techniques for outdoor MIMO-OFDM systems with a limited feedback constraint 107
Estimation of Wideband Dynamic mmWave and THz Channels for 5G Systems and Beyond 106
Overcoming GNSS Degradation by Cooperative Networked Localization of Autonomous Vehicles 105
Device-free Crowd Sensing in Dense WiFi MIMO Networks: Channel Features and Machine Learning Tools 105
UWB Real-Time Location Systems for Smart Factory: Augmentation Methods and Experiments 104
Physical Modeling and Performance Bounds for Device-free Localization Systems 104
Motorway speed pattern identification from floating vehicle data for freight applications 103
Physical modeling and performance bounds for device-free localization systems 101
Device-free Localization of Multiple Targets 101
Navigation-aided Automotive SAR Imaging in Urban Environments 101
Multi-sensor assisted cooperative beam tracking for mmWave vehicle-to-vehicle communication 100
RF-assisted free-space optics for 5G vehicle-to-vehicle communications 100
Non parametric methods for multidimensional wavefront estimation 98
Multi-slot estimation of fast-varying space-time communication channels 96
Wireless Coexistence and Spectrum Sensing in Industrial Internet of Things: An Experimental Study 96
Multiuser space-time channel estimation for CDMA under reduced-rank constraint 95
Automatic horizon picking algorithms for multidimensional data 94
Deployment and design of multi-antenna WiMAX systems in a non-stationary interference environment 93
Multislot estimation of fast-varying space-time communication channels 92
Decentralized federated learning for extended sensing in 6G connected vehicles 92
Distributed estimation of macroscopic channel parameters in dense cooperative wireless networks 91
Localization in Mobile Wireless and Sensor Networks 90
Distributed Sensing of Interference Pattern in Dense Cooperative Wireless Networks 90
Pre-deployment performance assessment of device-free radio localization systems 90
Reduced-rank channel estimation for time-slotted mobile communication systems 90
Weighted consensus algorithms for distributed localization in cooperative wireless networks 89
Multislot estimation of fast-varying space-time channels in TD-CDMA systems 89
Multislot estimation of frequency-selective fast-varying channels 87
Analytic framework for performance evaluation of multi-antenna WiMAX systems over fading channel 87
Bayesian localization in sensor networks: distributed algorithm and fundamental limits 86
Hidden Markov Model for multidimensional wavefront tracking 86
Cooperative Bayesian Estimation of Vehicular Traffic in Large-Scale Networks 84
Joint OSC Receiver for Evolved GSM/EDGE Systems 84
Wireless home automation networks for indoor surveillance: technologies and experiments 82
Ultra-Wide Band Sensor Networks in Oil and Gas Explorations 81
Resource Allocation Algorithm for GSM-OSC Cellular Systems 81
Wireless Cloud Network for Augmented Communication and Sensing in 5G Massive Industrial IoT 80
Wireless networks for smart surveillance: Technologies, protocol design and experiments 80
Innovative Signal Processing Techniques for Wireless Positioning 80
Subspace tracking for uplink/downlink array processing in CDMA systems 79
Partner selection in cooperative networks: Efficiency vs fairness in Ricean fading channels 79
People counting by dense WiFi MIMO networks: Channel features and machine learning Algorithms 78
6G Technologies for Localization 77
Deployment and design of multiantenna solutions for fixed WiMAX systems 77
A novel uplink receiver for GSM/EDGE systems with Orthogonal Sub Channel feature 77
Performance Analysis of Multiantenna Wimax Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels 77
Fastening the initial access in 5G NR sidelink for 6G V2X networks 77
Bayesian Algorithms for Indoor Radio Localization 76
Adaptive Bayesian Network for Traffic Flow Prediction 76
Hidden Markov Models for radio localization of moving terminals in LOS/NLOS conditions 76
Method for optimizing the spacing between receiving antennas of an array usable for counteracting both interference and fading in cellular systems 75
Multitarget detection/tracking based on hidden Markov models 75
UWB Localization in a Smart Factory: Augmentation Methods and Experimental Assessment 75
Soft iterative channel estimation with subspace and rank tracking 74
A jump Markov particle filter for localization of moving terminals in multipath indoor scenarios 74
On the Performance of Zero-forcing Beamforming in a Real I2V Scenario at Millimiter Wave 74
Cooperative Vehicular Wavefield Imaging 74
Interference mitigation in multicell LTE systems: Performance over correlated fading channels 73
Enhanced vehicle positioning in cooperative ITS by joint sensing of passive features 73
Machine Learning Based Localization of LoRaWAN Devices via Inter-Technology Knowledge Transfer 73
Performance of MIMO-OFDMA systems in correlated fading channels and non-stationary interference 73
Fundamental Performance Limits of TOA-Based Cooperative Localization 73
A subspace method for soft estimation of block fading channels in turbo equalization 71
A cooperative machine learning approach for pedestrian navigation in indoor IoT 71
Metodo per gestire lo stoccaggio di elementi posizionati su raccoglitori e sistema di gestione di elementi posizionati su raccoglitori 71
Opportunities of Federated Learning in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Industrial Systems 71
Cooperative Regions For Coded Cooperation Over Time-Varying Fading Channels 70
Federated Learning with Mutually Cooperating Devices: A Consensus Approach Towards Server-Less Model Optimization 69
A multi-slot method to estimate fast-varying channels in TD-CDMA systems 68
Kalman filter of channel modes in time-varying wireless systems 68
Totale 10.634
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.538
article - articoli 18.288
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 24.685
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 2.273
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.292
Totale 97.076

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.697 0 0 0 0 0 344 314 255 298 150 193 143
2020/20211.887 150 141 182 127 133 109 111 135 149 258 128 264
2021/20222.025 145 217 178 170 173 146 114 115 168 146 219 234
2022/20232.086 211 139 118 161 248 235 50 162 320 200 166 76
2023/20241.438 170 195 106 116 97 157 65 118 30 174 30 180
2024/20251.595 82 65 229 127 743 349 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.038