Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 19.970
EU - Europa 10.093
AS - Asia 2.999
SA - Sud America 248
AF - Africa 203
OC - Oceania 123
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 28
Totale 33.664
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 18.484
IT - Italia 2.462
DE - Germania 1.883
GB - Regno Unito 1.806
CA - Canada 1.407
SG - Singapore 760
SE - Svezia 588
UA - Ucraina 529
FI - Finlandia 494
FR - Francia 448
CN - Cina 433
VN - Vietnam 419
IN - India 392
AT - Austria 363
ES - Italia 293
IE - Irlanda 278
NL - Olanda 179
BE - Belgio 149
ID - Indonesia 141
TR - Turchia 133
MY - Malesia 128
BR - Brasile 111
GR - Grecia 91
AU - Australia 90
JO - Giordania 90
PT - Portogallo 89
IR - Iran 76
PK - Pakistan 75
CH - Svizzera 64
PL - Polonia 61
KR - Corea 56
ZA - Sudafrica 54
NO - Norvegia 53
PH - Filippine 51
HK - Hong Kong 48
RU - Federazione Russa 45
MX - Messico 40
RO - Romania 38
EC - Ecuador 35
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 33
TH - Thailandia 33
JP - Giappone 31
TW - Taiwan 30
CL - Cile 29
HU - Ungheria 29
CO - Colombia 27
MA - Marocco 27
PE - Perù 27
CI - Costa d'Avorio 25
EU - Europa 24
DK - Danimarca 23
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 23
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 15
IQ - Iraq 15
EE - Estonia 14
EG - Egitto 14
SI - Slovenia 14
AR - Argentina 13
LT - Lituania 13
RS - Serbia 13
BD - Bangladesh 11
BJ - Benin 10
MT - Malta 10
OM - Oman 10
ZW - Zimbabwe 10
HR - Croazia 9
NG - Nigeria 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
BW - Botswana 8
IL - Israele 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
GT - Guatemala 7
TN - Tunisia 7
DZ - Algeria 6
KE - Kenya 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
BH - Bahrain 5
ET - Etiopia 5
GH - Ghana 5
SC - Seychelles 5
A1 - Anonimo 4
BB - Barbados 4
GI - Gibilterra 4
AL - Albania 3
BN - Brunei Darussalam 3
BO - Bolivia 3
CY - Cipro 3
IS - Islanda 3
LB - Libano 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MC - Monaco 3
MU - Mauritius 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
PA - Panama 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
QA - Qatar 2
Totale 33.636
Città #
Fairfield 1.930
Chandler 1.871
Woodbridge 1.684
Santa Clara 1.398
Ann Arbor 1.116
Houston 1.108
Wilmington 1.046
Ashburn 1.031
Montréal 981
Mcallen 852
Munich 844
Seattle 842
Cambridge 665
Singapore 588
Milan 458
Boardman 396
Dearborn 357
Jacksonville 345
Vienna 334
Ottawa 330
Lawrence 281
Medford 271
Dublin 258
Redwood City 243
Dong Ket 204
Helsinki 177
Beijing 168
Málaga 157
Des Moines 130
Brussels 124
San Diego 107
Jakarta 92
Amman 87
London 80
Rome 80
New York 54
Falls Church 47
Kuala Lumpur 45
Norwalk 44
Washington 42
Aachen 41
Berlin 40
Bristol 38
Mountain View 34
Shanghai 34
Chennai 33
Princeton 33
Brescia 31
Turin 31
Amsterdam 30
Duncan 30
Warsaw 30
Camden 29
Phoenix 29
Stuttgart 29
Frankfurt am Main 28
Bari 27
Quito 27
Auburn Hills 26
Santiago 26
Abidjan 25
Lappeenranta 25
Los Angeles 25
Parma 24
Delft 23
Bengaluru 22
Delhi 22
Istanbul 22
Johannesburg 22
Lima 22
Melbourne 22
Redmond 22
Cerreto Guidi 21
Erlangen 21
Falkenstein 21
Hyderabad 21
Izmir 21
Lucca 21
Madrid 21
Verona 21
Manchester 20
Paris 20
Zurich 20
Islamabad 19
Stockholm 19
Nuremberg 18
Tehran 18
Budapest 17
Napoli 17
Shenzhen 17
Atlanta 16
Bergamo 16
Guangzhou 16
Naples 16
New Delhi 16
Taipei 16
Bangkok 15
Bern 15
Bologna 15
Hamburg 15
Totale 22.278
Nome #
Additive Manufacturing applications within food industry: An actual overview and future opportunities 4.117
State of the art of technology in the food sector value chain towards the IoT 1.167
Additive Manufacturing as an opportunity for supporting sustainability through the implementation of circular economies 1.020
Autonomous Energy-aware production systems control 580
Sustainable manufacturing: trends and research challenges 548
Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing: Future trends and research priorities 424
Migration Strategies towards the Digital Manufacturing Automation 342
The 2019 world manufacturing forum report. Skills for the future of manufacturing 309
Jobs and skills in industry 4.0: An exploratory research 251
A research on hard and soft skills required to operate in a manufacturing company embracing the industry 4.0 paradigm 236
An “Additive” Architecture for Industry 4.0 Transition of Existing Production Systems 189
The value of big data in servitization 187
Development of Distributed Manufacturing Systems (DMS) concept 186
Mini factory: a successful model for European furniture industry? 181
Business Case Evaluation Methodology (BCEM) for Factories Digitalization 180
Toward Smart and Integrated Infrastructure for Africa: An agenda for digitalisation, decarbonisation and mobility 177
Lean Product Development: Fact Finding Research in Italy 169
The Cornerstone of Sustainability Strategy in Manufacturing Enterprises 157
A framework for operative and social sustainability functionalities in Human-Centric Cyber-Physical Production Systems 155
Human-centric factories 4.0: A mathematical model for job allocation 153
Additive manufacturing as a strategic tool for industrial competition 151
Back to Intuition: Proposal for a Performance Indicators Framework to Facilitate Eco-factories Management and Benchmarking 149
Human-centric manufacturing workplaces: Aiming at increasing attractiveness and user experience 147
New methodology for smart manufacturing research and education: The lab approach 145
A production scheduling algorithm for a distributed mini factories network model 145
Impresa, lavoro e non lavoro nell'economia digitale. Atti del Convegno 145
Exploring the integration of the human as a flexibility factor in CPS enabled manufacturing environments: Methodology and results 142
The manufacturer's value chain as a service - the case of remanufacturing 133
A new closed-loop PLM Standard for mass products 131
Life Cycle Assessment Tool Implemented in Household Refrigeration Industry: A Magnetic Cooling Prototype Development 131
Proposal of a Model for Life Cycle Optimization Evidences from the LinkedDesign Project 131
A Multi-horizon, Multi-objective Training Planner: Building the Skills for Manufacturing 130
Placing the operator at the centre of Industry 4.0 design: Modelling and assessing human activities within cyber-physical systems 130
Manufacturing System Design Decomposition for Sustainability 130
Human-Centered Manufacturing Challenges Affecting European Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies 129
Functional Requirements for Reconfigurable and Flexible Cyber-Physical System 128
An ontology-based model for training evaluation and skill classification in an industry 4.0 environment 128
Energy Efficiency Software Tools: State-of-the-Art towards Sustainable Industrial Automation, 127
The conceptualization of sustainability in operations management 127
A roadmap of ICT for Manufacturing in the ‘Horizon 2020’ prospective 126
Gap analysis on Research and Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing 126
Life Cycle Assessment Tool in Product Development: Environmental Requirements in Decision Making Process 126
Analysis of information systems as empowering tools in Circular Manufacturing 125
Sistemi di produzione automatizzati 121
Analysis of Energy Consumption in CNC Machining Centers and Determination of Optimal Cutting Conditions 121
Energy management in production: A novel method to develop key performance indicators for improving energy efficiency 121
Proposal of a closed loop framework for the improvement of industrial systems' life cycle performances: Experiences from the linked design project 120
From key business factors to KPIs within a reconfigurable and flexible cyber-physical system 118
Development of an holonic metamodel for lifecycle support and product extension 116
Influencing factors to facilitate sustainable consumption: From the experts' viewpoints 116
Energy management in manufacturing: Toward eco-factories of the future - A focus group study 115
A production system model for Mini-Factories and last mile production approach 113
Training Advanced Skills for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Digital Serious Game 113
Collaborative robots and new product introduction: Capturing and transferring human expert knowledge to the operators 113
A description and analysis method for reconfigurable production systems based on Finite State Automaton 112
A serious game for introducing set-based concurrent engineering in industrial practices 111
Increasing middle school students' awareness and interest in manufacturing through digital game-based learning (DGBL) 111
Environmental and Economic Evaluation of End-of-Life Alternatives for Automotive Engine 110
Multi-objective genetic algorithm for energy-efficient job shop scheduling 109
Service performance monitoring and control Toolset 109
Combined Energy, Material and Building Simulation for Green Factory Planning 109
Proposal of a method to systematically identify wastes in New Product Development Process 108
Sustainability in manufacturing strategy deployment 108
Circular economy in the manufacturing sector as enabler of sustainable manufacturing 108
Towards an Energy Management System of Systems: An Industrial Case Study 107
Towards environmental conscious manufacturing 107
PERFoRM: Industrial Context and Project Vision 106
Integration of Sustainability in New Product Development Process: Italian Experiences 106
A migration methodology for factories digital transformation 105
Environmental Impact and Cost Evaluation in Remanufacturing Business Decision Support 104
Prerequisites and conditions for socially sustainable manufacturing in Europe’s future factories—results overview from the SO SMART project 104
Migration towards digital manufacturing automation - An assessment approach 104
Human centric and socially sustainable manufacturing: challenges, stakeholder views and research gaps 103
A study on a configuration model for facilitating sustainable consumption: A case involving the automobile industry in Italy 103
Assessment of Sustainable Practices in New Product Development 103
Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains. Part I 102
Standardization in IT-Based Procurement in Non-Hierarchical Networks 102
A Technology Roadmap on SOA for smart Embedded devices: towards Intelligent systems in manufacturing 102
The interplay between product-services and social sustainability: Exploring the value along the lifecycle 102
Trends and Roadmaps on SOA-Based Embedded Networks for Industrial Automation Systems: a Review 101
Engineering and Design Best Practices in New Product Development: an Empirical Research 101
An experimental benchmarking of two multi-agent architectures for production scheduling and control 101
World manufacturing report 2020: manufacturing in the age of artificial intelligence 101
Energy efficiency driven process analysis and optimization in discrete manufacturing 100
A grey-DEcision-MAking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) analysis on the barriers between environmentally friendly products and consumers: Practitioners' viewpoints on the European automobile industry 100
Service Performance Assessment: A PI Toolset Methodology for VEs 100
An evolving fuzzy inference system for extraction of rule set for planning a product–service strategy 99
A smart web-based maintenance system for a smart manufacturing environment 99
Global Manufacturing: How to Assess the Sustainability of SMEs? 98
ICT in Manufacturing: Trends and Challenges for 2020 – an European View 98
A Production-State Based Approach for Energy Flow Simulation in Manufacturing Systems 98
Building a smart maintenance architecture using smart devices: A web 2.0 based approach 98
Manufacturing Process Planning in Set-Based Concurrent Engineering Paradigm 98
Defining the Roadmap towards Industry 4.0: The 6Ps Maturity Model for Manufacturing SMEs 97
PLM in the food industry: An explorative empirical research in the Italian market 96
Assessing the Future of Manufacturing: the SOCRADES Technology Roadmap 96
A Methodology for Predictive Maintenance 95
Assessing the Performances of a Market-Like Model through an Experimental Comparison with Dispatching Rules 95
Enhanced Energy Management in Manufacturing through Systems Integration 95
Management integration framework in a shop-floor employing self-contained assembly unit for optoelectronic products 95
Totale 19.813
Categoria #
all - tutte 92.204
article - articoli 12.724
book - libri 1.603
conference - conferenze 70.226
curatela - curatele 2.000
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.651
Totale 184.408

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.818 0 0 0 0 0 777 748 538 587 339 563 266
2020/20214.128 334 244 328 221 362 331 336 355 283 358 351 625
2021/20223.474 175 334 171 240 435 248 214 239 246 273 275 624
2022/20234.921 470 640 179 488 526 551 129 403 673 297 332 233
2023/20242.796 203 383 164 241 180 335 257 202 87 284 125 335
2024/20253.325 134 231 403 280 1.574 703 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 34.146