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Cuscino pneumatico In corso di stampa ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA
Fibra di vetro In corso di stampa ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA
Compensazione In corso di stampa ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA
Calcestruzzo tessile In corso di stampa ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA
Strategie di circolarità nel tessile per l’architettura 1-gen-2024 Zanelli A.Monticelli C.
Lightweight structures applied for the conservation of cultural heritage: two case studies in Pompeii 1-gen-2024 S. ViscusoC. Endara VargasA. BelottiA. FinettiA. Zanelli
Recoding public spaces for a new urban imaginary through the use of textile architecture 1-gen-2024 Procaccini GMonticelli CZanelli A
Designing with Technical Textiles on Mars: Material Properties and Sustainable-by-Design Principles for Enhancing Efficient Construction in Extreme Environments 1-gen-2024 M. RossiV. SuminiS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Computational Design of an Extreme Livable Lightweight Environment on Mars 1-gen-2024 M. RossiV. SuminiA. ZanelliS. Viscuso
Experimental analysis on fog harvesting by means of bi- and three-dimensional meshes: a laboratory study 1-gen-2024 Di Bitonto, Maria GiovannaRodriguez Torres, Nathaly MichelleCaruana, RobertaAngelotti, AdrianaGuilizzoni, ManfredoZanelli, Alessandra
Design and Installation of Superlight Construction Systems for the Sun Protection of Cultural Heritage: Ongoing Research and Field Tests in Milan and Pompeii 1-gen-2024 Zanelli, AlessandraMonticelli, CarolViscuso, SalvatoreVargas, Christian Renan Endara
A Nature-Inspired Green–Blue Solution: Incorporating a Fog Harvesting Technique into Urban Green Wall Design 1-gen-2024 M. G. Di BitontoA. Zanelli +
An innovative solar shading device for outdoor thermal comfort 1-gen-2023 Adriana AngelottiAlara KutluSalvatore ViscusoAndrea AlongiAlessandra Zanelli
Exploring the Potential of Fibrous Tectonics for Facade Application: A Form-Finding, FEM Analysis, and Optimization study 1-gen-2023 Amirhossein AhmadniaSalvatore ViscusoCarol MonticelliAlessandra Zanelli
INTER-COMPARISON OF COMMERCIAL MESHES BASED ON FOG HARVESTING EFFICIENCY THROUGH LAB TEST CAMPAIGNS 1-gen-2023 Maria Giovanna Di BitontoNathaly Michelle Rodriguez TorresRoberta CaruanaManfredo GuilizzoniAdriana AngelottiAlessandra Zanelli
T-shade: experimental case study conducted to reuse t-shirts as a tensile-shading system 1-gen-2023 Amirhossein AHMADNIAGiacomo ONTANOMana Hosseinpour ROUDSARISalvatore VISCUSOAlessandra ZANELLI +
Integration of fog harvesting technique in green walls 1-gen-2023 Maria Giovanna Di BitontoAlessandra Zanelli +
Integration of fog harvesting technique in emergency camps 1-gen-2023 Maria Giovanna Di BitontoNathaly Michelle Rodriguez TorresAlara KutluAlessandra Zanelli +
Integration of the Fog water harvesting system in lightweight structure design for emergency camps 1-gen-2023 Maria Giovanna Di BitontoNathaly Michelle Rodriguez TorresAlara KutluAlessandra Zanelli +
Development and validation of an experimental methodology for the characterization and FEM analysis of fibre-reinforced architectural meshes 1-gen-2023 S. ViscusoC. MonticelliA. Zanelli +
Parametric design and structural analysis of a membrane tensile roof in Milan 1-gen-2023 S. ViscusoC. MonticelliM. G. Di BitontoA. Zanelli +
Flexible Photovoltaic Solar Design 1-gen-2023 Zhengyu FanAlessandra ZanelliCarol MonticelliQingxiang Li
Towards the Smart Filter 1-gen-2023 Zanelli A.Mazzola C.
Case Study: TIFAIN Facade 1-gen-2023 Nebojsa JakicaCarol MonticelliAlessandra Zanelli
Conclusion: On the Way to New Species of Lightweight Energy-Conscious Membrane Architecture 1-gen-2023 Zanelli A.
Case Study: The SOFT-PV Skin 1-gen-2023 Alessandra ZanelliCarol MonticelliZhengyu Fan
Lightweight Energy. Membrane Architecture Exploiting Natural Renewable Resources 1-gen-2023 Alessandra ZanelliCarol MonticelliNebojsa JakicaZhengyu Fan
Reuse of fibrous tectonics as the secondary structure of the facade system 1-gen-2023 A. AhmadniaC. MonticelliS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Weaving Octopus: An Assembly–Disassembly-Adaptable Customized Textile Hybrid Prototype 1-gen-2023 Z. CuiS. ZhangS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Antique tapestries and carpets 1-gen-2022 Rosati G.Monticelli C.Tommasini M.Zanchi C.Zanelli A.
Fog water for a new ground 1-gen-2022 Maria Giovanna Di BitontoAlara KutluAlessandra Zanelli
Fog Water Harvesting Through Smart Façade for a Climate Resilient Built Environment 1-gen-2022 maria giovanna di bitontoalara kutlualessandra zanelli
Modello parametrico integrato con LCA: proposta per un approccio metodologico di valutazione di impatto ambientale di architetture reversibili temporanee 1-gen-2022 Monticelli C.Zanelli A.Viscuso S.Mazzola C.
The role of digital technologies for the activation of re-manufacturing actions in the tertiary sector 1-gen-2022 S. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Circular economy and tertiary architecture 1-gen-2022 M. LavagnaC. MonticelliA. Zanelli
Life cycle assessment of organic solar cells and perovskite solar cells with graphene transparent electrodes 1-gen-2022 Monticelli, CZanelli, A +
TEXTILES HUB – Textiles Heuristic Understanding in Buildings - The role of experimental research in the design process of membrane-based structures 1-gen-2022 C. MonticelliA. ZanelliS. Viscuso
Design for Re-manufacturing (DfRem) of short chains from design-to-construction: the case of textile-based tertiary architecture 1-gen-2022 C. MonticelliA. Zanelli
Integration of life cycle assessment and life cycle costing within a BIM-based environment 1-gen-2022 S. ViscusoC. MonticelliA. AhmadniaA. Zanelli
Design-driven Uniaxial and Biaxial Tensile Testing of Knitted Fabrics Applied to Construction 1-gen-2022 C. MonticelliA. ZanelliA. Kutlu
Responsive systems in seismic computational design 1-gen-2021 T. FischerS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Materialization of 3D graphic statics: Through an innovative way of integration High-tech and Lowtech for constructing a waste-based structural system 1-gen-2021 A. AhmadniaS. ViscusoA. Zanelli +
Contemporary Tensile Structures in Europe: tendencies, challenges, their sustainability and life cycle 1-gen-2021 C. MonticelliA. Zanelli +
Thinking to circularity in temporary textile architecture: end of life and reuse and re-manufacturing scenarios 1-gen-2021 C. MonticelliS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Data-driven design of deployable structures: Literature review and multi-criteria optimization approach 1-gen-2021 M. DragoljevicS. ViscusoA. Zanelli
Remanufacturing: strategie per valorizzare l’estensione della vita dei prodotti edilizi a breve ciclo d’uso 1-gen-2021 C. TalamoM. LavagnaC. MonticelliA. ZanelliA. Campioli
Measuring the thermal resistance of double and triple layer pneumatic cushions for textile architectures 1-gen-2021 Alongi A.Angelotti A.Zanelli A. +
Sustainable innovation in Minimal Mass Structures and Lightweight Architectures 1-gen-2021 A. ZanelliC. Monticelli +
A removable textile hybrid structural screen for the windows of Castello Sforzesco, Milan: when experimental metrics inform the bespoke ‘design-to-construction’ process in historical contexts 1-gen-2021 Alessandra ZANELLIElpiza KOLOCarol MONTICELLIElisabetta ROSINATiziana POLIAlberto SPERONIAndrea Giovanni MAININIJuan Diego Blanco CADENA
A review on fabrication and applications of textile envelope integrated flexible photovoltaic systems 1-gen-2021 Li Q.Zanelli A.
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