2,12-Diaza[6]helicene: An Efficient Non-Conventional Stereogenic Scaffold for Enantioselective Electrochemical Interphases
2021-01-01 Fontana, Francesca; Bertolotti, Benedetta; Grecchi, Sara; Mussini, Patrizia Romana; Micheli, Laura; Cirilli, Roberto; Tommasini, Matteo; Rizzo, Simona
3D Multi-Branched SnO2 Semiconductor Nanostructures as Optical Waveguides
2019-01-01 Rossella, F; Bellani, V; Tommasini, M; Gianazza, U; Comini, E; Soldano, C
A Bioorthogonal Probe for Multiscale Imaging by 19F-MRI and Raman Microscopy: From Whole Body to Single Cells
2021-01-01 Chirizzi, Cristina; Morasso, Carlo; Caldarone, Alessandro Aldo; Tommasini, Matteo; Corsi, Fabio; Chaabane, Linda; Vanna, Renzo; Bombelli, Francesca Baldelli; Metrangolo, Pierangelo
A C216-Nanographene Molecule with Defined Cavity as Extended Coronoid
2016-01-01 Beser, Uliana; Kastler, Marcel; Maghsoumi, Ali; Wagner, Manfred; Castiglioni, Chiara; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Narita, Akimitsu; Feng, Xinliang; Müllen, Klaus
A Combined Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy System for In Situ and Real-Time Measures in Electrochemical Cells
2023-01-01 Bussetti, Gianlorenzo; Menegazzo, Marco; Mitko, Sergei; Castiglioni, Chiara; Tommasini, Matteo; Lucotti, Andrea; Magagnin, Luca; Russo, Valeria; Li Bassi, Andrea; Siena, Martina; Guadagnini, Alberto; Grillo, Samuele; Del Curto, Davide; Duo, Lamberto
A computational study of the Raman spectra of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: toward molecularly defined subunits of graphite
2002-01-01 F., Negri; Castiglioni, Chiara; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Zerbi, Giuseppe
A deep insight into the intrinsic healing mechanism in ureido-pyrimidinone copolymers
2018-01-01 Suriano, Raffaella; Brambilla, Luigi; Tommasini, Matteo; Turri, Stefano
A density matrix based approach for studying excitons in organic crystals
2010-01-01 Quarti, Claudio; Fazzi, Daniele; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO
A joint Raman and EPR spectroscopic study on ball-milled nanographites
2011-01-01 Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Castiglioni, Chiara; Zerbi, Giuseppe; A., Barbon; M., Brustolon
A persistent concealed non-Kekulé nanographene: synthesis and in situ characterization
2024-01-01 Imran, M.; Yang, L.; Zhang, J. -J.; Qiu, Z. -L.; Fu, Y.; Israel, N.; Dmitrieva, E.; Lucotti, A.; Serra, G.; Tommasini, M.; Ma, J.; Feng, X.
A Raman and SERS study on the interactions of aza[5]helicene and aza[6]helicene with a nanostructured gold surface
2020-01-01 Zanchi, Chiara; Lucotti, Andrea; Pistaffa, Matteo; Ossi, Paolo M.; Trusso, Sebastiano; Fontana, Francesca; Carminati, Greta; Rizzo, Simona; Tommasini, Matteo
A Raman study of Schiff base protonation in bacteriorhodopsin and related molecular models
2010-01-01 Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Lucotti, Andrea; Zerbi, Giuseppe
A relationship between Raman and infrared spectra: the case of push-pull molecules
1998-01-01 DEL ZOPPO, MIRELLA ELVIRA ANGELA; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Castiglioni, Chiara; Zerbi, Giuseppe
A spectroscopic approach to carbon materials for energy storage
2006-01-01 Zerbi, Giuseppe; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Centrone, Andrea; Brambilla, Luigi; Castiglioni, Chiara
A theoretical Raman study on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons of environmental interest
2010-01-01 Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Zerbi, Giuseppe
A topological model for predicting adsorption energies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on late-transition metal surfaces
2019-01-01 Ding, Zhaobin; Tommasini, Matteo; Maestri, Matteo
Absolute Raman intensity measurements and determination of the vibrational second hyperpolarizability of adamantyl end capped polyynes
2012-01-01 Lucotti, Andrea; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Fazzi, Daniele; DEL ZOPPO, MIRELLA ELVIRA ANGELA; W. A., Chalifoux; R. R., Tykwinski; Zerbi, Giuseppe
Adding Four Extra K-Regions to Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene
2016-01-01 Dumslaff, Tim; Yang, Bo; Maghsoumi, Ali; Velpula, Gangamallaiah; Mali, Kunal S.; Castiglioni, Chiara; De Feyter, Steven; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Narita, Akimitsu; Feng, Xinliang; Müllen, Klaus
An innovative application of optical tecniques in Cultural Heritage for the characterization of carbonaceous fraction in atmospheric particulates
2008-01-01 Ferrugiari, Anna; Fustella, Giorgio; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Zerbi, Giuseppe
Analisi della configurazione e della struttura molecolare di dimeridi 2,2,4-trifluoro-5-trifluorometossi-1,3-diossolo (TTD) come modelli dell'omopolimero
2008-01-01 Milani, Alberto; Tommasini, MATTEO MARIA SAVERIO; Castiglioni, Chiara; Zerbi, Giuseppe; S., Radice; G., Canil; P., Toniolo; F., Triulzi; P., Colaianna