End-to-end modeling of variability-aware neural networks based on resistive-switching memory arrays
2022-01-01 Glukhov, A; Lepri, N; Milo, V; Baroni, A; Zambelli, C; Olivo, P; Perez, E; Wenger, C; Ielmini, D
Enhancing reliability of a strong physical unclonable function (PUF) solution based on virgin-state phase change memory (PCM)
2023-01-01 Cattaneo, L; Baldo, M; Lepri, N; Sancandi, F; Borghi, M; Petroni, E; Serafini, A; Annunziata, R; Redaelli, A; Ielmini, D
In-memory neural network accelerator based on phase change memory (PCM) with one-selector/one-resistor (1S1R) structure operated in the subthreshold regime
2023-01-01 Lepri, N; Gibertini, P; Mannocci, P; Pirovano, A; Tortorelli, I; Fantini, P; Ielmini, D
Low-energy, high-accuracy convolutional network inference in 3D crosspoint (3DXP) arrays
2024-01-01 Carletti, F.; Farronato, M.; Lepri, N.; Tortorelli, I.; Pirovano, A.; Fantini, P.; Ielmini, D.
Mitigating read-program variation and IR drop by circuit architecture in RRAM-based neural network accelerators
2022-01-01 Lepri, N.; Glukhov, A.; Ielmini, D.
NimbleAI: Towards Neuromorphic Sensing-Processing 3D-integrated Chips
2023-01-01 Iturbe, Xabier; Abderrahmane, Nassim; Abella, Jaume; Alcaide, Sergi; Beyne, Eric; Charles, Henri-Pierre; Charpin-Nicolle, Christelle; Chittka, Lars; Dávila, Angélica; Erdmann, Arne; Estrada, Carles; Fernández, Ander; Fontanelli, Anna; Flich, José; Furano, Gianluca; Gloriani, Alejandro Hernán; Isusquiza, Erik; Grosu, Radu; Hernández, Carles; Ielmini, Daniele; Jackson, David; Kooli, Maha; Lepri, Nicola; Linares-Barranco, Bernabé; Lachese, Jean-Loup; Laurent, Eric; Lindwer, Menno; Linsenmaier, Frank; Luján, Mikel; Masařík, Karel; Mentens, Nele; Moreira, Orlando; Nawghane, Chinmay; Peres, Luca; Noel, Jean-Philippe; Pourtaherian, Arash; Posch, Christoph; Priller, Peter; Prikryl, Zdenek; Resch, Felix; Rhodes, Oliver; Stefanov, Todor; Storring, Moritz; Taliercio, Michele; Tornero, Rafael; van de Burgwal, Marcel; van der Plas, Geert; Vianello, Elisa; Zaykov, Pavel
Statistical model of program/verify algorithms in resistive-switching memories for in-memory neural network accelerators
2022-01-01 Glukhov, A.; Milo, V.; Baroni, A.; Lepri, N.; Zambelli, C.; Olivo, P.; Perez, E.; Wenger, C.; Ielmini, D.
Status and challenges of in-memory computing for neural accelerators
2022-01-01 Ielmini, D.; Lepri, N.; Mannocci, P.; Glukhov, A.