Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.330
EU - Europa 5.244
AS - Asia 1.439
SA - Sud America 218
AF - Africa 121
OC - Oceania 79
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 13.436
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.810
IT - Italia 2.429
DE - Germania 540
CA - Canada 467
UA - Ucraina 451
GB - Regno Unito 446
SG - Singapore 301
CN - Cina 299
SE - Svezia 296
FI - Finlandia 266
VN - Vietnam 236
ES - Italia 175
IE - Irlanda 144
TR - Turchia 136
CI - Costa d'Avorio 82
NL - Olanda 82
AT - Austria 81
FR - Francia 76
AU - Australia 75
TH - Thailandia 64
IN - India 60
PE - Perù 58
CO - Colombia 51
ID - Indonesia 49
JO - Giordania 48
GR - Grecia 40
JP - Giappone 40
BR - Brasile 37
EC - Ecuador 35
MX - Messico 33
HK - Hong Kong 32
PH - Filippine 30
DK - Danimarca 29
KR - Corea 29
IR - Iran 28
PT - Portogallo 27
CH - Svizzera 24
PL - Polonia 24
BE - Belgio 23
CL - Cile 21
IL - Israele 20
MY - Malesia 18
CR - Costa Rica 15
RO - Romania 15
EG - Egitto 13
RU - Federazione Russa 11
TW - Taiwan 10
HU - Ungheria 9
MT - Malta 9
SA - Arabia Saudita 9
AR - Argentina 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
LT - Lituania 8
RS - Serbia 8
MU - Mauritius 7
NO - Norvegia 7
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 6
PK - Pakistan 6
EU - Europa 5
SI - Slovenia 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
BJ - Benin 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
UY - Uruguay 4
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MA - Marocco 3
MK - Macedonia 3
PA - Panama 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
VE - Venezuela 3
DZ - Algeria 2
HN - Honduras 2
HR - Croazia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
QA - Qatar 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
ME - Montenegro 1
OM - Oman 1
SM - San Marino 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 13.436
Città #
Chandler 609
Woodbridge 441
Milan 423
Fairfield 358
Wilmington 356
Ashburn 285
Jacksonville 285
Ann Arbor 283
Houston 277
Ottawa 263
Boardman 250
Santa Clara 249
Dearborn 212
Medford 205
Singapore 201
Lawrence 199
Montréal 181
Mcallen 159
Dublin 143
Munich 136
Dong Ket 123
Málaga 113
Cambridge 106
Seattle 104
Redwood City 92
Helsinki 90
Des Moines 87
Abidjan 82
Beijing 82
Rome 77
Castellana Grotte 73
Vienna 73
Bangkok 51
Berlin 51
Istanbul 50
Amman 45
Brescia 45
London 38
Lima 35
Shanghai 35
Amsterdam 33
Casteggio 32
Miami 32
Jakarta 31
Langerwehe 30
New York 30
Turin 30
Changsha 29
Bologna 28
Sydney 27
Florence 25
Dallas 24
San Diego 23
Naples 22
Palermo 22
Bari 21
Quito 21
Ankara 19
Bogotá 19
Guangzhou 19
Torino 19
Brussels 18
Falkenstein 17
Los Angeles 16
Padova 16
Santiago 16
Warsaw 16
Como 15
Izmir 15
Monza 14
Norwalk 14
Barcelona 13
Columbus 13
Mountain View 13
São Paulo 13
Copenhagen 12
Madrid 12
Tokyo 12
Verona 12
Atlanta 11
Central 11
Hefei 11
Kuala Lumpur 11
Old Bridge 11
Palosco 11
Catania 10
Essen 10
Lucca 10
Northvale 10
Paris 10
Washington 10
Cartagena 9
Desio 9
Düren 9
Eskişehir 9
Porto 9
Treviso 9
Zurich 9
Aberdeen 8
Auburn Hills 8
Totale 7.965
Nome #
The Sense of Sensors 774
Carbon nets: structural reinforcement and seismic assessment of existing buildings with carbon strands (Cabkoma) 445
BIM for archaeology. Use of BIM process and parametric model in a temporary shelter adaptable to the diverse needs of archaeological sites 321
Junya Ishigami: absence architecture 286
ACTIVE HOUSE Progettazione e innovazione con tecnologie di costruzione stratificata a secco 254
Nearly Zero Energy Building renovation: from energy efficiency to environmental efficiency, a pilot case study. 203
Architecture for refugees, resilience shelter project: A case study using recycled skis 191
Modular, adaptable shelters for environmentally sensible archaeological sites 161
Active House: Smart Nearly Zero Energy Buildings 149
Shape morphing solar shadings: a review 148
Comfort analysis applied to the international standard “Active House”: the case of RhOME, the winning prototype of Solar Decathlon 2014 137
SMALL IS MORE. Wooden Pavilion As a Path of Research 135
Velux Lab: the first italian Nearly Zero Energy Building in a university campus - Overview of the architectural technology 134
A design approach for the solar optimization of built volumes - Validation on a residential building’s project in a historical district in Milan, Italy 127
Architecture for Archeology. Identifying new modular and flexible types of shelter adaptable to the diverse needs of archaeological sites 126
Thermal performance measurement and application of a multilayer insulator for emergency architecture 125
Active House and sensors’ monitoring campaign towards the final user: VELUXlab, a smart building prototype 125
The use of building technology to support disaster resilience: the case study of air shelter house 124
Smart-ECO Buildings Towards 2020/2030 - Innovative Technologies for Resource-Efficient Buildings 111
Active House and user-friendly visualization of sensors’ monitored data: VELUXlab, a real cognitive and smart NZEB prototype 109
KODAMA: A Polyhedron Sculpture in the Forest at Arte Sella 108
Dolmen 108
Comparison of Comfort Performance Criteria and Sensing Approach in Office Space: Analysis of the Impact on Shading Devices’ Efficiency 103
Active House in Mediterranean Country: First assessment on energy needs and thermal comfort 101
A study on design optimization of a near Net-Zero Energy house 96
Artificial programmable inertia for low-energy buildings: integrating phase change materials in building components 92
Wooden Byobu. From Architectural Façade to Sculpture 92
Schematic design: tecniche ed esempi di comunicazione del progetto 91
High energy-efficiency buildings 90
ACE. Architecture Cultural Environment 85
From Cognitive Buildings to Digital Twin: The Frontier of Digitalization for the Management of the Built Environment 84
The ecology of architecture – Smart-ECO: architecture towards 2030 83
Cost optimization of a Nearly Net Zero Energy Building: a case study 81
Design and Performance Analysis of a Lightweight Flexible nZEB 81
Io, Charlotte: tra Le Corbusier, Léger e Jeanneret 80
Active House: new buildings typology for a sustainabile architecture 78
A study on design optimization of a near net-zero energy house 78
Re-designing a temporary pavilion into a NZEB open lab for a university campus 78
Carlos Marreiros: un architetto fra due culture 77
High energy efficient buildings: sustainable strategies based on Structure / Envelope techniques with artificial thermal inertia. 77
VELUXlab: a sustainable prototype of active house for innovation 75
Shell-system for emergency nursery in post disaster reconstruction – L'Aquila, Italy 74
Comfort and energy assessment of the first italian Nearly Zero Energy Building in a university campus 74
Air shelter house technology and its applications to shelter units: the case of Scaffold House and cardboard shelter installations 74
Improving Energy Efficiency Through Artificial Inertia: Use of Phase Change Materials in Light, Internal Components 74
Alberto Cecchetto. Le Nuove Cantine MezzaCorona 71
Akragashelter - Allestimento protettivo per siti archeologici 69
La passivhaus di Chignolo d'Isola: alto comfort, bassi consumi 67
SBE19 - Resilient Built Environment for Sustainable Mediterranean Countries. 4–5 September 2019, Milan, Italy 67
Architechnology: Sustainable Methods for Energy Responsible Architecture 65
Borboleta and Papagaio: Emergency Unit and Children’s Nutritional Center in Farim-Guinea-Bissau 65
You Bang Keun: architettura e contemporaneità in Korea 63
Innovative fibre-cement solutions for Smart-ECO buildings of 2020-30 62
Apetau: High energy efficient shell-system for emergency nursery in post disaster reconstruction – L’Aquila, Italy 62
ACE 3 - Architecture Culture Environment 62
Architecture for Archeology. Identifying new modular and flexible types of shelter adaptable to the diverse needs of archaeological sites 62
An Innovative Method for the Management of the Building Process 62
A New Taxonomic Perspective on Wood-Based Technologies for the Transformation of the AEC Sector 60
Active House: new buildings for sustainable architecture 59
Inter-ActiveHouse: users-driven building performances for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in Mediterranean climates 59
Ski Yurt: Upcycle of Downhill Skis for a Shelter in Cacine—Guinea-Bissau 59
Un girasole di rame. Il centro informazioni del parco scientifico tecnologico Eden Project in Cornovaglia 58
La meccanica dell’architettura. La progettazione con tecnologia stratificata a secco 58
L'eco del futuro. Low Energy Building Demo Project - Tsinghua University Beijing 57
A scuola di creatività 56
Shantitown: Building system in bamboo for emergency 56
Innovative technologies for sustainable buildings in 2030 55
La villa nella giungla urbana. Moriyama House di Ryue Nishizawa a Tokyo 53
Light Shelters: use of reflective insulations in emergency architecture 53
Thermal-reflective multilayer insulation systems in the emergency architecture: the Air Shelter Skin. 53
Logica del cemento armato: processo, progetto, prodotto 53
Amphibious Architecture: A Benchmark for Mitigating Flood Risk 53
Towards a phygital education: Politecnico di Milano through and after SARS-COV2 52
Costruire sul costruito 51
A Validation Opportunity: Case-Studies Analysis and Outcomes on the Application of the Method on Real Buildings 51
Scatole Cinesi 50
Dal progetto al prodotto di qualità per l’industria delle costruzioni 50
Thermo reflective multi-layers systems in warm climate 50
Digital Design and Wooden Architecture for Arte Sella Land Art Park 50
Jean Nouvel: Musée Du Quai Branly, una scultura urbana 49
Architettura e tecnologia per gli edifici del futuro tra innovazione, sostenibilità e libertà compositiva 49
Il progetto RACEM “Rete Artigiana per la Casa Efficiente in Montagna” 49
Otto Steidle. Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Ulm 49
L'impresa "phygital": innovazione 4.0 nei processi edilizi di CMB - Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi 49
Timber-Based Transformations of the Built Environment: A Portfolio of Case Studies 48
Matrioska Loft-house in Milan 47
Il sogno cinese 47
High Energy Efficiency Housing and Urban Densification in Lombardy-Italy 47
Dubosc e Landowski. Architettura e industria 46
Experimental analysis of new bio-based plaster 46
Archi-Tectonics: Ettore Zambelli, a life for Architecture and Engineering 45
Ken Yeang 44
Evoluzione continua: Ian Ritchie, architetto darwinista 44
Corte del futuro in Torre Boldone 44
Innovative technologies for Smart-ECO buildings in 2030 44
Pechino olimpica in cantiere 43
Totale 9.885
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.717
article - articoli 14.092
book - libri 4.872
conference - conferenze 12.308
curatela - curatele 1.555
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.805
Totale 82.349

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.199 0 0 0 0 0 155 197 106 204 111 280 146
2020/20211.673 148 49 159 63 172 117 122 122 114 155 137 315
2021/20221.782 62 213 80 157 181 68 139 160 112 143 113 354
2022/20232.267 256 128 161 175 239 295 59 220 305 182 165 82
2023/20241.641 94 214 98 185 124 140 149 94 45 238 84 176
2024/20251.178 106 72 129 103 562 206 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.644