Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.899
EU - Europa 11.231
AS - Asia 1.997
SA - Sud America 103
AF - Africa 65
OC - Oceania 18
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 26.319
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.655
IT - Italia 6.800
DE - Germania 745
SG - Singapore 593
AT - Austria 550
FI - Finlandia 503
RU - Federazione Russa 501
CN - Cina 418
VN - Vietnam 371
UA - Ucraina 347
IE - Irlanda 285
NL - Olanda 279
GB - Regno Unito 265
CA - Canada 235
ES - Italia 229
SE - Svezia 222
FR - Francia 197
PH - Filippine 127
ID - Indonesia 124
CH - Svizzera 105
BR - Brasile 83
IN - India 81
BE - Belgio 66
HK - Hong Kong 56
TR - Turchia 50
KR - Corea 44
IR - Iran 28
SI - Slovenia 28
JP - Giappone 27
BJ - Benin 21
PL - Polonia 21
BD - Bangladesh 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
CI - Costa d'Avorio 15
RO - Romania 15
NO - Norvegia 13
AU - Australia 12
GR - Grecia 12
DK - Danimarca 11
SA - Arabia Saudita 11
PK - Pakistan 10
MU - Mauritius 9
DZ - Algeria 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CO - Colombia 7
JO - Giordania 7
EU - Europa 6
HU - Ungheria 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
AR - Argentina 5
MX - Messico 5
EC - Ecuador 4
IL - Israele 4
PT - Portogallo 4
TH - Thailandia 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
ET - Etiopia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LT - Lituania 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
VE - Venezuela 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CD - Congo 2
CY - Cipro 2
EG - Egitto 2
HN - Honduras 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NP - Nepal 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BZ - Belize 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 26.319
Città #
Milan 3.047
Fairfield 1.887
Woodbridge 1.141
Ashburn 949
Houston 874
Chandler 851
Wilmington 794
Santa Clara 763
Seattle 754
Cambridge 658
Ann Arbor 631
Vienna 535
Singapore 393
Boardman 326
Helsinki 318
Dublin 281
Dong Ket 224
Lawrence 204
Jacksonville 198
Málaga 182
Dearborn 174
Amsterdam 170
Munich 165
Ottawa 165
Rome 162
Medford 152
Beijing 143
Giussano 128
Jakarta 120
Davao City 109
Segrate 107
Turin 102
Pedrengo 92
Bovisio Masciago 85
Boltiere 82
San Diego 79
Bresso 73
Princeton 68
Des Moines 56
Berlin 55
Zibido San Giacomo 55
Redwood City 54
Florence 51
Zurich 47
Pavia 46
London 45
New York 45
Meda 38
Robbiate 37
Gavirate 36
Falkenstein 35
Monza 35
Ciampino 34
Shanghai 34
Brussels 32
Crema 32
Washington 32
Paris 31
Norwalk 29
Lappeenranta 28
Marnate 28
Montreal 28
Cameri 27
Bergamo 26
Brescia 25
Frankfurt am Main 25
Hong Kong 25
San Jose 24
Utrecht 24
Duncan 23
Fremont 23
Mountain View 23
Novara 23
Naples 22
Nuremberg 22
Piacenza 22
Varese 22
Cotonou 21
Redmond 21
Seregno 21
Verona 21
Falls Church 20
Legnano 20
Saronno 20
Nova Milanese 19
São Paulo 19
Bareggio 18
Bengaluru 18
Besana in Brianza 17
Busto Arsizio 17
Delft 17
Genoa 17
Manila 17
Rho 16
Abidjan 15
Los Angeles 15
Portland 15
Atlanta 14
Ankara 13
Moscow 13
Totale 18.889
Nome #
PoliMIce: A simulation framework for three-dimensional ice accretion 319
Accuracy assessment of the Non-Ideal Computational Fluid Dynamics model for siloxane MDM from the open-source SU2 suite 308
Shape optimization under uncertainty of morphing airfoils 261
Experimental observation and thermodynamic modeling of non-ideal expanding flows of siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications 211
Preliminary characterization of an expanding flow of siloxane vapor MDM 196
Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Complete Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Overlapping Grids 194
Assessment of grid adaptation criteria for steady, two-dimensional, inviscid flows in non-ideal compressible fluids 192
Development of a Background-Oriented Schlieren Technique with Telecentric Lenses for Supersonic Flow 190
Development and preliminary assessment of the open-source CFD toolkit SU2 for rotorcraft flows 190
Experimental observation of non-ideal expanding flows of Siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications 187
Numerical simulation of ideal and non-ideal under-expanded supersonic jets with adaptive grids 187
Blockage and Three-Dimensional Effects in Wind-Tunnel Testing of Ice Accretion over Wings 181
An adaptive ALE scheme for non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics over dynamic unstructured meshes 178
Assessment of 2D/3D Numerical Modeling for Deep Dynamic Stall Experiments 176
Non-Ideal Compressible-Fluid Dynamics of Fast-Response Pressure Probes for Unsteady Flow Measurements in Turbomachinery 176
Local Solution to the Unsteady Stefan Problem for In-Flight Ice Accretion Modeling 175
Shock interactions in two-dimensional steady flows of Bethe-Zel'dovich-Thompson fluids 174
Non-ideal compressible flows in supersonic turbine cascades 172
Automatic detection of oblique shocks and simple waves in schlieren images of two-dimensional supersonic steady flows 172
Efficient Evaluation of Vapour-Liquid Equilibria from Multi-Parameter Thermodynamic Models Using Differential Algebra 166
An interpolation-free ALE scheme for unsteady inviscid flows computations with large boundary displacements over three-dimensional adaptive grids 166
Similarity Parameters for Non-Ideal One-Dimensional Isentropic Expansions 164
Experimental evidence of non-ideal compressible effects in expanding flow of a high molecular complexity vapor 163
Robust Aerodynamic Optimization of Morphing Airfoils for Helicopter Rotor Blades 162
Experimental assessment of the open-source SU2 CFD suite for ORC applications 162
SU2: The Open-Source Software for Non-ideal Compressible Flows 161
Bayesian inference of thermodynamic models from vapor flow experiments 161
Experimental observation of oblique shock waves in steady non-ideal flows 159
Acoustic Characterization of Glaze and Rime Ice Structures on an Oscillating Airfoil via Fully Unsteady Simulations 159
Design and commissioning of a thermal stability test-rig for mixtures as working fluids for ORC applications 158
The admissibility domain of rarefaction shock waves in the near-critical vapour-liquid equilibrium region of pure typical fluids 157
Amplification of Operational Uncertainty Induced by Non-Ideal Flows in Supersonic Turbine Cascades 153
In-flight Icing: Modeling, Prediction, and Uncertainty 153
Equivalence Conditions for the Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods in Spherical Coordinates 152
Experimental investigation of a non-ideal expansion flow of siloxane vapor MDM 151
Robust Optimization of a Helicopter Rotor Airfoil Using Multi-fidelity Approach 150
On the numerical simulation of non-classical quasi-1D steady nozzle flows: Capturing sonic shocks 150
Numerical simulation of a thermal Ice Protection System including state-of-the-art liquid film model 149
Performance of a shock tube facility for impact response of structures 148
Non-ideal compressible-fluid effects in oblique shock waves 148
Pneumatic System for Pressure Probe Measurements in Transient Flows of Non-Ideal Vapors Subject to Line Condensation 148
Bubble-Point Measurements and Modeling of Binary Mixtures of Linear Siloxanes 147
Modeling In-Flight Ice Accretion Under Uncertain Conditions 147
Multiparameter Equations of State for Siloxanes: [(CH3)3-Si-O1/2]2-[O-Si-(CH3)2]i=1,…,3, and [O-Si-(CH3)2]6 146
Influence of airfoil thickness on unsteady aerodynamic loads on pitching airfoils 145
An analysis of fast-response pressure probes dynamics for ORC power systems 144
A unified description of oblique waves in ideal and non-ideal steady supersonic flows around compressive and rarefactive corners 144
Optimization of a Thermal Ice Protection System by Means of a Genetic Algorithm 144
Drag Minimization of an Isolated Airfoil in Transonic Inviscid Flow by Means of Genetic Algorithms 143
Shock losses and pitot tube measurements in non-ideal supersonic and subsonic flows of organic vapors 143
Hybrid Grid Generation for Two-Dimensional High-Reynolds Flows 142
Grid convergence assessment for adaptive grid simulations of normal drop impacts onto liquid films in axi-symmetric and three-dimensional geometries 142
Numerical Investigation of Ice Formation on a Wing with Leading-Edge Tubercles 142
Equivalence Conditions Between Linear Lagrangian Finite Element and Node-Centred Finite Volume Schemes for Conservation Laws in Cylindrical Coordinates 141
Exact solutions to non-classical steady nozzle flows of Bethe-Zel'dovich-Thompson fluids 141
Solution of the Riemann Problem of Classical Gasdynamics 140
Simulation of Flows with Strong Shocks with an Adaptive Conservative Scheme 140
Multifidelity Physics-Based Method for Robust Optimization Applied to a Hovering Rotor Airfoil 140
Non-ideal oblique shock waves 140
Evidence of complex flow structures in a converging-diverging nozzle caused by a recessed step at the nozzle throat 140
VirtuaSchlieren: A hybrid GPU/CPU-based schlieren simulator for ideal and non-ideal compressible-fluid flows 139
A Robust 3D Particle Tracking Solver for In-flight Ice Accretion using Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 139
Preliminary design of a supercritical CO2 wind tunnel 138
A model for in-flight ice accretion based on the exact solution of the unsteady Stefan problem 138
Admissibility Region for Rarefaction Shock Waves in Dense Gases 137
Roe Linearization for the van der Waals Gas 136
Dynamics of cylindrical converging shock waves interacting with aerodynamic obstacle arrays 136
Influence of a recessed step at the throat section of a supersonic nozzle 134
Lagrangian Particle Tracking in Deforming Sliding Mesh for Rotorcraft Icing Applications 134
Real-Gas Effects in Organic Rankine Cycle Turbine Nozzles 133
Assessment of Geometry Reconstruction Techniques for the Simulation of Non-Classical Aileron Buzz 133
Assessment of dynamic adaptive grids in Volume-Of-Fluid simulations of oblique drop impacts onto liquid films 132
An Adaptive Conservative ALE Approach to Deal with Large Boundary Displacements in Three-Dimensional Inviscid Simulations 132
Non-ideal effects on the typical trailing edge shock pattern of ORC turbine blades 131
Assessment of Thermodynamic Models for Dense Gas Dynamics 129
Non-Classical Gas Dynamics of Vapour Mixtures 128
Extension of the SU2 open source CFD code to the simulation of turbulent flows of fluids modelled with complex thermophysical laws 128
A Node-Pair Finite Element/Volume Mesh Adaptation Technique for Compressible Flows Based on a Hierarchical Approach 126
Adaptive deformation of 3D unstructured meshes with curved body fitted boundaries with application to unsteady compressible flows 125
Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Effects on Deep Dynamic Stall Experiments 124
Assessment of robust optimization for design of rotorcraft airfoils in forward flight 123
Three-Dimensional Shock Tube Flows for Dense Gases 121
Multiparameter Equations of State for Selected Siloxanes 121
Experimental Facilities for Non-Ideal Compressible Vapour Flows 121
Level-Set Mass-Conservative Front-Tracking Technique for Multistep Simulations of In-Flight Ice Accretion 120
Preliminary Design of the FAST Dense Gas Ludwieg Tube 120
Nonclassical Gasdynamic Region of Selected Fluorocarbons 120
Automatic Tracking of Corona Propagation in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Non-Normal Drop Impact on a Liquid Film 120
Helicopter Shipboard Operation: Effect of Atmospheric Boundary Layer on Turbulent Ship Airwake and Rotor Aerodynamic Loads 120
Molecular Interpretation of Nonclassical Gas Dynamics of Dense Vapors Under the Van Der Waals Model 119
On the Computation of the Fundamental Derivative of Gas Dynamics Using Equations of State 119
Editorial 119
Direct velocity measurements in high-temperature non-ideal vapor flows 118
Development of a Shock Absorber for a Crashworthy Landing Gear 117
Transition from regular to irregular reflection of cylindrical converging shock waves over convex obstacles 117
Numerical Simulation of Nonclassical Aileron Buzz over 3D Unstructured Adaptive Meshes 117
Efficient radial basis function mesh deformation methods for aircraft icing 117
Editorial of the Proceedings of ORC2017: 4th International Seminar on ORC 115
Finite Element/Volume Solution to Axisymmetric Conservation Laws 114
Critical Point Anomalies Include Expansion Shock Waves 114
Totale 15.014
Categoria #
all - tutte 80.590
article - articoli 46.263
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 31.181
curatela - curatele 431
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.913
Totale 160.378

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.060 0 0 0 0 0 0 464 395 460 246 336 159
2020/20212.972 236 112 242 147 268 153 215 279 232 366 226 496
2021/20222.713 123 279 273 123 202 140 191 295 236 164 323 364
2022/20233.092 312 123 248 251 322 345 60 221 390 376 270 174
2023/20242.702 178 305 165 285 217 292 235 113 76 317 129 390
2024/20254.510 769 132 402 361 1.640 860 346 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 26.603