Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 21.988
EU - Europa 13.328
AS - Asia 3.739
AF - Africa 237
SA - Sud America 157
OC - Oceania 69
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 59
Totale 39.577
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 20.929
IT - Italia 5.140
DE - Germania 1.700
UA - Ucraina 1.306
GB - Regno Unito 1.259
CN - Cina 1.174
CA - Canada 1.014
AT - Austria 887
SE - Svezia 796
SG - Singapore 743
VN - Vietnam 670
FI - Finlandia 603
IE - Irlanda 418
ES - Italia 279
IN - India 244
FR - Francia 232
HK - Hong Kong 192
NL - Olanda 182
KR - Corea 132
JP - Giappone 118
BE - Belgio 107
ID - Indonesia 83
TR - Turchia 83
BR - Brasile 78
ZA - Sudafrica 76
CI - Costa d'Avorio 66
PL - Polonia 61
CH - Svizzera 60
AU - Australia 58
EU - Europa 58
PT - Portogallo 58
IR - Iran 57
JO - Giordania 49
TW - Taiwan 49
RO - Romania 47
MX - Messico 36
PK - Pakistan 36
HU - Ungheria 29
RU - Federazione Russa 27
NO - Norvegia 22
MY - Malesia 21
PE - Perù 21
CO - Colombia 19
CL - Cile 18
DK - Danimarca 18
EG - Egitto 17
BG - Bulgaria 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
GR - Grecia 16
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 15
TH - Thailandia 14
DZ - Algeria 13
MU - Mauritius 12
BY - Bielorussia 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
AR - Argentina 10
BJ - Benin 10
MA - Marocco 10
EC - Ecuador 8
IL - Israele 8
NG - Nigeria 8
LT - Lituania 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
PH - Filippine 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
ET - Etiopia 6
NP - Nepal 6
LK - Sri Lanka 5
PA - Panama 5
TN - Tunisia 5
EE - Estonia 4
HR - Croazia 4
KE - Kenya 4
LV - Lettonia 4
QA - Qatar 4
GH - Ghana 3
IM - Isola di Man 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
MN - Mongolia 3
PY - Paraguay 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AL - Albania 2
BT - Bhutan 2
CM - Camerun 2
CU - Cuba 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LB - Libano 2
SC - Seychelles 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AO - Angola 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BH - Bahrain 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
GT - Guatemala 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KW - Kuwait 1
MD - Moldavia 1
Totale 39.572
Città #
Fairfield 2.340
Woodbridge 1.802
Chandler 1.713
Ashburn 1.400
Houston 1.333
Wilmington 1.294
Ann Arbor 1.222
Seattle 958
Cambridge 855
Vienna 840
Milan 791
Jacksonville 760
Dearborn 573
Boardman 550
Mcallen 543
Montréal 539
Munich 521
Santa Clara 485
Singapore 447
Lawrence 435
Ottawa 392
Dublin 367
Medford 332
Beijing 330
Dong Ket 319
Redwood City 220
Redmond 210
Rome 209
Helsinki 186
Málaga 183
Des Moines 164
San Diego 143
Guangzhou 142
Turin 119
Princeton 114
Shanghai 101
Central 83
Brussels 77
Duncan 70
London 68
Abidjan 66
New York 65
Norwalk 59
Jakarta 56
Johannesburg 55
Florence 53
Mountain View 50
Naples 50
Chengdu 49
Amman 48
Amsterdam 48
Frankfurt am Main 48
Phoenix 48
Falkenstein 46
Bologna 41
Washington 41
Verona 40
Wuhan 40
Berlin 38
Hangzhou 36
Zhengzhou 36
Dallas 34
Fremont 34
Auburn Hills 33
Changsha 31
Central District 30
Modena 30
Tokyo 28
Torino 27
Warsaw 27
Birmingham 24
Eindhoven 24
Genoa 24
Hefei 24
Chennai 23
Miami 23
Nanjing 23
Napoli 23
Paris 23
Istanbul 22
San Jose 22
Stuttgart 22
Bari 21
Jinan 21
Karlsruhe 19
Las Vegas 19
Los Angeles 19
Padova 19
Bergamo 18
Brescia 18
Madrid 18
Menlo Park 18
Rozzano 18
Taipei 18
Bern 17
Delft 17
Lisbon 17
North York 17
Bangalore 16
Kundan 16
Totale 25.120
Nome #
Comparison between different energy management algorithms for an urban electric bus with hybrid energy storage system based on battery and supercapacitors 1.578
Il modello aeroelastico del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina: progettazione e verifica sperimentale. 715
A simulation-based concept design approach for combustion engine and battery electric vehicles 685
Smart Mobility for Sustainability 556
Heavy Truck Drag Reduction Obtained from Devices Installed on the Trailer 419
Cinematica e Dinamica dei Sistemi Multibody, Volume 2 326
Modeling of the internal combustion engine by means of Willans line approach for the study of hybrid electric powertrain 284
Influence of tire parameters on ABS performance 247
Accuracy enhancement of a device for automated underbridge inspections 218
Numerical prediction of car tyre wear phenomena and comparison of the obtained results with full-scale experimental test 217
The engineering approach to winter sports 211
Handbike Aerodynamics: Wind Tunnel Versus Track Tests 193
Tyre Wear Model: validation and sensitivity analysis 191
Tecnologie per la mobilità autonoma, connessa e cooperativa: lo stato dell’arte 186
Analisi di differenti configurazioni per turbine eoliche offshore 185
High-speed train crosswind analysis: CFD study and validation with wind-tunnel tests 184
Toward Smart and Integrated Infrastructure for Africa: An agenda for digitalisation, decarbonisation and mobility 177
A numerical-experimental approach to evaluate the aerodynamic effects on rail vehicle dynamics 161
A Particle Filter Approach for Identifying Tire Model Parameters from Full-Scale Experimental Tests 157
A Rotor Resistance MRAS Estimator for EV Induction Motor Traction Drive based on Torque and Reactive Stator Power: simulation and experimental results 156
Autonomous vehicle controlled by safety path planner with collision risk estimation coupled with a non-linear MPC 154
Innovative metallic solutions for alpine ski bases 144
An integrated algorithm for ego-vehicle and obstacles state estimation for autonomous driving 143
Wind measurements on the Humber Bridge and numerical simulations 142
Freight trains dynamics: effect of payload and braking power distribution on coupling forces 142
Identification of Pacejka’s Scaling Factors from Full-Scale Experimental Tests 140
In-Tyre Sensors Induced Benefits on Sideslip Angle and Friction Coefficient Estimation 140
Friction between runner and ice 139
A lane-level road network model with global continuity 137
Cyber Tyre: A Novel Sensor to Improve Vehicle's Safety 136
Numerical Prediction of Car Tire Wear 134
A Moving 3D Laser Scanner for Automated Underbridge Inspection 134
Steady and moving high-speed train crosswind simulations. Comparison with wind-tunnel tests 133
International benchmarking of longitudinal train dynamics simulators: results 133
Validation of a frustrated total internal reflection test bench for tire footprint pressure measurement 130
Motorcycle stability: riding safety improvement via ADAS and semi-active applications 128
Wind tunnel experiment on a heavy truck equipped with front-rear trailer device 128
Vehicle state estimation based on Kalman filters 128
On how to Transform a Commercial Electric Quadricycle into a full Autonomously Actuated Vehicle 126
Bobsleigh Performance Optimization Through a Multibody Model 125
A mathematical-physical 3D tire model for handling/comfort optimization on a vehicle: omparison with experimental results 125
Cyber Tyre: A Novel Sensor to Improve Vehicle's Safety 123
Real time energy management strategy for a fast charging electric urban bus powered by hybrid energy storage system 123
Dynamic behaviour of miniature laser textured skis 122
Admittance function to evaluate aerodynamic loads on vehicles: Experimental data and numerical model 121
Cross wind and rollover risk on lightweight railway vehicles 121
Development of a new control strategy for a semi-active differential for a high performance vehicle 119
Environmental effects on Pacejka’s scaling factors 119
A comparison of different methods to evaluate the wind induced forces on a high sided lorry 119
A methodology for vehicle sideslip angle identification: comparison with experimental data 119
An Investigation on the Effects of Embankment Design on Railway Vehicle Aerodynamic Coefficients 119
Numerical-Experimental Analysis of Wind-Break Fences for High Speed Railway Lines 118
Vehicle to project concrete 118
Numerical and experimental approach for the evaluation of severe longitudinal dynamics of heavy freight trains 117
Comparison of torque vectoring control strategies for a IWM vehicle 117
An adaptive observer for sideslip angle estimation: comparison with experimental results 117
Analisi teorico sperimentale per la messa a punto di un modello di una macchina lavatrice 116
Development of a Control Strategy for a Semi-Active Differential for a High Performance Vehicle 116
Aerodynamic Loads on Lightweight Railway Vehicles for the Evaluation of Rollover Risk 115
Design of an active seat suspension for agricultural vehicles 115
Identification of Agricultural Tyres' Handling Characteristics from Full Vehicle Experimental Tests 114
Development of a new control strategy for a semi-active differential for a high performance vehicle 114
A Procedure to identify the handling characteristics of agricultural tyre through full-scale experimental tests 114
Plug-In Hybrid Electrical Commercial Vehicle: Energy flow control strategies. 113
Multi-parametric programming-based energy control strategy for parallel hybrid heavy-duty truck 113
Effect of track geometrical defects on running safety of tramcar vehicles 112
Enhancement of ABS performance through on-board estimation of the tires’ response by means of smart tires 112
Driver’s movements influence on the lateral dynamic of a sport motorbike 112
Vision system for the measurement of the rider posture during motorbike riding 112
Experimental assessment of bobsleigh dynamics and ice-skate contact forces 111
Static and dynamic properties of a motorcycle frame: experimental and numerical approach 110
Bobsleigh and skeleton 110
Numerical And Experimental Approacches To Investigate The Stability Of A Motorcycle Vehcile 109
Measurement of contact forces and patch features by means of accelerometers fixed inside the tire to improve future car active control 108
Do Autonomous Vehicle Driving Styles Affect User State?: A Preliminary Investigation 107
Nonlinear 3D Dynamic Model of an Automotive Dual Mass Flywheel 106
MPC-based framework for autonomous ground vehicles in a complex environment 105
Neural network algorithm for evaluating wind velocity from pressure measurements performed on a train's surface 105
Advanced Driver Assistance Control for Drifting with Torque Vectoring 105
Experimental identification of a motorcycle rider 3d movements on a running vehicle, 104
Development of a control strategy for a suspension system with an active variable kinematics 104
Aerodynamic device for reducing the drag of terrestrial vehicles 104
Electric powertrain layouts analysis for controlling vehicle lateral dynamics with torque vectoring 104
Wheel-rail contact phenomena and derailment conditions in light urban vehicles 103
TECNOBIM - L'inquinamento atmosferico 103
Race driver model 103
Aerodynamic behaviour investigation of the new EMUV250 train to cross wind 103
Eritrean Mobility and Cultural Heritage. New Frontiers of the Horn of Africa. An overview of the project 103
Numerical analysis of curving performances of low flatcar wagons 103
Cross Wind effects on road and rail vehicles 102
Smart Tyre Induced Benefits in Sideslip Angle and Friction Coefficient Estimation 102
Measurement of contact forces and patch features by means of accelerometers fixed inside the tire to improve future car active control 101
Structural integrity analysis of a tram-way: load spectra and material damage 101
Experimental study on the aerodynamic forces on railway vehicles in presence of turbulence 101
Aging models for high capacity LiFePO4 cells 101
A numerical-experimental approach for evaluating cross wind aerodynamic effects for heavy vehicles 101
Numerical and experimental approach for the evaluation of severe longitudinal dynamics of heavy freight trains 100
Totale 16.599
Categoria #
all - tutte 115.711
article - articoli 37.038
book - libri 548
conference - conferenze 66.521
curatela - curatele 2.140
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 4.039
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.302
Totale 231.299

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20205.146 0 0 0 0 0 956 1.035 630 868 411 902 344
2020/20215.882 521 278 545 345 516 297 574 534 343 625 396 908
2021/20224.748 232 537 301 275 639 231 210 343 318 350 458 854
2022/20235.254 643 378 330 506 531 676 107 399 703 406 365 210
2023/20243.173 229 531 206 259 235 337 232 220 117 286 95 426
2024/20252.383 154 152 293 304 1.104 376 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 40.235