Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.469
EU - Europa 2.319
AS - Asia 901
AF - Africa 36
OC - Oceania 36
SA - Sud America 30
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 7.795
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.375
IT - Italia 667
UA - Ucraina 297
DE - Germania 259
SG - Singapore 254
SE - Svezia 232
VN - Vietnam 198
FI - Finlandia 191
AT - Austria 185
CN - Cina 164
GB - Regno Unito 136
IE - Irlanda 93
CA - Canada 92
ES - Italia 84
IN - India 45
JO - Giordania 43
PH - Filippine 36
NL - Olanda 31
AU - Australia 27
ID - Indonesia 26
IR - Iran 25
FR - Francia 24
BE - Belgio 22
CH - Svizzera 21
GR - Grecia 17
TR - Turchia 16
BR - Brasile 13
CI - Costa d'Avorio 13
MY - Malesia 12
DK - Danimarca 10
KR - Corea 10
HR - Croazia 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
HK - Hong Kong 8
IL - Israele 8
IQ - Iraq 8
JP - Giappone 8
LK - Sri Lanka 8
PE - Perù 8
PK - Pakistan 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
PL - Polonia 7
TH - Thailandia 7
AL - Albania 6
BJ - Benin 6
BO - Bolivia 6
EG - Egitto 5
RS - Serbia 5
EU - Europa 4
GH - Ghana 4
DZ - Algeria 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
BT - Bhutan 2
CY - Cipro 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MT - Malta 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PA - Panama 2
RO - Romania 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
PT - Portogallo 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 7.795
Città #
Chandler 677
Fairfield 420
Ashburn 321
Woodbridge 315
Wilmington 286
Ann Arbor 267
Seattle 185
Vienna 183
Jacksonville 180
Houston 178
Singapore 177
Dearborn 152
Boardman 150
Milan 138
Cambridge 134
Dong Ket 134
Santa Clara 108
Lawrence 107
Dublin 92
Helsinki 90
Ottawa 72
Málaga 71
Princeton 61
Beijing 59
Medford 47
Amman 43
Des Moines 43
Washington 28
Jakarta 26
Redwood City 26
San Diego 25
Brussels 22
Rome 21
New York 20
Frankfurt am Main 19
Roorkee 19
Amsterdam 16
Grafing 14
Abidjan 13
Norwalk 13
Bologna 12
Los Angeles 12
Redmond 12
San Juan 12
Shanghai 12
Manila 11
Munich 11
Florence 10
Mountain View 10
Perth 10
Zurich 10
Falls Church 9
Lappeenranta 8
London 8
Rimini 8
Stuttgart 8
Arbil 7
Brignano Gera d'Adda 7
Shenyang 7
Auckland 6
Bangkok 6
Cassano D'adda 6
Cotonou 6
Fars 6
Guangzhou 6
Kuching 6
Lima 6
North York 6
Tirana 6
Verona 6
Auburn Hills 5
Como 5
Duncan 5
Istanbul 5
Konya 5
Miami 5
Nanjing 5
Parma 5
Tarija 5
Dordrecht 4
Dortmund 4
Dubendorf 4
Galbiate 4
Hefei 4
Kunming 4
Modena 4
Montreal 4
Noida 4
Padova 4
Paris 4
Pavia 4
Portland 4
Quezon City 4
Seongnam 4
Shillong 4
Silkeborg 4
Stockholm 4
Sydney 4
Tel Aviv 4
Toronto 4
Totale 5.331
Nome #
A simple model to explain the effect of different boundary conditions in direct tensile tests 141
Size and shape effect in the pull-out of FRP reinforcement from concrete 130
Damage in glass-concrete composite panels 129
Adhesive anchors in high performance concrete 123
Bending-shear response of self-consolidating and high-performance reinforced concrete beams 121
Pull out of FRP reinforcement from masonry pillars: Experimental and numerical results 118
Response of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete beams: Experiments and code predictions 115
Il comportamento a flessione di travi in calcestruzzo autocompattante armato, presollecitato e a sezione mista acciaio-calcestruzzo 111
Assessment of Thermal Damage in Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Concrete 107
Experimental investigation on post-installed metal anchors subjected to seismic loading in R/C members 104
Assessing the Quality Control of Self Consolidating Concrete Properties 104
Assessment of historical masonry pillars reinforced by CFRP strips 104
Shear behaviour of R.C. beams with water-stop joints 103
Formulation of a novel OpenSees element for FPS bearings with enhanced friction model 103
Cold bending of vertical glass plates: Wind loads and geometrical instabilities 98
Il controllo di qualità in cantiere del calcestruzzo autocompattante 97
Aderenza ed effetti di scala nei calcestruzzi autocompattanti 96
Bond and Splitting in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete” Fifth Rilem Symposium On Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) 93
Bond strengths and failure modes in self-compacting concrete 92
Aderenza acciaio-calcestruzzo 90
Reliability of bonded anchors with different installation techniques: experimental assessment 90
Resistenza residua di calcestruzzo bianco ad alte prestazioni esposto alle alte temperature, La 89
Consolidamento delle strutture. Guida ai criteri, ai materiali e alle tecniche più utilizzati 86
Acoustic emission at failure in quasi-brittle materials 84
Properties of limestone self-compacting concrete at fresh and hardened state 82
Long-term behavior of self-compacting and normal vibrated concrete: Experiments and code predictions 82
Sustainable Concretes for Structural Applications 79
Source Characterization of Fracture in Quasi-Brittle Materials 78
Post-failure behavior of laminated glass beams using different interlayers 78
Laminated Glass Cantilevered Plates under Static and Impact Loading 78
Shear strength in self-compacting reinforced concrete beams 77
Evaluation of engineering properties of calcium sulfoaluminate cement-based concretes reinforced with different types of fibers 77
Pullout Capacity of Headed Anchors in Prestressed Concrete 76
Flexural behaviour of reinforced, prestressed and composite self-compacting concrete beams 75
Experimental characterization of bond strength in FRP-reinforced concrete specimens 75
Effetti del 2° ordine in presenza di carico assiale [Sez.5:5.8-EC2] 74
Effect of different boundary conditions in direct tensile tests: experimental results 73
Numerical assessment of laminated cantilevered glass plates with point fixings 72
Bonded anchors under tensile load in high performance concrete 71
Wedge-type expansion anchors in high-performance concrete 70
Damage of marble from cyclic loading 70
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Pullout Analyses of Headed Anchors in Stressed Concrete 69
Ancoraggi meccanici post-inseriti in calcestruzzi ad alte prestazioni e fibrorinforzati 68
Effetti del 2° ordine in presenza di carico assiale (sez. 5.5.8-EC2) 68
Ancoraggi post-inseriti in calcestruzzi ad alte prestazioni e fibrorinforzati 67
Retrofitting of masonry structures with composites materials. Experimental and numerical results 65
Behavior of self-compacting reinforced concrete beams 64
Bond and splitting in high performance concrete 63
Constitutive relationships of different interlayer materials for laminated glass 63
Progressive damage and fracture of laminated glass beams 62
Fracture monitoring of very high performance mortars with ESPI technique 61
Effects of fibers on bond strengths and failure modes in self compacting concrete 60
Fracture of rock from wedge indentation 59
Stati limite di esercizio (sez. 7-EC2) 59
Experimental investigations on the structural applications of self-compacting concrete: a review of Italian research 59
The seismic behaviour of a kit for connection of precast concrete façade elements to concrete structures 59
Reliability and Design Issues of Bonded Anchors Installed Using Different Techniques 59
Effects of lateral pressure on bond strengths and failure modes of deformed bars in self compacting concrete 57
Stati limite di esercizio [Sez.7-EC2] 57
Bond and size effect in self-compacting concrete 57
Mechanical properties and structural response of high-performance concrete beams 56
Flexural/tensile strength ratio in rock-like materials 56
Effect of fiber-reinforcement on steel to concrete bond in HPC 55
Bond between steel and self-consolidating concrete: experiments and modelling 55
Parametric Analyses of the Response of Masonry Walls with Reinforced Plaster 54
Response of Connections between Concrete Corbels and Safety Barriers 54
Resistenza al taglio di travi con armatura lenta, realizzate in calcestruzzo ad alte prestazioni fibrorinforzato 53
Evaluating residual properties of thermally damaged concrete 53
Application of high strength SFRC in bridge elements 53
Expansion anchors in high performance concrete 50
Hybrid polypropylene-steel fiber reinforced concrete at high temperatures 50
Strength and size effect in Fiber-reinforced materials 50
Steel mesh reinforced coating characterization for masonry upgrading 49
Flexure of reinforced HPC beams 49
The effect of calcium sulfoaluminate cement on the engineering properties of high performance concretes with and without fibers 49
Structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete bridge corbels 49
Cementitious materials under uniaxial loads: experiments and modeling 48
Shear strength and ductility of reinforced high performance concrete beam 48
Size effect and fracture characteristics of high performance cement-based materials 48
Shrinkage and temperature effects in glass-concrete composite panels 48
Long-term monitoring of a very- high performance fiber reinforced concrete bridge: a case study 48
La scuola allo specchio / School in the mirror 47
Expansion anchors in high performance fiber reinforced concrete 46
Influenza delle fibre sugli effetti di scala in elementi in calcestruzzo ad alte prestazioni 46
Shear strength in high performance reinforced concrete beams 45
Aspetti del comportamento meccanico di materiali cementizi ad altissime prestazioni 45
Tensile behavior of different anchor channel connections 45
Calcestruzzi ad altissima resistenza: proprietà meccaniche e applicazioni strutturali 43
Influence of Compressive Stresses on the Concrete Cone Breakout Capacity of Cast‐in‐Place Headed Anchors 43
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Anchorage of Safety Barriers to Bridge Corbels 43
Flexural behavior of high performance concrete bridge beams 42
Bond strength in limestone self-compacting concrete 42
Tensile and bending tests on very high performance concrete 41
Mechanical Response of Very High Performance Fiber-reinforced Concrete Structures 40
Self-Consolidating Concrete 39
Diagonal compression cyclic testing of unreinforced and reinforced masonry walls 37
Totale 7.062
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.852
article - articoli 14.194
book - libri 236
conference - conferenze 11.841
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.581
Totale 57.704

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020727 0 0 0 0 0 0 177 97 144 79 162 68
2020/20211.115 83 48 80 38 113 82 93 70 65 94 87 262
2021/2022835 38 100 21 70 111 38 21 48 48 61 67 212
2022/20231.593 175 130 110 146 157 187 35 108 217 99 122 107
2023/2024787 53 152 44 77 52 92 27 57 21 78 39 95
2024/2025796 31 76 93 77 364 149 6 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.925