Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.499
NA - Nord America 1.737
AS - Asia 621
SA - Sud America 114
OC - Oceania 55
AF - Africa 51
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.079
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.646
IT - Italia 1.300
DE - Germania 189
GB - Regno Unito 155
ES - Italia 154
SG - Singapore 123
FR - Francia 96
NL - Olanda 86
CN - Cina 83
CA - Canada 78
BR - Brasile 77
IE - Irlanda 75
AT - Austria 70
SE - Svezia 65
VN - Vietnam 53
BE - Belgio 49
AU - Australia 44
TR - Turchia 43
HK - Hong Kong 42
NO - Norvegia 39
JO - Giordania 37
FI - Finlandia 35
JP - Giappone 34
CH - Svizzera 32
KR - Corea 26
ID - Indonesia 25
IN - India 25
IR - Iran 25
PH - Filippine 25
ZA - Sudafrica 25
CL - Cile 22
PL - Polonia 20
MY - Malesia 19
GR - Grecia 16
RU - Federazione Russa 16
IL - Israele 15
TW - Taiwan 15
PT - Portogallo 14
RO - Romania 13
KE - Kenya 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
CO - Colombia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
MX - Messico 9
HR - Croazia 8
HU - Ungheria 7
SI - Slovenia 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
UA - Ucraina 7
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
DK - Danimarca 5
IQ - Iraq 5
MK - Macedonia 5
RS - Serbia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BJ - Benin 4
EE - Estonia 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
TH - Thailandia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
AW - Aruba 2
CY - Cipro 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EU - Europa 2
GE - Georgia 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
ME - Montenegro 2
MN - Mongolia 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PE - Perù 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TN - Tunisia 2
DZ - Algeria 1
GH - Ghana 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
SV - El Salvador 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 5.079
Città #
Chandler 235
Milan 191
Fairfield 144
Ashburn 130
Málaga 118
Singapore 92
Woodbridge 91
Menlo Park 89
Houston 78
Seattle 63
Boardman 62
Wilmington 57
Lawrence 48
Medford 48
Redwood City 45
Rome 44
Cambridge 41
Dublin 41
Monza 40
Vienna 40
Redmond 38
Amman 37
Sesto San Giovanni 36
Ottawa 35
Brussels 34
Helsinki 27
Turin 26
Johannesburg 25
Santa Clara 25
Dong Ket 22
Segrate 21
Berlin 19
Beijing 18
Brescia 18
Columbus 17
Falkenstein 17
Loughborough 17
Santiago 17
Tokyo 17
Ann Arbor 16
San Diego 15
Molteno 14
Sydney 14
Bologna 13
Graz 13
Hildisrieden 13
Paris 13
Pavia 13
São Paulo 13
Ankara 12
Dearborn 12
Kuala Lumpur 12
Seongbuk-gu 12
Chengdu 11
Florence 11
London 11
Tabriz 11
Toronto 11
Jakarta 10
Napoli 10
Taipei 10
Como 9
Istanbul 9
Jülich 9
Pinnow 9
Renfrew 9
Utrecht 9
Verona 9
Wageningen 9
Amsterdam 8
Bari 8
Brasília 8
Central 8
Delft 8
Manchester 8
Mountain View 8
Padova 8
Stevenston 8
Blackburn 7
Dallas 7
Durham 7
Finale Ligure 7
Nairobi 7
Naples 7
Seoul 7
Shanghai 7
Udine 7
Warsaw 7
Aachen 6
Bern 6
Catanduva 6
Central District 6
Darmstadt 6
Ealing 6
Fremont 6
Groningen 6
Modena 6
New York 6
Norwalk 6
Perth 6
Totale 2.719
Nome #
The emergence of coworking models in the face of the pandemic 536
Mobility and Accessibility of the Ageing Society. Defining Profiles of the Elderly Population and Neighbourhood 436
Il coworking in Italia: localizzazione, performance, effetti sul contesto urbano 299
The Geography of Coworking Spaces and the Effects on the Urban Context: are pole areas gaining? 232
La localizzazione degli spazi di coworking in Italia: aree metropolitane vs. aree periferiche 197
The preferred location of coworking spaces in Italy: an empirical investigation in urban and peripheral areas 139
Marking a New Chapter in the History of our City. Newspaper Narratives of Proposed Waterfront Star Architecture 139
Exploring the “15-Minute City” and near working in Milan using mobile phone data 135
Port Geography and Hinterland Development Dynamics 131
New workplaces: Location patterns, urban effects and development trajectories. A worldwide investigation 123
Evolution of hub port-cities into global logistics centres 120
Gli spazi di coworking a Milano: localizzazione ed effetti sul contesto urbano 120
Development dynamics of port-cities interface in the Arab Middle Eastern world - The case of Dubai global hub port-city 111
The Location of Coworking Spaces in Urban vs. Peripheral Areas 111
Coworking Spaces and New Social Relations: A Focus on the Social Streets in Italy 103
Star Architecture Spreads in Europe: Culture-Led Waterfront Projects Between 1990 and 2015 103
Exploring Proximities in Coworking Spaces: Evidence from Italy 94
Happy Workers in New Workspaces? 92
Coworking Spaces and New Social Relations: A Focus on Italy 92
A comparative analysis of public transport elder users and satisfaction level in two Italian cities: Milan and Genoa 90
Coworking spaces and well-being in core vs. periphery: an application of SEM 88
The effects of coworking spaces on local communities in the Italian context. 86
Attractiveness of port-centric advanced logistics clusters 84
Teaching the Contemporary City Abroad 77
Contemporary European Port-Cities as Laboratories 73
Verso una città age-friendly: la mobilità degli anziani nella città di Milano = Towards an age-friendly city: exploring ageing mobility in the city of Milan 71
Analysing the Location Determinants of Emerging Workplaces- An Empirical Study of Coworking Spaces in Italy 67
Third places for work: A comprehensive review of the literature on coworking spaces and makerspaces 67
Tourism gentrification in Mediterranean heritage cities. The necessity for multidisciplinary planning 67
Logistics global network connectivity and its determinants. A European City network analysis 61
Coworking Spaces and Well-Being: An Empirical Investigation of Coworkers in Italy 59
Mobilità urbana e governo del territorio per una rinnovata qualità di vita della popolazione anziana 58
Gateway 57
A systematic literature review of the effects of coworking spaces on the socio-cultural and economic conditions in peripheral and rural areas 53
Promoting Urban Mobility for an Ageing Society. Exploring Policies and Initiatives in the European Context 51
The Location Determinants of Shared Workspaces: A Cluster Analysis of Coworking Spaces in Italy 50
A Research Agenda for the Future of Workplaces 50
Introducing the Worldwide Phenomenon of Flexible Workplaces 50
Investigating New Working Spaces and Co-Workers’ Well-Being: a Comparative Analysis of Large Cities vs. Small and Medium-size Towns in Italy 49
The role of infrastructural invetsments in attracting FDIs: the case of Dubai 46
The emergence of coworking models in the face of pandemic 46
Coworking: Empirical Evidence on Italy 44
The Role of Proximity Typologies in Enhancing the Performance of Coworking Spaces in Italy 42
The rise of coworking spaces in peripheral and rural areas in Italy 37
Multigenerational Urban Planning for Accessible Cities: Lessons from the Case of Milan and Its Senior Population 34
New Working Spaces and Well-being: An empirical investigation on the co-workers in Italy 32
Mobility of Older Adults: routes, preferences and modus at the neighbourhood scale. The case of Milan 31
Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic City: urban planning strategies and challenges of making “Milan 15-minutes city” 30
The role of mobility for ageing in place. Empirical evidence for Milan 27
A look into Beirut’s coworking scene. Exploring the pre- and post-pandemic conditions 26
Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic City: urban planning strategies and challenges of making ‘Milan 15-minutes city’ 26
Verso le città age-friendly: strumenti e azioni per una riqualificazione urbana multigenerazionale nell’area metropolitana milanese 23
Stated and revealed preference for ageing in place in Milan 21
Women empowering women? Challenges and opportunities of new female-oriented workplaces in the post-pandemic era 16
Spazio e tempo nella città post covid. La “x minute city” per una rinnovata idea di prossimità 13
Towards an age-friendly city: exploring ageing mobility in the city of Milan 11
Totale 5.255
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.487
article - articoli 8.382
book - libri 263
conference - conferenze 2.896
curatela - curatele 430
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.516
Totale 32.974

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020333 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 43 74 37 66 50
2020/20211.208 33 28 42 94 64 55 83 131 175 270 144 89
2021/2022735 54 74 53 51 81 33 62 54 60 58 75 80
2022/20231.134 69 80 67 128 100 75 37 92 158 171 96 61
2023/2024962 43 89 75 92 106 70 63 114 79 85 55 91
2024/2025582 68 49 84 102 163 86 30 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.255