Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.125
EU - Europa 2.678
AS - Asia 934
AF - Africa 59
SA - Sud America 39
OC - Oceania 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 7.861
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.006
IT - Italia 990
AT - Austria 272
UA - Ucraina 257
SG - Singapore 254
CN - Cina 240
DE - Germania 186
SE - Svezia 182
FI - Finlandia 180
VN - Vietnam 145
GB - Regno Unito 118
CA - Canada 117
IE - Irlanda 112
NL - Olanda 70
ES - Italia 68
IN - India 59
FR - Francia 56
BE - Belgio 54
CH - Svizzera 52
IR - Iran 39
JO - Giordania 34
TR - Turchia 28
BR - Brasile 25
MY - Malesia 24
ID - Indonesia 22
HK - Hong Kong 21
KR - Corea 20
RO - Romania 20
AU - Australia 18
JP - Giappone 16
PL - Polonia 15
TN - Tunisia 13
EG - Egitto 11
GR - Grecia 11
DZ - Algeria 10
BD - Bangladesh 9
MT - Malta 9
PE - Perù 9
CI - Costa d'Avorio 8
IL - Israele 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
NG - Nigeria 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
EU - Europa 4
IQ - Iraq 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
AR - Argentina 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
AL - Albania 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BJ - Benin 2
DM - Dominica 2
LT - Lituania 2
MU - Mauritius 2
MV - Maldive 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RS - Serbia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 7.861
Città #
Fairfield 406
Woodbridge 402
Chandler 330
Wilmington 272
Vienna 266
Ashburn 262
Ann Arbor 258
Houston 213
Milan 194
Singapore 177
Seattle 168
Jacksonville 156
Boardman 146
Cambridge 145
Medford 123
Lawrence 120
Dearborn 113
Dublin 110
Ottawa 107
Dong Ket 78
Beijing 61
Santa Clara 56
Málaga 54
Des Moines 52
Helsinki 49
Redwood City 41
Rome 41
Changsha 39
Amman 34
Lappeenranta 32
Amsterdam 31
San Diego 30
Bari 22
Brussels 22
Jakarta 22
Norwalk 20
Shanghai 19
Naples 17
Washington 17
New York 16
Redmond 16
Turin 16
Zurich 15
Ghent 14
Istanbul 14
Mountain View 14
Delft 13
London 13
Parma 13
Aquila 11
Nibong Tebal 11
Tehran 11
Guangzhou 10
Padova 10
Stuttgart 10
Valencia 10
Bergamo 9
Bern 9
Brescia 9
Chennai 9
Frankfurt am Main 9
Abidjan 8
Auburn Hills 8
Hefei 8
Indiana 8
Lima 8
Mumbai 8
Verona 8
Central District 7
Como 7
Dallas 7
Falkenstein 7
Florence 7
Bologna 6
Duncan 6
Guiyang 6
Loppem 6
Nanjing 6
New Delhi 6
Rolla 6
Shijiazhuang 6
Sousse 6
Tabriz 6
Vigevano 6
Bethlehem 5
Bien Hoa 5
Bresso 5
Chioggia 5
Columbus 5
Council Bluffs 5
Kuala Lumpur 5
Los Angeles 5
Melbourne 5
Nagold 5
San Jose 5
Tokyo 5
Torino 5
Bellinzona 4
Cagliari 4
Chengdu 4
Totale 5.201
Nome #
Literature review on the behaviour of UHPFRC at high temperature 215
Difettosità superficiali e loro implicazioni tecnico-legali negli elementi prefabbricati in calcestruzzo 213
Analisi strutturale per il recupero di edifici industriali. Un caso di studio: la ciminiera di Crespi d'Adda 183
Proceedings of "5th Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete" 155
Physical and mechanical properties of heat-damaged structural concrete containing expanded polystyrene syntherized particles 133
Vibrazioni nelle passerelle ciclopedonali: un caso di studio 131
Mechanical and thermal properties of a heavy radiation-proof concrete exposed to high temperature 127
Slab STRESS Seismic testing of a R/C flat slab structure 120
Thermo-mechanical analysis of an underground car park structure exposed to fire 117
On the structural behavior of reinforced concrete walls exposed to fire 113
On the fire scenario in road tunnels: a comparison between zone and field models 111
A comprehensive methodology to test the performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFR-SCC) 111
Computational study on prestressed concrete members exposed to natural fires 109
Residual Behaviour of Undercut Fasteners Subjected to High Temperatures 106
High-temperature behavior of SCC in compression: Comparative study on recent experimental campaigns 102
An Overview on H2020 Project “ReSHEALience” 101
Creep analysis of compact cross-sections cast in consecutive stages - Part 2: Algebraic methods 97
Structural behaviour of R/C beams exposed to natural fires 96
A study on the mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete at high temperature and after cooling 93
Lightweight concrete containing phase change materials (PCMs): A numerical investigation on the thermal behaviour of cladding panels 92
Prestressed members under natural fires: a preliminary study on the residual behaviour 90
Hot and Residual Behavior of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Structural Shotcrete exposed to High Temperature 89
High-temperature behavior of structural and non-structural shotcretes 89
Analysis at the Ultimate Limit State of a R/C Slab supporting Desiccated-Sludge Silos 85
Size Effect in the Bonding of Smooth and Deformed Bars : NSC versus HPC 83
Reinforced concrete Tunnels Exposed to Fire: Effects of Geometry and Fire Curve 82
Thermal and mechanical properties of light-weight concrete exposed to high temperature 81
Size effect in high-bond bars 80
Crack patterns in double-wall industrial masonry chimneys: Possible causes and numerical modelling 79
On the extension of a plastic-damage model to high temperature and fire 78
Structural Survey of a Chimney between XIX and XX Century 77
Properties of Concrete Subjected to Extreme Thermal Conditions 76
Some considerations on shear and torsion in R/C structural members in fire 76
Reinforced concrete columns exposed to standard fire: comparison among different constitutive models for concrete at high temperature 75
Steel-concrete bond and size effect in smooth anchorages: HPC versus NSC 74
High-Temperature Behaviour of Concrete in Tension 74
Smooth Anchored Bars in NSC and HPC: a Study on Size Effect 74
High-temperature behavior of reduced-mass concrete containing Expanded-Polystyrene Syntherized (EPS) particles 74
On the tensile behaviour of thermally-damaged concrete 73
Today’s Concretes Exposed to Fire – Test Results and Sectional Analysis 73
On the application of the Double-Edge Wedge Splitting Test to thermally-damaged concretes 73
Linee Guida per la Progettazione delle Piastre in C.A. (Guidelines for the Design of R/C Slabs) 72
D-regions 71
Application of a closed-form solution for simulating bond between concrete and steel in service conditions 71
Properties of Concrete Required in Nuclear Power Plants 71
Normal-strength and high-performance concrete: size effect in smooth anchorages 70
FRC and HPFRC material property 69
On Shotcrete Mechanical Behavior past Severe Heating 68
Fire behavior of high-performance lightweight concrete sections subjected to bending 67
An experimental methodology to assess the performance of steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete (FRSCC) 67
The influence of the parameter bar diameter/effective reinforcement ratio on crack widths. 67
High-Bond Bars in NSC and HPC: a Study on Size Effect and on the Local Bond Stress-Slip Law 67
Innovative Design Concept of Cooling Water Tanks/Basins in Geothermal Power Plants Using Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete with Enhanced Durability 67
Thin-Walled Open-Section P/C Beams in Fire: A Case Study 64
Comportamento residuale di calcestruzzi spruzzati esposti all'alta temperatura 63
On High-Temperature Properties of Structural Shotcrete Containing Different Accelerating Agents 60
Ottimizzazione strutturale ed energetica di pannelli prefabbricati di facciata 60
Fire Scenario and Structural Behaviour in Underground Parking Garages 60
Residual behavior of undercut fasteners subjected to high temperatures 58
Residual capacity of undercut fasteners installed in thermally-damaged concrete 58
Comportamento al fuoco di sezioni inflesse in calcestruzzo leggero ad alte prestazioni 58
A review of self-compacting concrete mechanical properties at high temperature 57
Il collasso di un edificio industriale durante il terremoto del 2012 in Emilia Romagna 56
Testing the fresh and hardened state performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete 55
Thermal and Mechanical Properties at High Temperature of a Very High-Strength Durable Concrete 55
Caratterizzazione termo-meccanica di malte cementizie ad alte prestazioni esposte all’alta temperatura 55
Thermo-mechanical characterization of concrete mixes suitable for the rehabilitation of fire-damaged tunnel linings, part I: compressive strength and elastic modulus 54
Calcestruzzi speciali e loro comportamento all'alta temperatura 53
Understanding crack patterns in masonry chimneys 52
Local bond stress-slip law and size effect in high-bond bars 51
Durability-Based Design of Structures Made with Ultra-High-Performance/Ultra-High-Durability Concrete in Extremely Aggressive Scenarios: Application to a Geothermal Water Basin Case Study 49
A numerical study on the collapse of a precast industrial building 48
Structural validation of geothermal water basins constructed with durability enhanced ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete (Ultra High Durability Concrete) 48
Thermo-mechanical behavior of concrete mixes suitable for the rehabilitation of fire-damaged tunnel liners 47
On Temperature and Shrinkage Effects in R/C Storage Tanks 47
Bond role in strut-and-tie systems modelling reinforced-concrete members 47
An experimental methodology to assess the self-healing capacity of cementitious composites with “aero-crystallizing” additives 47
Comportamento Meccanico di una Famiglia di Calcestruzzi Autocompattanti Esposti all’Alta Temperatura 46
Thermomechanical behavior of concretes suitable for the rehabilitation of fire-damaged tunnels (in italiano) 45
Linee Guida per la Progettazione delle Piastre in C.A. 45
A preliminary investigation on the failure of prestressed members under natural fires 45
Comportamento Termomeccanico di Calcestruzzi Atti al Ripristino di Gallerie Danneggiate dall'Incendio 44
Conglomerati cementizi innovativi in presenza di incendio ed implicazioni strutturali 43
Progettazione al fuoco delle strutture in c.a. e c.a.p. 43
Ultimate capacity of undercut fasteners installed in thermally-damaged high-performance concrete 43
A contribution to the thermo-mechanical characterization of cement mortars at high temperature 43
A reappraisal of the nominal curvature method in the fire design of reinforced concrete columns 41
On the Role of Second-Order Effects in HSC Columns Exoposed to Fire 39
Fire scenario and structural behaviour of underground parking lots exposed to fire 38
Deformation capacity evaluation for flat slab seismic design 38
Proprietà termiche e comportamento residuale di calcestruzzi autocompattanti danneggiati dall'alta temperatura 37
Self-Compacting Concrete at High Temperature: A Critical Survey and Recent Test Results 37
Preliminary results on tension stiffening in heat-exposed R/C tension members 37
Numerical investigation of the structural response of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns exposed to non-uniform heating and cooling 37
Fire design of concrete structures based on a Levels-Of-Approximation approach 36
Modeling R/C Columns in Fire according to Different Constitutive Models for Heated Concrete 36
Heat in concrete: structural behavior and failure modes 36
Materials and Structural Performance in Fire 35
Totale 7.242
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.138
article - articoli 11.353
book - libri 185
conference - conferenze 12.894
curatela - curatele 350
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.052
Totale 55.972

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020756 0 0 0 0 0 0 164 100 147 88 177 80
2020/20211.036 82 44 71 29 97 77 85 131 78 95 84 163
2021/2022965 44 119 56 52 134 47 44 58 46 68 70 227
2022/20231.149 158 75 65 107 119 139 34 81 165 94 71 41
2023/2024827 35 149 54 54 55 90 43 43 40 87 32 145
2024/2025713 25 58 109 59 310 74 78 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.072