Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.767
EU - Europa 4.935
AS - Asia 1.640
AF - Africa 179
OC - Oceania 140
SA - Sud America 132
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 13.803
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.540
IT - Italia 1.795
DE - Germania 454
NL - Olanda 448
GB - Regno Unito 442
SE - Svezia 351
AT - Austria 308
SG - Singapore 306
CA - Canada 210
CN - Cina 202
FI - Finlandia 199
VN - Vietnam 188
UA - Ucraina 183
MY - Malesia 173
IE - Irlanda 158
AU - Australia 130
ID - Indonesia 126
IN - India 120
FR - Francia 118
ES - Italia 113
IR - Iran 95
JO - Giordania 75
BR - Brasile 60
NO - Norvegia 60
ZA - Sudafrica 58
BE - Belgio 55
PK - Pakistan 50
HK - Hong Kong 49
KR - Corea 44
TR - Turchia 37
DK - Danimarca 36
PT - Portogallo 33
CH - Svizzera 32
PH - Filippine 28
TW - Taiwan 28
PL - Polonia 27
GR - Grecia 23
JP - Giappone 22
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
CO - Colombia 21
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 20
KE - Kenya 19
AR - Argentina 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 17
EG - Egitto 17
SA - Arabia Saudita 17
RU - Federazione Russa 16
BG - Bulgaria 15
EC - Ecuador 15
HU - Ungheria 15
IL - Israele 14
PE - Perù 13
TH - Thailandia 13
MX - Messico 12
NG - Nigeria 12
TZ - Tanzania 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
GH - Ghana 9
EU - Europa 8
QA - Qatar 7
RO - Romania 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
LT - Lituania 6
TN - Tunisia 6
CM - Camerun 5
DZ - Algeria 5
MA - Marocco 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
CR - Costa Rica 4
LV - Lettonia 4
RS - Serbia 4
BJ - Benin 3
CL - Cile 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MT - Malta 3
SR - Suriname 3
BH - Bahrain 2
CY - Cipro 2
GE - Georgia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NP - Nepal 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SI - Slovenia 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IS - Islanda 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MC - Monaco 1
MG - Madagascar 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
SM - San Marino 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 13.803
Città #
Fairfield 620
Woodbridge 581
Santa Clara 580
Chandler 541
Houston 484
Milan 455
Ann Arbor 437
Ashburn 403
Wilmington 356
Vienna 298
Seattle 242
Cambridge 213
Singapore 205
Boardman 181
Ottawa 167
Kuala Lumpur 142
Dearborn 140
Dublin 137
Lawrence 137
Jacksonville 107
Medford 80
Amman 73
Redwood City 72
Amsterdam 71
Helsinki 71
Rome 70
Princeton 67
Jakarta 64
Dong Ket 62
Málaga 61
Beijing 59
Des Moines 52
Mountain View 48
Florence 43
Trondheim 40
Council Bluffs 37
Brisbane 32
London 32
San Diego 31
Brescia 27
Ho Chi Minh City 27
Melbourne 27
New York 27
Munich 24
Dallas 23
Johannesburg 23
Sydney 23
Taipei 23
Abidjan 21
Los Angeles 21
Manchester 19
Seoul 19
The Hague 19
Torino 19
Berlin 18
Birmingham 18
Brussels 18
Tabriz 18
Utrecht 18
Norwalk 17
Rotterdam 17
Washington 17
Frankfurt am Main 16
Cardiff 15
Duncan 15
Falkenstein 15
Forchia 15
Groningen 15
Hanoi 15
Lecco 15
Nottingham 15
Hamburg 14
Miami 14
Naples 14
Verona 14
Castiglione D'adda 13
Enschede 13
Henstedt-ulzburg 13
Auburn Hills 12
Bologna 12
Central 12
Lahore 12
Nanjing 12
Palermo 12
Sesto San Giovanni 12
Shanghai 12
Budapest 11
Cape Town 11
Dresden 11
Lima 11
Mumbai 11
Paris 11
Vicenza 11
Zurich 11
Bandra 10
Bellville 10
Copenhagen 10
Deventer 10
Eindhoven 10
Hong Kong 10
Totale 8.449
Nome #
The Value Disciplines of Serial Innovators: Integrating Customer Intimacy, Operational Excellence, and Product Leadership 1.047
Digital Servitization and Firm Performance: Technology Intensity Approach 645
Moving towards circular economy in the fashion industry: a systematic review of New Product Development and Supply Chain Management practices 530
Esercizi di Gestione dei Sistemi Produttivi 297
Does the combination of sustainable business model patterns lead to truly sustainable business models? Critical analysis of existing frameworks and extensions 252
Improving production planning through finite-capacity MRP 213
A landscape of Big data analytics in Supply chain planning: completing the puzzle and vision to the future 194
Supply Chains and Business Models in the Covid-19 era: Insights from the luxury industry 169
Using simulation to manage project supply chain in the off-shore oil and gas industry 155
Defining and Categorizing Modules in Building Projects: An International Perspective 151
Incorporating sustainability in inventory planning models: a systematic literature review of existing approaches 142
The effectiveness of digital tools in post-graduate education: Comparing different use of the flipped classroom approach in MBA programs 140
Complexity reduction and kaizen events to balance manual assembly lines: an application in the field 137
A simulation based finite capacity MRP procedure not depending on lead-time estimation 137
Design chain visibility: How much information should you share with your partners during new product development projects? 133
Supply Chain Innovation-Driven Business Models: Exploratory Analysis and Implications for Management 131
Designing supplier networks in global product development 129
Internationalisation and outsourcing of operations and product development in the fashion industry 128
A framework for the Alignment of New Product Development and Supply Chains 119
Environmental Collaboration for Sustainability in the Construction Industry: An Exploratory Study in Italy 117
Exploring the potential of business models for sustainability and big data for food waste reduction 116
Assessing suppliers for strategic integration: a portfolio approach 114
Triadic Supply Network Relationship in Supplier Involved New Product Development: Case study research in China and Italy 114
Aligning Supply Chain Management and New Product Development: A Theoretical Framework 113
Evolution of Global Product Development Networks: An Exploratory Study 113
Using simulation to reshape the maintenance systems of caster segments 113
Exploring Replenishment in the Luxury Fashion Italian firms: evidence from case studies 112
Linking product modularity to supply chain integration in the construction and shipbuilding industries 110
Understanding the role of sustainability in Lean and Agile supply chain strategies: literature review and future research directions 108
Exploring sustainability in the pharmaceutical supply chain: results from some Italian case studies 104
Aligning new product development and supply chains: development of a theoretical framework and analysis of case studies 102
Reinforcing supply chain security through organizational and cultural tools within the intermodal rail and road industry 102
An object-oriented simulation meta-model to analyse supply chain performance 101
Exploring the hidden potential of product design to mitigate supply chain risk 101
Integrating the environmental and social sustainability pillars into the lean and agile supply chain management paradigms: A literature review and future research directions 101
An exploratory study of the relation between supply chain topological features and supply chain performance 100
When ETO companies design the supply chain during new product development process 100
Building a rationale for co-creation with customers and suppliers: an exploratory study 100
Engineering and production decoupling configurations: An empirical study in the machinery industry 98
Toward triadic supply network relationships in collaborative new product development: An investigation on supplier-supplier relationship 98
A formal method for analysing and assessing operational risk in supply chains 97
Linking product modularity and innovativeness to supply chain management in the Italian furniture industry 96
Forecasting cycle time in semiconductor manufacturing systems: a literature review 95
An empirical application of lean management techniques to support ETO design and production planning 94
Integrate Customer Order Decoupling Point and Mass Customisation Concepts: A Literature Review 91
Bridging the technical and managerial side of big data analytics for supply chain planning: insight from a Delphi study 91
A new logistics model for increasing economic sustainability of perishable food supply chains through intermodal transportation 90
The impact of NPD projects on Supply Chain complexity: an empirical research 88
Scheduling batches with time constraints in wafer fabrication 88
The supply chain management - marketing interface in product development: an exploratory study 86
Aligning Supply Chain Management and New Product Development: a framework of reference 85
The impact of NPD projects on Supply Chain complexity: an empirical research 85
Using simulation to optimize transhipment systems: Applications in field 85
Global Product Development: Organization and Links with the Supply Chain 84
Supply chain strategy design and deployment: understanding how sustainability is changing the game 84
Measuring variety reduction along the supply chain: The variety gap model 84
Special issue editorial: Managing the supply chain management–marketing interface 84
NPD-SCM Alignment in Mass Customization 79
Insights from the empirical applications of the customer order decoupling point 79
The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Coordination in Engineer-To-Order Companies 78
Performance improvement of manual assembly lines in a context characterized by complexity 78
Industry 4.0 and supply chain process re-engineering: A coproduction study of materials management in construction 78
Modularity and operational efficiency in engineer to order companies: a study in the machine tool industry 78
The hidden power of new product development to mitigate supply chain risk 77
Aligning Supply Chain Management and New Product Development: a general framework 76
The supply chain management-marketing interface in product development: an exploratory study 76
Forecasting Cycle Times in Semiconductor Manufacturing with Queuing Network Theory 76
The impact of new product introduction on supply chain ability to match supply and demand 75
A system dynamics model for assessing the impact of product modularity on NPD process 74
Batching and dispatching with limited queue time in wafer fabrication 73
Ametista 73
Supply chain strategy in the luxury fashion industry: impacts on performance indicators 73
Assessing the Impact of Modularity on Project Phases in the Housebuilding Industry 72
The hidden power of new product development practices and product features to mitigate supply chain risk 71
Supply Chain Strategy in the Luxury Fashion Industry 71
In search of sustainable supply chain strategy deployment framework: cases along the furniture industry supply chain 68
How to achieve the synchronization between the new product development and the supply chain design 67
Integrating activities and resources in global product development: preliminary propositions 64
A simulation study on the impacts of product and supply chain modularity on mix flexibility 64
Making Supply Chain Decisions at the right time in the Product Development Process 63
Employees’ Participation and Involvement in Lean Management: The Experience of a Training Program of Assembly Lines Workers 63
Integrating activities and resources in global product development 62
The importance of coordinating product development with supply chain planning in the fashion goods industry 62
Determinants for order-fulfilment strategies in engineer-to-order companies: Insights from the machinery industry 62
When sustainability becomes an order winner: Linking supply uncertainty and sustainable supply chain strategies 62
Assessing circularity along the agri-food supply chain: a decision making tool 61
Does product modularity allow to speed up your NPD process? 61
New Product Development and Supply Chain Management Alignment 61
Increasing Security And Efficiency In Supply Chains: A Five-Step Approach 61
Supply chain risk mitigation strategies: combining supply chain and product design leverages 61
Measuring visibility and virtuality along the design chain 61
A road-map for outsourcing facilities-related services in SMEs: overcome criticalities and building trust 61
Factors influencing the implementation of new sustainable logistic models within dairy supply chains: Insights from a multiple stages case study research 61
Managing operations and new product development along the supply chain: a conceptual framework 60
RFID technology for increasing visibility in ETO supply chains: a case study 60
Sizing off-shore transshipment systems: a case study in maritime dry-bulk transportation 60
Product architecture and supply chain design: impacts on mix flexibility 59
Improving sustainability performance of the Italian professional printers supply chain 59
Potentials of supply chain innovation for the generation of new business models 58
Disentangling sustainable supply chain strategic fit: a survey in the furniture industry 58
Totale 11.489
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.789
article - articoli 18.992
book - libri 409
conference - conferenze 19.212
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.176
Totale 81.578

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.355 0 0 0 0 0 298 207 157 194 126 240 133
2020/20211.563 117 77 101 105 178 118 88 127 130 174 138 210
2021/20221.863 83 151 125 95 299 109 76 138 192 131 181 283
2022/20232.381 203 86 137 167 170 259 111 272 432 170 238 136
2023/20242.005 152 218 109 153 146 216 118 273 116 163 130 211
2024/20251.614 80 87 136 130 737 444 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.073