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Policies of Densification of Urban Environment, a necessary strategy to avoid the Consumption of Greenfield Areas in South Mediterranean Regions 1-gen-2005 MORELLO, EUGENIO
21st Century Milan: using new image processing techniques to assess the environmental quality of the Milan Trade Fair masterplan 1-gen-2005 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
SunScapes: extending the ‘solar envelopes’ concept through ‘iso-solar surfaces 1-gen-2005 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
La candidatura di Milano per Expo 2015: linee di progetto per riparare l'ambiente delle aree di frangia milanesi 1-gen-2007 MORELLO, EUGENIOVILLA, DANIELECARLI, PAOLOPENSA, ELVIRA
Concorso nazionale di progettazione. Nuovo insediamento residenziale a Grumello al Piano. Comune di Bergamo 1-gen-2007 SCOCCIMARRO, ANTONIOGINELLI, ELISABETTABELLINI, OSCAR EUGENIODAGLIO, LAURACHIESA, GIANCARLOMORELLO, EUGENIOPOZZI, GIANLUCA +
Variabile tempo. Massa termica e risparmio energetico 1-gen-2007 CAMPIOLI, ANDREAFERRARI, SIMONELAVAGNA, MONICAMORELLO, EUGENIO +
Raster Cities: image processing techniques for environmental urban analysis 1-gen-2007 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Inerzia Termica: C’è muro e muro - Speciale Energia”, in Costruire, n. 305, Abitare Segesta, Milano, pp. 96-106. 1-gen-2008 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMORELLO, EUGENIO
C’è muro e muro: Analisi delle proprietà di alcune soluzioni per chiusure verticali opache 1-gen-2008 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMORELLO, EUGENIO
Solar radiation over the urban texture: LIDAR data and image processing techniques for environmental analysis at city scale 1-gen-2008 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
A model for programming design interventions aimed at reducing thermal discomfort in urban open spaces 1-gen-2008 MANGIAROTTI, ANNAPAOLETTI, INGRIDMORELLO, EUGENIO
2.3 Procedure per il calcolo termico in regime stazionario e in regime dinamico sinusoidale 1-gen-2009 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMONTICELLI, CAROLMORELLO, EUGENIO
Il ruolo della massa: analisi e valutazione delle caratteristiche dinamiche di chiusure verticali opache 1-gen-2009 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMORELLO, EUGENIO
Le soluzioni di involucro per la realizzazione di edifici energeticamente efficienti 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO
2. Il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico invernale; 2.1 Le norme tecniche per il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico invernale 1-gen-2009 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMORELLO, EUGENIO
2.2 Procedura semplificata per il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico per il riscaldamento invernale 1-gen-2009 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMORELLO, EUGENIO
Monographic Insert: SENSEable City – MIT Laboratory 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
WikiCities 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Procedure per il calcolo in regime stazionario e in regimendinamico sinusoidale 1-gen-2009 ANGELOTTI, ADRIANAMONTICELLI, CAROLMORELLO, EUGENIO
GIS-based assessment of solar irradiance on the urban fabric and potential for active solar technology 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Progettazione ambientale della forma urbana 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO
Sustainable urban block design through passive architecture: A tool that uses urban geometry optimization to compute energy savings 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Assessment of solar irradiance on the urban fabric for the production of renewable energy using LIDAR data and image processing techniques 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
SunScapes: ‘solar envelopes’ and the analysis of urban DEMs 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
A Digital Image of the City: 3-D isovists in Lynch’s Urban Analysis 1-gen-2009 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Digital urban morphometrics: Automatic extraction and assessment of morphological properties of buildings 1-gen-2010 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Urban Environment Quality Indicators: Application to Solar Radiation and Morphological Analysis on Built Area 1-gen-2010 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
The use of digital 3-D information to assess urban environmental quality indicators 1-gen-2010 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
GIS tool to estimate the solar radiation on buildings roofs in the Canton of Geneva 1-gen-2011 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Urban Digestive Systems 1-gen-2011 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Urban morphology and environmental quality: tools for evaluation and design 1-gen-2011 MORELLO, EUGENIO
Designing child-friendly urban environments: a proposal for a method of investigation based on visual simulation 1-gen-2011 PIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELEMORELLO, EUGENIO +
3-D visualization of urban environmental quality indicators using the CityGML standard 1-gen-2011 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Gli ultimi spazi aperti della città diffusa. Prospettive di tutela e strategie infrastrutturali per i territori non urbanizzati della regione pedemontana lombarda 1-gen-2011 ZANFI, FEDERICOA. BortolottiGAMBINO, DANIELALANZANI, ARTURO SERGIOLONGO, ANTONIO EMILIO ALVISEMORELLO, EUGENIOMORO, ANNANOVAK, CHRISTIAN +
The evaluation of solar energy potential and energy needs for heating and lighting using LIDAR data: Applications on two real built-up areas 1-gen-2011 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
The experience of an academic simulation laboratory: The use of visual simulations for education and research 1-gen-2011 PIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELEMORELLO, EUGENIOSIGNORELLI, VALERIO
From evaluation to design of the urban form through the assessment of environmental indicators 1-gen-2012 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
The spatial dimension of energies: urban patterns and energy strategies 1-gen-2012 MORELLO, EUGENIORONCHI, SILVIA +
Anticipating Urban Design Projects Impacts Starting from the Pedestrians' Experience 1-gen-2012 PIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELESIGNORELLI, VALERIOMORELLO, EUGENIO
Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication - Proceedings of the 11th conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association 1-gen-2013 MORELLO, EUGENIOPIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELE
Dalla dismissione alla riqualificazione energetica degli spazi della produzione 1-gen-2013 MORELLO, EUGENIO
Envisioning the sustainable campus: the urban model as the hub that supports the transformation 1-gen-2013 MORELLO, EUGENIOPIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELESIGNORELLI, VALERIO +
Achieving sustainability through a cyclical process of evaluation and adjustment: a support system for urban design 1-gen-2013 PUERARI, EMMAMORELLO, EUGENIO
Perceptual simulation for urban design: its use for developing and sharing urban design guideline 1-gen-2013 PIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELEMORELLO, EUGENIO
The combined use of urban models to support a collaborative approach to design towards the sustainable university campus: participation, design, transformation 1-gen-2014 PIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELEMORELLO, EUGENIOSIGNORELLI, VALERIO
Per una tassonomia delle azioni di mitigazione e adattamento alla scala urbana 1-gen-2014 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
Urban morphology and energy consumption: simplified tools for the estimation of energy needs and solar income at the urban and district level 1-gen-2014 MORELLO, EUGENIO +
The image of productive landscapes: A method for the perceptual analysis of industrial heritage 1-gen-2015 MORELLO, EUGENIOPIGA, BARBARA ESTER ADELE
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