A network of slow routes between Italian UNESCO sites. A territorial strategy to enhance the in-between territories and the inner areas
2020-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
A View from the Track: Measuring Spatial Quality of Slow Mobility Routes. Possible Integration of GIS and Machine Learning Based Methods
2020-01-01 Bianchi, A.; D'Uva, D.; Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Analisi e rapppresentazione per le strutture paesistiche lungo l'asse territoriale Torino - Milano
2011-01-01 Coppo, D.; Rolando, Andrea; Scandiffio, A.
Basi di dati geografici e modelli per la rappresentazione della città e del territorio. Questioni metodologiche per l’uso di software GIS e BIM/ Geographical databases and models for urban and territorial representation. Methodological issues in the use of GIS and BIM
2017-01-01 Rolando, Andrea; Oreni, Daniela; Scandiffio, Alessandro
Dalla Foresta Umbra a Matera. In bici nei Parchi e siti Unesco, tra paesaggio e infrastrutture
2020-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Exploring representation tools for mapping landscape evolution. From historical maps to satellite multispectral imagery
2022-01-01 Scandiffio, A.
Mapping green spaces and slow mobility connections in the city of Turin. Analysis and design strategies in the field of proximity tourism
2021-01-01 Scandiffio, A.
Mapping landscape components by UAV multispectral surveying platform
2024-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Mapping landscape qualities in inner areas and UNESCO sites in north sicily by a GIS multisource geodatabase
2023-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Milan-Turin: a bundle of infrastructures to access a network of places, between cultural heritage and landscape
2013-01-01 Rolando, Andrea; Scandiffio, A.
Nodi di reti tangibili e intangibili nel paesaggio tra Torino e Milano. Una sezione territoriale tra i siti Unesco dei Sacri Monti Varallo e di Crea / Nodes of tangible and intangible networks in the landscape between Torino and Milano. A transect from Varallo to Crea Sacred Mounts of Unesco World Heritage
2018-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Rilievo urbano con strumenti GPS: un'esperienza operativa nel quadrante nord ovest di Milano
2015-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, Alessandro
Spatial quality index of slow routes. A multi-indicators GIS method for measuring spatial quality in the landscape of southern Milan
2019-01-01 Scandiffio, A.
The circle line “AbbracciaTO”: an infrastructure in Turin for active proximity tourism as a driver of territorial transformation for a healthy city
2021-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
The Grand Tour UNESCO in the Piedmont region. A slow travel route across “in between” territories, to improve the accessibility of places in cultural landscapes
2022-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
The more walkable, the more livable? -- can urban attractiveness improve urban vitality?
2022-01-01 Liang, Yang; D'Uva, Domenico; Scandiffio, Alessandro; Rolando, Andrea
The rediscovery and enhancement of the historical “Wool Road” through its recognition and reuse project
2018-01-01 Condoleo, P.; Rolando, A.; Oreni, D.; Scandiffio, A.
Thematic mapping for the definition of territorial development strategies in the Province of Biella
2022-01-01 Rolando, A.; Scandiffio, A.
Tracce GPS e rilievo delle strutture paesistiche: un'esperienza di rilievo nel territorio attraversato dalle ferrovie Appulo-Lucane. GPS tracks and representation of landscape structural facts: an experience of survey in the territory corssed by the Appulo-Lucane railways
2013-01-01 Rolando, Andrea; Scandiffio, A.
Tracing a cycle route between the UNESCO sites and the national parks of Apulia and Basilicata: a design oriented strategy for sustainable tourism
2020-01-01 Rolando, A.; D'Armento, S.; Scandiffio, A.