A Flexible and Reconfigurable Interconnection Structure for FPGA Dataflow Applications
2013-01-01 Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Nacci, ALESSANDRO ANTONIO; Cattaneo, Riccardo; Pilato, Christian; Sciuto, Donatella; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
A hardware approach to protein identification
2015-01-01 Bianchi, Gea; Casasopra, Fabiola; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
A runtime controller for OpenCL applications on heterogeneous system architectures
2016-01-01 Bolchini, Cristiana; Cherubin, Stefano; Durelli, Gianluca C.; Libutti, Simone; Miele, Antonio; Santambrogio, Marco D.
A runtime controller for openCL applications on heterogeneous system architectures
2018-01-01 Bolchini, Cristiana; Cherubin, Stefano; Durelli, Gianluca C.; Libutti, Simone; Miele, Antonio; Santambrogio, Marco D.
A self-adaptive approach to efficiently manage energy and performance in tomorrow's heterogeneous computing systems
2016-01-01 Trainiti, E. M. G.; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Miele, ANTONIO ROSARIO; Bolchini, Cristiana; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
A system-level simulation framework for evaluating resource management policies for heterogeneous system architectures
2015-01-01 Miele, ANTONIO ROSARIO; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO; Bolchini, Cristiana
A2B: an Integrated Framework for Designing Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Systems
2013-01-01 Sciuto, Donatella; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO; Pilato, Christian; Cattaneo, Riccardo; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Nacci, ALESSANDRO ANTONIO
Adaptive Raytracing Implementation Using Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration
2014-01-01 Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Spada, Fabrizio; Cattaneo, Riccardo; Pilato, Christian; Danilo, Pau; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
An open-source design and validation platform for reconfigurable systems
2012-01-01 Bonetto, Alessandra; Cazzaniga, Andrea; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Pilato, Christian; Sciuto, Donatella; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
An orchestrated approach to efficiently manage resources in heterogeneous system architectures
2015-01-01 Pallotta, Gabriele; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Miele, ANTONIO ROSARIO; Bolchini, Cristiana; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
Automatic run-time manager generation for reconfigurable MPSoC architectures
2012-01-01 Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Pilato, Christian; Cazzaniga, Andrea; Sciuto, Donatella; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
Autonomic thread scaling library for QoS management
2016-01-01 Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
Exploiting FPGAs from higher level languages a signal analysis case study
2017-01-01 Stornaiuolo, L.; Parravicini, Alberto; Durelli, G.; Santambrogio, M. D.
Floorplanning Automation for Partial-Reconfigurable FPGAs via Feasible Placements Generation
2017-01-01 Rabozzi, Marco; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Miele, ANTONIO ROSARIO; Lillis, John; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
FPGA-based design using the FASTER toolchain: the case of STM Spear development board
2014-01-01 Spada, F.; Scolari, Alberto; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Cattaneo, Riccardo; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO; Sciuto, Donatella; Pnevmatikatos, D. N.; Gaydadjiev, G. N.; Pell, O.; Brokalakis, A.; Luk, W.; Stroobandt, D.; Pau, D.
GPU-based computation for brain spatio-temporal networks definition
2017-01-01 Purgato, A.; Reggiani, E.; D'Arnese, E.; Berger-Wolf, T.; Grimaldi, M.; Durelli, G.; Santambrogio, M. D.
Hardware design automation of convolutional neural networks
2016-01-01 Solazzo, Andrea; DEL SOZZO, Emanuele; De Rose, Irene; De Silvestri, Matteo; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
Mini-Robot's Performance Optimization via Online Reconfiguration and HW/SW Task Scheduling
2012-01-01 Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; F., Cresci; Sciuto, Donatella; M., Porrmann; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO
On how to efficiently accelerate brain network analysis on FPGA-based computing system
2015-01-01 Gnemmi, Giulia; Crippa, Mattia; Durelli, Gianluca; Cattaneo, Riccardo; Pallotta, Gabriele; Santambrogio, Marco D.
On how to extract breathing rate from PPG signal using wearable devices
2015-01-01 Fusco, A.; Locatelli, D.; Onorati, Francesco; Durelli, GIANLUCA CARLO; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO