Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.055
EU - Europa 3.687
AS - Asia 1.360
AF - Africa 44
OC - Oceania 35
SA - Sud America 32
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 12.218
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.618
IT - Italia 1.076
AT - Austria 458
CA - Canada 421
SG - Singapore 415
UA - Ucraina 409
SE - Svezia 337
DE - Germania 323
CN - Cina 261
VN - Vietnam 250
GB - Regno Unito 238
FI - Finlandia 227
IE - Irlanda 151
CH - Svizzera 120
ES - Italia 119
IN - India 70
FR - Francia 67
KR - Corea 47
IR - Iran 42
ID - Indonesia 41
NL - Olanda 38
BE - Belgio 35
JO - Giordania 34
HK - Hong Kong 29
JP - Giappone 28
CI - Costa d'Avorio 26
TR - Turchia 26
AU - Australia 22
BR - Brasile 21
PH - Filippine 20
MY - Malesia 19
TW - Taiwan 18
PL - Polonia 14
BG - Bulgaria 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 13
MX - Messico 11
TH - Thailandia 11
BD - Bangladesh 10
RO - Romania 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 9
NO - Norvegia 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
GR - Grecia 8
BH - Bahrain 7
HU - Ungheria 7
RS - Serbia 7
OM - Oman 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
CO - Colombia 4
KE - Kenya 4
MU - Mauritius 4
PT - Portogallo 4
CL - Cile 3
EU - Europa 3
IQ - Iraq 3
PK - Pakistan 3
QA - Qatar 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EC - Ecuador 2
HR - Croazia 2
PE - Perù 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
BJ - Benin 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
IL - Israele 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
ZM - Zambia 1
ZW - Zimbabwe 1
Totale 12.218
Città #
Chandler 825
Santa Clara 600
Fairfield 521
Ashburn 500
Vienna 453
Woodbridge 403
Ottawa 395
Wilmington 368
Houston 349
Singapore 322
Ann Arbor 319
Jacksonville 236
Boardman 201
Dearborn 197
Seattle 190
Milan 182
Cambridge 174
Dublin 149
Lawrence 147
Dong Ket 118
Medford 107
Bern 106
Helsinki 97
Málaga 94
Beijing 77
Redwood City 65
Des Moines 64
Princeton 48
Frankfurt am Main 47
New York 47
Washington 47
Rome 46
Jakarta 37
San Diego 37
Auburn Hills 36
Amman 33
Falkenstein 31
Abidjan 26
Verona 22
Brussels 20
Shanghai 19
Norwalk 18
Amsterdam 16
Hangzhou 15
London 15
Istanbul 14
Bari 13
Central 13
Baltimore 12
Los Angeles 12
Chengdu 10
Gwanak-gu 10
Naples 10
Rozzano 10
Turin 10
Viareggio 10
Chicago 9
Dhaka 9
Pisa 9
Salerno 9
Zhengzhou 9
Dubai 8
Kuala Lumpur 8
Napoli 8
Phoenix 8
Bologna 7
Brescia 7
Genoa 7
Guangzhou 7
Hefei 7
Hong Kong 7
Indiana 7
Kunming 7
Minatomirai 7
Mountain View 7
Mumbai 7
Paris 7
Seoul 7
Serra 7
Tokyo 7
Chennai 6
Nanjing 6
Novara 6
Segrate 6
Taipei 6
Tianjin 6
Xi'an 6
Falls Church 5
Fisciano 5
Gams 5
Hamburg 5
Manama 5
Mariano Comense 5
Marseille 5
Monza 5
Palermo 5
Palisades 5
Portland 5
Redmond 5
Seongnam 5
Totale 8.232
Nome #
TRAM: a New Quantitative Methodology for Tunnel Risk Analysis 218
Bioreattori in fase slurry per la bonifica di suoli contaminati 202
Synthesis of 4-Chloro-3-nitrobenzotrifluoride: Industrial thermal runaway simulation due to cooling system failure 177
Queue Formation and Evacuation Modelling in Road Tunnels During Fires 171
A critical comparison between CFD and zone models for the consequence analysis of fires in congested environments 153
Runaway problems in unsteady state tubular reactors 152
Preliminary CFD analysis of a ventilated chamber for candles testing 151
Advanced turbulence models and boundary conditions for flows around different configurations of ground-mounted buildings 145
Runaway reactions and vapor cloud explosions: the synthron case study 145
The role of bioethanol flueless fireplaces on indoor air quality: Focus on odour emissions 141
Hazardous gas dispersion: A CFD model accounting for atmospheric stability classes 140
A predictive model for the estimation of the deflagration index of organic dusts 139
Emissions of air pollutants from scented candles burning in a test chamber 135
CFD model simulation of LPG dispersion in urban areas 130
Assessment of modeled indoor air concentrations of Particulate Matter, gaseous pollutants, and Volatile Organic Compounds emitted from candles 124
Topological criterion to safely optimize hazardous chemical processes involving arbitrary kinetic schemes 117
Assessment of the indoor odour impact in a naturally ventilated room 116
A kinetic free mathematical model for the prediction of the KSt reduction with the particle size increase 116
Safety in Road Tunnels: Accident Data Analysis of the Italian Motorway A24 and A25 113
Emissions of hazardous compounds during PVC manufacturing processes 112
Modelling of indoor air pollutants dispersion: New tools 111
Emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate: safe optimization of a hazardous complex process 109
Hazardous gas releases in urban areas: assessment of consequences through CFD modelling 107
Fossati F., Robustelli F., Schito P., Cuoci A., Derudi M., DellePiane S., “Experimental and numerical assessment of mega-yacht aerodynamic performances and characteristics”, HISWA, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), March 2014 107
Jet fires and reaction runaway interaction: A multiscale approach 106
Emission of air pollutants from burning candles with different composition in indoor environments 105
110th Anniversary: MILD Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon-Alcohol Blends 103
Experimental design of topological curves to safely optimize highly exothermic complex reacting systems 102
Biodegradation combined with ozone for the remediation of contaminated soils 101
A test chamber for the assessment of human exposure to fine particles 100
Topological criteria to safely optimize hazardous chemical processes involving consecutive reactions 99
Classification and optimization of potentially runaway processes using topology tools 99
Characterization of pollutants emissions from burning candles 98
Safe operating conditions for semibatch processes involving consecutive reactions with autocatalytic behavior 97
Tunnel Fire Testing and Modeling The Morgex North Tunnel Experiment 96
Heavy gas dispersion in presence of large obstacles: selection of modeling tools 93
Experimental and numerical study of an air lock purging system 92
Numerical analysis of pool fire consequences in confined environments 92
Prediction of the deflagration index for organic dusts as a function of the mean particle diameter 92
On the divergence criterion for runaway detection: Application to complex controlled systems 91
Estimation of the deflagration index KSt for dust explosions: A review 91
Experimental and modeling study of premixed fuel-rich flat ethylene/hydrogen flames 89
Chemical and thermal effects of CO2 addition in fuel-rich premixed ethylene flames 89
Mild combustion of methane-derived fuels: natural gas and biogas 89
On the gasification of biomass: Data analysis and regressions 89
Dispersion of atmospheric particulate emissions in built-up areas close to a steel mill 88
Emulsion polymerization of butyl acrylate: safe optimization using topological criteria 85
Toluene and benzyl decomposition mechanisms: elementary reactions and kinetic simulations 85
Effects of the mean particle size in the deflagration index estimation for cornstarch dust 85
Road Tunnels - An Analytical Model for Risk Analysis 85
Caratterizzazione dei fumi prodotti da candele profumate 83
Kinetic free mathematical model for the prediction of Kst values for organic dusts with arbitrary particle size distribution 83
Sustainability of mild combustion of hydrogen-containing hybrid fuels 82
Use of Methane-Derived Fuel Mixtures, Natural Gas and Biogas, for Mild Combustion Applications 81
Release and dispersion of LNG in complex environments 80
Thermal behavior of a semibatch reactor during upset conditions as a function of dosing and temperature controller type 80
Experimental study of the mild combustion of liquid hydrocarbons 77
Full-scale fire tests in the Morgex north tunnel 77
Risk assessment of dangerous products release and dispersion: a comparison between CFD and integral models 76
Experimental study of flue gas desulfurization: sorbent reactivation and reaction paths 75
The Viareggio LPG accident: Lessons learnt 75
Interazioni tra fumi e sistemi sprinkler: analisi fluidodinamica durante un incendio 75
Preliminary study on oxidation of nuclear grade graphite 74
Mild Combustion of Hydrogen Containing Fuels 73
Numerical and experimental analysis of NO emissions from a lab-scale burner fed with hydrogen-enriched fuels and operating in MILD combustion 73
Comparison between absorption and biological activity on the efficiency of the biotrickling filtration of gaseous streams containing ammonia 71
Characterization of coal char conversion in oxidizing environments 71
Kinetic modeling of the effect of temperature and equivalence ratio on soot formation 69
Bioslurry-ozonazione: processi combinati per la bonifica di terreni contaminati 69
Valutazione delle conseguenze per rilasci accidentali di GNL: confronto tra modelli integrali e codici CFD 69
Mild combustion of hybrid fuels 68
Modeling PAH and PM formation in hybrid fuels premixed flat flames 68
On the mechanism of decomposition of the benzyl radical 68
Development of safety procedures for the scale-up of hazardous chemical processes 67
Calculation of the F-N curve and the expected damage value 67
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Mild Combustion of Hydrogen-Containing Fuels 66
CFD-assisted safety design in a flue gas treatment plant retrofit 66
Evaluation of the consequences on the users safety 66
Road tunnels risk analysis 66
Background of modelling approaches and tools 66
Study of a nimble model to evaluate the effects of a gasoline fire in a road tunnel 66
Influenza della presenza di ostacoli sulla dispersione di gas densi 65
Chemical reactors and runaway phenomena 65
Geographic Information to support risk analysis related to dangerous material hazards 65
Processi bioslurry per la bonifica di terreni contaminati 64
CFD Modelling of an Aerosol Exposure Chamber for Medical Studies 64
Consequence analysis for LNG regasification plants emerging risks 64
The fire tests in the morgex north tunnel 64
Distribution model of potentially exposed users 64
Safety in Road Tunnels: Analysis of Fire Accident Location inside the Gran Sasso Tunnel in Italy 64
Implementation of an In Vitro Experimental Setup Simulating Pulmonary Dissolution Following the Inhalation of Radioactive Particulate Material 63
Dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in built-up areas close to a metallurgical industry 63
Rilascio di sostanze chimiche nel trattamento termico di materie plastiche 63
Safety of LPG rail transportation 63
Processi bioslurry per la degradazione di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici e fenoli in suoli contaminati 62
Detailed modelling of an industrial process: vinyl acetate emulsion homopolymerization 62
Experimental and Numerical Study of a Mild Combustion Burner Operated With Methane 60
Process data analysis for the heat treatments of vegetable biomasses 60
The Influence of Hydrogen-Containing Fuels on Mild Combustion Sustainability 60
Safety of LPG rail transportation in the perspective of the Viareggio accident 60
Totale 9.214
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.477
article - articoli 16.607
book - libri 527
conference - conferenze 16.912
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 134
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.297
Totale 82.954

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.076 0 0 0 0 0 162 228 111 183 78 227 87
2020/20211.596 113 35 123 69 278 97 116 126 123 115 115 286
2021/20221.659 84 175 72 160 149 70 140 79 237 84 124 285
2022/20232.135 208 170 127 199 258 239 38 150 281 167 117 181
2023/20241.383 103 199 64 123 106 193 64 120 35 108 41 227
2024/20251.447 52 72 198 129 718 278 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.413