A model-based approach for estimating PAO activity in aerobic granular sludge
2024-01-01 Rizzardi, G.; Catenacci, A.; Canziani, R.; Turolla, A.
A statistical approach for estimating the methane yield of Italian municipal sludges from chemical composition: a preliminary study
2018-01-01 Catenacci, A.; Azzellino, A.; Malpei, Francesca
A tool for optimal calibration of anaerobic co-digestion models: Development in the OpenModelica platform
2024-01-01 Catenacci, Arianna; Carecci, D.; Leva, A.; Guerreschi, A.; Ferretti, G.; Ficara, E.
Assessing the performances of paper vs. bioplastic bags for food waste delivered to anaerobic digestion
2019-01-01 Grosso, M.; Dolci, G.; Catenacci, A.; Malpei, F.; Fancello, R.
Assessing the role of the type of collection bag in the management of food waste
2024-01-01 Grosso, M.; Dolci, G.; Catenacci, A.; Malpei, F.; Fancello, R.
Elucidating the field of application of 0D and 1D biofilm models integrated with the hydrodynamics of aerobic granular sludge reactors
2023-01-01 Catenacci, A.; Pesenti, M.; Paini, E.; Formaggia, L.; Rizzardi, G.; Canziani, R.; Turolla, A.
Evaluation of the anaerobic degradability of food waste collection bags made of paper and bioplastic
2022-01-01 Dolci, Giovanni; Venturelli, Valeria; Grosso, Mario; Catenacci, Arianna; Malpei, Francesca
Evaluation of the performances of paper and bioplastic bags in the management of food waste
2019-01-01 Dolci, G.; Grosso, M.; Catenacci, A.; Malpei, F.; Fancello, R.
Hydrogenotrophic methanogens activity batch tests: insights from an experimental and modelling approach
2024-01-01 Santus, Anna; Bonato, Irene; Catenacci, Arianna; Malpei, Francesca
Optimization of biological conversion of CO2 and green H2 into biomethane
2024-01-01 Bonato, I.; Catenacci, A.; Santus, A.; Malpei, F.
Ozone treatment of poorly degradable sludge to enhance anaerobic digestion
2021-01-01 Catenacci, A.; Cascio, M.; Malpei, F.; Peroni, M.; Pasinetti, E.
Plant-wide modelling of digestate up-cycling: the case of microalgae cultivation
2023-01-01 Carecci, Davide; Rossi, Simone; Catenacci, Arianna; Ferretti, Gianni; Ficara, Elena
Procedure for ADM1 input variable characterization of sewage sludge and expired yogurt in view of co-digestion optimization
2021-01-01 Catenacci, A.; Platè, M.; Ficara, E.
Removal kinetics of heavy metals and metalloids from water by polyamidoamine hydrogels
2012-01-01 Catenacci, Arianna; Gardoni, Davide; Romele, Laura; Antonelli, Manuela
Resine PAA per la rimozione di metalli pesanti e metalloidi dalle acque reflue industriali
2009-01-01 Antonelli, M.; Catenacci, A.; Romele, L.; Berbenni, P.; Bonomo, L.
Resine PAA per la rimozione di metalli pesanti e metalloidi dalle acque reflue industriali
2009-01-01 Antonelli, Manuela; Catenacci, A.; Romele, Laura; Berbenni, P.; Bonomo, Luca
Sludge ozonation to enhance anaerobic digestion: a comprehensive approach from lab to full-scale
2022-01-01 Catenacci, A.; Peroni, P.; Gievers, F.; Mainardis, M.; Cascio, M.; Soderino, D.; Pasinetti, E.; Bernardi, M.; Malpei, F.
Specific Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenic Activity test: the role of operating conditions
2023-01-01 Santus, A.; Trionfini, M.; Catenacci, A.; Malpei, F.
Start-up of the VFA production from waste sludge at the municipal WWTP of Sesto San Giovanni
2021-01-01 Grana, M.; Platè, M.; Frison, N.; Catenacci, A.; Scaglione, D.; Ficara, E.; Fatone, F.
Utilizzo di sacchetti in carta per la raccolta dell'umido: una valutazione di filiera
2019-01-01 Dolci, G.; Grosso, M.; Catenacci, A.; Malpei, F.; Fancello, R.