Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.102
EU - Europa 2.983
AS - Asia 677
SA - Sud America 48
AF - Africa 22
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 8.850
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.987
IT - Italia 1.190
UA - Ucraina 312
AT - Austria 289
DE - Germania 262
SE - Svezia 192
VN - Vietnam 180
CN - Cina 172
FI - Finlandia 161
GB - Regno Unito 148
SG - Singapore 122
CA - Canada 114
ES - Italia 103
IE - Irlanda 94
BE - Belgio 70
IN - India 61
FR - Francia 52
NL - Olanda 34
KR - Corea 30
BR - Brasile 22
IR - Iran 22
JO - Giordania 21
JP - Giappone 19
CH - Svizzera 15
HK - Hong Kong 14
ID - Indonesia 13
CL - Cile 11
RO - Romania 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
NO - Norvegia 9
PE - Perù 9
GR - Grecia 8
AU - Australia 7
EU - Europa 7
TR - Turchia 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
RU - Federazione Russa 5
AL - Albania 4
BJ - Benin 4
HU - Ungheria 4
MU - Mauritius 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
EC - Ecuador 3
IL - Israele 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SI - Slovenia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
DK - Danimarca 2
MY - Malesia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
ET - Etiopia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 8.850
Città #
Chandler 625
Fairfield 538
Woodbridge 441
Ann Arbor 358
Wilmington 331
Vienna 287
Ashburn 282
Houston 264
Seattle 227
Milan 213
Cambridge 185
Jacksonville 170
Dearborn 166
Lawrence 114
Ottawa 99
Dublin 93
Dong Ket 90
Málaga 90
Singapore 76
Medford 67
Brussels 65
Helsinki 65
Beijing 58
Princeton 54
Rome 50
San Diego 49
Redwood City 46
Turin 43
Des Moines 42
Boardman 35
Grafing 29
Amsterdam 25
Amman 21
Norwalk 21
New York 17
Falls Church 16
London 15
Redmond 14
Washington 14
Columbus 13
Mountain View 13
Hangzhou 12
Indiana 12
Dallas 11
Napoli 11
Santiago 11
Verona 11
Abidjan 10
Auburn Hills 10
Brescia 10
Los Angeles 10
Shanghai 10
Venezia 10
Changsha 8
Madrid 8
Naples 8
Palermo 8
Trondheim 8
Genoa 7
Lima 7
Mumbai 7
Phoenix 7
Richland 7
Zurich 7
Chicago 6
Edinburgh 6
Hebei 6
Hong Kong 6
Jakarta 6
Lainate 6
Portland 6
Santa Clara 6
Timișoara 6
Bologna 5
Central District 5
Chongqing 5
Como 5
Guangzhou 5
Massy 5
Nanjing 5
New Haven 5
San Francisco 5
Seongnam 5
Seoul 5
Tokyo 5
Toronto 5
Athens 4
Bari 4
Berlin 4
Bonndorf 4
Brno 4
Budapest 4
Casorate Sempione 4
Champaign 4
Cotonou 4
Falkenstein 4
Florence 4
Florianópolis 4
Gunzenhausen 4
Hounslow 4
Totale 5.806
Nome #
The DarkSide experiment 209
Wind Pressure Distribution on a Porous Double Skin Façade System 169
DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGS 158
A new approach to the definition of self-damping for stranded cables 152
A decoupled numerical procedure for modelling soil interaction in the computation of the dynamic response of a rail track 152
Time-dependent reliability analysis of the reactor building of a nuclear power plant for accounting of its aging and degradation 144
Control of vortex-induced vibrations of a steel chimney with tuned mass damper 136
Analytical and numerical techniques for the dynamic analysis of non-classically damped linear systems 135
Wind and earthquake protection of cable-supported bridges 129
DarkSide-50 results and the future liquid argon dark matter program 129
Vibrazioni nelle passerelle ciclopedonali: un caso di studio 121
Numerical analysis of the non-linear dynamic behaviour of suspended cables under turbulent wind excitation 117
A numerical procedure for computing the fragility of NPP components under random seismic excitation 116
Block Krylov subspace methods for the computation of structural response to turbulent wind 111
Assessing the performance of a high damping rubber bearing in beyond-design conditions 110
Some observations on the probabilistic interpretation of short-term earthquake precursors 108
A corotational finite element to model galloping vibrations of overhead electrical lines 108
Concentrically braced steel frames under seismic actions: non-linear behaviour and design coefficients 106
The numerical computation of seismic fragility of base-isolated Nuclear Power Plants buildings 106
Numerical integration of the equations of motion of structural systems undergoing large 3D rotations: dynamics of corotational slender beam elements 106
DarkSide-20k Preliminary Design Report: The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration 106
A comprehensive approach to small and large-scale effects of earthquake motion variability 105
Numerical models for the dynamic response of submerged floating tunnels under seismic loading 102
The formation of viscous damping matrices for the dynamic analysis of M.D.O.F. systems 102
The Effects of Foundation Rotational Excitation on a Cable Stayed Bridge subject to Seismic Loading 100
On the modeling of self-damping in stranded cables 98
Wind induced vibrations of a high tapered obelisk: Wind tunnel tests, numerical analysis and design of countermeasures 98
Effects of Foundation Rotational Motion on the Non-Linear Response of a Base-Isolated Nuclear Power Plant subject to Earthquake Loading 96
A finite element approach to model galloping vibrations of iced suspended cables 94
An appraisal of modelling strategies for assessing aeolian vibrations of transmission lines 93
The dynamic behaviour of Archimede’s Bridges: numerical simulation and design implications 92
Analisi sismica della Torre degli Asinelli 90
Cyclic behaviour of axially loaded members: Numerical simulation and experimental verification 89
Cryogenic Characterization of FBK RGB-HD SiPMs 89
Finite element and reduced-order analytical models for nonlinear response of cables to harmonic loadings 88
Analysis of the “Casa dello Studente” collapse during the L’Aquila 6th April 2009 earthquake 88
The partial collapse of "Casa dello Studente" during L'Aquila 2009 earthquake 87
Seismic assessment of an unconventional structure: The cryostat of "Cuore" experiment 85
3D dynamic response of submerged floating tunnels under seismic and hydrodynamic excitation 84
Innovative methodology for computing fragility curves of NPP components under random seismic excitation, An 82
3D dynamic response of submerged floating tunnels: modelling aspects 82
Seismic design and response of a 14-story concentrically braced steel building 81
An Innovative Methodology for Computing Fragility Curves of NPP Components under Random Seismic Excitation 81
Dynamics of suspended cables under turbulence loading: reduced models of wind field and mechanical system. 81
A new approach for the seismic analysis and design of the IRIS reactor 80
Structural Analyses of the SFT Prototype on Qiandao Lake 80
An efficient semi-analytical procedure for assessing aeolian vibrations of overhead transmission lines 80
Analysis of soil-foundation interaction of tower structures under cyclic loading 79
A Finite Element Describing axially loaded members subjected to Cyclic loads 79
On the estimation of von mises equivalent stress in random vibration analysis 79
Seismic Behaviour of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames with Stiffening Braces 78
Nonlinear oscillations of cables under harmonic loading using analytical and finite element models 77
Iterative system solvers for the frequency analysis of linear mechanical systems 76
SFTs under dynamic loads: new design issues and numerical simulation 76
The Behaviour of Multy-Storey Concentrically Braced Steel Frames under Seismic Excitations 75
Fluid-Structure Interaction and Co-Simulation: Analysis of a Beam-Supported Sphere for VIV Application 75
Alarm systems based on a pair of short-term earthquake precursors 72
A parametric study on the structural damping of suspended cables 71
Analisi numerica del comportamento dinamico di cavi soggetti ad azioni eoliche turbolente 70
Seismic isolation of the IRIS nuclear plant 68
The dynamic response of seabed anchored floating tunnels under seismic excitation 67
Integrazione numerica delle equazioni del moto di sistemi strutturali in presenza di grandi rotazioni tridimensionali: dinamica di elementi corotazionali di trave 67
Il Laboratorio Prove Materiali del Politecnico di Milano 66
Structural response to non-stationary multiple-support random excitation 65
An investigation on the collapse sequence of an RC frame during L’Aquila 2009 earthquake 64
On the Assessment of Structural Design Factors for Steel Structures 62
Seismic isolation of strategic buildings: how to document safety? 62
The dynamic behaviour of submerged floating tunnels 60
Seismic behaviour of the Asinelli Tower and earthquakes in Bologna 60
Analisi del comportamento sismico di ponti in C.A. a travata 59
Limit state domain of high damping rubber bearings in seismic isolated nuclear power plants 58
A procedure for the computation of seismic fragility of NPP buildings with base isolation 58
A case study for sloshing phenomenon in a cylindrical tank under seismic events: numerical modeling and comparison with current regulations 58
Nonlinear interactions in cables investigated using analytical and finite element models 57
The collapse of the "Casa dello Studente" during the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila 57
Vortex Induced Vibration in Submerged Floating Tunnels: DVL a Distributed Vortex Layer Model 56
The Seismic Response of Concentrically Braced Moment-Resisting Frames 55
Comportamento di elementi strutturali in acciaio soggetti a carichi ciclici 55
The seismic fragility of base-isolated NPP buildings 55
Chapter 3: Structural design aspect: a case study (and Appendix B) 55
Experimental wind tunnel tests and numerical analysis of the aerodynamic behaviour of a high tapered obelisk 54
The SIJLAB Joint Laboratory and the design of a prototype Archimedes Bridge 53
Detailed analysis of a typical overcrossing 52
On the numerical solution of (l2 A + lB + C)x=b and application to structural dynamics 52
Numerical investigations of a base isolation system for NPP: safety domain definition and analytical model identification 51
Design and construction of a new detector to measure ultra-low radioactive-isotope contamination of argon 51
Galloping of suspended cables: A corotational finite element approach 50
Non-linear dynamic response of suspended cables under turbulent wind excitation: analytical and numerical approaches 49
Analysis of soil-foundation interaction of tower structures under cyclic loading 48
Numerical Models for Simulating the Cyclic Behaviour and the Seismic Response of Steel Structures 47
Hysteretic behavior of stranded cables: recent developments and application to the modeling of self-damping in overhead electrical line conductors 47
Non linear response of a suspended cable under non stationary excitation 46
The response of slender structures to turbulent wind loads 46
Comparison of numerical and experimental simulations used to investigate the wind-structure interaction of a skyscraper 45
Numerical Simulation of the cyclic behaviour of steel subassemblages 45
A stochastic and continuous model of aeolian vibrations of conductors equipped with stockbridge dampers 44
A reduced model for the dynamic analyses of power transmission lines with truss supporting towers 41
High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDRB) isolating devices fornuclear power plants: FE modelling and damage characterization 40
Wind tunnel testing and structural analysis of a tall building 39
Totale 8.195
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.335
article - articoli 11.408
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 15.126
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.481
Totale 56.350

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.529 0 0 34 135 196 175 225 183 196 108 193 84
2020/20211.260 107 64 82 32 97 62 107 126 81 186 82 234
2021/20221.084 43 119 63 39 152 74 58 57 67 83 108 221
2022/20231.587 183 131 53 187 155 205 34 98 210 152 137 42
2023/2024841 80 133 60 71 54 76 48 37 32 66 37 147
2024/2025113 34 63 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.973