Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.566
EU - Europa 4.146
AS - Asia 1.379
AF - Africa 67
SA - Sud America 52
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
OC - Oceania 14
Totale 16.239
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.347
IT - Italia 1.096
SE - Svezia 567
UA - Ucraina 549
SG - Singapore 499
DE - Germania 401
VN - Vietnam 330
FI - Finlandia 321
GB - Regno Unito 308
CN - Cina 285
AT - Austria 233
CA - Canada 213
IE - Irlanda 205
ES - Italia 147
FR - Francia 137
JP - Giappone 63
NL - Olanda 54
IN - India 39
CI - Costa d'Avorio 36
BR - Brasile 33
ID - Indonesia 32
MY - Malesia 25
HK - Hong Kong 23
TR - Turchia 23
BE - Belgio 21
RU - Federazione Russa 20
AU - Australia 13
BO - Bolivia 13
IR - Iran 13
EU - Europa 12
KR - Corea 12
PH - Filippine 12
BJ - Benin 11
CH - Svizzera 11
PT - Portogallo 10
NO - Norvegia 9
RO - Romania 9
HR - Croazia 8
SI - Slovenia 7
DK - Danimarca 6
GR - Grecia 6
HU - Ungheria 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
MA - Marocco 5
PK - Pakistan 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
KE - Kenya 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CU - Cuba 3
NG - Nigeria 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
ET - Etiopia 2
IL - Israele 2
MX - Messico 2
PE - Perù 2
PL - Polonia 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CY - Cipro 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NI - Nicaragua 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 16.239
Città #
Fairfield 1.297
Woodbridge 1.186
Houston 784
Wilmington 759
Ashburn 702
Santa Clara 625
Ann Arbor 588
Chandler 519
Seattle 516
Cambridge 423
Singapore 370
Boardman 326
Jacksonville 316
Dearborn 313
Lawrence 253
Vienna 212
Dublin 205
Ottawa 205
Dong Ket 165
Medford 164
Milan 162
Beijing 153
Rome 136
Helsinki 118
Málaga 118
Princeton 107
Des Moines 84
San Diego 73
New York 64
Abidjan 36
Amsterdam 34
Norwalk 32
Redwood City 31
London 30
Jakarta 29
Grafing 26
Mountain View 25
Frankfurt am Main 24
Busto Arsizio 22
Washington 22
Falkenstein 21
Los Angeles 17
Brussels 16
Graz 16
Garbagnate Milanese 15
Bologna 13
Hong Kong 13
Indiana 13
Tokyo 13
Verona 13
Auburn Hills 12
Paris 12
Cotonou 11
Nanjing 11
Fort Worth 10
Madrid 10
Düsseldorf 9
Falls Church 9
Hefei 9
Kilburn 9
Nanchang 9
Puyallup 9
Comabbio 8
Holly 8
Istanbul 8
Jinan 8
Lakewood 8
Parma 8
Portland 8
Seongnam 8
Dallas 7
Kunming 7
Munich 7
Saint-pierre-de-lages 7
San Jose 7
Turin 7
Vigo 7
Chengdu 6
Cleveland 6
Italy 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Laurel 6
Ljubljana 6
Miami 6
Reggio Nell'emilia 6
Shanghai 6
Tappahannock 6
Toulouse 6
Aveiro 5
Buffalo 5
Chennai 5
Fremont 5
Manila 5
Massy 5
Menlo Park 5
Monsummano Terme 5
Moscow 5
Naples 5
Prescot 5
Santa Cruz 5
Totale 11.763
Nome #
High performances PDHT evolution towards Ka-band downlink 294
The challenge of using the W band in satellite communication 192
1-min rain rate statistics predictions from 1-hour rain rate statistics measurements 147
Use of Microwave Profiler for Alphasat ALDO In-Orbit Tests and Atmospheric Observations 142
Analysis of Liquid Water and Water Vapor Time Series and Rainy Period Detection from a Two Channel Microwave Radiometer 135
Alphasat Aldo Paraboni payload IOT campaign and status after the first year of operation 135
An estimation of tropospheric agents influence on 5G terrestrial radio services in the THz band 132
Radio wave satellite propagation in Ka/Q band 128
Atmospheric Channel Simulator for the Simulation of Propagation Impairments for Ka Band Data Downlink 123
Test of the model for generation of attenuation time series based on ITALSAT measurements 120
Satellite Communication and Propagation Experiments Through the Alphasat Q/V Band Aldo Paraboni Technology Demonstration Payload 114
Concurrency of rain rate and rain attenuation statistics in slant paths: tests with the synthetic storm technique 111
Preface to the special issue on the Alphasat Aldo Paraboni propagation experiment 109
The Aldo Paraboni scientific experiment: the preparation and plans for an European measurement campaign 108
Predicting total tropospheric attenuation on monthly basis 108
Performance of the synthetic storm technique in a low elevation 5° slant path at 44.5 GHz in the French Pyrénées 108
An enhanced version of the sc excell model considering cells movement 105
Improving the Accuracy in Predicting Water-Vapor Attenuation at Millimeter-Wave for Earth-Space Applications 103
Assessment of model-based scintillation variance prediction on long-term basis using Italsat satellite measurements 100
Description of Alphasat TDP5 Propagation Experiment 98
Performance of synthetic storm technique in estimating fade dynamics in equatorial Malaysia 98
18.7 GHz tropospheric scintillation and simultaneous rain attenuation measured at Spino d'Adda and Darmstadt with Italsat 94
The Alphasat Aldo Paraboni propagation experiment: Measurement campaign at the Italian ground stations 94
Potentiality of the sc Excell model in the prediction of rain attenuation 94
Characterization of interfade duration for satellite communication systems design and optimization in a temperate climate 93
ERA15 climatological databases for propagation modelling 92
ITALSAT Propagation Experiment at 18.7, 39.6, and 49.5 GHz at Spino D’Adda: Three Years of CPA Statistics 92
Frequency Dependence of Amplitude Scintillation 91
Assessment of vapour, clouds and rainfall spatial correlation over Europe, North America and Japan using ECMWF data 91
Ka-to-W Band EM Wave Propagation: Tropospheric Effects and Countermeasures 91
Alphasat Q/V-band propagation: A heuristic approach for rainy events detection 91
Attenuation in nonrainy conditions at millimeter wavelengths: assessment of a procedure 90
The search for the most reliable long term rain attenuation CDF of a slant path and the impact on prediction models 90
W-band Atmospheric Radiowave Propagation - A Challenge for Satellite TLC Systems 90
A new global prediction model of rain attenuation that separately accounts for stratiform and convective rain 89
A new prediction model of rain attenuation that separately accounts for stratiform and convective rain 88
Scintillation and simultaneous rain attenuation at 49.5 GHz 88
Charaterization and Modelling of propagation Effects in 20-50 GHz Band 86
Validation of ground infrastructure in the framework of the ASI Q/V-band program 86
Peak Factor of rain attenuation time series in slant paths 85
Performance of Small-scale Multiple Site Diversity Scheme Evaluated Through a 3D Rain Model 85
Results and Conclusions on the Verification of Propagation Impairments Mitigation Techniques for SatCom Systems 85
26-GHz Data Downlink for LEO Satellites 84
Presentation of the analysis tool for design of onboard reconfigurable antenna for broadband SatCom and broadcast services 84
Synthetized tropospheric total attenuation time series for satellite-to-aeronautical link from L to Q band 84
Impact of Seasonal and Diurnal Variations on Satellite System Design in V Band 83
Evidence of Long-Term Correlation Between Clear-Air Attenuation and Scintillation in Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Satellite Links 82
The Propagation and Telecom Experiments of the Alphasat Aldo Payload (TDP5 Q/V Band Experiment) 82
Alphasat TDP#5 Mission: Towards Future EHF Satellite Communications 82
Thermal Effects on a 4.2 m Center-Fed Cassegrain Antenna Strut in the Alphasat Ka- and Q-/V-Band Aldo Paraboni Propagation Measurements 82
Decrypting XPD-CPA beacon measurements through a physical simulator 81
RTTOV-Gb v1.0-updates on sensors, absorption models, uncertainty, and availability 80
Dynamic fade restoration in Ka-band satellite systems 79
Alphasat Aldo Paraboni Mission IOT campaign execution and results 79
Summary of propagation results obtained in 5 years of Italsat experiment in Milano 79
Prediction of Monthly Attenuation Statistics Due to Clouds and Water Vapor: Performance Assessment 79
Radio wave depolarization simulator based on the SC EXCELL model 79
Using the Q/V-Band Aldo Paraboni Payload to Validate Future Satellite Systems: Test Campaign and Preliminary Results of the QV-LIFT Project 79
Rain field generators implemented in a european broadcasting satellite system using an on-board reconfigurable antenna 79
Development and comparison of new methods to process satellite beacon data using microwave profiling radiometer measurements - Application to the generation of total attenuation statistics from EUTELSAT HotBird 6 19.7 GHz beacon measurements in Toulouse 78
Interfade and inter-event interval: A time-based classification and modelling 78
Scintillation and simultaneous rain attenuation at 12.5 GHz to satellite Olympus 77
Cloud-Induced Effects on Monthly Averaged Scintillation Amplitude along Millimeter-Wave Slant Paths 77
Assessment of a gateway switching algorithm for Q/V-band smart diversity systems in the Q/V-LIFT project 77
Generation of time series of scintillation combined with rain attenuation 76
Analysis of cloud liquid effects on long-term amplitude scintillation along ITALSAT satellite link 75
Test of the probability formulation of the Synthetic Storm Technique against reliable measurements of rain rate and rain attenuation 75
Polarization Independence of Tropospheric Scintillation in Clear Sky: Results from Olympus Experiment at Spino D’Adda 75
Stratiform and convective rain discrimination deduced from local P(R) 75
Modeling the Impact of Rain and Clouds on Earth-Space Site Diversity Systems 75
Benefits of VCM technique in Ka-band 74
Rain Attenuation Statistics Useful to Test Time Series Synthesizers for Applications to Satellite Communications 74
Relationship between scintillation and rain attenuation at 19.77 GHz 74
A Simplified Model to Predict Oxygen Attenuation on Earth-space Links 74
Investigation of Rain Induced Depolarization by Means of a Physically Based Simulator 74
A new method for fade duration statistics prediction 73
Wind intensity inferred from the Alphasat Ka- and Q-band beacon measurements 73
Characterization and modelling of time diversity statistics for satellite communications from 12 to 50 GHz 72
Effects of Link Availability on the Achievable Performance with Variable Coding Modulation Earth Observation Satellites 72
The Use of Large Scale Site Diversity to Improve Availability for Satellite Systems 71
Development and validation of time series synthesizers of rain attenuation for Ka-band and Q/V-band satellite communications systems 71
Validation of ground technologies for future Q/V band satellite systems: The QV - LIFT project 71
Are microwave profilers useful to improve atmospheric attenuation estimates for radio propagation purposes? 71
Assessment of clear sky atmospheric attenuation procedures for propagation application 70
A global combination model for total fade distribution of atmospheric phenomena 70
Study of scintillation and simultaneous rain attenuation with ITALSAT experiment at Wroclaw 70
Meteorology-Driven Optimum Control of a Multibeam Antenna in Satellite Telecommunications 70
Results of the ITALSAT propagation measurements campaign at 18.7, 39.6 and 49.5 GHz 69
Communication: Attenuation induced by water vapor along Earth-space links: Selecting the most appropriate prediction method 69
Sky-noise temperature modelling and prediction for deep space applications from X band to W band 68
Statistical analysis of instantaneous frequency scaling factor as derived from optical disdrometer measurements at K/Q bands 68
Tipping bucket data processing for propagation application 67
Assessment of propagation effects in the W frequency band for space exploration: an ESA study 66
The physical basis of atmospheric depolarization in slant paths in the V band: theory, Italsat experiment and models 66
Totale 9.071
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.817
article - articoli 19.504
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 38.044
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 269
Totale 115.634

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.292 0 0 0 0 0 508 423 264 383 189 358 167
2020/20212.397 174 76 290 87 252 181 147 194 173 233 156 434
2021/20221.897 121 216 104 137 183 104 66 125 97 138 207 399
2022/20231.710 283 45 69 125 168 241 32 116 261 166 157 47
2023/20241.307 142 249 60 128 82 168 104 56 18 90 54 156
2024/20251.739 52 118 285 112 751 421 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.731