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Fluorescence imaging during photodynamic therapy of experimental tumors in mice sensitized with disulfonated aluminum phthalocyanine 1-gen-2000 CUBEDDU, RINALDOPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLATORRICELLI, ALESSANDROVALENTINI, GIANLUCACOMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMO +
Fluorescence lifetime imaging as a diagnostic tool 1-gen-2001 CUBEDDU, RINALDOTARONI, PAOLAVALENTINI, GIANLUCAD'ANDREA, COSIMOCOMELLI, DANIELA
Use of a fast CCD camera for imaging through turbid media” 1-gen-2001 VALENTINI, GIANLUCAD'ANDREA, COSIMOCOMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Time-domain transmittance imaging in turbid media using an intensified CCD camera 1-gen-2001 D'ANDREA, COSIMOCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Fluorescence lifetime imaging of DNA microarray for expression profiling 1-gen-2002 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOD'ANDREA, COSIMODE BELLIS, GIUSEPPEVALENTINI, GIANLUCA +
Analisi di opera d’arte mediante l’utilizzo della spettroscopia di fluorescenza per immagini 1-gen-2002 CUBEDDU, RINALDOVALENTINI, GIANLUCATARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELATONIOLO, LUCIA
Clinical system for skin tumour detection by fluorescence lifetime imaging 1-gen-2002 CUBEDDU, RINALDOCOMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOTARONI, PAOLAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Time-resolved fluorescence imaging in biology and medicine 1-gen-2002 CUBEDDU, RINALDOCOMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOTARONI, PAOLAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Una nuova tecnica di indagine per i beni culturali: la fluorescenza per immagini risolta in tempo 1-gen-2003 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Una tecnica innovativa per la diagnosi dei beni culturali: fluorimetria per immagini e spettroscopia di fluorescenza portatile 1-gen-2003 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOSANSONETTI, ANTONIOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA +
Elemental analysis of multilayer samples by means of combined laser ablation and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 1-gen-2003 C. FioriniA. LongoniD. ComelliC. D’AndreaG. Valentini +
Analysis of ICCD time-gated images through turbid media using a perturbative model 1-gen-2003 D'ANDREA, COSIMOCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Analysis of ICCD time-gated images through turbid media using a perturbative model 1-gen-2003 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOD'ANDREA, COSIMOVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
In vivo absorption and scattering spectroscopy of biological tissues 1-gen-2003 TARONI, PAOLAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITORRICELLI, ALESSANDROCOMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Time-resolved optical imaging through turbid media using a fast data acquisition system based on a gated CCD camera 1-gen-2003 D'ANDREA, COSIMOCOMELLI, DANIELAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITORRICELLI, ALESSANDROVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Investigation of the hybridization process in DNA-microarrays by fluorescence lifetime imaging 1-gen-2003 COMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOTARONI, PAOLAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO +
Indagini chimico-fisiche e microbiologiche di un cartonnage di papiro del II sec. A.C. proveniente dal Medio Egitto 1-gen-2004 TONIOLO, LUCIACOMELLI, DANIELA +
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy: a new analytical technique for non destructive analysis of art surfaces 1-gen-2004 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOVALENTINI, GIANLUCATONIOLO, LUCIA
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy: a new analytical technique for non destructive analysis of art surfaces 1-gen-2004 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Una nuova tecnica di indagine non distruttiva per la conoscenza ed il monitoraggio: la fluorescenza per immagini 1-gen-2004 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy as tools for nondestructive analysis of works of art 1-gen-2004 COMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIA +
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy for the investigation of works of art 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOVALENTINI, GIANLUCATONIOLO, LUCIA
Evaluation of non-invasive techniques for the detection of organic material in wall painting 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELATONIOLO, LUCIA +
Mapping of mural paintings by fluorescence lifetime imaging and related micro destructive measurements 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCAVIOLA, IGNAZIO MARIA +
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy for the investigation of works of art 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Mapping of mural paintings by fluorescence lifetime imaging and related micro destructive measurements 1-gen-2005 TONIOLO, LUCIACUBEDDU, RINALDOCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA +
Time-resolved Microspectrofluorimetry and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Hypericin in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells 1-gen-2005 TARONI, PAOLAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACOMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOCUBEDDU, RINALDO +
Analyzing integrated circuits at work with a picosecond time-gated imager 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELAD'ANDREA, COSIMOVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDOCASIRAGHI, ROBERTO +
Fluorescence lifetime imaging in Cutlural Heritage: experiences on Renaissance fresco paintings and Michelagelo's marble masterpieces 1-gen-2005 CUBEDDU, RINALDOCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCATONIOLO, LUCIA
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Michelangelo's David 1-gen-2005 COMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIA
Localization and quantification of fluorescent inclusions embedded in a turbid medium 1-gen-2005 D'ANDREA, COSIMOSPINELLI, LORENZOCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Fluorescence lifetime imaging and spectroscopy 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Le indagini di fluorescenza per immagini risolta in tempo per la mappatura dei contaminanti superficiali 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
In vivo time-resolved multi-distance spectroscopy of human forehead: a step towards optical characterization of brain tissue 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLATORRICELLI, ALESSANDRO +
Absorption properties of breast: the contribution of collagen 1-gen-2006 TARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITORRICELLI, ALESSANDROCUBEDDU, RINALDO
Fluorescence lifetime imaging for the analysis of works of art: application to fresco paintings and marble sculptures 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIAVALENTINI, GIANLUCA
Absorption properties of breast: the contribution of collagen 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELACUBEDDU, RINALDOPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLATORRICELLI, ALESSANDRO
In vivo time-resolved multi-distance spectroscopy of human forehead: a step towards optical characterization of brain tissue 1-gen-2006 COMELLI, DANIELAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLATORRICELLI, ALESSANDROCUBEDDU, RINALDO +
Time-resolved diffuse optical spectroscpy of small tissue samples 1-gen-2007 TARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELAFARINA, ANDREAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNI +
Determination of the optical properties of anisotropic biological media using isotropic and anisotropic diffusion models 1-gen-2007 BASSI, ANDREACOMELLI, DANIELATARONI, PAOLAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNI +
Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging of proteinaceous binders used in paintings 1-gen-2007 NEVIN, AUSTIN BENJAMINCOMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDO +
Fully automated time domain spectrometer for the absorption and scattering characterization of diffusive media 1-gen-2007 PIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITORRICELLI, ALESSANDROTARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELABASSI, ANDREACUBEDDU, RINALDO
Absorption of collagen: effects on the estimate of breast composition and related diagnostic implications 1-gen-2007 TARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITORRICELLI, ALESSANDROCUBEDDU, RINALDO
Multi-spectral fluorescence imaging for Cultural Heritage 1-gen-2007 COMELLI, DANIELAVALENTINI, GIANLUCACUBEDDU, RINALDOTONIOLO, LUCIA
Optical Characterisation of Bone Tissue for Diffusion Optical Tomography Applied to Skeletal Implants 1-gen-2007 PIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLACOMELLI, DANIELAFARINA, ANDREACUBEDDU, RINALDO +
Determination of the optical properties of anisotropic biological media using an isotropic diffusion model 1-gen-2007 BASSI, ANDREACOMELLI, DANIELATARONI, PAOLAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNI +
In vivo time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy of the human forehead 1-gen-2007 COMELLI, DANIELABASSI, ANDREAPIFFERI, ANTONIO GIOVANNITARONI, PAOLATORRICELLI, ALESSANDROCUBEDDU, RINALDO +
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