2011-01-01 Quarto, Giovanna; Taroni, Paola; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Torricelli, Alessandro; Francesca, Abbate; Anna, Villa; Nicola, Balestreri; Simona, Menna; Enrico, Cassano; Cubeddu, Rinaldo
8-channel time-resolved tissue oximeter for functional muscle studies
2003-01-01 G., Biscotti; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; A., Ferrari; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; V., Quaresima; Taroni, Paola; Torricelli, Alessandro
A compact multi-distance dcs and time domain nirs hybrid system for hemodynamic and metabolic measurements
2021-01-01 Amendola, C.; Lacerenza, M.; Buttafava, M.; Tosi, A.; Spinelli, L.; Contini, D.; Torricelli, A.
A compact time-resolved system for near infrared spectroscopy based on wavelength space multiplexing
2010-01-01 Re, Rebecca; Contini, Davide; Caffini, Matteo; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A compact time-resolved system for NIR spectroscopy
2009-01-01 Re, Rebecca; Contini, Davide; Caffini, Matteo; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A Compact Two-Wavelength Time-Domain NIRS System Based on SiPM and Pulsed Diode Lasers
2017-01-01 Buttafava, Mauro; Martinenghi, Edoardo; Tamborini, Davide; Contini, Davide; Mora, Alberto Dalla; Renna, Marco; Torricelli, Alessandro; Pifferi, Antonio; Zappa, Franco; Tosi, Alberto
A hybrid DCS and TD-NIRS device for monitoring tissue oxygenation and perfusion, towards ICU applications
2021-01-01 Amendola, C.; Lacerenza, M.; Buttafava, M.; Zanoletti, M.; Cortese, L.; Pagliazzi, M.; Tosi, A.; Spinelli, L.; Durduran, T.; Torricelli, A.; Contini, D.
A method for discriminating systemic and cortical hemodynamic changes by time domain fNIRS
2013-01-01 Zucchelli, LUCIA MARIA GRAZIA; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Contini, Davide; Re, Rebecca; Torricelli, Alessandro
A model for the softening of nectarines based on sorting fruit at harvest by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy
2006-01-01 P., ECCHER ZERBINI; M., Vanoli; M., Grassi; A., Rizzolo; M., Fibiani; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A multi-laboratory comparison of photon migration instruments and their performances: the BitMap exercise
2021-01-01 Lanka, Pranav; Lanka, Sri Rama Pranav Kumar; Yang, Lin; Orive-Miguel, David; Deepak Veesa, Joshua; Tagliabue, Susanna; Sudakou, Aleh; Samaei, Saeed; Forcione, Mario; Kovacsova, Zuzana; Behera, Anurag; Gladytz, Thomas; Grosenick, Dirk; Hervé, Lionel; Lo Presti, Giuseppe; Cortese, Lorenzo; Durduran, Turgut; Bejm, Karolina; Morawiec, Magdalena; Sawosz, Piotr; Kacprzak, Michal; Gerega, Anna; Liebert, Adam; Belli, Antonio; Tachtsidis, Ilias; Lange, Frédéric; Bale, Gemma; Baratelli, Luca; Gioux, Sylvain; Kalyanov, Alexander L.; Wolf, Martin; Konugolu Venkata Sekar, Sanathana; Zanoletti, Marta; Pirovano, Ileana; Lacerenza, Michele; Qiu, Lina; Ferocino, Edoardo; Maffeis, Giulia; Amendola, Caterina; Colombo, Lorenzo; Buttafava, Mauro; Renna, Marco; Di Sieno, Laura; Re, Rebecca; Farina, Andrea; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Dalla Mora, Alberto; Contini, Davide; Torricelli, Alessandro; Tosi, Alberto; Taroni, Paola; Dehghani, Hamid; Wabnitz, Heidrun; Pifferi, Antonio
A multichannel medical device for brain imaging by time domain fNIRS
2010-01-01 Contini, Davide; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Caffini, Matteo; Zucchelli, LUCIA MARIA GRAZIA; Tosi, Alberto; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A multichannel time-domain brain oximeter for clinical studies
2009-01-01 Contini, Davide; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Caffini, Matteo; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A NIRS time-resolved study og the correlations between cardiac autonomic oscillations and cerebral hemodynamics
2010-01-01 Bianchi, ANNA MARIA; Molteni, Erika; Contini, Davide; Re, Rebecca; Caffini, Matteo; Torricelli, Alessandro; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Cerutti, Sergio
A personalized clinical assessment: multi-sensor approach for understanding musculoskeletal health in the frail population
2024-01-01 Re, R.; Scano, A.; Amata, O.; Spinelli, L.; Tomba, A.; Brambilla, C.; Frizziero, A.; Caserta, A. V.; Cubeddu, R.; Torricelli, A.; Contini, D.
A phantom for investigating light propagation through layered diffusive media
2004-01-01 S., DEL BIANCO; F., Martelli; F., Cignini; G., Zaccanti; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Torricelli, Alessandro; Bassi, Andrea; Taroni, Paola; Cubeddu, Rinaldo
A portable dual-wavelength multichannel oximeter based on time-resolved reflectance spectrocopy
2000-01-01 Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Taroni, Paola; Torricelli, Alessandro; Valentini, Gianluca
2015-01-01 Attanasio, G.; Piagnani, M. C.; Chiozzotto, R.; Bassi, D.; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Torricelli, Alessandro
A solid tissue phantom for photon migration studies
1997-01-01 Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Taroni, Paola; Torricelli, Alessandro; Valentini, Gianluca
A Versatile Setup for Time-Resolved Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Fast-Gated Single-Photon Avalanche Diode and on Four-Wave Mixing Laser
2019-01-01 DI SIENO, Laura; DALLA MORA, Alberto; Torricelli, Alessandro; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Re, Rebecca; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Contini, Davide
A wearable time domain near infrared spectroscopy system
2020-01-01 Lacerenza, M.; Buttafava, M.; Renna, M.; Torricelli, A.; Tosi, A.; Dalla Mora, A.; Zappa, F.; Pifferi, A.; Contini, D.