"The aeroelatic behaviour of the OHTL expanded bundles"
1999-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Cheli, Federico; Manenti, Alessandra; Bocciolone, MARCO FRANCESCO; Resta, Ferruccio
A liason between Cigré and IEC
2014-01-01 Cosmai, U.; Asselin, V; Diana, Giorgio; Manenti, Alessandra
A modal approach to reproduce subspan oscillations in the time domain
2014-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Manenti, Alessandra; Mazzola, Laura; Melzi, Stefano; Zuin, ANDREA ENRICO
A Numerical Approach to Reproduce Subspan Oscillations and Comparison With Experimental Data
2014-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Belloli, Marco; Giappino, STEFANO GIUSEPPE; Manenti, Alessandra; Mazzola, Laura; Muggiasca, Sara; Zuin, ANDREA ENRICO
A wireless monitoring system to identify wind induced vibrations in HV transmission lines
2021-01-01 Diana, G.; Tarsitano, D.; Mauri, M.; Castelli Dezza, F.; Zanelli, F.; Manenti, A.; Ripamonti, F.
Aeolian Vibration
2006-01-01 U., Cosmai; Diana, Giorgio; D., Hearnshaw; A., Laneville; Manenti, Alessandra; K., Papailiou
Aeolian vibrations of overhead transmission lines: a comparison among time and frequency domain
2007-01-01 Manenti, Alessandra; Resta, Ferruccio; Belloli, Marco; Muggiasca, Sara; Zasso, Alberto
Aerodynamic Instability of Cables with Circular Appendages
2019-01-01 Giappino, S.; Manenti, A.; Muggiasca, S.
Analysis of Wind-Induced Vibrations on HVTL Conductors Using Wireless Sensors
2022-01-01 Zanelli, Federico; Mauri, Marco; Castelli-Dezza, Francesco; Tarsitano, Davide; Manenti, Alessandra; Diana, Giorgio
Cable Modelling
1999-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Cheli, Federico; Manenti, Alessandra
Chapter 2: "Aeolian Vibration"
2009-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Cosmai, U.; Laneville, A.; Manenti, Alessandra; Hearnshaw, D.; Papailiou, K. O.
Discussion of "On the measurement of overhead transmission lines conductor self-damping" and closure
2000-01-01 Cigada, Alfredo; C. B., Rawlins; K. O., Papiliou; Diana, Giorgio; Falco, Marzio; Manenti, Alessandra
Dynamic Analysis of the Transmission Line Crossing 'Lago de Maracaibo'
1998-01-01 Diana, Giorgio; Cheli, Federico; Bruni, Stefano; Fossati, FABIO VITTORIO; Manenti, Alessandra
Energy Input by the Flow on a Smooth Circular Cylinder in Cross Flow at Re=5E4
2005-01-01 Belloli, Marco; Zasso, Alberto; Manenti, Alessandra; Giappino, STEFANO GIUSEPPE; Muggiasca, Sara
Energy input by the flow on a vibrating smooth circular cylinder in cross flow at Re=50000
2005-01-01 Manenti, Alessandra; Zasso, Alberto; Muggiasca, Sara; Giappino, STEFANO GIUSEPPE; Belloli, Marco
Energy method to compute the maximum amplitudes of oscillation due to galloping of iced bundled conductors
2021-01-01 Diana, G.; Manenti, A.; Melzi, S.
Engineering guidelines relating to fatigue endurance capability of conductor/clam systems
2010-01-01 L., Cloutier; Diana, Giorgio; Manenti, Alessandra; e. t., Al
Experience With The Mechanical Performance Of Non Conventional Conductors
2017-01-01 Wareing, J. B.; Huang, J.; Fiers, P.; Risse, B.; Van Dyke, P.; Asselin, J. M.; Leskinen, T.; Garnier, J.; Manenti, A.; Kolosov, S.; Landeira, M.; Sunkle, D.; Timbrell, P.; Anand, A.; Kavanagh, T.; Marginean, D.; Mito, M.; Horsman, D.; Halsan, K.; Resham, D.; Furtado, T. A.
Fatigue Endurance Capability of Conductor/Clamp Systems - Update of Present Knowledge
2007-01-01 L., Cloutier; Manenti, Alessandra; Diana, Giorgio
Fatigue endurance capability of conductor/clamp systems - update of present knowledge - Part 1 - Mechanics of the phenomenon
2005-01-01 L., Cloutier; Diana, Giorgio; [et, A. l. ].; Manenti, Alessandra