Characterization of reset state through energy activation study in Ge-GST based ePCM
2022-01-01 Baldo, M; Turconi, L; Motta, A; Petroni, E; Laurin, L; Ielmini, D; Redaelli, A
Enhancing reliability of a strong physical unclonable function (PUF) solution based on virgin-state phase change memory (PCM)
2023-01-01 Cattaneo, L; Baldo, M; Lepri, N; Sancandi, F; Borghi, M; Petroni, E; Serafini, A; Annunziata, R; Redaelli, A; Ielmini, D
Improving Ge-rich GST ePCM reliability through BEOL engineering
2021-01-01 Redaelli, A.; Gandolfo, A.; Samanni, G.; Gomiero, E.; Petroni, E.; Scotti, L.; Lippiello, A.; Mattavelli, P.; Jasse, J.; Codegoni, D.; Serafini, A.; Ranica, R.; Boccaccio, C.; Sandrini, J.; Berthelon, R.; Grenier, Jc.; Weber, O.; Turgis, D.; Valery, A.; Del Medico, S.; Caubet, V.; Reynard, Jp.; Dutartre, D.; Favennec, L.; Conte, A.; Disegni, F.; De Tomasi, M.; Ventre, A.; Baldo, M.; Ielmini, D.; Maurelli, A.; Ferreira, P.; Arnaud, F.; Piazza, F.; Cappelletti, P.; Annunziata, R.; Gonella, R.
Interaction between forming pulse and integration process flow in ePCM
2022-01-01 Baldo, M; Petroni, E; Laurin, L; Samanni, G; Melnic, O; Ielmini, D; Redaelli, A
Modeling Environment for Ge-rich GST Phase Change Memory Cells
2022-01-01 Baldo, M.; Laurin, L.; Petroni, E.; Samanni, G.; Allegra, M.; Gomiero, E.; Ielmini, D.; Redaelli, A.
Modeling of oxide-based ECRAM programming by drift-diffusion ion transport
2021-01-01 Baldo, Matteo; Ielmini, Daniele
Modeling of virgin state and forming operation in embedded phase change memory (PCM)
2020-01-01 Baldo, M.; Melnic, O.; Scuderi, M.; Nicotra, G.; Borghi, M.; Petroni, E.; Motta, A.; Zuliani, P.; Redaelli, A.; Ielmini, D.
TCAD Modeling of Germanium Behavior During Forming Operation in Ge-Rich ePCM
2023-01-01 Baldo, M.; Laurin, L.; Petroni, E.; Pavesi, C.; Motta, A.; Ielmini, D.; Annunziata, R.; Redaelli, A.
Unveiling Retention Physical Mechanism of Ge-rich GST ePCM Technology
2023-01-01 Laurin, L; Baldo, M; Petroni, E; Samanni, G; Turconi, L; Motta, A; Borghi, M; Serafini, A; Codegoni, D; Scuderi, M; Ran, S; Claverie, A; Ielmini, D; Annunziata, R; Redaelli, A