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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
ARTE Project: EEG Analysis During Robotic Rehabilitation 1-gen-2020 Calcagno, AlessandraCoelli, StefaniaTacchino, GiuliaBianchi, Anna Maria +
Assessing consumer emotions toward new products: application of physiological and self-reported methods 1-gen-2017 D, BettigaG. TacchinoL. LambertiA. M. BianchiG. Noci
Assessing stress variations in children during the strange situation procedure: Comparison of three widely used respiratory sinus arrhythmia estimation methods 1-gen-2021 Reali P.Tacchino G.Bianchi A. M. +
Assessment of the usability of a computerized Stroop Test for clinical application 1-gen-2016 COELLI, STEFANIATACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA +
Automatic artifacts correction: improving on-line EEG analysis 1-gen-2016 S. CoelliG. TacchinoBianchi A. M.
Bicoherence Interpretation in EEG Requires Signal to Noise Ratio Quantification: An Application to Sensorimotor Rhythms 1-gen-2020 Tacchino, GiuliaCoelli, StefaniaReali, PierluigiGalli, ManuelaBianchi, Anna Maria
Central Alpha Bicoherence Is Reduced in Photosensitive Subjects 1-gen-2020 Coelli, StefaniaTacchino, GiuliaBianchi, Anna Maria +
Clinical state assessment in bipolar patients by means of HRV features obtained with a sensorized T-shirt 1-gen-2012 MARIANI, SARAMIGLIORINI, MATTEOTACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA +
Clusters of mu rhythm from EEG data: A comparative study between 61 and 19 channel datasets 1-gen-2015 TACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA
Detection of sleep-disordered breating with Pressure Bed Sensor. 1-gen-2013 BIANCHI, ANNA MARIATACCHINO, GIULIA +
EEG Analysis during Active and Assisted Repetitive Movements: Evidence for Differences in Neural Engagement 1-gen-2017 Tacchino, GiuliaGandolla, MartaCoelli, StefaniaBarbieri, RiccardoPedrocchi, AlessandraBianchi, Anna M.
ERP and adaptive autoregressive identification with spectral power decomposition to study rapid auditory processing in infants 1-gen-2014 PIAZZA, CATERINATACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA +
Exploration of the physiological response to an online gambling task by frequency domain analysis of the electrodermal activity 1-gen-2020 Rocco G.Reali P.Lolatto R.Tacchino G.Mandolfo M.Mazzola A.Bianchi A. M.
Exploration of Web-Sites Affects Autonomic Responses Related to Unconscious Emotions 1-gen-2018 Lolatto, R.Tacchino, G.Bettiga, D.Lamberti, L.Cerutti, S.Bianchi, Anna M.
Heart Rate Variability from Wearables: A Comparative Analysis Among Standard ECG, a Smart Shirt and a Wristband 1-gen-2019 Reali P.Tacchino G.ROCCO, GIULIACerutti S.Bianchi A. M.
Heart Rate Variability in anxiety disorders: extraction and validation of sleep parameters 1-gen-2012 MARIANI, SARAMIGLIORINI, MATTEOTACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA +
Higher order spectral analysis of scalp EEG activity reveals non-linear behavior during rhythmic visual stimulation 1-gen-2019 Coelli, StefaniaTacchino, GiuliaBianchi, Anna Maria +
Higher-order spectral analysis of pattern-induced brain rhythms synchronization 1-gen-2018 S. CoelliG. TacchinoA. M. Bianchi +
L'elaborazione dei segnali biomedici per ottenere parametri vitali significativi per il benessere e l'invecchiamento attivo 1-gen-2016 Cerutti S.Bianchi A. M.Coelli S.Tacchino G.
Monosynaptic Reflexes and Preprogrammed Reactions in Down Syndrome: A Surface Electromyographic Study 1-gen-2016 RIGOLDI, CHIARAGALLI, MANUELAVIMERCATI, SARA LAURATACCHINO, GIULIABIANCHI, ANNA MARIA +