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A nanoparticle-L-aspartate oxidase system for D-aspartate production 1-gen-2017 Chiara AllegrettiPaola D’ArrigoLoredano PollegioniGiovanni Bernardini +
A thermostable L-aspartate oxidase from Sulfolobus tokodaii: characterization and biotechnological applications 1-gen-2014 MOLLA, GIANLUCAD'ARRIGO, PAOLAALLEGRETTI, CHIARAFIORATI, ANDREATESSARO, DAVIDESERVI, STEFANOPOLLEGIONI, LOREDANO +
AN ENZYMATIC TOOL-BOX FOR LIGNIN OXIDATION/DEGRADATION 1-gen-2017 F. ToninC. AllegrettiP. D’ArrigoL. Pollegioni +
Applications of ionic liquids in biocatalysis 1-gen-2015 D'ARRIGO, PAOLAALLEGRETTI, CHIARACERIOLI, LORENZOTESSARO, DAVIDEMELE, ANDREA +
Biobased Polyurethane Coatings with High Biomass Content: Tailored Properties by Lignin Selection 1-gen-2019 de Haro Sanchez J. C.Allegretti C.Turri S.D'Arrigo P.Griffini G. +
Biocatalytic Synthesis of Phospholipids and Their Application as Coating Agents for CaCO3 Nano-crystals: Characterization and Intracellular Localization Analysis 1-gen-2016 ALLEGRETTI, CHIARATESSARO, DAVIDED'ARRIGO, PAOLAMELE, ANDREA +
Breaking lignin: blue and yellow laccases for a green chemistry 1-gen-2015 F. ToninC. AllegrettiG. GriffiniP. D’ArrigoS. TurriL. Pollegioni +
Cascade enzymatic cleavage of the β-O-4 linkage in a lignin model compound 1-gen-2016 ALLEGRETTI, CHIARACERIOLI, LORENZOCONTI, GIANLUCAPOLLEGIONI, LOREDANOD'ARRIGO, PAOLA +
Chemo-enzymatic depolymerization of lignin 1-gen-2017 P. D’ArrigoC. AllegrettiG. GriffiniS. Turri +
Dependence of 1H-NMR T1 relaxation time of trimethylglycine betaine deep eutectic solvents on the molar composition and on the presence of water 1-gen-2023 Allegretti, ChiaraD'Arrigo, PaolaGatti, Francesco G.Rossato, LetiziaRuffini, Eleonora
Development of new bio-based lignin polyurethane coatings 1-gen-2019 Paola D’ArrigoDe HARO SÁNCHEZ, JUAN CARLOSChiara AllegrettiStefano TurriGianmarco Griffini
Exploitation of Soybean Oil Acid Degumming Waste: Biocatalytic Synthesis of High Value Phospholipids 1-gen-2021 Allegretti, ChiaraBono, AndreaD'Arrigo, PaolaGatti, Francesco G.Rossato, Letizia Anna MariaSerra, StefanoTessaro, Davide +
Fractionation of Raw and Parboiled Rice Husks with Deep Eutectic Solvents and Characterization of the Extracted Lignins towards a Circular Economy Perspective 1-gen-2022 Chiara AllegrettiEmanuela BellinettoPaola D’ArrigoMonica FerroGianmarco GriffiniLetizia Anna Maria RossatoEleonora RuffiniStefano Turri +
Fractionation of Soda Pulp Lignin in Aqueous Solvent through Membrane-Assisted Ultrafiltration 1-gen-2018 Chiara AllegrettiStefano TurriGianmarco GriffiniPaola D’Arrigo +
Fractionation: an essential tool for lignin valorization 1-gen-2017 P. D’ArrigoC. AllegrettiG. GriffiniS. Turri +
Fractionation: an essential tool for lignin valorization 1-gen-2017 P. D’ArrigoC. AllegrettiS. TurriG. Griffini +
Immobilization of L-aspartate oxidase from Sulfolobus tokodaii as a biocatalyst for resolution of aspartate solutions 1-gen-2015 D'ARRIGO, PAOLAALLEGRETTI, CHIARAFIORATI, ANDREATESSARO, DAVIDE +
L-Aspartate oxidase from Sulfolobus tokodaii: immobilization studies 1-gen-2014 FIORATI, ANDREAALLEGRETTI, CHIARACERIOLI, LORENZOPOLLEGIONI, LOREDANOTESSARO, DAVIDED'ARRIGO, PAOLA +
l-aspartate oxidase magnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and l-aspartate bioconversion 1-gen-2017 ALLEGRETTI, CHIARAD'ARRIGO, PAOLABERNARDINI, GIOVANNIPOLLEGIONI, LOREDANO +
LIGNIN VALORIZATION: FROM MOLECULES TO MATERIALS 1-gen-2017 Chiara AllegrettiGianmarco GriffiniStefano TurriPaola D’Arrigo +