A Code for the Preliminary Design of Cooled Supercritical CO2 Turbines and Application to the Allam Cycle
2022-01-01 Scaccabarozzi, Roberto; Martelli, Emanuele; Pini, Matteo; De Servi, Carlo Maria; Chiesa, Paolo; Gatti, Manuele
Assessing the potential of molten carbonate fuel cell-based schemes for carbon capture in natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants
2020-01-01 Spinelli, M.; Di Bona, D.; Gatti, M.; Martelli, E.; Viganò, F.; Consonni, S.
Bench-Scale Absorption Testing of Aqueous Potassium Lysinate as a New Solvent for CO2 Capture in Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
2021-01-01 Conversano, A.; Porcu, A.; Mureddu, M.; Pettinau, A.; Gatti, M.
Bench-scale experimental tests and data analysis on CO2 capture with potassium prolinate solutions for combined cycle decarbonization
2020-01-01 Conversano, Antonio; Porcu, Andrea; Mureddu, Mauro; Pettinau, Alberto; Gatti, Manuele
Bio-methanol with negative CO2 emissions from residual forestry biomass gasification: Modelling and techno-economic assessment of different process configurations
2024-01-01 Lombardelli, Giorgia; Scaccabarozzi, Roberto; Conversano, Antonio; Gatti, Manuele
Biomethane liquefaction: A systematic comparative analysis of refrigeration technologies
2019-01-01 Capra, F.; Magli, F.; Gatti, M.
CO2 hydrogenation to methanol with an innovative Cu/Zn/Al/Zr catalyst: Experimental tests and process modeling
2022-01-01 Lombardelli, Giorgia; Mureddu, Mauro; Lai, Sarah; Ferrara, Francesca; Pettinau, Alberto; Atzori, Luciano; Conversano, Antonio; Gatti, Manuele
CO2 solubility modelling in Non-Precipitating aqueous solutions of potassium lysinate
2022-01-01 Conversano, Antonio; Delgado, Serena; Coquelet, Christophe; Consonni, Stefano; Gatti, Manuele
Density and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of CO2-Loaded and Unloaded Aqueous Solutions of Potassium Lysinate
2021-01-01 Cremona, R.; Delgado, S.; Valtz, A.; Conversano, A.; Gatti, M.; Coquelet, C.
Evaluation of Five Alternative CO2 Capture Technologies with Insights to Inform Further Development
2017-01-01 Forsyth, Jonathan; Lodge, Stuart; Consonni, Stefano; Di Bona, Daniele; Gatti, Manuele; Martelli, Emanuele; Scaccabarozzi, Roberto; Viganò, Federico
Improved Waste Heat Management and Energy Integration in an Aluminum Annealing Continuous Furnace Using a Machine Learning Approach
2023-01-01 Andayesh, Mohammad; Flórez-Orrego, Daniel Alexander; Germanier, Reginald; Gatti, Manuele; Maréchal, François
Integration of Ca-Looping Systems for CO2Capture in Cement Plants
2017-01-01 Spinelli, M.; Martinez, I.; De Lena, E.; Cinti, G.; Hornberger, M.; Spörl, R.; Abanades, J. C.; Becker, S.; Mathai, R.; Fleiger, K.; Hoenig, V.; Gatti, M.; Scaccabarozzi, R.; Campanari, S.; Consonni, S.; Romano, M. C.
Numerical optimization of steam cycles and steam generators designs for coal to FT plants
2013-01-01 Martelli, Emanuele; Thomas G., Kreutz; Gatti, Manuele; Chiesa, Paolo; Consonni, Stefano
Preliminary Performance and Cost Evaluation of Four Alternative Technologies for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture in Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
2020-01-01 Gatti, Manuele; Martelli, Emanuele; Di Bona, Daniele; Gabba, Marco; Scaccabarozzi, Roberto; Spinelli, Maurizio; Vigano, Federico; Consonni, Stefano
Process integration study of tail-end Ca-Looping process for CO2capture in cement plants
2017-01-01 De Lena, E.; Spinelli, M.; Martinez, I.; Gatti, M.; Scaccabarozzi, R.; Cinti, G.; Romano, M.
Process selection, modelling and optimization of a water scrubbing process for energy-self-sufficient biogas upgrading plants
2018-01-01 Magli, Francesco; Capra, Federico; Gatti, Manuele; Martelli, Emanuele
Review, modeling, Heat Integration, and improved schemes of Rectisol®-based processes for CO2 capture
2014-01-01 Gatti, Manuele; Martelli, Emanuele; F., Marechal; Consonni, Stefano
Solid oxide semi-closed CO2 cycle: A hybrid power cycle with 75% net efficiency and zero emissions
2021-01-01 Scaccabarozzi, R.; Gatti, M.; Campanari, S.; Martelli, E.
Supercritical pressure-density-temperature measurements on CO2-N2, CO2-O2 and CO2-Ar binary mixtures
2012-01-01 Mantovani, Mario; Chiesa, Paolo; Valenti, Gianluca; Gatti, Manuele; Consonni, Stefano
Techno-economic analysis of a biogas-to-methanol process: Study of different process configurations and conditions
2023-01-01 Rinaldi, R; Lombardelli, G; Gatti, M; Visconti, Cg; Romano, Mc