Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.636
EU - Europa 7.013
AS - Asia 1.667
AF - Africa 158
SA - Sud America 37
OC - Oceania 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 18.541
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.453
IT - Italia 3.144
IE - Irlanda 668
DE - Germania 461
UA - Ucraina 443
CN - Cina 381
SG - Singapore 379
RU - Federazione Russa 376
SE - Svezia 368
VN - Vietnam 368
FI - Finlandia 351
GB - Regno Unito 334
AT - Austria 276
CA - Canada 170
ES - Italia 156
NL - Olanda 141
CI - Costa d'Avorio 135
PH - Filippine 114
FR - Francia 103
BE - Belgio 85
JO - Giordania 66
ID - Indonesia 64
IN - India 44
HK - Hong Kong 43
IR - Iran 40
KR - Corea 32
TR - Turchia 27
PL - Polonia 24
PK - Pakistan 23
JP - Giappone 22
AU - Australia 21
BR - Brasile 18
PT - Portogallo 18
CH - Svizzera 17
IL - Israele 17
MX - Messico 13
CO - Colombia 11
GR - Grecia 11
TW - Taiwan 10
TH - Thailandia 9
BJ - Benin 8
MY - Malesia 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
EU - Europa 7
SD - Sudan 7
LT - Lituania 6
MK - Macedonia 5
NO - Norvegia 5
RO - Romania 4
SI - Slovenia 4
AR - Argentina 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
CL - Cile 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
MU - Mauritius 3
DK - Danimarca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KH - Cambogia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
RS - Serbia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 18.541
Città #
Fairfield 1.279
Milan 1.237
Woodbridge 961
Ashburn 663
Dublin 650
Ann Arbor 628
Houston 619
Chandler 609
Wilmington 598
Seattle 594
Cambridge 465
Santa Clara 380
Singapore 280
Vienna 269
Jacksonville 254
Dearborn 230
Boardman 218
Helsinki 196
Dong Ket 183
Lawrence 170
Málaga 139
Abidjan 135
Medford 135
Ottawa 133
Rome 126
Davao City 108
Beijing 101
Redwood City 69
Amman 66
Des Moines 66
Amsterdam 65
San Diego 64
Bovisio Masciago 58
Jakarta 56
Brussels 47
Shanghai 47
New York 41
Monza 40
Princeton 40
Falkenstein 37
Auburn Hills 35
Busto Arsizio 35
Changsha 35
Novara 34
Atvidaberg 31
Ciampino 30
Delft 30
Giussano 26
Harbin 25
Zibido San Giacomo 25
Crema 24
Muggiò 24
Pedrengo 24
Boltiere 22
Luft 22
Robbiate 22
Fremont 21
Washington 20
Norwalk 19
Gavirate 18
Gentbrugge 18
Istanbul 18
Chicago 17
Cranfield 17
London 17
Mountain View 17
Xian 17
Munich 16
Turin 16
Braunschweig 15
Los Angeles 15
Bristol 14
Edinburgh 14
Lappeenranta 14
Rho 14
Hamburg 13
Redmond 13
Verona 13
Brescia 12
Hangzhou 12
Menlo Park 12
Seregno 12
Swansea 12
Xi'an 12
Bareggio 11
Magdeburg 11
Paris 11
Pavia 11
Seveso 11
Torino 11
Bogotá 10
Hong Kong 10
Isfahan 10
Montréal 10
Nanjing 10
Naples 10
Napoli 10
Seongnam 10
Warsaw 10
Besana in Brianza 9
Totale 13.093
Nome #
Design and Wind Tunnel Test Validation of Gust Load Alleviation Systems 214
Compliant Structures-Based Wing and Wingtip Morphing Devices 208
Active Aeroelastic Control over a Multi-Surface Wing: Modelling and Wind Tunnel Testing 206
Development of a Wind Tunnel Model for Active Flutter Suppression Studies 204
Design, Manufacturing and Wind Tunnel Validation of a Morphing Compliant Wing 194
Design of a Leading Edge Morphing Based on Compliant Structures for a Twin-Prop Regional Aircraft 190
Application of Active Camber Morphing Concept to a Regional Aircraft 178
Optimization of compliant adaptive structures in the design of a morphing droop nose 176
Introduction and application of PyPAD, a framework for multidisciplinary airframe design 172
PyPAD: a Multidisciplinary Framework for Preliminary Airframe Design 169
Aeroelastic Analysis of the CAWAPI F-16XL Configuration at Transonic Speeds 169
Coupling Equivalent Plate and Beam Models at Conceptual Design Level 164
Structural Sizing, Aeroelastic Analysis, and Optimization in Aircraft Conceptual Design 163
Active Camber Morphing Wings Based on Compliant Structures: an Aeroelastic Assessment 161
Flow Field Around the Flapping Flag 161
Design, Manufacturing and Wind Tunnel Test of a Morphing Wing Based on Compliant Structures 161
Application of MDO Techniques to the Preliminary Design of Morphed Aircraft 158
Active Aeroelastic Control over a Four Control Surface Wing Model 158
Computation of aeroelastic effects on F-16XL at flight conditions FC70 and FC25 158
Design of a wing tip device for active maneuver and gust load alleviation 151
Active Flutter Suppression Analysis and Wind Tunnel Studies of an Uncertain Commercial Transport Configuration 151
Buckling optimization of variable stiffness cylindrical shells through artificial intelligence techniques 147
Estimated Performances of an Adaptive Trailing-Edge Device Aimed at Reducing Fuel Consumption on a Medium-Size Aircraft 145
Combining Density-based Approach and Optimization Refinement in the Design of Morphing Airfoil Structures 145
Numerical and experimental investigations on active flutter suppression technologies 144
Advanced Design of a Full-Scale Active Morphing Droop Nose 143
Aeroelastic analysis of a slender wing 142
Gradient-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of an Airfoil with Morphing Leading and Trailing Edges 142
Freeplay-Induced Limit-Cycle Oscillations in a T-Tail: Numerical vs Experimental Validation 139
Gust Load Alleviation for a Regional Aircraft Through a Static Output Feedback 139
Multilevel Structural Optimization for Preliminary Wing-Box Weight Estimation 139
Adaptive Trailing Edge: Specifications, Aerodynamics, and Exploitation 137
Expected Performances 137
A Two-Level Approach for the Optimal Design of Morphing Wings Based on Compliant Structures 133
Active Load Control of a Regional Aircraft Wing Equipped with Morphing Winglets 133
Multi-scale analysis and optimisation of three-dimensional woven composite structures combining response surface method and genetic algorithms 130
Validation of Numerical Prediction of Dynamic Derivatives: the DLR-F12 and the Transcruiser Test Cases 129
An Optimization Procedure for the Optimal Design of Morphing Devices 129
Active Control of Three-Surface Aeroelastic Model 128
Active Aeroelastic Control over a Multisurface Wing: Modeling and Wind-Tunnel Testing 128
Wind Tunnel System for Active Flutter Suppression Research: Overview and Insights 127
Wind Tunnel Evaluation of a Static Output Feedback Controller for Gust Load Alleviation on a Regional Aircraft 127
NeoCASS: An integrated tool for structural sizing, aeroelastic analysis and MDO at Conceptual Design Level 126
Design of a Leading Edge Morphing Based on Compliant Structures in the Framework of the CS2-Airgreen2 Project 126
Design, Manufacturing and Preliminary Test Results of an Adaptive Wing Camber Model 125
High Order Harmonic Balance Applied to an Aeroelastic T-Tail Model with a Control Surface Freeplay 124
Multi-Fidelity Design of Aeroelastic Wing Tip Devices 123
Minimum-weight design for three dimensional woven composite stiffened panels using neural networks and genetic algorithms 123
Application of the Active Camber Morphing Concept Based on Compliant Structures to a Regional Aircraft 121
Increasing Updated FE Model Fidelity using a Generalized Delta Stick Model Approach 120
Coupled CSD/CFD Non-Linear Aeroelastic Trim of Free-Flying Flexible Aircraft 118
An Active Flutter Suppression (AFS) Project: Overview, Results and Lessons Learned 118
Aeroservoelastic Response of Nonlinear Wind Tunnel Model to Non-Uniform Gust Field 117
Active Flutter Suppression Techniques in Aircraft Wings 116
Knowledge-Based Shape Optimization of Morphing Wing for More Efficient Aircraft 113
Aeroelastic Investigation and Design Improvements on a Three Surface Transport Airplane 112
Aeroelastic Optimization of High Aspect Ratio Wings for Environmentally Friendly Aircraft 112
Best Achievable Modal Eigenvectors in Structural Damage Detection 111
Comparison Between Density-Based And Load-Pathbased Method In Various Camber Aerofoil Design 111
Structural Damage Detection Using Nonlinear Vibrations 111
Design, manufacturing and validation of a gust generator for wind tunnel test of a large scale aeroelastic model 110
NeoCASS+, a Conceptual Design and Simulation Framework for Morphing Aircraft 109
PyPAD: a Multidisciplinary Framework for Preliminary Airframe Design 109
A Fast Tool for Structural Sizing, Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization in Aircraft Conceptual Design 109
Active Control for Buffet Load Alleviation on the Fin of a High Performance Training Aircraft 108
Design of an Innovative Wing Tip Device 108
Airgreen2 - Clean Sky 2 Programme: Adaptive Wing Technology Maturation, Challenges and Perspectives 107
A Two Levels Approach for the Optimal Design of Morphing Airfoils 105
Aeroservoelastic Optimization of a High Aspect Transport Wing with Morphing Trailing Edge 105
Extended computational capabilities for high-fidelity fluid–structure simulations 105
Aeroelastic Analysis of a Regional Aircraft with Active Camber Morphing Device 104
Experimental Investigations of a Vibration Suppression System for a Three Surface Aeroelastic Model 103
Size and Topological Optimization for Crashworthiness Design of Helicopter Subfloor 103
Wind Tunnel Experimental Validation of Future Green Regional A/C Gust Load Alleviation Control System 103
Non-Linear Spacecraft Component Parameters Identification Based on Experimental Results and Finite Element Modelling 103
A Meta-Model for composite wingbox sizing in aircraft conceptual design 102
Winbox Weight Estimation for Metallic and Composite Manufacturing in a Conceptual Design Phase 102
Preliminary Sizing of the Wing-Box Structure by Multi-Level Approach 101
NeoCASS: an Integrated Tool for Structural Sizing, Aeroelastic Analysis and MDO at Conceptual Design Level 101
Use of MDO Techniques for the Design of Morphing Aircraft 101
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behavior of a T-Tail with Control Surface Freeplay 100
Design and Experimental Validation of Gust Load Alleviation Systems Based on Static Output Feedback 100
Aeroelastic Testing on a Three Surface Airplane 99
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Multivariable Stability Margins in Active Flutter Suppression Wind Tunnel Tests 97
Crashworthiness Optimization of Helicopter Subfloor Based on Decomposition and Global Approximation 96
Aeroelastic Multi-Surface Roll Control of a Three Surfaces Wind Tunnel Model 94
Experimental Modal Analysis of Large Structures by Substructuring 94
NeoCASS+, a Conceptual Design and Simulation Framework for Morphing Aircraft 94
AFS-Active Flutter Suppression Project: Activities Overview and Final Results 94
Hexapod Mechanical Assembly Modal Survey Test 93
Ground Modal Tests of Space-structure Components Using Boundary Masses 93
Improving Aircraft Performances Using Active Wing Camber Control: Numerical and Experimental Validation on a Multi-Control Surfaces Forward Swept Wing Model 92
Integrated Servostructural Optimization in the Design of Aerospace Systems 92
An Italian Experience On Morphing Aircraft Systems 92
Generazione delle condizioni di carico per il progetto preliminare a fatica dei velivoli 90
Active Aeroelastic Control over a Four Control Surface Wind Tunnel Wing Model 90
Coupling MDO and Principal Component Analysis Techniques for Model Updating and Damage Detection 90
Rapid Prediction of Worst Case Gust Loads 89
Gust Loads Assessment: a Multi-Fidelity Approach 89
Application of Adaptive Camber Mechanism to Morphing Wings 88
Totale 12.620
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.317
article - articoli 15.615
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 36.686
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.016
Totale 106.634

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.205 0 0 0 0 0 414 445 306 390 189 313 148
2020/20212.392 214 154 213 121 177 151 166 248 165 200 154 429
2021/20221.918 65 223 112 156 223 88 132 232 102 93 203 289
2022/20232.551 209 63 121 138 259 324 71 226 674 234 155 77
2023/20241.658 97 206 67 154 133 145 216 64 80 217 79 200
2024/20252.071 238 102 162 125 1.065 379 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.725