A Way To Net Zero Energy Buildings For Italy: How The Earth-To-Air Heat Exchanger Could Contribute To Reach The Target In Warm Climates
2010-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo; Carlucci, Salvatore
Algoritmi di calcolo delle proprietà ottiche ed energetiche angolari di sistemi vetrati: influenza della polarizzazione
2005-01-01 Dama, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Livio; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Allowing for Thermal Comfort in Free-running Buildings in the New European Standard EN15251
2008-01-01 F., Nicol; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Allowing for thermal comfort in free-running buildings in the new european standard EN15251
2007-01-01 J., Nicol; Pagliano, Lorenzo
An optimization procedure based on thermal discomfort minimization to support the design of comfortable Net Zero Energy Buildings
2013-01-01 Carlucci, Salvatore; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Analysis of ventilation strategies for the nearly zero energy retrofit of a day care center
2016-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Armani, Roberto; Sangalli, ANDREA FRANCESCO; Causone, Francesco; Pietrobon, Marco
Casa ecologica: warmer at low cost, colder at no cost in summer
2006-01-01 Ruggieri, Gianluca; Zangheri, Paolo; Pagliano, Lorenzo; S., Pangrazzi; Piardi, SILVIA ELVIRA MARIA
Climate optimised building parameters for low energy summer comfort under a discomfort index
2005-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo
Combining high-end architecture and low energy: energy analysis to support the design of a large office building within the GreenBuildingplus project
2008-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Carlucci, Salvatore; Toppi, Tommaso; Zangheri, Paolo
Comfort and Energy Efficiency Recommendations for Net Zero Energy Buildings
2010-01-01 I., Sartori; J., Candanedo; S., Geier; R., Lollini; F., Garde; A., Athienitis; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Comfort Models and Building design in the Mediterranean Zone
2010-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo
Conception of a new test cell facility for characterizing building envelope components
2015-01-01 Cattarin, Giulio; Causone, Francesco; Andrea, Kindinis; Amin, Moazami; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Conciliating energy companies economic interest with Demand-Side Management. A review of funding mechanisms in a changing market
2000-01-01 C., Lopes; S., Thomas; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Alari, Pierluigi
Cost optimality - brake or accelerator on the way towards nearly zero energy buildings
2013-01-01 K., Leutgöb; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo
Current trends for Italian national and local power companies: prospects for Integrated Resource Planning?
1995-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; A., Tudini; J., Eto; R., Caponio
Decreti per l'efficienza negli usi finali di energia, costi e benefici per i vari attori coinvolti nel meccanismo
2005-01-01 Ruggieri, Gianluca; Pagliano, Lorenzo; P., Alari
Decreti per l'efficienza negli usi finali di energia. Costi e benefici per i vari attori coinvolti nel meccanismo
2005-01-01 Alari, Pierluigi; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Ruggieri, Gianluca
Design and passive strategies optimization towards zero energy target: the case study of an experimental office building in Milan
2014-01-01 Dama, Alessandro; E., De Lena; Masera, Gabriele; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Ruta, MATTEO FRANCESCO; Zangheri, Paolo
Design choices and thermal simulations of a new test cell facility
2015-01-01 Cattarin, Giulio; Causone, Francesco; Andrea, Kindinis; Pagliano, Lorenzo
Design of nearly zero energy buildings coupled with an earth to air heat exchanger in mediterranean climate: Development of an analytic model and validation against a monitored case study
2013-01-01 Pagliano, Lorenzo; Zangheri, Paolo