Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.378
EU - Europa 2.189
AS - Asia 456
SA - Sud America 21
AF - Africa 16
OC - Oceania 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 6.070
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.327
IT - Italia 1.008
RU - Federazione Russa 248
SG - Singapore 180
DE - Germania 131
UA - Ucraina 131
GB - Regno Unito 119
FI - Finlandia 112
SE - Svezia 90
AT - Austria 86
CN - Cina 70
VN - Vietnam 62
IE - Irlanda 60
CA - Canada 46
CH - Svizzera 40
NL - Olanda 40
ES - Italia 33
JO - Giordania 33
BE - Belgio 23
TR - Turchia 20
PL - Polonia 19
ID - Indonesia 18
PH - Filippine 18
IN - India 16
FR - Francia 14
BR - Brasile 10
PT - Portogallo 9
JP - Giappone 8
AU - Australia 7
HK - Hong Kong 7
NO - Norvegia 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
CO - Colombia 5
LT - Lituania 5
MX - Messico 5
BJ - Benin 4
KR - Corea 4
MY - Malesia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
DK - Danimarca 3
IL - Israele 3
RO - Romania 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AR - Argentina 2
EE - Estonia 2
GR - Grecia 2
IR - Iran 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MA - Marocco 2
ML - Mali 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
EU - Europa 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KE - Kenya 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PY - Paraguay 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 6.070
Città #
Fairfield 448
Woodbridge 318
Chandler 237
Wilmington 228
Houston 212
Ann Arbor 205
Ashburn 194
Milan 194
Seattle 182
Santa Clara 178
Cambridge 136
Boardman 100
Singapore 99
Vienna 85
Jacksonville 78
Lawrence 70
Dearborn 65
Medford 65
Dublin 59
Helsinki 56
Rome 36
Amman 33
Dong Ket 33
London 33
Ottawa 32
Málaga 30
Amsterdam 29
Beijing 28
San Diego 26
Des Moines 24
Brussels 21
Redwood City 21
Columbus 20
Jakarta 18
Warsaw 17
Bern 16
Toronto 12
New York 11
Auburn Hills 9
Arese 8
Cagliari 8
Genova 8
Los Angeles 8
Zurich 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Mountain View 7
Bergamo 6
Lappeenranta 6
Lucca 6
Manila 6
Nardò 6
Norwalk 6
Palermo 6
Shanghai 6
Abidjan 5
Napoli 5
Princeton 5
Seregno 5
Washington 5
Ankara 4
Bologna 4
Cotonou 4
Cusano Milanino 4
Florence 4
Guangzhou 4
Hayes 4
Imola 4
Lausanne 4
Medellín 4
Oslo 4
Pavia 4
Pescara 4
Travagliato 4
Trieste 4
Turin 4
Berlin 3
Brescia 3
Cassano Magnago 3
Champaign 3
Chiasso 3
Falkenstein 3
Foggia 3
Garbana 3
Geneva 3
Hong Kong 3
Ikejiri 3
Manchester 3
Mugla 3
Paderno Dugnano 3
Paris 3
Parma 3
Phoenix 3
Pioltello 3
Providence 3
Salerno 3
Scunthorpe 3
Segrate 3
Solbiate Olona 3
Sydney 3
Yozgat 3
Totale 3.924
Nome #
An explicit dynamics GPU structural solver for thin shell finite elements 148
Fluid-structure interaction problems in free surface flows: application to boat dynamics 147
High-Order Variational Time Integrators for Particle Dynamics 141
Topology optimization with a time-integral cost functional 137
Shape Optimization for Stokes flows: a finite-element convergence analysis 136
Finite Element Approximation of a Time-Dependent Topology Optimization Problem 136
A three-dimensional model for the dynamics and hydrodynamics of rowing boats 122
Essential Imposition of Neumann Condition in Galerkin-Legendre Elliptic Solvers 119
Numerical Simulation of Sailing Boats: Dynamics, FSI, and ShapeOptimization 114
Matematica e Design 114
HPC simulations of brownout: A noninteracting particles dynamic model 110
On a free-surface problem with moving contact line: from variational principles to stable numerical approximations 109
A Finite Element Level Set Method for Viscous Free-Surface Flows 108
A Mixed-Basis Spectral Projection Method 108
Reduced basis approximation and a posteriori error estimates for parametrized elliptic eigenvalue problems 108
Topology optimization of multiple anisotropic materials, with application to self-assembling diblock copolymers 108
SUIHTER : a new mathematical model for COVID-19. Application to the analysis of the second epidemic outbreak in Italy 107
Four Fundamental Modes of Participation in Mathematics Group Activities 106
Numerical Investigation on the Stability of Singular Driven Cavity Flow 104
Link Prediction in Criminal Networks: A Tool for Criminal Intelligence Analysis 103
Use of orbital shaken disposable bioreactors for Mammalian cell cultures from the milliliter-scale to the 1,000-liter scale 100
A strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction model for wind-sail simulation 100
Simulation of the Differentially Heated 8 : 1 Rectangular Cavity by a Galerkin-Legendre Spectral Projection Method 97
Optimal control in ink-jet printing via instantaneous control 94
Impact Of water depth on rowing fairness 93
I can - you can: cooperation in group dynamics 93
Quantitative benchmark computations of two-dimensional bubble dynamics 92
Student interactions during class activities: A mathematical model 92
Mathematical Modelling and Visualisation of ComplexThree-dimensional Flows 88
Matematica in Volo con Solar Impulse 84
Using Gambling Simulators to Foster Awareness About Gambling Risks: A Focus on Emotions 83
Probability and gambling abuse 82
Radial basis functions for inter-grid interpolation and mesh motion in FSI problems 81
European Covid-19 Forecast Hub 80
Role of the LBB Condition in Weak Spectral Projection Methods 80
Data Analysis and Predictive Mathematical Modeling for COVID-19 Epidemic Studies 79
Numerical Simulation for Yacht Design 78
Numerical Models and Simulations in Sailing Yacht Design 78
BetOnMath. Azzardo e matematica a scuola 77
Una scommessa sulla matematica a scuola 77
Multidisciplinary design optimization of a sailplan 76
Numerical Investigation of the First Instabilities in the Differentially Heated 8:1 Cavity 75
Numerical Simulation using RANS-based Tools for America's Cup Design 74
Mathematics in the Air with Solar Impulse 72
Energ-IT: A Methodology for the Incremental Green Design of Data Centers 71
Modelling and numerical simulation for yacht design 69
L'analfabetismo matematico e l'illusione di vincere 69
Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulations for the America's Cup 68
A diffuse interface box method for elliptic problems 66
Efficient oxygen transfer by surface aeration in shaken cylindrical containers for mammalian cell cultivation at volumetric scales up to 1000 liters 64
Simulation of viscoelastic Cosserat rods based on the geometrically exact dynamics of special Euclidean strands 58
When Mathematics Goes to Sea (in the America's Cup) 56
Mass Preserving Finite Element Implementations of Level Set Method 56
Cooling device for electric appliance, has current source to generate electric field between electrodes, and channels that are provided between tubes to allow flow of fluid stream between tubes through heat exchanger 54
Mathematics for Social Integration 54
An efficient and accurate implicit DG solver for the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations 53
Mathematics in the wind 52
Teachers’ perspective on group dynamics 51
Quando la Matematica va in barca 47
An optimal control problem for two-phase compressible–incompressible flows 47
A mathematical dashboard for the analysis of Italian COVID-19 epidemic data 46
Non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluids: The stationary case 43
Un solutore strutturale esplicito su GPU per elementi finiti di guscio 43
Scommettere sulla matematica, oggi: perché? 42
Modellistica matematica per lo sport 41
Simulazione Numerica per la Coppa America di Vela 35
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 across European nations 34
Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic and the vaccination campaign in Italy by the SUIHTER model 34
Unsteady FSI simulations of downwind sails 32
Reduced Models for Liquid Food Packaging Systems 32
Polytopal discontinuous Galerkin discretization of brain multiphysics flow dynamics 31
A hybrid finite volume - spectral element method for aeroacoustic problems 31
Optimized numerical solutions of SIRDVW multiage model controlling SARS-CoV-2 vaccine roll out: An application to the Italian scenario 30
Sport 30
AeroSPEED: A High Order Acoustic Solver for Aeroacoustic Applications 29
Numerical Simulation for Yacht Design 27
On the convergence of the Rhie–Chow stabilized Box method for the Stokes problem 17
A High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Solver for the Lighthill’s Wave Equation 17
Level set-fitted polytopal meshes with application to structural topology optimization 6
Totale 6.156
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.578
article - articoli 13.091
book - libri 648
conference - conferenze 3.683
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 181
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.679
Totale 42.860

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020503 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 93 111 41 113 31
2020/2021681 58 26 69 14 48 46 41 72 65 95 58 89
2021/2022926 50 73 100 52 61 32 48 247 41 39 59 124
2022/2023737 91 49 26 55 68 85 16 58 122 58 57 52
2023/2024583 49 71 56 39 63 60 40 18 39 32 20 96
2024/2025850 22 29 65 54 247 275 158 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.156