Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.646
EU - Europa 4.610
AS - Asia 1.440
SA - Sud America 114
AF - Africa 72
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 15.905
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.406
IT - Italia 1.351
UA - Ucraina 542
GB - Regno Unito 497
SE - Svezia 466
SG - Singapore 451
DE - Germania 435
CN - Cina 287
FI - Finlandia 265
AT - Austria 251
VN - Vietnam 238
CA - Canada 228
IE - Irlanda 195
ES - Italia 170
FR - Francia 109
JO - Giordania 107
NL - Olanda 72
IN - India 66
BG - Bulgaria 58
BR - Brasile 46
BE - Belgio 45
KR - Corea 44
TR - Turchia 43
CH - Svizzera 40
CI - Costa d'Avorio 37
HK - Hong Kong 35
IR - Iran 34
PE - Perù 31
ID - Indonesia 30
JP - Giappone 24
PH - Filippine 23
RU - Federazione Russa 22
CL - Cile 21
AU - Australia 19
RO - Romania 15
PL - Polonia 14
MU - Mauritius 13
PT - Portogallo 13
TW - Taiwan 13
CO - Colombia 10
NO - Norvegia 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
MT - Malta 7
MX - Messico 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
IL - Israele 6
MY - Malesia 6
NP - Nepal 6
PK - Pakistan 6
CR - Costa Rica 5
GR - Grecia 5
HR - Croazia 5
HU - Ungheria 5
AR - Argentina 4
BJ - Benin 4
GH - Ghana 4
IQ - Iraq 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
TH - Thailandia 4
EU - Europa 3
LT - Lituania 3
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MD - Moldavia 2
RS - Serbia 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BW - Botswana 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LB - Libano 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LY - Libia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
QA - Qatar 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
Totale 15.905
Città #
Fairfield 1.015
Chandler 998
Woodbridge 973
Ashburn 677
Houston 561
Wilmington 554
Ann Arbor 505
Cambridge 457
Seattle 370
Santa Clara 322
Jacksonville 311
Dearborn 260
Singapore 260
Boardman 257
Vienna 250
Lawrence 227
Medford 225
Ottawa 202
Milan 176
Dublin 172
Málaga 141
London 128
Beijing 113
Dong Ket 109
Amman 107
Menlo Park 95
Helsinki 91
Redmond 84
San Diego 79
Des Moines 61
Redwood City 59
Grafing 56
Washington 53
Rome 51
Amsterdam 48
Brussels 40
Norwalk 40
Abidjan 37
New York 35
Seoul 28
Jakarta 24
Bern 23
Florence 23
Shanghai 23
Lima 21
Mountain View 21
Torino 21
Dallas 20
Bologna 18
Auburn Hills 16
Verona 16
Old Bridge 15
Miami 14
Serra 13
Frankfurt am Main 12
Campagnola 11
Central 11
Como 11
San Giorgio Del Sannio 11
Trieste 11
Falkenstein 10
Hangzhou 10
Lappeenranta 10
Modena 10
Montreal 10
Padova 10
Zurich 10
Berlin 9
Cagliari 9
Cantù 9
Chengdu 9
Guangzhou 9
Naples 9
Phoenix 9
Seongnam 9
Warsaw 9
Ankara 8
Los Angeles 8
Madrid 8
Monza 8
Nanjing 8
Olongapo City 8
São Paulo 8
Taipei 8
Aachen 7
Alfonsine 7
Baricella 7
Chicago 7
Erba 7
Hefei 7
Hong Kong 7
Santiago 7
Turin 7
Bari 6
Edinburgh 6
Enterprise 6
Freiburg 6
Kwai Chung 6
Nottingham 6
Palermo 6
Totale 10.882
Nome #
Tech-Levee-Watch: Experimenting an integrated geophysical system for stability assessment of levees 157
A laboratory experience to assess the 3D effects on 2D ERT monitoring of river levees 138
Complementarietà delle indagini termografiche e georadar nella diagnostica degli edifici 136
Appunti di Sismica di Esplorazione e Georadar 133
Calibration of sonic pulse velocity tests for detection of variable conditions in masonry walls 126
Geoelectrical characterization and monitoring of slopes on a rainfall-triggered landslide simulator 124
Analysis of microseismic activity within unstable rock slopes 121
A 3D GPR survey methodology for archeological applications 119
Analysis of microseismic signals collected on an unstable rock face in the Italian Prealps 118
Assessment of 3D geometry effects on 2D ERT data of a permanent monitoring system along a river embankment 117
A customized resistivity system for monitoring saturation and seepage in earthen levees: Installation and validation 115
Sonic tomography applied to historic masonry structures: validation of the testing methodology and of the data elaboration by different computer codes 113
Analytical and experimental evaluation of the radar cross section of concrete reinforcements 113
3D GPR investigations on building elements using the PSG 111
2D and 3D focusing of Ground Penetrating Radar data for NDT 110
Freeze-thaw cycle and rockfall monitoring 108
A case study where dual-polarization was essential for correct interpretation of GPR results 108
A challenging GPR investigation to assess the state of damage of a water tunnel 108
Seismic characterization of an abandoned mine site 106
The role of the spatial scale and data accuracy on deep-seated gravitational slope deformation modeling: The Ronco landslide, Italy 106
Localization algorithms for search and rescue applications 105
Evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of the Syracuse Cathedral: investigation and modelling 104
3D Refraction statics in the wavenumber domain 102
Analysis of Approximations and Aperture Distortion for 3D Migration of Bistatic Radar Data with the Two-Step Approach 101
Indagini, modellazione numerica e monitoraggio per la diagnosi 101
Complementarity of non destructive techniques in the diagnosis of damaged historic structures 100
GPR investigations of rock fractures: considerations on thin beds 100
The Use of georadar to assess damage to a masonry Bell Tower in Cremona, Italy 100
The role of shear surface geometry in the definition of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation thresholds 99
A new geological model for Spriana landslide 98
Diffraction tomography through phase back-projection 97
Non-destructive techniques applied to the pillars of the Syracuse Cathedral in Sicily 97
Integration of geological and geophysical data to improve the understanding of a deep-seated landslide 95
Non-destructive quality control of reinforced masonry buildings 95
Complementarietà delle prove in situ ed in laboratorio: il castello di Avio 92
Application of radar tests in the survey of the load bearing walls of the Torrazzo of Cremona 92
Surface and subsurface non-invasive investigations to improve the characterization of a fractured rock mass 92
Long-term hydrogeophysical monitoring of the internal conditions of river levees 92
PSG (Pad System for Georadar), a new positioning system to perform 3D georadar investigations for utility mapping 91
Traveltime radar tomography for NDT on masonry and concrete structures 91
Attenuation tomography on historical buildings through spectral analysis of sonic and radar data 91
Testing a safe acquisition procedure for an effective application of GPR to security operations 90
2D and 3D experiments to explore the potential benefit of GPR investigations in planning the mining activity of a limestone quarry 89
A new system to perform 3D GPR surveys for utility mapping 89
Investigation on the pillars of the Syracuse Cathedral in Sicily 88
Integration of seismic surveys to investigate an abandoned mine site 88
The risk of collapse in abandoned mine sites: the issue of data uncertainty 88
Radar investigation as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of historic masonry buildings 87
The complementary use of on site non destructive tests for the investigation of historic masonry structures 86
Microseismic monitoring of an unstable rock face - Preliminary signal classification 86
GPR measurements to detect major discontinuities at Cheshmeh-Shirdoosh limestone quarry, Iran 86
Ground penetrating radar 85
2D and 3D GPR imaging to map the fractures and to evaluate the integrity of limestone ornamental rocks 85
Introducing G.RE.T.A. – an innovative geo-resistivimeter for long-term monitoring of earthen dams and unstable slopes 85
Diagnostic investigation of the stone pillars of S.Nicolò l'Arena, Catania 84
GPR investigations to assess the state of damage of a concrete water tunnel 84
Combined non-destructive techniques to assess the structural safety of a medieval tower 84
Radar Tomography for NDT: comparison of Techniques 83
Fracture thickness from GPR measurements 82
The PSG, a new positioning system to execute 3D GPR surveys for utility mapping 81
The WIM method for refraction statics 81
Towards cost-effective 3D imaging with GPR 81
Geophysics and caving: an example from the Apuan Alps 81
Integration of low-cost technological solutions for flow rate and bedload transport monitoring in the Caldone river, Italy 81
Dip-velocity analysis of converted waves on a 2D-2C land profile 80
Installation and validation of a customized resistivity system for permanent monitoring of a river embankment 80
Towards rockfall forecasting through observing deformations and listening to microseismic emissions 79
The reflectivity method as a tool for evaluating the seismic response of layered structures 79
Testing ERT and fiber optic techniques at the laboratory scale to monitor river levees 79
Construction of a 3D velocity model for microseismic event location on a monitored rock slope 79
Sonic and radar tomography on masonry structures 78
Non-destructive root mapping: Exploring the potential of gpr 78
Calibration and on-site application of radar and sonic methods for quality control of reinforced masonry 77
Refraction statics in the wavenumber domain 77
Developing a geophysics and ICT based strategy for monitoring instable rock slopes 77
Very high resolution radar imaging with a stepped frequency system 77
Sonic tomography of the stone pillars of a 17th century temple 76
Mapping an industrial landfill area from penetration of GPR data 76
Quality control of stone blocks during quarrying activities 76
Refraction statics for complex near-surface models 76
Applicazione delle indagini georadar per la valutazione del sistema di discontinuità in una cava di pietra ornamentale 75
Seismic noise spectral analysis techniques to monitor unstable rock blocks 75
Ground Penetrating Radar antennas: theoretical and experimental directivity functions 75
GPR investigations to reconstruct the geometry of the wooden structures in historical buildings 74
Ultra high frequency radar sensor for humanitarian demining tested on different scenarios in 3D imaging mode 74
Georadar investigations and monitoring of the wall structures and vault system of the Sala delle Asse 74
Acquisition and processing requirements for high quality 3D reconstructions from GPR investigations 73
Sensitivity and accuracy in rebar diameter measurements from dual-polarized GPR data 73
Classification of Microseismic Activity in an Unstable Rock Cliff 73
Applicazione di tecniche di inversione focalizzante alla tomografia radar 72
Modeling GPR data to understand the problems in rebar size measurements 72
Tecniche di indagine e progetto delle indagini per la diagnostica strutturale 71
Acquisizioni sismiche con sorgente in grotta per scopi speleologici 71
Preliminary seismic survey on the unstable slope of Madesimo (northern Italy) 71
On the definition of rainfall thresholds for diffuse landslides 70
High-frequency GPR investigations in Saint Vigilius Cathedral, Trento 70
Totale 9.429
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.236
article - articoli 14.584
book - libri 381
conference - conferenze 35.618
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.653
Totale 108.472

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.065 0 0 0 0 0 356 469 217 353 157 369 144
2020/20212.302 179 104 163 78 194 193 216 173 209 319 169 305
2021/20222.252 74 226 337 131 335 99 90 115 148 123 209 365
2022/20232.651 312 177 84 255 290 342 54 185 425 210 184 133
2023/20241.425 88 217 71 102 154 256 58 60 51 128 43 197
2024/20251.226 106 80 129 86 570 255 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.208