Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.019
EU - Europa 7.093
AS - Asia 1.835
AF - Africa 78
SA - Sud America 74
OC - Oceania 29
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 19.133
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.750
IT - Italia 3.049
UA - Ucraina 588
AT - Austria 581
SG - Singapore 515
SE - Svezia 498
DE - Germania 477
FI - Finlandia 450
CN - Cina 396
VN - Vietnam 366
GB - Regno Unito 335
CH - Svizzera 316
CA - Canada 242
ES - Italia 206
IE - Irlanda 193
TR - Turchia 109
FR - Francia 100
BE - Belgio 76
JO - Giordania 75
IN - India 64
HK - Hong Kong 56
NL - Olanda 54
MY - Malesia 45
CI - Costa d'Avorio 42
ID - Indonesia 40
KR - Corea 35
JP - Giappone 31
BR - Brasile 28
BG - Bulgaria 23
PL - Polonia 23
PT - Portogallo 21
RU - Federazione Russa 21
TW - Taiwan 19
PH - Filippine 18
AU - Australia 17
MX - Messico 14
BJ - Benin 12
GR - Grecia 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 12
CL - Cile 11
CO - Colombia 11
LV - Lettonia 11
EC - Ecuador 10
IR - Iran 10
DK - Danimarca 8
EG - Egitto 8
KG - Kirghizistan 7
PE - Perù 7
AR - Argentina 6
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
MT - Malta 6
MU - Mauritius 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
AL - Albania 5
EU - Europa 5
HU - Ungheria 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
NO - Norvegia 5
BZ - Belize 4
IL - Israele 4
LT - Lituania 4
PK - Pakistan 4
RO - Romania 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TH - Thailandia 4
EE - Estonia 3
JM - Giamaica 3
PA - Panama 3
RS - Serbia 3
CY - Cipro 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
KE - Kenya 2
KH - Cambogia 2
MA - Marocco 2
NG - Nigeria 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
HR - Croazia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NP - Nepal 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 19.133
Città #
Fairfield 991
Chandler 956
Woodbridge 817
Ann Arbor 698
Ashburn 645
Santa Clara 601
Wilmington 598
Milan 593
Vienna 573
Houston 544
Seattle 392
Singapore 365
Jacksonville 362
Cambridge 326
Bern 294
Boardman 293
Dearborn 284
Helsinki 247
Lawrence 228
Ottawa 216
Dublin 184
Málaga 182
Beijing 170
Dong Ket 168
Medford 156
Shanghai 105
Rome 104
Istanbul 98
Des Moines 83
Princeton 81
San Diego 77
Amman 75
Brussels 66
Redwood City 61
New York 51
Brescia 47
Turin 45
Abidjan 42
Jakarta 40
Los Angeles 40
Amsterdam 37
Buccinasco 37
Washington 37
Petaling Jaya 35
London 32
Frankfurt am Main 26
Norwalk 26
Munich 24
Padova 24
Verona 24
Rozzano 23
Naples 22
Auburn Hills 21
Genoa 21
Mountain View 21
Hong Kong 20
Pavia 19
Bologna 18
Florence 18
Warsaw 17
Falkenstein 16
Menlo Park 16
Sesto San Giovanni 16
Hefei 15
Redmond 14
Palermo 13
Cotonou 12
Miami 12
Seongnam 12
Central District 11
Costa di Mezzate 11
Lappeenranta 11
Legnano 11
Monza 11
New Delhi 11
North York 11
Paese 11
Pisa 11
Riga 11
Seregno 11
Sovico 11
Torino 11
Bareggio 10
Codogno 10
Madrid 10
Mcallen 10
Nanjing 10
Nuremberg 10
São Paulo 10
Taipei 10
Zurich 10
Athens 9
Bresso 9
Busto Arsizio 9
Chicago 9
Davao City 9
Indiana 9
Napoli 9
Stockholm 9
Teramo 9
Totale 12.840
Nome #
Scienza al quotidiano: farmaci come oggetti = Daily Science: Pharmaceuticals as Objects 295
Metodi avanzati per la valutazione quantitativa ed il monitoraggio della sindrome di Tourette 203
SMARTA: Smart Ambiente and Wearable Home Monitoring for Elderly 198
Shaping accessible public spaces for visually impaired people: The BUDD-e research experience = Dar forma a spazi pubblici accessibili per le persone con limitazioni visive: L'esperienza di ricerca BUDD-e 187
Aerodynamics of jump in downhill ski racing 171
Defining Requirements and Related Methods for Designing Sensorized Garments 169
A New Personalized Health System: The SMARTA Project 169
A multidisciplinary approach to User Centred Design: case studies in health care sector 146
Ergonomics and design for sustainability in healthcare: ambient assisted living and the social-environmental impact of patients lifestyle 143
Design and ergonomics of monitoring system for elderly 133
A Smart Wearable Prototype for Fetal Monitoring 132
Assessment of soft tissue movement to develop a kinematic model of the lumbar spine 132
Analysis of the Relationship between Road Accidents and Psychophysical State of Drivers through Wearable Devices 132
DHM for Ergonomical Assessment of Home Appliances 130
Assessment of 3D surface anthropometry methods for mass customized shoes 126
Disable Workstation Development: A Multicompetence Approach to Human Behaviour Analysis 125
Ergonomic Design Process of the Shape of a Diagnostic Ultrasound Probe 125
A Novel Automatic Method for Monitoring Tourette Motor TicsThrough a Wearable Device 123
A smart wearable sensor system for counter-fighting overweight in teenagers 123
Comparison among standard method, dedicated toolbox and kinematic-based approach in assessing risk of developing upper limb musculoskeletal disorders 123
Human behaviour analysis and modelling: a mixed method approach 122
Digital human modelling and ergonomic design of sleeping systems 122
Biomeccanica del colpo di frusta 121
Evaluation of 3D kinematic model of the spine for ergonomic analysis 120
mHealth Market Exploitation Through the Analysis of the Related Intellectual Property Rights 119
Prototype of a wearable system for remote fetal monitoring during pregnancy 118
Metodi e strumenti per l’analisi del movimento: i sistemi optoelettronici. Metodi e strumenti per la misura della pressione di interfaccia: le piattaforme a matrice di sensori 112
Biosignal acquisition device: a novel topology for wearable signal acquisition devices 112
A reference framework of mhealth patents for innovative services 112
Il progetto BLUES: implementare pratiche innovative nelle attività di screening e di home visiting rivolte alle donne con depressione perinatale 110
A wearable device for continuous monitoring of heart mechanical function based on ImpedanceCardioGraphy 108
An Ergonomic and Aerodynamic Study for a Quantitative Assessment of Paralympics Athlete's Performance 108
A Robust and Self-Paced BCI System Based on a Four Class SSVEP Paradigm: Algorithms and Protocols for a High-Transfer-Rate Direct Brain Communication 108
Human Machine Interface for Healthcare and Rehabilitation 106
Method for Movement and Gesture Assessment (MMGA) in Ergonomics 106
Integrated Architecture for Next-Generation m-Health Services (Education, Monitoring and Prevention) in Teenagers 106
Characterization of foot morphology through 3D optical measures. 105
Sensor validation for wearable monitoring system in ambulatory monitoring: application to textile electrodes 105
Wireless DSP architecture for biosignals recording 104
Domotics and Health Building Infrastructures 104
Chapter 60. Effects of seat and handgrips adjustments on a Hand Bike vehicle. An ergonomic and aerodynamic study for a quantitative assessment of Paralympics athlete’s performance 104
Wearable Monitoring Devices for Assistive Technology: Case Studies in Post-Polio Syndrome 103
3D Superficial Anthropometry to Evaluate the Biomechanics and the Aesthetics of the Spinal Deformities 103
A Wearable Home BCI system: preliminary results with SSVEP protocol 101
A platform independent framework for the development of real-time algorithms: application to the SSVEP BCI protocol 100
An automated method for relevant frequency bands identification based on genetic algorithms and dedicated to the Motor Imagery BCI protocol 98
Developing Biomedical Devices Design, Innovation and Protection 98
Cognitive ability assessment by Brain–Computer Interface: Validation of a new assessment method for cognitive abilities 98
Sistemi di sensori indossabili per il monitoraggio 97
Ultrasound System Typologies, User Interfaces and Probes Design: A Review 97
Real-time feedback solution applied to the motor imagery based BCI protocol 96
Aerodynamics and Biomechanical Optimization of the Jump Phase in Skiing, Through a Simulation-Based Predictive Model 96
Domotica e utenza ampliata: dai sistemi tecnologici all'arredo. 96
Design smart clothing using digital human models 96
Dynamic Head stabilization with respect to the trunk during locomotion 95
Accurate modeling and NN to Reproduce Human Like Motion Trajectories 95
“I Know That You Know How I Feel”: Behavioral and Physiological Signals Demonstrate Emotional Attunement While Interacting with a Computer Simulating Emotional Intelligence 95
Next Generation Mobile Healthcare Services through CollaborativeDesign Development 94
Assessment of dynamic reaching tasks through a novel ergonomical index 94
Assessment of whiplash Injuries Through 3D Digital CranioCorpoGraphy 94
Characterization of foot morphology through 3D optical measures 93
Evaluation of head-to-trunk control in whiplash patients using digital CranioCorpoGraphy during a stepping test. 93
TeleFetal Care - A wearable Fetal ECG Monitor 93
Brain computer interface: attività e comunicazione per l’inserimento sociale nei gravi disordini del movimento 92
Sistemi di sensori indossabili per il monitoraggio: dalla Ricerca al Mercato 92
Quantitative body movement and gesture assessment in ergonomics 92
Pervasive technology in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: a prototype for newborns unobtrusive monitoring 92
Active customized control of thermal comfort. 91
SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT (Circuito per il condizionamento di un segnale) 90
A Home Automation Interface for BCI application validated with SSVEP protocol 89
Simulation of complex human movement through the modulation of observed motor tasks. 88
Colpo di frusta: diagnosi e clinica 87
THINK TO GRASP: Development of a Motor-imagery controlled neuroprosthesis to promote re-learning of grasping in hemiplegic patients: feasibility study on healthy subjects 87
Functional Evaluation and Rehabilitation Engineering 87
BCI++: an object-oriented BCI Prototyping Framework 86
BCI Keyboards: towards mind writing 86
A Review of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Field of Wearable Sensors and Systems 86
A didactic experience in designing smart systems for mhealth services 86
The evaluation of existing large-scale retailers’ furniture using DHM 86
Evaluation of a rehabilitation protocol of the lumbar spine through a non invasive motion analysis system. 85
Automatic Detection of tic activity in the Tourette Syndrome 85
MOHE: Mobile Health for moms, kids, adults and elderly 85
Wearable Ergonomics: Novel Integrated Solutions, Applications and Open Challenges 84
Method for Movement and Gesture Assessment (MMGA) in ergonomics 84
Design of User–Centered Health Products and Services at Home: the experience of HCD team 84
A multifactorial approach and method for assessing ergonomic characteristics in biomedical technologies 84
Proactive Analysis of Complex Systems Through DHM: Paradigmatic Application of an Innovative Ergonomic Cumulative Index to Large Retail Stores 84
Motion analysis and eye tracking technologies applied to portable ultrasound systems user interfaces evaluation 83
Ergonomics and Design in Healthcare: a Multifactorial User-Centred Approach to Biomedical Assistive Devices 83
Virtual workplace design 83
Evaluation of 3D kinematic model of the spine for ergonomic analysis 83
Chapter 51: The integration of ethnography and movement analysis in disabled workplace development 83
A software toolbox to improve time-efficiency and reliability of an observational risk assessment method 83
Chapter 9: Human Behaviour Analysis and Modelling: A Mixed Method Approach 82
Ergonomics and Design in Healthcare: a Multifactorial User-Centred Approach to Biomedical Assistive Devices 82
PEGASO Fit for Future. 81
A Didactic Experience in Designing Smart Systems for mHealth 81
DHM applied to ergonomic design and assessment of diagnostic ultrasound systems 81
Totale 10.790
Categoria #
all - tutte 64.075
article - articoli 15.676
book - libri 948
conference - conferenze 26.422
curatela - curatele 713
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 3.673
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 16.643
Totale 128.150

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.054 0 0 0 0 0 326 399 234 370 192 407 126
2020/20212.563 242 98 195 96 256 122 212 222 185 314 167 454
2021/20222.155 79 207 71 203 258 179 132 133 133 158 210 392
2022/20233.367 317 187 135 264 387 358 110 196 389 313 226 485
2023/20242.272 166 300 125 177 118 226 125 260 81 289 115 290
2024/20251.890 79 250 169 110 942 340 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.399