Ferrara, Marinella; Ferrara, Marinella
A Didactic Experience in Designing Smart Systems for mHealth
2016-01-01 Standoli, C. E.; Guarneri, M. R.; Ferrara, M.; Andreoni, G.
A didactic experience in designing smart systems for mhealth services
2017-01-01 Standoli, Carlo Emilio; Guarneri, Maria Renata; Ferrara, Marinella; Andreoni, Giuseppe
Agrindustrial Design 2012: Mediterranean Food Design
2012-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; A., Can Özcan; K., Nazan Turhan
Anna Maria Fundaro's 'Design for Development'
2018-01-01 Ferrara, M.
Bio-smart Materials: The binomial of the future
2018-01-01 Lucibello, S.; Ferrara, M.; Langella, C.; Cecchini, C.; Carullo, R.
Design objects: a key to understand reality
2022-01-01 Ferrara, M.; Russo, A. C.
From industrial float glass to collectible design: the functional light sculptures Baracche, project by artist Paolo Gonzato
2022-01-01 Bianco, B.; Ferrara, M.
Future visions from the 1939: two different approaches
2015-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; Lecce, Chiara
Happiness in the city. Experimental teaching and research in the methodological design of the collective space of the city
2012-01-01 DE PAOLIS, Roberto; Ferrara, MARIA RITA; D., Morigi
Intelligent design with chromogenic materials
2013-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; M., Bengisu
Intelligent design with chromogenic materials
2014-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; M., Bengisu
Interactive, Connected, Smart materials: ICS materiality
2018-01-01 Ferrara, M.; Rognoli, V.; Arquilla, V.; Parisi, S.
Kinetic Materials Experience
2015-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; Bengisu, Murat
MADEC. Material Design Culture
2015-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; Lecce, Chiara
Mapping ICS materials: Interactive, connected, and smart materials
2018-01-01 Parisi, Stefano; Spallazzo, Davide; Ferraro, Venere; Ferrara, Marinella; Ceconello, Mauro Attilio; Garcia, Camilo Ayala; Rognoli, Valentina
Mediterranean-ness Between Identity and Genius Loci. The True Essence of Successful Design Stories
2018-01-01 Ferrara, M.; Russo, A. C.
Mediterranean-ness: An Inquiry into Design and Design History
2018-01-01 Balcıoglu, T.; Ferrara, M.; Macsotay, T.
Promoting a Teaching Platform for “Traditional Skills C Virtual Reality Technology”.
2022-01-01 Ban, S.; Ferrara, M. R.
Shaping Sustainable Behavior. Kinetic Materials Experience of Morphing Artifacts
2024-01-01 Sui, Y.; Ferrara, M.
Teaching Material Design
2012-01-01 Ferrara, MARIA RITA; S., Lucibello