A b&b approach to schedule a no-wait flow shop to minimize the residual work content under uncertainty
2018-01-01 Dolceamore, Simone; Urgo, Marcello
A branch-and-bound approach for the two-machine flow shop stochastic scheduling problem to minimize the value-at-risk
2021-01-01 Liu, Lei; Urgo, Marcello
A Concept for a Pallet Configuration Approach Using Zero-point Clamping Systems
2016-01-01 Pellegrinelli, Stefania; Terkaj, Walter; Urgo, Marcello
A Discrete Time Markov Decision Process to support the scheduling of re-manufacturing activities
2021-01-01 Angius, Alessio; Manzini, Massimo; Urgo, Marcello
A guideline for planning and implementing an action-based and transnational course in higher engineering education: A Case for Sustainable Value Creation
2017-01-01 T., Stock; C., Haskins; B., Gładysz; Urgo, Marcello; H., Kohl
A local search tree heuristic approach for the stochastic 2-machine flow shop scheduling problem
2024-01-01 Liu, Lei; Urgo, Marcello
A Markovian Approach for Stochastic Scheduling in Manufacturing-to-Order Production Systems to Support Due Date Quoting
2013-01-01 Urgo, Marcello
A proactive-reactive approach to schedule an automotive assembly line
2018-01-01 Manzini, Massimo; Demeulemeester, Erik; Urgo, Marcello
A Robust scheduling approach for a single machine to optimize a risk measure
2014-01-01 Urgo, Marcello; Váncza, József
A scheduling approach for chemical vapour deposition processes in the production of semiconductors
2019-01-01 Manzini, M.; Urgo, M.
A Virtual factory data model as a support tool for the simulation of manufacturing systems
2014-01-01 Terkaj, Walter; Urgo, Marcello
An onto-based interoperability framework for the connection of PLM and production capability tools
2016-01-01 Lafleur, Maxime; Terkaj, Walter; Belkadi, Farouk; Urgo, Marcello; Bernard, Alain; Colledani, Marcello
Analysis of activity networks with phase type distributions by Kronecker algebra
2014-01-01 Angius, Alessio; Horvath, Andras; Urgo, Marcello
Answer set programming for modeling and reasoning on modular and reconfigurable transportation systems
2017-01-01 Terkaj, Walter; Urgo, Marcello; Andolfatto, Daniela
Calculating the joint distribution of n batch delivery spans in a stochastic permutation flow shop
2016-01-01 Angius, Alessio; Horváth, András; Urgo, Marcello
Co-Definition of Product Structure and Production Network for Frugal Innovation Perspectives: Towards a Modular-based Approach
2016-01-01 Belkadi, Farouk; Buergin, Jens; Gupta, Ravi Kumar; Zhang, Yicha; Bernard, Alain; Lanza, Gisela; Colledani, Marcello; Urgo, Marcello
Critical Components Evaluation in Manufacturing-To-Order Processes
2015-01-01 Manzini, Massimo; Urgo, Marcello
Design of Flexible Transfer Lines to Minimize Equipment Cost: A Configuration Approach and Solution Characterization
2008-01-01 Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARIA; Urgo, Marcello
Development of a project-oriented and transnational master course for training the engineering competencies required in an increasingly demanding work-life in Europe
2016-01-01 Stock, Tim; Haskins, Cecilia; Gładysz, Bartłomiej; Urgo, Marcello; Kohl, Holger; Ola Strandhagen, Jan; Jarzębowska ITLMS Elżbieta Jarzębowska, Elżbieta; Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARIA
Development of a project-oriented and transnational master course for training the engineering competencies
2017-01-01 Haskins, Cecilia; Stock, Tim; Gładysz, Bartłomiej; Urgo, Marcello