A comminution model with homogeneity and multiplication assumptions for the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling industry
2019-01-01 Diani, Marco; Pievatolo, Antonio; Colledani, Marcello; Lanzarone, Ettore
A computer-aided methodology for the optimization of electrostatic separation processes in recycling
2016-01-01 Borrotti, Matteo; Pievatolo, Antonio; Critelli, Ida; Degiorgi, Andrea; Colledani, Marcello
A control model for downstream compensation strategy in multi-stage manufacturing systems of complex parts
2019-01-01 Magnanini, Maria Chiara; Eger, Florian; Reiff, Colin; Colledani, Marcello; Verl, Alexander
A cyber-physical system for quality-oriented assembly of automotive electric motors
2018-01-01 Colledani, M.; Coupek, D.; Verl, A.; Aichele, J.; Yemane, A.
A Decision Support Methodology for the Design of Reconfigurable Assembly Systems
2018-01-01 Colledani, M.; Yemane, A.; Lugaresi, G.; Frigerio, N.; Borzi, G.; Bassi, A.; Callegaro, D.
A decision support system to manage the quality of End-of-Life products in disassembly systems
2016-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; Battaïa, Olga
A Decomposition Approach for the Approximate Evaluation of the Output Variability in Multi-Stage Production Lines
2012-01-01 R., Assaf R; Colledani, Marcello
A decomposition method for approximate evaluation of continuous flow multi-stage lines with general Markovian machines
2013-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; S. B., Gershwin
A decomposition method for approximate evaluation of continuous flow multi-stage lines with general Markovian machines
2009-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; S. B., Gershwin
A decomposition method for the analysis of long buffered production systems with discrete general Markovian machines
2013-01-01 Colledani, Marcello
A decomposition method to support evaluation and continuous improvement of reconfigurable manufacturing system performance
2007-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; T., Lundholm; Moriggi, Paolo; Polato, Andrea; Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARIA
A Decomposition Method to Support the Configuration / Reconfiguration of Production Systems
2005-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARIA
A digital platform for cross-sector collaborative value networks in the circular economy
2021-01-01 Soldatos, J.; Kefalakis, N.; Despotopoulou, A. -M.; Bodin, U.; Musumeci, A.; Scandura, A.; Aliprandi, C.; Arabsolgar, D.; Colledani, M.
A digital twin-based approach for multi-objective optimization of short-term production planning
2021-01-01 Magnanini, M. C.; Melnychuk, O.; Yemane, A.; Strandberg, H.; Ricondo, I.; Borzi, G.; Colledani, M.
A method for the joint design of quality and production control in manufacturing systems
2010-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; Tolio, TULLIO ANTONIO MARIA
A methodology to support the design of multi-stage material separation systems for recycling
2010-01-01 Colledani, Marcello; S. B., Gershwin; T., Gutowski; M. I., Wolf
A Multi-Body Simulation Model for a Corona Electrostatic Separator Machine
2014-01-01 Critelli, Ida; Degiorgi, Andrea; Colledani, Marcello; Tasora, A.
A multi-body, multi-particle simulation model of Eddy Current Separation (ECS) process for recycling
2012-01-01 Braghin, Francesco; Colledani, Marcello; Negrini, Silvia; Tasora, Alessandro
A multi-method simulation approach for evaluating the effect of the interaction of customer behaviour and enterprise strategy on economic viability of remanufacturing
2018-01-01 Nassehi, Aydin; Colledani, Marcello
A Network Flow Model for the Performance Evaluation and Design of Material Separation Systems For Recycling
2013-01-01 Wolf, M. I.; Colledani, Marcello; Gershwin, S. B.; Gutowski, T. G.