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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Node Centrality Evaluation Based on Complex Network Theory: A Real Case Study for an Integrated Power Distribution and ICT System 1-gen-2024 Doostinia M.Falabretti D.Verticale G. +
AI Applications Resource Allocation in Computing Continuum: A Stackelberg Game Approach 1-gen-2024 Sala, RobertoSedghani, HamtaVerticale, GiacomoArdagna, Danilo +
Detection of Anomalous e2e Encrypted Function Invocation in FaaS using Zero-Knowledge Proofs 1-gen-2024 Andreotti, DavideVerticale, Giacomo
DRL-based progressive recovery for quantum-key-distribution networks 1-gen-2024 Li, MengyaoZhang, QiaolunGatto, AlbertoBregni, StefanoVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo
Morphable Networks for Cross-Layer and Cross-Domain Programmability: A Novel Network Paradigm 1-gen-2024 Miano, SebastianoVerticale, Giacomo +
Authorizing Access to Edge Resources at Wire Speed using 5G Device Authentication 1-gen-2024 Giacometti LucaVerticale Giacomo +
The RESTART project: RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more “smART" 1-gen-2023 Guido MaierGiacomo Verticale +
Runtime Management of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Smart Eyewears 1-gen-2023 A. W. KambaleH. SedghaniF. FilippiniG. VerticaleD. Ardagna
Quantum Key Distribution with Trusted Relay using an ETSI-compliant Software-Defined Controller 1-gen-2023 Zhang, QiaolunGatto, AlbertoTornatore, MassimoVerticale, Giacomo +
A reinforcement learning agent for mixed-numerology interference-aware slice spectrum allocation with non-deterministic and deterministic traffic 1-gen-2022 Zambianco, MarcoVerticale, Giacomo
A Stackelberg Game approach for Managing AI Sensing Tasks in Mobile Crowdsensing 1-gen-2022 Sedghani, HamtaVerticale, GiacomoArdagna, Danilo +
CHIMA: a Framework for Network Services Deployment and Performance Assurance 1-gen-2022 Moro, DanieleVerticale, GiacomoCapone, Antonio +
Joint Routing, Channel, and Key-Rate Assignment for Resource-Efficient QKD Networking 1-gen-2022 Zhang, QiaolunAyoub, OmranGatto, AlbertoMusumeci, FrancescoVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
A Learning Approach for Production-Aware 5G Slicing in Private Industrial Networks 1-gen-2022 Zambianco, MarcoLieto, AlessandroMalanchini, IlariaVerticale, Giacomo
Advancing Design and Runtime Management of AI Applications with AI-SPRINT 1-gen-2021 H. SedghaniD. ArdagnaM. MatteucciG. FontanaG. VerticaleF. Amarilli +
Network-Based Contact Tracing for Detection of Covid-19 Contagions: A Privacy-Preserving Approach 1-gen-2021 Ayoub, OmranVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
Mixed-Numerology Interference-Aware Spectrum Allocation for eMBB and URLLC Network Slices 1-gen-2021 Zambianco, MarcoVerticale, Giacomo
Intelligent multi-branch allocation of spectrum slices for inter-numerology interference minimization 1-gen-2021 Zambianco, MarcoVerticale, Giacomo
Network Function Decomposition and Offloading on Heterogeneous Networks with Programmable Data Planes 1-gen-2021 Moro, DanieleVerticale, GiacomoCapone, Antonio
Redundancy and Synchronisation Management in Mission- and Time-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks 1-gen-2020 Scazzoli, DavideMagarini, MaurizioVerticale, Giacomo
P4 Ecosystem for Network Programmability 1-gen-2020 D. MoroD. SanvitoC. CasconeG. VerticaleA. Capone
Spectrum Allocation for Network Slices with Inter-Numerology Interference Using Deep Reinforcement Learning 1-gen-2020 M. ZambiancoG. Verticale
Interference Minimization in 5G Physical-Layer Network Slicing 1-gen-2020 Zambianco, MarcoVerticale, Giacomo
A Framework for Network Function Decomposition and Deployment 1-gen-2020 Moro, DanieleVerticale, GiacomoCapone, Antonio
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Operator Contact Tracing for Early Detection of Covid19 Contagions 1-gen-2020 Ayoub O.Tornatore M.Verticale G. +
A Privacy-Preserving Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Multi-Domain Virtual Network Embedding 1-gen-2020 Verticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
Softwarization and Virtualization 1-gen-2019 G. VerticaleA. Capone
A Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Network-Neutral Caching in ISP Networks 1-gen-2019 Andreoletti, DavideAyoub, OmranRottondi, CristinaVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
Portable MiniLab for Hands-on Experimentation with Software Defined Networking 1-gen-2019 S. TroiaMOREIRA ZORELLO, LIGIA MARIAG. MaierG. Verticale +
SIVEQ: an Integrated System for the Valorization of Surplus Food 1-gen-2019 D. ScazzoliG. BartezzaghiA. SilvestroM. MagariniM. MelaciniG. Verticale
Privacy-Preserving Caching in ISP Networks 1-gen-2019 Andreoletti, DavideAyoub, OmranVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
Real-time Disaggregation of Residential Energy Consumption Enhanced with User Feedback 1-gen-2019 SUNDHU, ANOSH ARSHADRottondi, CristinaVerticale, Giacomo
An Open Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Protocol for a Network-Neutrality Compliant Caching 1-gen-2019 Andreoletti, DavideRottondi, CristinaVerticale, GiacomoTornatore, Massimo +
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Social Computing Applications for Smart Cities 1-gen-2019 Rottondi C.Verticale G.Fraternali P.Vaca Ruiz C. K. +
Impact of Processing-Resource Sharing on the Placement of Chained Virtual Network Functions 1-gen-2019 M. SaviM. TornatoreG. Verticale
Softwarization and Virtualization 1-gen-2018 Giacomo VerticaleAntonio Capone
Securing the mobile edge through named data networking 1-gen-2018 Rottondi, CristinaVerticale, Giacomo +
Discovering the Geographic Distribution of Live Videos’ Users: a Privacy-Preserving Approach 1-gen-2018 D. AndreolettiG. VerticaleM. Tornatore +
Imprecise Markov Models for Scalable and Robust Performance Evaluation of Flexi-Grid Spectrum Allocation Policies 1-gen-2018 Rottondi, CristinaVerticale, Giacomo +
To be neutral or not neutral? The in-network caching dilemma 1-gen-2018 Davide AndreolettiC. RottondiM. TornatoreG. Verticale +
BlAsT: Blockchain-Assisted Key Transparency for Device Authentication 1-gen-2018 Cristina RottondiGiacomo Verticale +
Secure and Differentially Private Detection of Net Neutrality Violations by means of Crowdsourced Measurements 1-gen-2018 Maria Silvia Abba LegnazziCristina RottondiGiacomo Verticale
Modelling spectrum assignment in a two-service flexi-grid optical link with imprecise continuous-time Markov chains 1-gen-2017 ROTTONDI, CRISTINA EMMA MARGHERITAVERTICALE, GIACOMO +
Fault Recovery in Time-Synchronized Mission Critical ZigBee-Based Wireless Sensor Networks 1-gen-2017 SCAZZOLI, DAVIDEKUMAR, ATULSHARMA, NAVUDAYMAGARINI, MAURIZIOVERTICALE, GIACOMO
The Role of Smart Meters in Enabling Real-Time Energy Services for Households: The Italian Case 1-gen-2017 PITI', ALESSANDROVERTICALE, GIACOMOROTTONDI, CRISTINA EMMA MARGHERITACAPONE, ANTONIO +
BER evaluation of post-meter PLC services in CENELEC-C band 1-gen-2017 MOAVENINEJAD, SADAFA. KumarD. ScazzoliA. PitiM. MagariniS. BregniG. Verticale
Differentially private queries in crowdsourced databases for net neutrality violations detection 1-gen-2017 ROTTONDI, CRISTINA EMMA MARGHERITAVERTICALE, GIACOMO +
A redundant gateway prototype for wireless avionic sensor networks 1-gen-2017 SCAZZOLI, DAVIDEMola, AndreaMagarini, MaurizioVerticale, Giacomo +
Optimal Content Prefetching in NDN Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Scenario 1-gen-2017 MAURI, GIULIACESANA, MATTEOVERTICALE, GIACOMO +
Green Approach for Joint Management of Geo-Distributed Data Centers and Interconnection Networks 1-gen-2017 Barkat AmineVerticale GiacomoFilippini IlarioCapone Antonio +
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