A wearable textile for respiratory monitoring: Feasibility assessment and analysis of sensors position on system response
2017-01-01 Lo Presti, D.; Massaroni, C.; Saccomandi, P.; Caponero, M. A.; Formica, D.; Schena, Emilano
Agar-Coated Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor for Relative Humidity Measurements: Influence of Coating Thickness and Polymer Concentration
2019-01-01 Lo Presti, D.; Massaroni, C.; Piemonte, V.; Saccomandi, P.; D'Amato, R.; Caponero, M. A.; Schena, E.
Application of nanoparticles and nanomaterials in thermal ablation therapy of cancer
2019-01-01 Ashikbayeva, Z.; Tosi, D.; Balmassov, D.; Schena, E.; Saccomandi, P.; Inglezakis, V.
Design and fabrication of a non-invasive, wireless system for monitoring needle insertion during epidural puncture
2018-01-01 Schena, E.; Massaroni, C.; Formica, D.; Mattei, A.; Piemonte, V.; Saccomandi, P.; Setola, R.; Carassiti, M.
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors-based Thermometry of Gold Nanorod-enhanced Photothermal Therapy in Tumor Model
2022-01-01 Bianchi, L.; Mooney, R.; Cornejo, Y.; Hyde, C.; Schena, E.; Berlin, J.; Aboody, K.; Saccomandi, P.
Hyperspectral imaging for thermal effect monitoring in in vivo liver during laser ablation
2019-01-01 Landro, M. De; Saccomandi, P.; Barberio, M.; Schena, E.; Marescaux, M. J.; Diana, M.
Influence of motion artifacts on a smart garment for monitoring respiratory rate
2019-01-01 Massaroni, C.; Di Tocco, J.; Lo Presti, D.; Schena, E.; Bressi, F.; Bravi, M.; Miccinilli, S.; Sterzi, S.; Longo, U. G.; Berton, A.; Terracina, P.; Carnevale, A.; Denaro, V.; Formica, D.; Saccomandi, P.
Laser ablation in biliary tree: analysis of the intraductal and superficial thermal effects during the treatment
2019-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Marescaux, J.; Di Matteo, F. M.; Quero, G.; Gassino, R.; Lapergola, A.; Barberio, M.; Schena, E.; Perrone, G.; Vallan, A.; Costamagna, G.
Misure di temperatura durante trattamenti ablativi di tumori
2019-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Schena, E.
Multi-technique thermometry during thermal therapy in living tissues
2019-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Schena, E.
Multidimensional thermal mapping during radiofrequency ablation treatments with minimally invasive fiber optic sensors
2018-01-01 Palumbo, G.; De Vita, E.; Schena, E.; Massaroni, C.; Verze, P.; Carlomagno, N.; Tammaro, V.; La Rocca, R.; Ippolito, J.; Tosi, D.; Saccomandi, P.; Caponero, M. A.; Iadicicco, A.; Campopiano, S.
Novel carbon fiber probe for temperature monitoring during thermal therapies
2017-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Schena, E.; Caponero, M. A.; Gassino, R.; GOMEZ HERNANDEZ, Jaime; Perrone, G.; Vallan, A.; Diana, M.; Costamagna, G.; Marescaux, J.
Smart textile based on piezoresistive sensing elements for respiratory monitoring
2019-01-01 Massaroni, C.; Di Tocco, J.; Lo Presti, D.; Longo, U. G.; Miccinilli, S.; Sterzi, S.; Formica, D.; Saccomandi, P.; Schena, E.
Special Section on IEEE MeMeA 2021
2022-01-01 Saccomandi, P; Schena, E
Tactile piezoresistive sensors for robotic application: Design and metrological characterization
2017-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Zollo, L.; Ciancio, A. L.; Schena, E.; Fasano, A.; Oddo, C. M.; Carrozza, M. C.; Camboni, D.
Tapered fiber optic applicator for laser ablation: Theoretical and experimental assessment of thermal effects on ex vivo model
2017-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Di Matteo, F. M.; Schena, E.; Quero, G.; Massaroni, C.; Giurazza, F.; Costamagna, G.; Silvestri, S.
Temperature map of kidneys undergoing microwave ablation using computed tomography-thermometry: Ex-vivo experiments and numerical simulations
2019-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; De LANDRO, Martina; Massaroni, C.; Fong, Y.; Park, J.; Park, J.; Schena, E.
Thermal treatments of tumors: Principles and methods
2018-01-01 Saccomandi, P.; Schena, E.; Diana, M.; Marescaux, J.; Costamagna, G.
Validation and assessment of a posture measurement system with magneto-inertial measurement units
2021-01-01 Paloschi, D.; Bravi, M.; Schena, E.; Miccinilli, S.; Morrone, M.; Sterzi, S.; Saccomandi, P.; Massaroni, C.
Wearable textile based on silver plated knitted sensor for respiratory rate monitoring
2018-01-01 Molinaro, N.; Massaroni, C.; Lo Presti, D.; Saccomandi, P.; Di Tomaso, G.; Zollo, L.; Perego, P.; Andreoni, G.; Schena, E.