A Flexible Black-Box Model for Conducted Emission Predictions with Different Switching Frequencies
2023-01-01 Wan, L.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.
Analysis of Common Mode Currents and Harmonic Pollution at Supplying Induction Motors from Static Converters with Variable Modulation Frequency
2023-01-01 Nuca, I.; Wan, L.; Nicolae, P. -M.; Nicolae, I. -D.; Grassi, F.; Wu, X.
Assessment of Validity Conditions for Black-Box EMI Modelling of DC/DC Converters
2021-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S.
Behavioral Model of G3-Powerline Communication Modems for EMI Analysis
2023-01-01 Beshir, A. H.; Negri, S.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Wan, L.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.; Grassi, F.
Black-box Modeling of Converters in Renewable Energy Systems for EMC Assessment: Overview and Discussion of Available Models
2022-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A. H.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.
Black‐box modelling of low-switching-frequency power inverters for emc analyses in renewable power systems
2021-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A. H.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.; Zanoni, M.; Tenti, L.; Chiumeo, R.
Cable Effects on Noise Propagation in Distribution Networks with Renewable Sources
2022-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A. H.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.; Zanoni, M.; Chiumeo, R.; Tenti, L.
Design of Proportional-Resonant Control for Current Harmonic Compliance in Electric Railway Power Systems
2023-01-01 Nuca, I.; Wan, L.; Nicolae, P. -M.; Netoiu, A.; Popescu, A.; Kostic, D.; Grassi, F.
Effects of the Switching Frequency of Random Modulated Power Converter on the G3 Power Line Communication System
2022-01-01 Beshir, A. H.; El Sayed, W.; Madi, A.; Wan, L.; Grassi, F.; Crovetti, P. S.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Smolenski, R.; Pignari, S. A.
Electromagnetic Fields on 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Finite Element Analysis
2021-01-01 Nascimento, D.; Smolenski, R.; Loschi, H.; Grassi, F.; Wan, L.; Beshir, ABDUSELAM HAMID
Electromagnetic interference of power converter with random modulation on the power line communication system
2021-01-01 Beshir, A. H.; Wan, L.; Grassi, F.; Crovetti, P. S.; Liu, X.; Wu, X.; El Sayed, W.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.
Enhanced Impedance Measurement to Predict Electromagnetic Interference Attenuation Provided by EMI Filters in Systems with AC/DC Converters
2022-01-01 Wan, L; Negri, S; Spadacini, G; Grassi, F; Pignari, Sa
Influence of Random Modulated Power Converter on G3 Power Line Communication
2022-01-01 Beshir, A. H.; El Sayed, W.; Wan, L.; Grassi, F.; Crovetti, P. S.; Liu, X.; Wu, X.; Madi, A.; Smolenski, R.; Pignari, S. A.
Limitations in Applying the Existing LISN Topologies for Low Frequency Conducted Emission Measurements and Possible Solution
2021-01-01 Wan, L.; Khilnani, A.; Beshir, ABDUSELAM HAMID; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S.; Sumner, M.; Thomas, D.
Modelling Electromagnetic Interference of AC Drives through Black-box Technique
2022-01-01 Wan, Lu; Abduselam, Hamid; Negri, Simone; Grassi, Flavia; Madi, Amr; Nascimento, Douglas; Smolenski, Robert; Lezynski, Piotr
Multi-physics modeling and optimized design of asymmetric integrated optical sensor for electromagnetic pulse measurement
2017-01-01 Wan, Lu; Chen, Yu; Yin, Yonghong; Cheng, Yonghong; Grassi, Flavia; Pignari, Sergio A.
Optimal Design of Single-Layer and Multi-Layer Air-Core Inductors Considering Uncertainty Factors
2023-01-01 Wan, L; Khilnani, Ad; Wu, X; Liu, X; Pignari, Sa; Thomas, Dwp; Sumner, M; Grassi, F
PSpice-simulink co-simulation of the conducted emissions of a DC-DC converter with random modulation
2020-01-01 Beshir, ABDUSELAM HAMID; Wan, L.; Loschi, H.; Nascimento, D. D.; Grassi, F.; Smolenski, R.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.
SPICE Simulation of Modal Impedances in Automotive Powertrains under Different Operating Conditions
2020-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.
Un-terminated Black-Box EMI Models of Power Converters Driven by Random Modulation Strategies
2022-01-01 Wan, L.; Beshir, A. H.; Wu, X.; Liu, X.; Grassi, F.; Spadacini, G.; Pignari, S. A.